(08-15-2018, 08:27 AM)LucyBeeH Wrote: [ -> ]I'm still pretending I could come from England so I looked at flights. They were 3 times as costly that week than the week before or after. Is there something big going on in Nashville that week?!
I'm not local to Nashville, so I can't say. I wonder, though, if this coincides with some sort of "spring break," which always increases flight costs nationwide? That's unfortunate.
Dawn, we don't have our spring break at Harvest. We always time it around Easter.
(04-07-2018, 12:03 AM)Donna-Jean Wrote: [ -> ]We have some exciting news! We are planning an AmblesideOnline conference for one year from now - April 4-6th, 2019. It will be in the Nashville, Tennessee, area.
We will be posting more details in the near future - such as cost, exact location, and registration information.
But for now - we wanted to share our good news, and to let you know: mark your calendar!
Thank you for the advanced notice. I'd sure like to attend (from Idaho). Very exciting!
I am beyond excited!!!!!
Thank y'all
(04-07-2018, 12:03 AM)Donna-Jean Wrote: [ -> ]We have some exciting news! We are planning an AmblesideOnline conference for one year from now - April 4-6th, 2019. It will be in the Nashville, Tennessee, area.
We will be posting more details in the near future - such as cost, exact location, and registration information.
But for now - we wanted to share our good news, and to let you know: mark your calendar!
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(04-07-2018, 06:48 PM)BecTasmanian Wrote: [ -> ]I live 27 hours away, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE record the Plenary sessions. I have listened to "The Heart of AO" and "Ends and Beginnings" and "Narration and Synthetic Thinking" and "Renewing Your Mind" and "The Uncommon Core" over and over and over.
Where did you find these gems? Can we still get our hands on them?
Just kidding - I found them. But, I can't find a way to delete this reply. Can't win them all I suppose!
Eagerly awaiting more details! I like to plan ahead.
My brother just moved to Nashville, so I have a good excuse to come from NY, yay!
I'd like to put this into the budget for my 2018-2019 school year. Do you have a ballpark on the price yet?
We are very close to finalizing the numbers, but are not quite there yet. Hang tight just a wee bit longer. We're working hard behind the scenes to open registration as soon as humanly possible!
(09-22-2018, 08:47 AM)Dawn Duran Wrote: [ -> ]We are very close to finalizing the numbers, but are not quite there yet. Hang tight just a wee bit longer. We're working hard behind the scenes to open registration as soon as humanly possible!
Cannot wait!
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Super excited here too! I'm hoping that nursing infants will be welcome?
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