AmblesideOnline Year 12 36-Week Schedule
As a help for scheduling Year 12 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Daily Work:
- Narration of every scheduled reading, either orally or written
- Copywork
- Mathematics
- Foreign language
- Recitation
- Science, such as Apologia
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
Weekly Work: (not all students will be doing all of these)
- Current Events (Keep up with your choice of resources)
- Dictation and additional writing assignments
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
- Artist/Picture Study
- Grammar
- One of Plutarch's Lives spread over each term
- A Shakespeare play spread over each term
Weekly Readings
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.
Week 01
Bible: Lamentations 1-3; Revelation 1; Psalm 106:1-23; Proverbs 17:1-13
Os Guinness The Call Introduction
Bonhoeffer (continued from Year 11) ch 19 Scylla and Charybdis, 1935-36, first third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 1 Devonshire Place
The Consequence of Ideas Introduction: Why Philosophy? (pg 7-12)
Sophie's World Ch 1 The Garden of Eden (pg 1-9)
The Echo of Greece Ch 1 Freedom pg 13-25
Students who are unfamiliar with Hamlet and/or The Tempest should watch them before Week 3; check YouTube
How to Read a Book: The Activity and Art of Reading p. 3; Active Reading p. 4
A Meaningful World Prologue pg 11-13
The Four Loves: Introduction (two weeks have been allowed for each chapter scheduled)
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 15 Special Problems of Time and Risk, first half
Science Matters Intro pg xi-xxii
The Marketing of Evil Introduction pg 11-14
Speech: George Walker Bush - 9/11 Address to the Nation - 2001 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Jayber Crow ch 1 The Barber in Port William; ch 2 Goforth; ch 3 Squires Landing
Henrietta Lacks ch 1 The Exam p. 13-17; ch 2 Clover p. 18-26
Week 02
Bible: Lamentations 4-5; Ezekiel 1-3; Revelation 2:1-11; Psalm 106:24-48; Proverbs 17:4-28
Os Guinness The Call ch 1 The Ultimate Why
Bonhoeffer ch 19 Scylla and Charybdis, 1935-36, middle third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 2 April Days of Childhood
Sophie's World Ch 2 The Top Hat (pg 10-20)
Sophie's World Ch 3 The Myths (pg 21-27)
The Echo of Greece Ch 2a Failure of Athens pg 29-38
How to Read a Book: The Goals of Reading p. 7; Reading as Learning: The Difference Between p. 11
A Meaningful World ch 1a Meaning-fulness and Meaninglessness pg 15-19
Science Matters ch 1 Knowing pg 3-13
The Four Loves: Introduction; finish if necessary
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 15 Special Problems of Time and Risk, second half
The Marketing of Evil ch 1 Marketing Blitz pg 17-38
Speech: President Bush's bullhorn speech or here - given from atop the pile at Ground Zero, just three days after. It is just about two minutes long - but it shows a tiny piece of the intensity of the feeling at that time. It's vital, and moving.
Two essays/articles this week
Jayber Crow ch 4 The Good Shepherd; ch 5 The Call; ch 6 Pigeonville; ch 7 The Great World
Henrietta Lacks ch 3 Diagnosis and Treatment p. 27-33
Week 03
Bible: Ezekiel 4-7; Revelation 2:12-17; Psalm 107:1-22; Proverbs 18:1-10
Os Guinness The Call ch 2 Seekers Sought
Bonhoeffer ch 19 Scylla and Charybdis, 1935-36, last third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 3 A Soul into Blossom
Sophie's World Ch 4 The Natural Philosophers (pg 28-40)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 1 The First Philosophers (pg 13-26)
The Echo of Greece Ch 2b Failure of Athens pg 38-48
How to Read a Book: Present and Absent Teachers p. 14; The Levels of Reading p. 16
A Meaningful World ch 1b Meaning-fulness and Meaninglessness pg 19-25
Science Matters ch 1 Knowing pg 13-25
The Four Loves: Likings and Loves for the Sub-Human, spend two weeks
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 16 National Output, first half
The Marketing of Evil ch 2 Buying the Big Lie pg 39-59
Two essays/articles this week
Jayber Crow ch 8 The Gathering Waters
Henrietta Lacks ch 4 The Birth of HeLa p. 34-41
Week 04
Bible: Ezekiel 8-11; Revelation 2:18-29; Psalm 107:23-43; Proverbs 18:1-24
Os Guinness The Call ch 3 The Haunting Question, first half
Bonhoeffer ch 20 Mars Ascending, 1938, first half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 4 A New World: The Journey Inward
Sophie's World Ch 5 Democritus (pg 41-46)
Sophie's World Ch 6 Fate (pg 47-55)
The Echo of Greece Ch 3 Schools of Athens pg 51-60
How to Read a Book: The First Level of Reading: Elementary Reading p. 21; Stages of Learning to Read p. 24
A Meaningful World ch 1c Meaning-fulness and Meaninglessness pg 25-29
