
Exam Key: Form 1B

Term 1 - Term 2 - Term 3

Form 1 B, Term 1

   1. What do you know about Moses' babyhood and early life? OR, Tell about Moses and the burning bush, or a story of Moses and Aaron. (Exodus 2, or Exodus 3 and following)
   2. Tell about the crossing of the Red Sea, or, how the Israelites were fed in the Wilderness. (Exodus 13-14 or Exodus 16)
   3. Tell a story about Jesus. (Luke 19-22)

   Copy "She took a book out of her desk." (Understood Betsy, ch 5 Adapt to your student's ability.)
   Older students: Copy, "She reached for her clothes and began to dress."

History Younger Form 1 students should choose two; older student should do all three.
   1. Tell about the Siege of Calais or Wat Tyler's rebellion. (An Island Story ch 47 or 49)
   2. Tell what you know of King Robert the Bruce. (An Island Story ch 43-44; 50 Famous Stories)
   3. What do you know about William Tell? (50 Famous Stories)

Tales Younger Form 1 students should choose one; older student should do both.
   1. Tell about little 'Lias. (Understood Betsy)
   2. Tell a story from Pilgrim's Progress. (Pilgrim's Progress)

   1. Tell about Marco Polo's journey to China.
   2. Describe a compass. What does it tell us? (from this term's casual geography talks)

Natural History and General Science
   1. Tell what you know about a squirrel or a beaver. (Burgess Animal Book, ch 4-5 or 12)
   2. Describe a favorite nature walk, and tell about something you found.
   3. Choose one question matched to your term's Nature Study theme from here

Reading Skill
Select a passage for student to read aloud.

Arithmetic (We encourage you to substitute questions from your math program.)
   1. What is 42 + 14? (56)
   2. Write this number in numerals: twenty three. (23)
   3. Use <, >, or = to make this statement true: 76 __ 69. (76 > 69)

Foreign Language
   1. Recite or sing something you have learned in your foreign language.
   2. In your foreign language name the members of your family, using full sentences.

Picture Study
   1. Describe your favorite picture from this term's picture study.

   Choose a poem, and two Bible verses learned this term for student to recite.

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

Form 1 B, Term 2

   1. What were the three great national festivals of the Israelites? Describe one of them. (Passover, Feast of Weeks/Harvest/Firstfruits, Feast of Tabernacles; Leviticus 23)
   2. Tell about the spies Joshua sent out to spy out the land. (Numbers 13)
   3. Tell a story of Jesus after He rose from the dead. (Luke 24)

   Younger students: Copy, "How many ages in time?" (Christina Rossetti)
   Older students: Copy, "Dick heard him, and came into the room." (50 Famous Stories, Whittington's Cat III Adapt to your student's ability.)

History Younger Form 1 students should choose two; older student should do all three.
   1. What do you know of Columbus and the Sea of Darkness? (This Country of Ours, ch 2-4)
   2. Tell about the Princes in the Tower. (An Island Story, ch 59)
   3. Tell about Henry V and the Battle of Agincourt, or "the field of the cloth of gold." (An Island Story, ch 53 or 62)

Tales Younger Form 1 students should choose one; older student should do both.
   1. Tell one of Aesop's Fables.
   2. Tell your favorite part of Robin Hood.

   1. Tell about the Court of the Great Khan, or Cathay, or Marco's travels in the interior of India. (Marco Polo ch 7, 9, or 12)
   2. Can you explain why the sun never seems to remain still in the same place? (from this term's casual geography talks)

Natural History and General Science
   1. What do you know about Flitter the Bat or Little Joe Otter? (Burgess Animal Book ch 21 or 25)
   2. Describe from memory something you drew in your Nature Notebook.
   3. Choose one question matched to your term's Nature Study theme from here

Arithmetic (We encourage you to substitute questions from your math program.)
   1. Bo has four quarters, a dime and two nickels. If he buys a drink for 95 cents, how much money will he have left? (1.20 - 95 = 25)
   2. What is 64 - 41? (23)
   3. What is 238 + 104? (342)

Foreign Language
   1. Recite or sing something you have learned in your foreign language.
   2. In your foreign language name the colors of items in your schoolroom, using full sentences.

Picture Study
   1. Describe your favorite picture from this term's picture study.

   Choose a poem, and two Bible verses learned this term for student to recite.

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

Form 1 B, Term 3

   1. Tell the story of Moses striking the rock, or, tell a story about Balaam. (Num. 20 or Num. 22-24)
   2. What did we read in Matthew about the birth and very early life of Christ? (Matthew 1:18-2:23, i.e. foretelling of His birth, magi, escape to Egypt, return to Nazareth)
   3. Tell about the wise men from the East, OR What do you know about the sermon on the mount? (Matthew 2:1-12, or Matthew 5-7)

   Younger students: Copy, "For the sun it is merry and bright." (Robin Hood, "Little John Turns Barefoot Friar" Adapt to your student's ability.)
   Older students: Copy, "Only the learned doctor was happy, for he had his fee." (Robin Hood, "How Sir Richard of the Lea Paid His Debts")

History Younger Form 1 students should choose two; older student should do all three.
   1. What do you know about Martin Luther? (Island Story, ch 63)
   2. How did Elizabeth became a prisoner? (Island Story, ch 67)
   3. Tell about El Dorado or Leonardo Da Vinci. (Child's History of the World ch 64 or 66)

Tales Younger Form 1 students should choose one; older student should do both.
   1. Tell how Christian and Hopeful came through the waters at last. (Pilgrim's Progress)
   2. Tell your favorite story from Robin Hood.

   1. Tell about Marco Polo in Africa, or something you know about China. (Marco Polo ch 13 or earlier)
   2. What are the four seasons? How do we get them? (from this term's casual geography talks)

Natural History and General Science
   1. Describe from memory something you drew in your Nature Notebook.
   2. Name some big and little cat cousins or some of Buster Bear's cousins. (Burgess Animal Book ch 30 or 33)
   3. Choose one question matched to your term's Nature Study theme from here

Arithmetic (We encourage you to substitute questions from your math program.)
   1. Add 405 + 142. (547)
   2. Subtract: 378 - 63. (315)
   3. Which number comes next? 3, 6, 9, 12 (15)

Foreign Language
   1. Recite or sing something you have learned in your foreign language.
   2. In your foreign language count some things in your schoolroom, using full sentences.

Picture Study
   1. Describe your favorite picture from this term's picture study.

   Choose a poem, and two Bible verses learned this term for student to recite.

   Sing your favorite folksong and hymn from this term.

   Show some work in handicrafts from this term to someone outside your family.

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