Five plenaries. 
Beyond that, I don't even know for sure. There were also two Q and A panels and 17 breakout sessions, but not all of those were recorded. And then there are the 2015 recordings, and I'm even hoping that we'll be able to work out logistics for the 2005 recordings. Pray about that last bit, please.

Beyond that, I don't even know for sure. There were also two Q and A panels and 17 breakout sessions, but not all of those were recorded. And then there are the 2015 recordings, and I'm even hoping that we'll be able to work out logistics for the 2005 recordings. Pray about that last bit, please.
Phyllis in Ukraine, with Jaan (AO grad), Raia (AO grad), Asya (age 17), Bogdan (age 13)