Programme for Term 94 Form II

Programme 94. (The 94th term of work set since the Parents' Union School began.)      L. . .
       (January to March, 1922. May to July, 1922, in the Dominions.)

Parents' National Educational Union.

The Parents' Union School.

(Address: House of Education, Ambleside.)

Motto: "I am, I can, I ought, I will."

(He shall) "pray for the children to prosper in good life and good literature."--(Dean Colet).

FORM II. (A and B).

PUPILS' NAMES __________________________________________


Bible Lessons.
In all cases the Bible text must be read and narrated first.
A & B   The Bible for the Young, by Dr. Paterson Smyth (A.P.C.K., Vol. III., P.N.E.U. Office, 1/6): (a) Joshua and Judges, Lessons 1-8, (b) St. Mark's Gospel, Lessons 1-8. Teacher to Prepare beforehand and to use Bible passages in teaching, and to add such comments (from Paterson Smyth, say,) as will bring the passage home to the children. Children may use (c) S.P.C.K. Bible Atlas (1/8).
Sunday Reading (optional): How to Use the Prayer Book, by Mrs. Romanes (Longmans, 2/-). Bengali Schooldays, by D.S. Batley (S.P.C.K., 1/8). Mrs. Frewen Lord's Westminster Abbey (Sampson Low, 1/6). The Children's Year (Church Seasons), by the Rev. G.R. Oakley (S.P.C.K., 3/6). Sidelights on the Bible, by Mrs. Brightwen (R.T.S., 3/-). (c) Helps to the Study of the Bible (Oxford Press, 2/-).
Sunday occupations: The Century Books. Mottoes in beautiful lettering.
For private daily Bible reading children may use Daily Readings from the Old Testament, by H. Franklin and L. Montagu (Williams & Norgate, 2/8). For New Testament, a Gospel in suitable portions. A Boy's Book of Prayer, by A. Devine (Methnen, 2/-).

A&B  A New Handwriting* (very important), by M.M. Bridges (P.N.E.U. Office, 5d. a card): practise card 3. Transcribe, with card 6 as model, some of your favourite passages from Shakespeare's King John, or, Tennyson's The Foresters. Two perfectly-written lines every day.

A&B  Two pages at a time to be prepared carefully: then a paragraph from one of these pages to be written from dictation, or, occasionally, from memory. Use the books set for reading and history.

Composition (written and oral).
A  Stories from work set in (a) Citizenship and Reading, or, (b) events of the day, etc. Occasional letters with family news.
B  Stories from reading. Children in B who cannot write easily may narrate part.

English Grammar.
Parse and point out Subjects, Verbs, Objects.
A  Meiklejohn's Short English Grammar* (2/-), pp. 52-64; 124-135
Short English Grammar*, pp. 1-9, teacher adding exercises.

English History.
A&B  A History of England,* by H.O. Arnold-Forster (Cassell, 8/6), pp. 131-201 (1154-1307). Black's History Pictures (2/6 a set), may be used.
A  Scott's Tales of a Grandfather (University Press, 2/3), pp. 66-106.

French History.
A First History of France,* by L. Creighton (Longmans, 5/-), pp. 45-81, to be contemporary with English History. Evaus' Political War Map of Europe, Asia, Africa* (4d.)
Stories from French History, by E.C. Price (Harrap, 5/-), pp. 18-66.

General History.
The British Museum for Children,* by Frances Epps (P.N.E.U. Office, 3/6), chapter 12. Teacher study preface. Keep a book of Centuries (P.N.E.U. Office, 2/6), putting in illustrations from all the history studied during the term. The Ancient World,* by A. Malet (Hodder & Stoughton, 5/-) pp. 82-101.

A  North's Plutarch's Lives: Brutus* (Blackie, 1/-). A Pronouncing Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities (Walker, 1/6); very important. Classical Atlas (Dent, 2/6). The Citizen Reader,* by H.O. Arnold-Forster (Cassell, 2/6), pp. 120-161.
Stories from the History of Rome,* by Mrs. Beasly (Macmillan, 2/6), pp. 98-114.

