The AmblesideOnline Advisory Resource Shelf

This website is our main collaborative effort; but alongside that, we have written books and articles, spoken on podcasts, and narrated audio books. We would like to let you know about some of the extra resources we have created over the years.

AmblesideOnline is part of's Affiliate program. If you use our links, we receive a small commission which enables us to cover the costs of keeping the website and curriculum. links are identified like this: ($amzn) or (K), but we have provided links to free and alternate sources as well.

AOEF Group Projects

Books and Podcasts

Six Voices, One Story: The Heart of AmblesideOnline
Available at in Paperback ($amzn), Hardcover ($amzn), or Kindle (K)

Cindy Rollins and Dawn Duran talked with Donna-Jean Breckenridge about Six Voices, One Story: The Heart of AmblesideOnline on The New Mason Jar Podcast; listen here.

The Advisory discussed Six Voices, One Story with Cindy Rollins and Dawn Duran: listen to A Heart to Heart with the AmblesideOnline Advisory on the New Mason Jar Podcast; online here.

AmblesideOnline Poetry Anthologies:
Volume 1 - Beginnings ($amzn) (K)
Volume 2 - Walter de la Mare, Eugene Field, James Whitcomb Riley, Christina Rossetti ($amzn) (K)
Volume 3 - William Blake, Sara Teasdale, Hilda Conkling, Helen Hunt Jackson ($amzn) (K)
Volume 4 - Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Emily Dickinson, William Wordsworth ($amzn) (K)
Volume 5 - Rudyard Kipling, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier, Paul Laurence Dunbar ($amzn) (K)
Volume 6 - Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg, and Other Favorites ($amzn) (K)
Canadian Companion to the AmblesideOnline Poetry Anthology - Arthur S. Bourinot, Isabella Whiteford Rogerson, Archibald Lampman ($amzn) (K)


Coming Winter 2024




AmblesideOnline 20th Anniversary Advisory and Auxiliary Celebration, July 2021 YouTube

Remembering Wendi, March 2022 YouTube

Anne White


Minds More Awake: The Vision of Charlotte Mason ($amzn) (K)
Ideas Freely Sown: The Matter and Method of Charlotte Mason ($amzn) (K)
Revitalized: A New Rendering of Charlotte Mason's School Education ($amzn) (K)
Honest, Simple Souls: An Advent Meditation with Charlotte Mason ($amzn) (K)
Offering Ourselves: A Lenten Journey with Charlotte Mason ($amzn) (K)
A Bit of the World's Work: The Adventure of Charlotte Mason ($amzn) (K)
A Walk Through the Glen, edited text and study guide for Kingsley's Madam How and Lady Why, part 1 ($amzn) (K)
Further Afield, edited text and study guide for Kingsley's Madam How and Lady Why, part 2 ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 1 (Revised): Marcus Cato the Censor, Philopoemen, Titus Flamininus ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 2 (Revised): Pyrrhus, Nicias, Crassus ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 3 (Revised): Julius Caesar, Agis and Cleomenes, Tiberius Gracchus and Gaius Gracchus ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 4 (Revised): Demosthenes, Cicero, Demetrius ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 5 (Revised): Alexander, Timoleon ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 6: Aemilius Paulus, Aristides, Solon ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 7: Pompey, Themistocles ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 8: Marcus Brutus, Pericles, Fabius ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 9: Alcibiades, Coriolanus, Cato the Younger ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Project Volume 10: Phocion, Camillus, Dion ($amzn) (K)
The Plutarch Primer (A Beginners' Guide to the Life of Publicola) ($amzn) (K)
The Practical Plutarch (Includes a beginner-friendly study of the Life of Eumenes) ($amzn) (K)

Sailors and Seababies: Fairy Tales of Charles Kingsley (slightly adapted text and study notes for The Heroes and The Water-Babies in one volume for AO's Year 3) ($amzn) (K)