Science Matters ch 2 Energy pg 26-34
The Four Loves: Likings and Loves for the Sub-Human, finish the chapter
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 16 National Output, second half
The Marketing of Evil ch 3 Killer Culture pg 61-81
Speech: Bush's September 20th speech to joint session of Congress - 2001 (starts at 22 minutes) or here
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 3 Will not Moral or Immoral pg 137-141
Jayber Crow ch 9 Barber Horsefield's Successor; ch 10 A Little Worter Dranking Party
Henrietta Lacks ch 5 Blackness Be Spreadin All Inside p. 42-48
Week 05
Bible: Ezekiel 12-15; Revelation 3: 1-6; Psalm 108; Proverbs 19:1-10
Os Guinness The Call ch 3 The Haunting Question, second half
Bonhoeffer ch 20 Mars Ascending, 1938, second half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 5 Beyond Oneself: The Journey Outward
Sophie's World Ch 7 Socrates (pg 56-71)
Sophie's World Ch 8 Athens (pg 72-77)
The Echo of Greece Ch 4a School Teachers Isocrates pg 63-70
How to Read a Book: Stages and Levels p. 26; Higher Levels of Reading and Higher Education p. 28
A Meaningful World ch 2a Hamlet and the Search for Meaning pg 30-36
Science Matters ch 2 Energy pg 35-43
The Four Loves: Affection, spend two weeks
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 17 Money and the Banking System, first quarter
The Marketing of Evil ch 4 Multicultural Madness pg 83-104
Speech: Barack Hussein Obama - 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address or here
Two essays/articles this week
Jayber Crow ch 11 An Invisible Web; ch 12 The Gay Bird's Heel; ch 13 A Period of Darkness; ch 14 For Better, For Worse
Henrietta Lacks ch 6 Lady's on the Phone p. 49-55
Week 06
Bible: Ezekiel 16, 17; Revelation 3:7-13; Psalm 109; Proverbs 19:11-21
Os Guinness The Call ch 4 Everyone, Everywhere, Everything
Bonhoeffer ch 21 The Great Decision, 1939, first third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 6 An Old Porcelain Maker, A Bit of Clay
Sophie's World Ch 9 Plato (pg 78-93)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 2 Plato: Realist, Idealist (pg 27-38)
The Echo of Greece Ch 4b School Teachers Isocrates pg 70-79
How to Read a Book: Reading and the Democratic Ideal of Education p. 29; Second Level: Inspectional Reading p. 31
A Meaningful World ch 2b Hamlet and the Search for Meaning pg 36-43
Science Matters ch 3 Electricity and Magnetism pg 44-55
The Four Loves: Affection, finish the chapter
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 17 Money and the Banking System, second quarter
The Marketing of Evil ch 5 Family Meltdown pg 105-126
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 3 The Will and Its Peers pg 141-142
Jayber Crow ch 15 The Beautiful Shore; ch 16 Rose of San Antone; ch 17 Forsaking All Others
Henrietta Lacks ch 7 The Death and Life of Cell Culture p. 56-62
Week 07
Bible: Ezekiel 18-20; Revelation 3:14-22; Psalm 110, 111; Proverbs 19:22-29
Os Guinness The Call ch 5 By Him, to Him, for Him
Bonhoeffer ch 21 The Great Decision, 1939, middle third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 7 Lily's Choice
Sophie's World Ch 10 The Major's Cabin (pg 94-103)
Sophie's World Ch 11 Aristotle (pg 104-120)
The Echo of Greece Ch 4c School Teachers Plato pg 79-85
Knowing History essay first half
How to Read a Book: Inspectional Reading I: Systematic Skimming p. 32; Inspectional Reading II: Superficial Reading p. 36
A Meaningful World ch 2c Hamlet and the Search for Meaning pg 43-50
Science Matters ch 3 Electricity and Magnetism pg 55-66
The Four Loves: Friendship, spend two weeks
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 17 Money and the Banking System, third quarter
The Marketing of Evil ch 6 Obsessed with Sex pg 127-148
Speech: Steve Jobs - Commencement Address at Stanford University, 2005 or here (optional)
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 5 The Function of Will pg 143-146
Jayber Crow ch 18 Untold; ch 19 A Gathering; ch 20 How It Held Together Partly
Henrietta Lacks ch 8 A Miserable Specimen p. 63-66
Week 08
Bible: Ezekiel 21-22:27; Revelation 4; Psalm 112, 113; Proverbs 20:1-14
Os Guinness The Call ch 6 Do What You Are, first half
Bonhoeffer ch 21 The Great Decision, 1939, last third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 8 A Grand Independence of Soul
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 3 Aristotle: THE Philosopher (pg 39-50)
Sophie's World Ch 12 Hellenism (pg 121-139)
The Echo of Greece Ch 4d School Teachers Plato pg 85-93
Knowing History essay second half
How to Read a Book: On Reading Speeds p. 38; Fixations and Regressions p. 40