A  The Ambleside Geography Books, Book III.* (4/-), pp. 218-240.
B  Book III.,* pp. 65-102.
A&B  Round the Empire,* by Sir George Parkin (Cassell, 3/-), pp. 214-244. Our Sea Power,* by H.W. Household (Macmillan, 2/-), pp. 74-93. Philips' Atlas of Comparative Geography (new edition, 3/6). Map questions to be answered from map in Geography Book and then from memory before each lesson. All Geography to be learnt with map. Children to make memory maps; see also tests under Scouting. Teacher may find Outdoor Geography, by H. Hatch (Blackie, 3/-) useful.

Natural History, etc.
A&B  The Sciences,* by E.S. Holden (Ginn & Co., 4/-), pp. 84-71 (children should make the experiments where possible). Keep a Nature Note-book (P.N.E.U. Office, 6d., and see Home Education). Make special studies for August to December with drawings and notes: The Changing Year, by F.M. Haines (Wadsworth, 3/-), or, Countryside Rambles, by W.S. Furneaux (Philip, 2/6), may be used. [Furneaux's Nature Study Guide (Longmans, 6/6), may also be used for reference for outdoor work.] See also tests under P.U.S. Scouting, Parents' Review, June, 1920.
Life and Her Children,* by Arabella Buckley (Macmillan,6/-), pp. 269-301.
Life and Her Children,* pp. 68-102.

Picture Study.
A&B  Reproductions* of six pictures by Durer (P.N.E.U. Office,2/-). Teachers see notes in the September Parents' Review, 1922.

Teacher should use The Teaching of Mathematics, by I. Stephens (P.N.E.U. Office, 6d.).
A New Junior Arithmetic,* by Bompas Smith (Methuen, 4/-), pp. 79-85, 94-96. Much care with tables and rapid oral work.
A New Junior Arithmetic,* pp. 1-18; 19-25 (additional examples), or continue.
Important: to be read in leisure time: Number Stories of Long Ago, by D.E. Smith (Ginn. 2/9).

Practical Geometry.
Lessons in Experimental and Practical Geometry,* by Hall and Stevens (Macmillan, 2/-), pp. 1-22, & III. The School Set of Mathematical Instruments (Macmillan, 2/-).

A  Scott and Jones' First Latin Book (Blackie, 2/6), pp. 1-21, each lesson to be followed by narration, or, Young Beginners' First Latin Book* (Murray, 2/6), pp. 8, 9, 10, 24-27; with corresponding exercises, questions, and vocabularies.

A  Siepmann's Primary French Course,* Part I. (Macmillan, 3/-), Lessons 23-26 inclusive, with grammar exercises.
B  Siepmann's Primary French Course,* Part I. (Macmillan, 3/-), Lessons 4-6 inclusive, with grammar and exercises.
A&B  French Songs, by Violet Partington (Dent, 9d.). Teacher study Siepmann's preface. Teacher read Lesson aloud, translating with the children's help, and children afterwards narrating in French.

A&B  Six (a) wild fruits, (b) studies of animals, that you have been able to watch, in brushdrawing. Christmas cards. Original brushdrawings from scenes in books set for reading. Paint-box with specially chosen brush and colours (P.N.E.U. Office, 3/-)*: pencil must not be used. What to Draw and How to Draw It (Skeffington & Son, 3/6).

A&B  Psalm 33, and two suitable passages of about twelve verses each from (a) Joshua, (b) St. Mark's Gospel. Two Christmas hymns. A scene from Shakespeare's King John, or, from The Foresters. Two poems from A Book of Verse, edited by Sir Henry Newbolt (Bell, 2/-).

Reading (including holiday and evening reading).
A&B  Books set for Geography, History and Recitations should afford exercise in careful reading. Tennyson's The Foresters (Macmillan, 4/6), optional. Shakespeare's King John* (Blackie; Plaintext Edition, 7d.).
A  Scott's The Talisman* (Dent, 2/-). Bulfinch's Age of Fable* (Dent, 2/-), pp. 277-304.
The Heroes of Asgard* (Macmillan, 5/-), pp. 59-108. The Prince and the Page,* by Charlotte Yonge (Macmillan, 3/-).

