Big group of us in and near Louisville, KY area!! Woo hoo!!
Best news I’ve had all day!
Oh magnificent! Something to look forward to this whole year!!
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I’m so excited. I’m close to Nashville and would love to help any way I can!
I live 27 hours away, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE record the Plenary sessions. I have listened to "The Heart of AO" and "Ends and Beginnings" and "Narration and Synthetic Thinking" and "Renewing Your Mind" and "The Uncommon Core" over and over and over.
I did check the price of flights, he he he
(04-07-2018, 06:48 PM)BecTasmanian Wrote: [ -> ]I live 27 hours away, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE record the Plenary sessions. I have listened to "The Heart of AO" and "Ends and Beginnings" and "Narration and Synthetic Thinking" and "Renewing Your Mind" and "The Uncommon Core" over and over and over.
Thank you for sharing that

I have a tin labelled 'AO conference or bust' where I've been throwing loose change but it doesn't have much money in it yet. I can't imagine saving enough in the next twelve months to get to America. I wasn't expecting another conference so soon...
Maybe next time. But I echo Bec Tasmanian. Please record, they have been such a blessing

I looked at flights, but they won’t show anything past March 4, 2019! Haha I can’t wait!!!! Thank you!

I checked flight prices. £450 for me to fly with a baby. I think it will stay with just dreaming, as I don't think I can travel halfway around the world on my own. I'm not that brave.