A Meaningful World ch 2d Hamlet and the Search for Meaning pg 50-57
Science Matters ch 4 The Atom pg 67-79
The Four Loves: Friendship, finish the chapter
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 17 Money and the Banking System, last quarter
The Marketing of Evil ch 7 Sabotaging Our Schools pg 149-167
Speech: Thomas Dale DeLay - Farewell Address to the U.S. House of Representatives 2006 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Jayber Crow ch 21 Don't Send a Boy to Do a Man's Work; ch 22 Born
Henrietta Lacks ch 9 Turner Station p. 67-76
Week 09
Bible: Ezekiel 22:28-ch 26; Revelation 5; Psalm 114, 115; Proverbs 20:15-30
Os Guinness The Call ch 6 Do What You Are, second half
Bonhoeffer ch 22 The End of Germany, first half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 9 Fool's Errand: Knocking Heads, first half
Sophie's World Ch 13 The Postcards (pg 140-148)
Sophie's World Ch 14 Two Cultures (pg 149-164)
The Echo of Greece Ch 4e School Teachers Aristotle pg 94-103
Fighting Terrorism Preface and Preface pg xi-xxv; 3-6
How to Read a Book: The Problem of Comprehension p. 41; Summary of Inspectional Reading p. 43
A Meaningful World ch 3a Shakespeare and the Elements of Genius pg 58-64
Science Matters ch 5 The World of Quantum pg 80-85
The Four Loves: Eros, spend two weeks
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 18 Government Functions, first quarter
The Marketing of Evil ch 8 The Media Matrix pg 169-187
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 6 The Scope of Will pg 147-151
Jayber Crow ch 23 The Way of Love; ch 24 A Passage of Family Life
Henrietta Lacks ch 10 The Other Side of the Tracks p. 77-82; ch 11 The Devil of Pain Itself p. 83-88
Week 10
Bible: Ezekiel 27-30:19; Revelation 6; Psalm 116, 117; Proverbs 21:1-11
Os Guinness The Call ch 7 A Time to Stand
Bonhoeffer ch 22 The End of Germany, second half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 9 Fool's Errand: Knocking Heads, second half
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 4 Augustine: Doctor of Grace 426 AD (pg 51-64)
Wiker 10 Books: Intro: Ideas Have Consequences
The Echo of Greece Ch 5 Demosthenes pg 107-114
Fighting Terrorism ch 1 The Plague of Domestic Terrorism pg 7-25
How to Read a Book: How to Be a Demanding Reader p. 45; Essence of Active Reading: Four Basic Questions p. 46
A Meaningful World ch 3b Shakespeare and the Elements of Genius pg 64-70
Science Matters ch 5 The World of Quantum pg 85-93
The Four Loves: Eros, finish the chapter
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 18 Government Functions, second quarter
The Marketing of Evil ch 9 Blood Confessions pg 189-210
Speech: Bono at the 2006 National Prayer Breakfast or here
Two essays/articles this week
Jayber Crow ch 25 A Period of Disintegration; ch 26 Finalities
Henrietta Lacks ch 12 The Storm p. 89-92
Week 11
Bible: Ezekiel 30:20-ch 33; Revelation 7; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 21:12-20
Os Guinness The Call ch 8 Let God Be God
Bonhoeffer ch 23 From Confession to Conspiracy, first third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 10 Open Doors, Open Hearts, first half
Sophie's World Ch 15 The Middle Ages (pg 165-187)
The Echo of Greece Ch 6a: Alexander the Great pg 117-127
Fighting Terrorism ch 2a The Question of Civil Liberties pg 27-38
How to Read a Book: How to Make a Book Your Own p. 48; The Three Kinds of Note-making p. 51
A Meaningful World ch 3c Shakespeare and the Elements of Genius pg 70-76
Science Matters ch 6 Chemical Bonding pg 94-104
The Four Loves: Charity, spend two weeks
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 18 Government Functions, third quarter
The Marketing of Evil ch 10 Last, Best Hope pg 213-240
Speech: Robert Michael Gates - Address to the World Forum on the Future of Democracy 2007 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 7 Self-Control--Self-Restraint--Self-Command--Self-Denial pg 152-155
Jayber Crow ch 27 A New Life; ch 28 Branch; ch 29 On the Edge
Henrietta Lacks ch 13 The HeLa Factory p. 93-104
Week 12
Bible: Ezekiel 34-36; Revelation 8; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 21:21-31
Os Guinness The Call ch 9 The Audience of One
Bonhoeffer ch 23 From Confession to Conspiracy, middle third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 10 Open Doors, Open Hearts, second half
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 5 Thomas Aquinas: Angelic Doctor 1260 (pg 65-78)
The Echo of Greece Ch 6b: Alexander the Great pg 127-137
Fighting Terrorism ch 2b The Question of Civil Liberties pg 38-50
How to Read a Book: Forming the Habit of Reading p. 52; From Many Rules to One Habit p. 54
A Meaningful World ch 3d Shakespeare and the Elements of Genius pg 76-82
