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All the schedules in Years 7 - 12, including Groups, Combined Years, and Lite Years, have been updated.  Major changes to Spiritual Formation and Citizenship were made, but other smaller corrections were made also.  The previous booklists and schedules are linked from each booklist and will remain for a year.  I loaded the previous copies of each schedule in chart format in the Resources area here.
(03-28-2023, 10:19 AM)lklivingston Wrote: [ -> ]All the schedules in Years 7 - 12, including Groups, Combined Years, and Lite Years, have been updated.  Major changes to Spiritual Formation and Citizenship were made, but other smaller corrections were made also.  The previous booklists and schedules are linked from each booklist and will remain for a year.  I loaded the previous copies of each schedule in chart format in the Resources area here.

Thank you! :)
(03-28-2023, 10:19 AM)lklivingston Wrote: [ -> ]All the schedules in Years 7 - 12, including Groups, Combined Years, and Lite Years, have been updated.  Major changes to Spiritual Formation and Citizenship were made, but other smaller corrections were made also.  The previous booklists and schedules are linked from each booklist and will remain for a year.  I loaded the previous copies of each schedule in chart format in the Resources area here.

Thank you! I'm excited to see these changes. Do you know if there are any planned changes/updates for the younger years, Y1-6?  I'm starting to plan and just curious if I should wait for any planned changes or just work with whats available now.
The schedules on the website, the week-by-week lists, have all been updated with the recent Bible and Science changes, as well as the Spiritual Formation and Citizenship changes.  The charts have had all the Spiritual Formation and Citizenship changes, but not all the charts have the Bible and Science changes.

I just uploaded the charts for Years 1-6 plus Groups Form I and Form II.  These should reflect all the changes, plus any corrections mentioned in the Typos thread in Tech Support.  It may be a few days (at least) before I can get the rest of the charts changed and uploaded, but as I finish a set of charts I will load them and note that here.

You can see in the footer on each chart the month and year when it was last updated.

The charts that were in place before these changes are still available in the Resources area here.
Charts are updated for Years 7, 8, and 9 (Regular and Lite); and Groups 3 A, B, and C.

It will probably be a few days before I get any more of the charts complete, but they're done up through Year 9 (except the combined years).
Charts for Year 10 and Year 10 Lite are updated to reflect the most recent changes.
Charts for Year 11 and Year 11 Lite have been updated.
Charts for Year 12 are updated.
Charts for 7-8-9 in Two Years A and B and 9-10-11 in Two Years A and B have had the new changes made and been uploaded.

As far as I know, that means that all the charts should match the week-by-week list schedule.

If you find any errors in any of these schedules or the booklists, please post that in the Typos thread in the Tech Support area here on the forum.
Thank you so much for all your work, Kathy!
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