Please Read: Regarding Ambleside Online's Copyright Policy
Announcements/RE: Please Read: Regarding Ambleside Online's Copyright Policy
I'm an erstwhile designer/artist trying to express a mixture of wanting to advertise AO and also possibly keep my hand in logo design.  Can I design logos that use the name "Ambleside Online" without permission official sanction?  For example, if I design a logo in my own time and the Advisory don't like or want it.  Am I allowed to then distribute the design?  Sell it?  Personally I'm quite happy to design logos for other things to achieve the latter part of my intention if AO doesn't want me designing things with its name on it...  but I love AO and I wondered if I could kill two birds with one stone.

I did read the AO license page.  It seems to refer to the copyright of curriculum material, not the Ambleside Online name (or logo), except in the Q&A section, where we're allowed to use the name in our own blogs and link it when quoting.  Presumably we can present the name on our blog in whatever design of our choice and then also market the blog... but presuming is a poor substitute for clarity.  Perhaps copyright of the name could be specified in the license?

EDIT: rereading my post I realise I used the word "permission" loosely.  I've replaced it with the words "official sanction," that is, something I make just for fun that AO doesn't want to accept as their own.  Also, I guess I was thinking of logos when I wrote this but I guess it could apply to anything that uses the name.  To include additional questions: Are the letters "AO" also copyrighted?  Is the word "Ambleside" copyrighted?  What about informal designations like "Amblesiding", "Amblesider", or "Amblyside"?  Please forgive me if this is rude - I don't know how or where else to ask.  I don't come from America, and I'm unfortunately not trained in copyright law.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Please Read: Regarding Ambleside Online's Copyright Policy - by ccsdg - 11-04-2018, 05:35 AM

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