(04-30-2016, 01:41 AM)Mrs.Honey Wrote: I'd clearly never say that mothers or volunteers are under qualified as it sounds like in your reply.I also don't need anyone's qualifications as that was not my point. My point was that I didn't mean to offend anyone and didn't realize that the people holding classes were also attending them and volunteering and paying to be there. I'm not sure why you're seeming to take the worst out of my comments and then reprimand me publicly after I apologize. I am super new to ALL of this. I've never used a forum, I don't know what people's titles on here mean, I don't know anything about conferences (and have never been to one), and know no one that does CM homeschooling or even knows anything about it. I didn't know I'd get chastised for making a suggestion and didn't realize that it would be taken in the worst way and appear that I was ungrateful and expected more from anyone. I'm sure a hundred people would like to take two classes that are being held at the same time but as I said, I didn't really expect anyone to change the entire schedule on my little comment. I also didn't expect to upset/offend/insult anyone, which is why I apologized.
I'm not offended, nor was clarification intended to be received as a rebuke.
"As far as I knew all the women teaching the classes were famous specialists, thoroughly trained and proficient in all things Charlotte Mason and charging for their services (not volunteers paying to come! Lol Oops!). I had no idea it was all volunteer moms running this entire conference!"
AO is all volunteers all the time and always has been, and most of us are moms (we have help from a few dads, too). for further clarification, Dawn is paying to come, but the Advisory and AA who are planning the conference do have our basic expenses paid for out of conference funds. ALL the presenters are not paying to come.
I realize you're new and may not have known AO has always been entirely a labour of love, created and run by volunteers, but that's why I thought clarification might be helpful, not just for you, but for others. It also seemed to me that this statement might cause confusion, separating being specialists, trained, and proficient in all things CM from being volunteer moms. It's not either/or.
I regret you feel chastised, as that was not my intent at all.