One AmblesideOnline Advisory Member's Daily Schedules

     Most of these follow a 4-day week because Friday is co-op day.
     J graduated after finishing Year 11 (AO's Year 12 didn't exist yet).

     M's Schedules

     M's Pre-K Schedule 2009-2010 (age 5) (we did not get far with this schedule)

     M's K/Year 0 Schedule 2010-2011 (age 6) (we did not get far with this schedule, either)

     M's Year 1 Schedule 2011-2012 (age 7)

     M's Year 2 Schedule 2012-2013 (age 8)

     M's Year 3 Schedule 2013-2014 (age 9)

     M's Year 4 Schedule 2014-2015 (age 10/11; 42-weeks)

     M's Year 5 Schedule 2015-2016 (age 11/12; 42-weeks)

     M's Year 6 Schedule 2016-2017 (age 12/13; 42-weeks)

     M's Year 6 Schedule 2016-2017 (age 12/13; 42-weeks)

     M's "Year 7-9 in Two Years" Schedules 2017-2019 (age 13-15)

     M's "Year 7-9 in Two Years" Schedules 2017-2019 (I planned this 42-week school year, but we decided to do a traditional 36-week schedule instead)

     M's Year 10 Schedule went through a few tweaks, so the schedule is messed up. (age 16)

     M's Year 11 Schedule for 2020-2021 (Junior Year) (adjusted)

     M's Year 12 Schedule for 2021-2022

     We started this Year 10 schedule, but then speeded things up mid-year. 10/11 Books - 10/11 Non-Books
     M's Grade 10 Schedule for 2019-2020 We're splitting AO's Years 10 and 11 across three years, with a few Year 12 books added to the final year.

     Since we speeded things up, we did not use these schedules.
     M's Grade 11 Schedule for 2020-2021 and M's Grade 12 Schedule for 2021-2022 (not much here yet)

     L's Schedules (L prefers readings broken down into small daily "bites.")

     L's Year5 Schedule 2007-2008

     L's Year 6 Schedule 2008-2009

     L's Year 7 Lite Schedule 2009-2010

     L's Year 8 Lite Schedule 2010-2011

     L's Year 9 Lite Schedule 2011-2012

     L's Year 10/11 Lite Schedule 2012-2013 (L is combining 10/11 in order to do Year 12.)

     L's Year 12 Schedule 2013-2014

     J's Schedules (J preferred larger chunks of each book at a sitting)

      J's Year 8 Lite Schedule 2007-2008

      J's Year 9 Lite Schedule 2008-2009

     J's Year 10 Lite Schedule 2009-2010

     J's Year 11 Lite Schedule 2010-2011

Read Through the Bible: a variety of reading plans that go through the entire Bible in 1, 2, 3, or 4 years, with readings scheduled for 365 days each year.