Science Matters ch 6 Chemical Bonding pg 104-114
The Four Loves: Charity, finish the chapter
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 18 Government Functions, last quarter
Two essays/articles this week
Jayber Crow ch 30 The Keith Place in the Way of the World; ch 31 The Nest Egg; ch 32 Seen Afar
Henrietta Lacks ch 14 Helen Lane p. 105-109
Week 13
Bible: Ezekiel 37-39; Revelation 9: 1-12; Psalm 119:1-19; Proverbs 22:1-14
Os Guinness The Call ch 10 Our Utmost for His Highest Still
Bonhoeffer ch 23 From Confession to Conspiracy, last third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 11 Beyond the Skyline Where
Sophie's World Ch 16 The Renaissance (pg 188-215)
Wiker 10 Books: 1 The Prince Machiavelli 1513
The Echo of Greece Ch 7a Menander pg 141-147
A Meaningful World ch 4. The Geometry of Genius pg 83-89
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 19 Government Finance, first quarter
Science Matters ch 7 Atomic Architecture pg 115-126
Speech: Jessica Dawn Lynch - "The Truth is Always More Heroic than the Hype" 2007 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 16 Spending Eternity in the Same Place p. 118-126 (skip ch 15)
Full Tilt Introduction to the Journey: Dunkirk to Teheran
Till We Have Faces ch 1, 2
Week 14
Bible: Ezekiel 40-42; Revelation 9:13-21; Psalm 119:20-35; Proverbs 22:15-29
Os Guinness The Call ch 11 Where the Buck Stops, There Stand I
Bonhoeffer ch 24 Plotting Against Hitler, first half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 12 England Interlude: A Scent of Spring
Sophie's World Ch 17 The Baroque (pg 216-232)
The Echo of Greece Ch 7b Menander pg 147-154
Fighting Terrorism ch 3a The 1980's: Success Against . . . pg 51-62
A Meaningful World ch 4. The Geometry of Genius pg 89-96
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 19 Government Finance, second quarter
Science Matters ch 7 Atomic Architecture pg 126-136
Speech: Ryne Dee Sandberg - Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Address 2007 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 17 Illegal, Immoral, and Deplorable p. 127-136
Ourselves Book 2 ch 8 The Effort of Decision pg 156-159
Full Tilt ch 1 The Elusive Visa: Teheran; ch 2 Hospitality of the Police: Teheran to the Afghan Frontier
Till We Have Faces ch 3, 4, 5
Week 15
Bible: Ezekiel 43-45; Revelation 10; Psalm 119:37-56; Proverbs 23:1-11
Os Guinness The Call ch 12 People of the Call, first half
Bonhoeffer ch 24 Plotting Against Hitler, second half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 13 Storm Clouds and Star Gleams, first half
Sophie's World Ch 18 Descartes (pg 233-246)
Wiker 10 Books: 2 Discourse on Method Descartes 1637
The Echo of Greece Ch 8a The Stoics Zeno and Epictetus pg 157-162
A Meaningful World ch 4. The Geometry of Genius pg 96-102
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 19 Government Finance, third quarter
Science Matters ch 8 Nuclear Physics pg 137-145
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 18 Strangest Hybrid p. 137-143
Full Tilt ch 3 Compulsory Bus-rides:Herat to Kabul
Till We Have Faces ch 6, 7
Week 16
Bible: Ezekiel 46-48; Revelation 11:1-13; Psalm 119:57-71; Proverbs 23:12-28
Os Guinness The Call ch 12 People of the Call, second half
Bonhoeffer ch 25 Bonhoeffer Scores a Victory, first half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 13 Storm Clouds and Star Gleams, second half
Sophie's World Ch 19 Spinoza (pg 247-256)
Sophie's World Ch 20 Locke (pg 257-266)
The Echo of Greece Ch 8b The Stoics Zeno and Epictetus pg 162-168
Fighting Terrorism ch 3b The 1980's: Success Against... pg 62-74
A Meaningful World ch 4. The Geometry of Genius pg 102-110
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 19 Government Finance, last quarter
Science Matters ch 8 Nuclear Physics pg 145-152
Speech: Binyamin Netanyahu - 2009 Speech to the United Nations General Assembly or here
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 19 The Most Critical Time on This Earth Is Now p. 144-151
Ourselves Book 2 ch 9 Intention--Purpose--Resolution pg 160-164
Full Tilt ch 4 Misadventure with a Rifle-butt: Kabul to Bamian
Till We Have Faces ch 8, 9
Week 17
Bible: Joel 1-3; Daniel 1; Revelation 11:14-19; Psalm 119:72-87; Proverbs 23:29-35
Os Guinness The Call ch 13 Followers of the Way
Bonhoeffer ch 25 Bonhoeffer Scores a Victory, second half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 14 Trained Faith: Falling Full Weight, first half
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 7 Spinoza 1670, Leibnitz 1700, John Locke, 1680: Modern Empiricism (pg 91-102) (ch 6 is not scheduled; its content is covered in '10 Books.')
