Quinault, I reviewed a good number of the books on the Year 9 list as part of the sub group to offer a non-text alternative science for the upper years. Body by Design is the only explicitly creationist science book I suggested, out of respect for the spectrum of beliefs represented by users of the AO curriculum. I can guarantee you that I am not young earth creationist, and I recommend that if you are interested in science without a textbook, you check out the recommended books. If you are interested in good textbook recommendations that are not Apologia, feel free to message me.
Amy Jo, that's how I organized science. I had toyed with the idea of doing a term of physical science, a term of biology, and a term of earth/space science - with nature study throughout. Either would work, I think.
Amy Jo, that's how I organized science. I had toyed with the idea of doing a term of physical science, a term of biology, and a term of earth/space science - with nature study throughout. Either would work, I think.
Kathy W.~Northwest by North
"The teacher who allows his scholars the freedom of the city of books is at liberty to be their guide, philosopher and friend; and is no long the mere instrument of forcible intellectual feeding."Vol. 6
"The teacher who allows his scholars the freedom of the city of books is at liberty to be their guide, philosopher and friend; and is no long the mere instrument of forcible intellectual feeding."Vol. 6