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Year 5's chart has been updated to include section titles for the Abraham Lincoln's World assignments.  Thanks to Lani for reminding me!
Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 were updated.
Year 7 had a small change to Lay of the Land.
Year 9 now lists specific Chesterfield letters.
Years 1-6 had changes to the daily and weekly lists so that they match the booklist lists.
If I changed anything else, I've forgotten what it was.
The Year 9 chart was just updated to clarify the situation in weeks 30 and 31 with speeches by Wilberforce and Pitt.  There's more clarification on the Year 9 booklist now too.  I also edited the Daily/Weekly list for Year 9 to more closely match the list on the booklist.
Charts for Year 12 have been updated to use the chapter titles instead of numbers for Sophie's World.
New charts for Years 4, 5, and 6.  I added Shakespeare to the Weekly Work lists.  I also updated the schedules for Carry a Big Stick and Never Give In to give the chapter title instead of page numbers each week.
I also updated charts for Years 1, 2, and 3 to make the Daily and Weekly lists on the charts match the lists on the website schedule page.  
For Year 4, I removed Shakespeare from the Literature section.  Shakespeare is now in the Weekly Work section, which matches the website list and the charts for Years 7 and 8.
Penrod (Year 6 and Form 2C) and Penrod and Sam (Year 7 and Year 7 Lite) have been removed from the Free Read list.
I updated the Year 6 chart and the Years 7 and 7 Lite charts to include this change.  (Form 2C chart doesn't list free reads.)
(05-21-2024, 08:11 AM)lklivingston Wrote: [ -> ]Penrod (Year 6 and Form 2C) and Penrod and Sam (Year 7 and Year 7 Lite) have been removed from the Free Read list.
I updated the Year 6 chart and the Years 7 and 7 Lite charts to include this change.  (Form 2C chart doesn't list free reads.)

Just curious Kathy, if these books were removed due to something problematic about them? Or was it just to make room for something else?
(05-23-2024, 12:43 AM)Laura in Ontario Wrote: [ -> ]Just curious Kathy, if these books were removed due to something problematic about them? Or was it just to make room for something else?

This thread should answer your questions.
I uploaded new charts for Year 12.  I removed page numbers from the Science Matters schedule, because those only apply to some of the editions available.
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