Podcast Episodes

The New Mason Jar: On Studying Plutarch's Lives
The New Mason Jar: Lent, Easter, and 'Ourselves"
Your Morning Basket: YMB #13 Plutarch 101: A Conversation with Anne White
"Take the Fifth"; a conversation with Karen Glass about Formation of Character
The New Mason Jar: discussing Anne's book A Bit of the World's Work: The Adventure of Charlotte Mason

Articles and Study Guides

"Falling Upon Our True Selves," in Common Place Quarterly Magazine, Volume 003, Issue 004
"Denizens or Citizens?" in Common Place Quarterly Magazine, Volume 004, Issue 002
Plutarch column in Common Place Quarterly Magazine, Volume 005
Study Guide for In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass - (free online)
How to BE a Better Teacher Than Miss Perkins on the Advisory blog
Study Notes for The Little Duke by Charlotte Yonge (free online)
Study Guide for Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley (free online)

Donna-Jean Breckenridge


This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States Volume 1: H. E. Marshall's "This Country of Ours" - Annotated, Expanded, and Updated Available in Paperback: ($amzn) or Hardcover: ($amzn) as well as Kindle: (K)
This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States Volume 2: H. E. Marshall's "This Country of Ours" - Annotated, Expanded, and Updated Available in Paperback: ($amzn) or Hardcover: ($amzn) as well as Kindle: (K)
This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States Volume 3: H. E. Marshall's "This Country of Ours" - Annotated, Expanded, and Updated Available in Paperback: ($amzn) or Hardcover: ($amzn) as well as Kindle: (coming soon) (K)
Volume 4 still to come.

Audible Audiobooks

Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition, written by Karen Glass
In Vital Harmony: Charlotte Mason and the Natural Laws of Education, written by Karen Glass

Podcast Episodes and Audio Seminars

The New Mason Jar Podcast: "However Imperfectly"
The New Mason Jar Podcast: "Updating This Country of Ours"
The New Mason Jar Podcast: "Christmas Memories with Lynn Bruce and Donna-Jean Breckenridge", a rebroadcast originally aired in 2022
A Dialogue with Karen Glass (90-minute Audio Seminar) "Principles At The Helm"

Articles and Blog Posts

"Raising Patriotic Kids: US History Through Holidays"
"In the Storm With Jesus"
"He Walks With Me: Faith in the Unknown," Common Place Quarterly Magazine, Volume 2 Issue 004

Karen Glass


Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition ($amzn) (K)
Know and Tell: The Art of Narration ($amzn) (K)
In Vital Harmony: Charlotte Mason and the Natural Laws of Education ($amzn) (K)
Mind to Mind: An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education ($amzn) (K)
A Thinking Love: Studies from Charlotte Mason's Home Education ($amzn) (K)
Much May Be Done with Sparrows: A Charlotte Mason Chapbook ($amzn) (K)

Encore Books
From Karen's website: "Available only as digital books. These books began as blog posts or blog series, and those blog posts are still available to read."
      1. Some Practices are Principles (K) or e-pub from Gumroad
      2. Charlotte Mason and Comenius (K) or e-pub from Gumroad
      3. Classical Considerations (K) or e-pub from Gumroad
            Collection of Encore Books 1-3 (K) or e-pub from Gumroad
      4. Connections with Coleridge (K) (no e-pub available)