Continue Child Pianist (Curwen & Son); teacher using the Teacher's Guide (revised edition, 7/6).

Musical Appreciation.
Programme of Music (Brahms) to be heard: Parents' Review, September, 1922. [Questions will be set on this subject.] The Book of the Great Musicians, by P. Scholes (Oxford Press, 4/6), may be used.

Two English songs from The National Song Book, edited by C.V. Stanford (Boosey & Co., words and voice parts 1/9 each,* complete with music 6/-). Two French songs. A Book of French Songs (treble only, Blackie, 7d. each), may be used. Fifty Steps in Sight-Singing, by Arthur Somervell, steps 21, 22, inclusive (Curwen & Sonn, 2/6). Teacher use also Ten Minutes' Lessons in Sight-Singing, lessons 38, 40 (Curwen, 2/6).

Syllabus of Physical Exercises (Eyre & Spottiswoods, 1/6), four tables. Ball Games and Breathing Exercises, by Alice R. James (Longmans, 1/9). Music for Use in Mrs. Wordworth's Classes (P.N.E.U. Office, 3/6), may be used. Peasant Dances and Songs of Many Lands, by Mrs. Kimmins (Evans, 7/6). Skipping. Ex-Students take House of Education Drills. Teacher would find useful How to Teach School Dances (Evans, 4/6).

Help in house or garden. Make Christmas presents. Provide some entertainment or a Christmas tree for poor children. Sloyd: Heaton's Cardboard Modelling (Newman, 6/-): make four models. (Materials from Arnold & Son, Butterley St., Hunslet Lane, Leeds.) The Little Girl's (a) Sewing Book, (b) Knitting Book (B.T.S., 2/- each), Constructive and Decorative Stitchery, by L.G. Foster (3/6); teacher read letterpress with discretion. Children make a garment (see the needs of the "Save the Children Fund," address: 29 Golden Square, Regent Street, W.1.) Boys andgirls mend clothes from the wash each week: First Lessons in Darning and Mending (P.N.E.U. Office, 2d.), may be used. See also tests under Scouting (Parents' Review, 1920). Teacher would find useful What Shall We Make? by M. La Trobe Foster (C.M.S., 1/-).


*In home schoolrooms where there are children in A as well as in B, both forms may work together, doing the work of A or B as they are able.

N.B. 1.--In grammar (English and foreign) and in mathematics there must be no gaps.  Children must go on from where they left off, but they will be handicapped in the future unless the can do the work set for this Form.

N. B. 2.--Each child in A and B should have a copy of all books, etc., markes * and a set of the Pictures and materials. One copy of the other books is sufficient.

N.B. 3.--For methods of teaching the various subjects see Home Education, 5/6, School Education, 5/. (P.N.E.U. Office).

N.B. 4.--All books, etc., may be obtained from the Secretary of the P.N.E.U., 26, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, as well as exercise books bearing the school motto, 6d. each, and Cambridge paper for the Examination 1/6 for 4 quires (not less); special clipped book post envelopes, one for the two journeys, 4d. for 8.  Also the School Badge (4/6), School Hat Band (2/6), and Ribbon 2/8 a yard. Badges stenciled in washing colours on pale blue linen may also be obtained, 4 ½ d. unmounted, 6d. mounted.

N.B. 5.--Members are particularly asked to follow the noted under Our Work in the Parents' Review.

N.B. 6.--This Programme is for Members of the School only and must not be lent. Specimen copies of old Programmes can be obtained by members from the Secretary, House of Education, Ambleside.

N.B. 7.--All letters re School and Programmes, except book orders, should be sent to Ambleside. The enclosed order Form for books should be used.  Members are asked to send the School Fee direct to Ambleside.  P.N.E.U. subscription, money for books, etc., should be sent to the London Office.

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