The Echo of Greece Ch 8c The Stoics Marcus Aurelius pg 168-177
A Meaningful World ch 5. The Periodic Table pg 111-118
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 20 Special Problems in the National Economy, first half
Science Matters ch 9 The Fundamental Structure of Matter pg 153-164
Speech: Mike Rowe (of Dirty Jobs) TED talk, 20 min Learning from dirty jobs - 2009 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 20 The HeLa Bomb p. 152-157
Full Tilt ch 5 The Oddities of Afghan Trucks: Bamian to Pil-i-Khumri
Till We Have Faces ch 10, 11
Week 18
Bible: Daniel 2, 3; Revelation 12; Psalm 119:88-102; Proverbs 24:1-16
Os Guinness The Call ch 14 There but for the Grace of God Goes God
Bonhoeffer ch 26 Bonhoeffer in Love, first third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 14 Trained Faith: Falling Full Weight, second half
Sophie's World Ch 21 Hume (pg 267-281)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 8 David Hume: Skeptic 1739 (pg 103-116)
The Echo of Greece Ch 9a Plutarch pg 179-189
Fighting Terrorism ch 4a The 1990's: The Rise of Militant Islam pg 75-86
A Meaningful World ch 5. The Periodic Table pg 118-125
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 20 Special Problems in the National Economy, second half
Science Matters ch 10 Astronomy pg 165-174
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 21 Night Doctors p. 158-169
Ourselves Book 2 ch 10 A Way of the Will pg 165-169
Full Tilt ch 6 A Medical Break: Pul-i-Khumri to Jalalabad
Till We Have Faces ch 12, 13
Week 19
Bible: Daniel 4-6:18; Revelation 13: 1-10; Psalm 119:103-122; Proverbs 24:17-34
Os Guinness The Call ch 15 What Is That to You?
Bonhoeffer ch 26 Bonhoeffer in Love, middle third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 15 Closed Windows, Open Doors, first half
Sophie's World Ch 22 Berkeley (pg 282-286)
Sophie's World Ch 23 Bjerkely (pg 287-302)
The Echo of Greece Ch 9b Plutarch pg 189-199
A Meaningful World ch 5. The Periodic Table pg 125-132
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 21 International Trade, first third
Science Matters ch 10 Astronomy pg 174-181
Speech: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's TED Talk: The Danger of a Single Story - 2009
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 22 The Fame She So Richly Deserves p. 170-178
Full Tilt ch 7 Anti-climax: Jalalabad to Peshawar; ch 8 Welcome at the Waliahad: Peshawar to Saidu Shariff
Till We Have Faces ch 14, 15
Week 20
Bible: Daniel 6:19-9:19; Revelation 13:11-18; Psalm 119:123-136; Proverbs 25:1-10
Os Guinness The Call ch 16 More, More, Faster, Faster
Bonhoeffer ch 26 Bonhoeffer in Love, last third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 15 Closed Windows, Open Doors, second half
Sophie's World Ch 24 The Enlightenment (pg 303-321)
Wiker 10 Books: 3 Leviathan Hobbes 1651
The Echo of Greece Ch 9c Plutarch pg 199-209
Fighting Terrorism ch 4b The 1990's: The Rise of Militant Islam pg 86-98
A Meaningful World ch 5. The Periodic Table pg 132-139
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 21 International Trade, middle third
Science Matters ch 11 The Cosmos pg 182-193
Speech: Here I Stand: Valedictorian Erica Goldson Speaks Out Against Schooling 2010
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 23 It's Alive p. 179-190
Ourselves Book 2 ch 11 Freewill pg 170-173
Full Tilt ch 9 Sweating Out of Swat: Saidu Shariff to Rawalpindi
Till We Have Faces ch 16, 17
Week 21
Bible: Daniel 9:20-11; Revelation 14:1-12; Psalm 119:137-155; Proverbs 25:11-19
Os Guinness The Call ch 17 Combating the Noonday Demon
Bonhoeffer ch 27 Killing Adolph Hitler
or Passion for the Impossible ch 16 Wandering Bees
Sophie's World Ch 25 Kant (pg 322-341)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 9 Kant: Revolutionary Philosopher 1784 (pg 117-132)
The Echo of Greece Ch 10: The Greek Way and the Roman Way pg 211-217
A Meaningful World ch 5. The Periodic Table pg 139-147
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 21 International Trade, last third
Science Matters ch 12 Relativity pg 194-204
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 24 Least They Can Do p. 191-198
Full Tilt ch 10 Scraping Through the Himalayas: Rawalpindi to Gulapur