Podcast Episodes and Audio Seminars

A Dialogue with Donna-Jean Breckenridge (90-minute Audio Seminar) "Principles At The Helm"
Karen Glass On The Art of Asking Questions, Classical Education, Episode 17
Karen Glass on Norms & Nobility, Classical Education, Episode 14
Narration: The Act of Knowing (with Karen Glass!), Schole Sisters Episode 33
Wisdom in Principles with Karen Glass - Part 1,
Charlotte Mason Education (w/ Karen Glass!), Ep 20, Principle #20, The Commonplace YouTube
The New Mason Jar Podcast: The Foundation of Narration with Karen Glass
The New Mason Jar Podcast: In Vital Harmony
The New Mason Jar Q&A: On Classical Education
Patience, Wonder, Ignorance, and Joy in a Classical, Charlotte Mason education (with Karen Glass),
The Art of Writing, Part 1, Episode 40
A Longing To Learn with Karen Glass, Modern Miss Mason
The Literary Life of Karen Glass, The Literary Life Podcast ยท March 3, 2020
Bonus: Bringing It All Together Episode 20,
Let's Talk About . . . Charlotte Mason History (with Karen Glass!) IN 01
A Few Broad Essential Principles with Julie H. Ross, CM 3 Episode 21,
SS #20: Mothers, Don't Let Your Methods Grow up to Be Systems (with Karen Glass),, Episode 20
Death by Sticker Chart (with Karen Glass!) SS #67
Rightly Dividing (with Karen Glass!!) SS #47
Love Chat, Baby, Love Chat (with Karen Glass!) SS #75
Interview with Karen Glass author of 'Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition'

Website (Blog, Articles)

Leslie Laurio


The Charlotte Mason Series in Modern English (free online):
              Volume 1: Home Education in Modern English (K)
              Volume 2: Parents and Children in Modern English (K)
              Volume 3: School Education in Modern English (K)
              Volume 4: Ourselves in Modern English (K)
              Volume 5: Formation of Character in Modern English (K)
              Volume 6: Philosophy of Education (K)
Summaries of the CM Series (free online) ($amzn) (K)
Gatty's Parables from Nature, paraphrased (free online) ($amzn) (K)
Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies, paraphrased (free online) ($amzn)
Bunyan's The Holy War, paraphrased (free online)
Great Astronomers paraphrased into easier English (free online)
Selected Federalist Papers, paraphrased (free online)
Konrad Wallenrod, a paraphrase of the epic poem that inspired Chopin's famous Ballade ($amzn)

Articles and Blog Posts

CM Defined in 100 words
CM defined in 600 words
and then worked into an article, "Why Choose CM?"

Patio Chats

Patio Chats

Lynn Bruce

Podcast Episodes

New Mason Jar Podcast S3E47: "Christmas Memories with Lynn Bruce and Donna-Jean Breckenridge", a rebroadcast originally aired in 2022
New Mason Jar Podcast S1E5: Have a Happier Homeschool with Lynn Bruce
New Mason Jar Podcast S1E16: A "Hallelujah" Advent Celebration (as a participant)


Dinner blessing hymn that was shared at the 2015 AO retreat in Indiana YouTube

Articles and Blog Posts

"A Feather on the Breath of God" (blog post)
"because you tread on my dreams" (blog post)
An Oyster and a Jewel - A Study of CM's Principle 10
The Spiritual Octopus - A Study of CM's Principle 11
A Magical Expansion - A Study of CM's Principle 12
Shearing Samson - the Place of Films in a Literary Education
"Why the KJV?"

Wendi Capehart


AmblesideOnline Year One History Tales (annotated): Selected from Baldwin's Fifty Famous Tales And Other Sources (K)
AmblesideOnline Year 4: Shorter Literature Selections (annotated): Washington Irving and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (K)
AmblesideOnline Year 8 Poetry: John Donne (K)
Kim, by Rudyard Kipling, Annotated (K)

Podcast Episodes

New Mason Jar Podcast S2E20: Cross-Cultural Education and Folk Songs with Wendi Capehart
The Literary Life of Wendi Capehart Literary Life Podcast, Episode 69
57. Heroes First! discussion about teaching compassion with the Scholé Sisters explores why starting with heroes in a child's education is not white-washing, and why pointing out the darkness too young might backfire.

Articles and Blog Posts

"Should Pictures Have a Place in Education?" (blog post)
Escapist Literature
"The Gaps: What if We Forget to Teach Something?" (blog post)
"Learning About Other Cultures" (blog post)
"Of Little Brown Girls and Babies Wif Spa'klin' Eyes . . ." (blog post)
"Charlotte Mason and Language Arts (Part 1 of 3)" (blog post)
"Shakespeare is the Birthright of Every Human (blog post)

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