Announcements/RE: #AOCM2019 AmblesideOnline’s Camp Meeting 2019
10-24-2018, 02:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2018, 03:02 AM by Dawn Duran.
Edit Reason: typos
(10-24-2018, 12:43 AM)jeglosson Wrote: Hello! I saw on the FAQ that nursing/bonding babies under 12 mo will be allowed to room with mom. I will have a 14mo I'm sure will still be nursing full time in April; would it be possible for him to be with me? I want to be respectful of the guidelines, so I appreciate your time in reply!
Thank you for making this respectful request. We love babies and children of all ages, and we made sure to create guidelines by which nursing/bonding babes in arms would feel welcome at AO Camp Meeting. While we want to make it possible for moms with littles to participate, we need to consider the needs of every attendee - and those of you who are unable to attend as well. Babes in arms are far easier to contain than toddling babies, and after the age of twelve months mobility begins to increase exponentially as I'm sure you know well

It is pure joy to see little ones toddling about and making friends, but it also creates an irresistible distraction for some of us such that our attention is pulled away from the speaker and whatever message the Lord has placed on their heart to share with us. Additionally, the joyful noise of children is not the best background for recording our talks for a wider distribution, and it is our great hope to make such recordings available for those unable to join us live at AO Camp Meeting so that they, too, can be blessed.
The short answer is that there has to be a universal cut-off in place, and we are not able to make exceptions awhile continuing to maintain fair and equal treatment. Thank you for understanding!
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