
Exam Questions: Form 1A, Term 1

Student's Name: _________________________

Date of Exam: _________________________


     1. Tell about how God created everything, OR Tell the story of the flood.

     2. Tell about Abraham and Melchizedek.

     3. Tell about Mary's visit to Elizabeth, or something from Jesus' childhood.


     Younger students: Copy "Then he went to fetch his mother."

     Older students: Copy: "Off went the proud Kangaroo on his four little legs like a bunny."


Younger Form 1 students should choose one; older student should do both.

     1. Tell a fairy tale you remember from this term, or tell what you know of Harald as a little boy. Tell everything you can think of.

     2. Tell how the Leopard got his spots, or something that happened to Christian.


Younger Form 1 students should choose two; older student should do all three.

     1. Tell about Boadicea, or, about St. Alban.

     2. Tell the story of The Brave Three Hundred.

     3. Tell the story of Alexander and Bucephalus.


     1. Find Italy and Switzerland on the globe. Or, Find Lake Superior on a map.

     2. What is the shape of the earth?

Natural History and General Science

     1. Describe your favorite nature walk this term. What did you find?

     2. Tell about "the bully in the old orchard."

     3. Choose one question matched to your term's Nature Study theme from here

Reading Skill

     Select a passage for student to read aloud.

Arithmetic (We encourage you to substitute questions from your math program.)

     1. 8 + 5 = ___

     2. Skip count by 5's.

Foreign Language

     1. Recite or sing something you have learned in your foreign language.

     2. Introduce yourself in your foreign language.

Picture Study

     1. Describe your favorite picture from this term's picture study.


     Choose a poem, and two Bible verses learned this term for student to recite.


     Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.


     Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

AmblesideOnline's free Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum prepares children for a life of rich relationships with God, humanity, and the natural world.
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