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Full Version: 2024: Report Typos/Dead Links Here
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Year 5 Week 24
Age of Fable has a typo on the grid schedule and list schedule. Musaeus is misspelled as Muusaeus. At least, according to my copy of the book and librivox.
Year 10 term 2 exam
Decribe the "great American desert," the prairie
The link to librivox goes to a page that says "we weren't able to find that project." Maybe it should just link to 
Check online sites such as Librivox for free audio readings of poems; this is a growing project and more poems are online every month.
Mrs. Oswald Chambers ch 4 Building for Eternity: 1911-12, larst third
The "annotated" link for poem 3 goes to a 404 page
Link for kindle (K) for Story of the Romans y6 is dead. Amazon link is still fine though.

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Year 9 - The link to Federalist Papers "also here" ( goes to a 404.
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