(03-22-2017, 02:15 PM)yzomme Wrote: We are on week 22 in AO4, what is the best way to pull this book into this year's readings. A summer read perhaps? or start as soon as possible with it and keep going into summer until finished?
If you are already that far in to Y4, I wouldn't change anything right now. We are just 5 weeks in to Y5 (and obviously did not include the Isaac Newton book in Y4 since that change was just made), so we are reading it now, but I had already slightly tweaked the reading load of Y5 so that we were only going to read 2 of the science bios this year anyway (moved the third to free reading) so the effect is pretty much the same in terms of reading load/page count.
Actually, most of the changes suggested here are ones that I had already made to keep the reading load reasonable for my dd for Y5, and changes that I was already contemplating for Y6 too. I'm happy to know my gut instincts on those adjustments were pretty much spot on.
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Jen in North Carolina - Mama (Seminary Grad!) to dd19(!) (College Freshman), ds16 (Y10), dd 14 (Y8)
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