(Yesterday, 12:51 PM)lklivingston Wrote: When you try to print, are you right-clicking in the body of the page and choosing Print?
The pages are designed to print that way, rather than printing from the menu in the browser.
I just tried a couple of pages, and the print-preview looked like they would print fine, but if the pages are not printing well for anyone we'd like to know that and to know exactly what process you are using to print.
I am on a MacBook Pro, so I simply use the keyboard commands of "command-p" and the dialog box comes up.
(Yesterday, 12:51 PM)lklivingston Wrote: . . . but if the pages are not printing well for anyone we'd like to know that and to know exactly what process you are using to print.
precisely why I wrote. if it was doing it for me, I imagine it was for others as well.
I have never had an issue until just the other day. the logo on the top left corner has only ever been on the first page, never subsequent pages.
printing from the forum is fine, it is just from the AO pages
thank you Kathy, for working on this. I can highlight what I want printed and choose "selection" in the mean time. it adds more steps, but for now, I think I have what I need.
<>< Michelle the Nomad: currently in Virginia, Alaska, Kenya, SoCal, Denver, Wash DC, Richmond VA, Shenandoah Valley, VA
Wife to my best friend and hero; Mama to Cristiana (AO Grad) and Joy (Yr10)
Dakota Academy International
Wife to my best friend and hero; Mama to Cristiana (AO Grad) and Joy (Yr10)
Dakota Academy International