Till We Have Faces ch 18, 19
Week 22
Bible: Daniel 12; Ezra 1-4:16; Revelation 14:13-20; Psalm 119:156-176; Proverbs 25:20-28
Os Guinness The Call ch 18 A World with Windows
Bonhoeffer ch 28 Cell 92 at Tegel Prison, first sixth
or Passion for the Impossible ch 17 Springtime of Liberty
Wiker 10 Books: 4 Inequality among Men Rousseau 1755
Sophie's World Ch 26 Romanticism (pg 342-359)
The Echo of Greece Ch 10: The Greek Way and the Roman Way pg 217-224
A Meaningful World ch 6. A Cosmic Home Designed for Discovery pg 148-155
Science Matters ch 12 Relativity pg 204-214
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 22 International Transfers of Wealth, first third
Speech: Michael Nutter - Mount Carmel Baptist Church Address 2011 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 25 Who Told You You Could Sell My Spleen? p. 199-206
Full Tilt ch 11 From One Saddle to Another: Gulapur to Sher Quila Rakaposhi
Till We Have Faces ch 20, 21
Week 23
Bible: Ezra 4:17-7; Revelation 15; Psalm 120, 121; Proverbs 26:1-14
Os Guinness The Call ch 19 Locked Out and Staying There
Bonhoeffer ch 28 Cell 92 at Tegel Prison, second sixth
or Passion for the Impossible ch 18 Early Buds and North Winds, first half
Sophie's World Ch 27 Hegel (pg 360-371)
A Meaningful World ch 6. A Cosmic Home Designed for Discovery pg 155-161
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 22 International Transfers of Wealth, middle third
Science Matters ch 13 The Restless Earth pg 215-223
Speech: David McCullough, Jr. - Wellesley High School Commencement Speech 2012 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 26 Breach of Privacy p. 207-211
Full Tilt ch 12 Duel With the Sun: Sher Quila Rakaposhi to Babusar
Till We Have Faces ch 1, 2 (Part II)
Week 24
Bible: Ezra 8-10; Revelation 16:1-11; Psalm 122, 123, 124; Proverbs 26:15-28
Os Guinness The Call ch 20 A Focused Life
Bonhoeffer ch 28 Cell 92 at Tegel Prison, third sixth
or Passion for the Impossible ch 18 Early Buds and North Winds, second half
Sophie's World Ch 28 Kierkegaard (pg 372-384)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 11 Kierkegaard: Danish Gadfly (pg 147-158) 1841 (ch 10 is not scheduled; its content is covered in '10 Books.')
A Meaningful World ch 6. A Cosmic Home Designed for Discovery pg 161-169
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 22 International Transfers of Wealth, last third
Science Matters ch 13 The Restless Earth pg 223-232
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 27 The Secret of Immortality p. 212-217
Ourselves Book 2 Part III - The Soul ch 1 The Capacities Of The Soul pg 174-176
Full Tilt ch 13 Two Wheels Over Nine Glaciers: Babusar to Abbottabsd; ch 14 Running Repairs: Abbottabad to Lahore; ch 15 Out of the Saddle: Lahore to Delhi
Till We Have Faces ch 3, 4
Week 25
Bible: Haggai 1, 2; Zechariah 1-3; Revelation 16:12-21; Psalm 125, 126, 127; Proverbs 27:1-12
Os Guinness The Call ch 21 Dreamers of the Day, first half
Bonhoeffer ch 28 Cell 92 at Tegel Prison, fourth sixth
or Passion for the Impossible ch 19 South Winds Blowing, first half
Sophie's World Ch 29 Marx (pg 385-403)
Wiker 10 Books: 5 Manifesto of the Communist Party Marx, Engels 1848
Fighting Terrorism ch 5a The Gaza Syndrome pg 99-109
Gifted Hands ch 1 "Goodbye, Daddy"; ch 2 Carrying the Load
A Meaningful World ch 7. The Genius of the Elements pg 170-178
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 23 International Disparities in Wealth, first quarter
Science Matters ch 14 Earth Cycles pg 233-241
Speech: Salman Khan: 2012 commencement address at MIT
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 28 After London p. 218-231
Brave New World ch 1
Week 26
Bible: Zechariah 4-9; Revelation 17; Psalm 128, 129, 130; Proverbs 27:13-27
Os Guinness The Call ch 21 Dreamers of the Day, second half
Bonhoeffer ch 28 Cell 92 at Tegel Prison, fifth sixth
or Passion for the Impossible ch 19 South Winds Blowing, second half
Sophie's World Ch 30 Darwin (pg 404-428)
Wiker 10 Books: 7 Descent of Man Darwin 1871
Fighting Terrorism ch 5b The Gaza Syndrome pg 109-120
Gifted Hands ch 3 Eight Years Old; ch 4 Two Positives
A Meaningful World ch 7. The Genius of the Elements pg 178-185
