(04-22-2016, 12:10 PM)Purposeful Abnegation Wrote: Oh my goodness!!!!This looks so lovely!
May I be greedy and ask what is the Music Study session going to consist of?
I just finished reading as many of the books that Miss Mason used in the programmes for music as I could find, so I'm going to be sharing some of the goodies that were in them. I just finished writing a book about it. Some of the ideas were so fascinating, and some I thought, of course! Why didn't we think of that before?
And I think I'll do a short intro on von Dittersdorf for this coming year. I know next to nothing about him, and I'm really curious! So I'll try to do a deep dive into his life and share what I find out.
"...the instrument, whether it be a piano or a violin or a voice, is only a medium for that strange and impalpable something which to the majority of mankind seems as necessary as the breath of Heaven." (Mrs. Spencer Curwin, Volume 9, no. 7, 1898)