AmblesideOnline - Year 12 Overview
"We may gather three rules, then, as to an opinion that is worth the having. We must have thought about the subject and know something about it, as a gardener does about the weather; it must be our own opinion, and not caught up as a parrot catches up its phrases; and lastly, it must be disinterested, that is, it must not be influenced by our inclination . . . it is a great part of our work in life to do our duty in our thoughts and form just opinions."
Charlotte Mason, Volume 4, p. 180
A Basic Overview of Year 12
- Lamentations, Ezekiel, Joel, Daniel, Ezra, Haggai, etc
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Revelation
- The Marketing of Evil
- A Meaningful World
- Current Events
- Speeches
- Essay/Articles
- Current Times, plus ancient thought
- Sophie's World
- Fighting Terrorism
- The Echo of Greece
- Speeches
- Timeline
- Book of Centuries
- Full Tilt
- Mapwork
Science and Math
- Science program option
- Science Literacy
- Bioethics
- Math
Language Arts
- Copywork
- Dictation
- Oral and Written Narration
- Recitation
- Grammar
- Luci Shaw
- Wendell Berry
- Jayber Crow, Till We Have Faces, Brave New World, and more...
Foreign Language
- Modern Language
- Latin
Music and Arts
- Hymns and Folk Songs
- Artist/Picture Study
- Composer
- Drawing and Handicrafts
Year 12 is a shift from all other AO Years. Rather than studying a historical era, the focus of the year is today, yet contrasted against a backdrop of the ancients. We want to give our young adults an overview of human thought and ideas from ancient times to the present day, to let them see the way shifting thought has affected history, and to bring that perspective to bear on the post-modern world in which we all have to live today.
Seniors often have part-time jobs, dual enrollment, college interviews - so this year has been kept deliberately lighter than previous AO Years.
A great deal of thought, work, and prayer has gone into the creation of this very unique Year 12 plan. We offer it to be used freely, and hope it will be a blessing to many students and parents. However, out of respect for this work, please honor our long-standing terms of use, and do not repost this or any of the AO curriculum anywhere else, in any form.
Posting the bulk of our work with a few changes of your own is also considered reposting/copying. Of course, you can always link back to AmblesideOnline from your websites, but this copyrighted material is free to use, not free to repost or republish. Please be conscientious in your desire to share AO, and link instead of copying. You will have the thanks of all the AO Advisory and Auxiliary!