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 23 International Disparities in Wealth, second quarter
Science Matters ch 14 Earth Cycles pg 242-250
Speech: Obama's Speech on Human Trafficking 2012 or here
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 2 The Disabilities Of The Soul pg 177-181
Henrietta Lacks ch 29 A Village of Henriettas p. 232-240
Brave New World ch 2
Week 27
Bible: Zechariah 10-12; Revelation 18: 1-8; Psalm 131, 132, 133; Proverbs 28:1-9
Os Guinness The Call ch 22 Patches of Godlight, first half
Bonhoeffer ch 28 Cell 92 at Tegel Prison, last sixth
or Passion for the Impossible ch 20 Sweet Holy Change
Wiker 10 Books: 6 Utilitarianism Mill 1863
Wiker 10 Books: 8 Beyond Good and Evil Nietzsche 1886
Fighting Terrorism ch 6 The Specter of Nuclear Terrorism pg 121-128
Gifted Hands ch 5 A Boy's Big Problem; ch 6 A Terrible Temper
A Meaningful World ch 7. The Genius of the Elements pg 185-193
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 23 International Disparities in Wealth, third quarter
Science Matters ch 15 The Ladder of Life pg 251-262
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 30 Zakariyya p. 241-249
Brave New World ch 3, 4
Week 28
Bible: Zechariah 13, 14; Esther 1, 2; Revelation 18:9-24; Psalm 134, 135; Proverbs 28:10-17
Os Guinness The Call ch 22 Patches of Godlight, second half
Bonhoeffer ch 29 Valkyrie and the Stauffenberg Plot, first quarter
or Passion for the Impossible ch 21 Old Things to New, first half
Wiker 10 Books: 9 The State and Revolution Lenin 1917
Wiker 10 Books: 10 The Pivot of Civilization Sanger 1922
Fighting Terrorism ch 7 What Is To Be Done pg 129-148
Gifted Hands ch 7 ROTC Triumph; ch 8 College Choices
A Meaningful World ch 8. The Reemergence of the Living Cell pg 194-200
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 23 International Disparities in Wealth, last quarter
Science Matters ch 15 The Ladder of Life pg 262-272
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 3 The Knowledge of God pg 182-187
Henrietta Lacks ch 31 Hela, Goddess of Death p. 250-258
Brave New World ch 5
Week 29
Bible: Esther 3-6; Revelation 19: 1-10; Psalm 136; Proverbs 28:18-28
Os Guinness The Call ch 23 Let All Your Thinks Be Thanks
Bonhoeffer ch 29 Valkyrie and the Stauffenberg Plot, second quarter
or Passion for the Impossible ch 21 Old Things to New, second half
Wiker 10 Books: 11 Mein Kampf Hitler 1925
Christian responses to Islam essay 8 pgs
Gifted Hands ch 9 Changing the Rules; ch 10 A Serious Step
A Meaningful World ch 8. The Reemergence of the Living Cell pg 200-207
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 24 Myths About Markets, first half
Science Matters ch 16 The Code of Life pg 273-283
Speech: Donald Trump's speech in Warsaw - 2017; Transcript
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 31 Hela, Goddess of Death p. 250-258
Brave New World ch 6
Week 30
Bible: Esther 7-10; Revelation 19:11-21; Psalm 137, 138; Proverbs 29:1-15
Os Guinness The Call ch 24 Everybody's Fools, first half
Bonhoeffer ch 29 Valkyrie and the Stauffenberg Plot, third quarter
or Passion for the Impossible ch 22 Launching Out Afresh
Sophie's World Ch 31 Freud (pg 429-446)
Wiker 10 Books: 12 The Future of an Illusion Freud 1927
Gifted Hands ch 11 Another Step Forward
A Meaningful World ch 8. The Reemergence of the Living Cell pg 207-213
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 24 Myths About Markets, second half
Science Matters ch 16 The Code of Life pg 283-291
Speech: Donald Trump, March for Life Rally from the White House in 2018, and in person, 2020 (optional)
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 4 Prayer pg 188-190
Henrietta Lacks ch 32 All That's My Mother p. 259-267
Brave New World ch 7, 8
Week 31
Bible: Nehemiah 1-3; Revelation 20; Psalm 139; Proverbs 29:16-27
Os Guinness The Call ch 24 Everybody's Fools, second half
Bonhoeffer ch 29 Valkyrie and the Stauffenberg Plot, last quarter
or Passion for the Impossible ch 23 The Poetry of God's Ways, first half
Sophie's World Ch 32 Our Own Time (pg 447-470)
The Consequence of Ideas Ch 13 Husserl (1900-20), Heidegger (1927), Jean-Paul Sartre (1943) (pg 173-186) (ch 12 is not scheduled; its content is covered in '10 Books.')
