Please Read: Regarding Ambleside Online's Copyright Policy
Announcements/RE: Please Read: Regarding Ambleside Online's Copyright Policy
(08-31-2013, 02:33 AM)Heidi Wrote: I would encourage you to actually post your copyright license # and the legal wording from your license, etc. as it appears you claim copyright to many things that aren't legal under copyright law. That would clear things up once and for all.

That seems an odd claim to make. The Ambleside Online curriculum is a copyrighted work, and any license (ours included) relinquishes some of those rights to users, as well as clarifying which rights of authorship it reserves for itself.

You can read the license in full at the AO website:

May I gently suggest that your post--your very first on this forum--is rather accusatory in tone, and contains insinuations that are untrue? If you have a specific grievance, please feel free to contact the Advisory privately with your concerns.

We're grateful that most of our users understand why we're making our long-standing terms of service more prominent, and that we wish very much that it were not necessary.
 Karen Glass, mom of four with only one daughter left at home.
Author of Consider This and Mind to Mind , Know and Tell , and In Vital Harmony.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Please Read: Regarding Ambleside Online's Copyright Policy - by KarenG - 08-31-2013, 03:18 AM

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