
AmblesideOnline for International Use

The AmblesideOnline Advisory is passionate about spreading Charlotte Mason's vision for all that education can be to children in every corner of the world. We've had much discussion about what we can do to accommodate the increasing number of requests for AO's material in other languages or for other countries, and we have determined that using our Canadian version and its 36-week schedules as a model works best for AmblesideOnline. It presents suggested changes without our content being re-posted, which would violate our copyright. The Advisory cannot provide a thorough review of adaptations, and we are not qualified to suggest replacement books for other languages. We will be happy to link to your adaptation with the stated caveat that we have not reviewed all of your suggested changes.

We have been asked about the creation of translations of the AmblesideOnline website in other languages, and we have decided that the best solution is to advise parents and teachers to view the AO website via translation tools such as Google Translate. Please ask if you'd like us to consider making an exception for specific articles or content.

The Canadian version of AO can be found here. Your suggested changes should be posted to your website or blog following the Canadian model; we regret that we do not have the resources to host and maintain multiple variations of AmblesideOnline on our own website.

The following header should be used on your homepage:

AmblesideOnline offers a free curriculum at which may be used by anyone. Students living in [your country or region] or speaking [your language] may want to make the following substitutions:

In addition, the following disclaimer must appear on each page of your blog or website:

These substitutions have been offered in accordance with AmblesideOnline's policy found at on the AmblesideOnline website.

Our full License can be read here.

AmblesideOnline's free Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum prepares children for a life of rich relationships with God, humanity, and the natural world.
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