Roots of Muslim Rage essay part 1 of 3
Gifted Hands ch 12 Coming Into My Own; ch 13 A Special Year
A Meaningful World ch 8. The Reemergence of the Living Cell pg 213-219
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 25 "Non-Economic" Values (long)
Science Matters ch 17 Biotechnology pg 292-303
Speech: Donald Trump's July Fourth Mount Rushmore speech - 2020
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 33 The Hospital for the Negro Insane p. 268-278
Brave New World ch 9, 10
Week 32
Bible: Nehemiah 4-6; Revelation 21: 1-8; Psalm 140, 141; Proverbs 30:1-9
Os Guinness The Call ch 25 The Hour Has Come, first half
Bonhoeffer ch 30 Buchenwald, first half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 23 The Poetry of God's Ways, second half
Wiker 10 Books: 13 Coming of Age in Samoa Mead 1928
Wiker 10 Books: 14 Sx. Behavior in the Human Male Kinsey 1948
Roots of Muslim Rage essay part 2 of 3
Gifted Hands ch 14 A Girl Named Maranda; ch 15 Heartbreak
A Meaningful World ch 9. The Restoration of the Living Organism pg 220-226
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 26 The History of Economics, first quarter
Science Matters ch 18 Evolution pg 304-315
Speech: RFK Jr. Suspends 2024 Presidential Campaign - Aug 2024; 48 minutes. If you'd like to spread this over two days, it can be split at the 29 minute mark
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 5 Thanksgiving pg 191-193
Henrietta Lacks ch 34 The Medical Records p. 279-285
Brave New World ch 11
Week 33
Bible: Nehemiah 7, 8; Revelation 21:9-27; Psalm 142, 143; Proverbs 30:10-23
Os Guinness The Call ch 25 The Hour Has Come, second half
Bonhoeffer ch 30 Buchenwald, second half
or Passion for the Impossible ch 24 With All Our Helplessness
Wiker 10 Books: 15 The Feminine Mystique Friedan 1963
Sophie's World Ch 33 The Garden Party (pg 471-484)
Roots of Muslim Rage essay part 3 of 3
Gifted Hands ch 16 Little Beth; ch 17 Three Special Children
A Meaningful World ch 9. The Restoration of the Living Organism pg 226-232
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 26 The History of Economics, second quarter
Science Matters ch 18 Evolution pg 315-325
Speech: Dr. Peter Kreeft, "10 Lies of Contemporary Culture," Commencement Address - May 2022
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 35 Soul Cleansing p. 286-293
Brave New World ch 12, 13
Week 34
Bible: Nehemiah 9, 10; Revelation 22: 1-5; Psalm 144, 145; Proverbs 30:24-33
Os Guinness The Call ch 26 Last Call, first half
Bonhoeffer ch 31 On the Road to Freedom, first third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 25 Home, first half
Sophie's World Ch 34 Counterpoint (pg 485-503)
Gifted Hands ch 18 Craig and Susan
A Meaningful World ch 9. The Restoration of the Living Organism pg 232-240
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 26 The History of Economics, third quarter
Science Matters ch 19 Ecosystems pg 326-333
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 6 Praise pg 194-196
Henrietta Lacks ch 36 Heavenly Bodies p. 294-296
Brave New World ch 14, 15
Week 35
Bible: Nehemiah 11-13; Revelation 22:6-20; Psalm 146, 147; Proverbs 31:1-9
Os Guinness The Call ch 26 Last Call, second half
Bonhoeffer ch 31 On the Road to Freedom, middle third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 25 Home, second half
Sophie's World Ch 35 The Big Bang 1930's? (pg 504-514)
The Consequence of Ideas ch 14 and Conclusion (John Dewey (1900-1930), Pragmatism pg 199-204)
Gifted Hands ch 19 Separating the Twins; ch 20 The Rest of Their Story
A Meaningful World ch 10. The End of the Matter: A Meaningful World pg 241-246
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 26 The History of Economics, last quarter
Science Matters ch 19 Ecosystems pg 334-343
Two essays/articles this week
Henrietta Lacks ch 37 Nothing to Be Scared About p. 297-304
Brave New World ch 16, 17
Week 36
Bible: Malachi; Psalm 148, 149, 150; Proverbs 31:10-31
Bonhoeffer ch 31 On the Road to Freedom, last third
or Passion for the Impossible ch 26 Lily's Legacy
Wiker 10 Books: A Conclusive Outline of Sanity
Gifted Hands ch 21 Family Affairs; ch 22 Think Big
A Meaningful World ch 10. The End of the Matter: A Meaningful World pg 246-252
Sowell's Basic Economics ch 27 Parting Thoughts
Science Matters Epilogue: The Role of Science pg 344-345
Two essays/articles this week
Ourselves Book 2 ch 7 Faith in God pg 197-202
Henrietta Lacks ch 38 The Long Road to Clover p. 305-310; Where They Are Now p. 311-314; Afterword p. 315-328
Brave New World ch 18
Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 (Bible verses were updated)