AmblesideOnline Year 7 Lite 36-Week Schedule
AmblesideOnline Year 7 Lite:
Year 7 Overview
Year 7 Lite Booklist
Year 7 Lite Schedule
AO Curriculum Overview

As a help for scheduling Year 7 Lite of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
b7Daily Work
- Narration of every scheduled reading, either orally or written
- Copywork
- Recitation
- Mathematics
- Foreign language; consider adding a second modern language
- Latin
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
Weekly Work
- Current Events (Keep up with your choice of resources)
- Written narration (a few times a week)
- Dictation
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
- Artist/Picture Study
- Grammar
- One of Plutarch's Lives spread over each term
- A Shakespeare play spread over each term
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Week 1
Bible: Genesis 1-4; Luke 1:1-25; Psalm 1, 2; Proverbs 1:1-19
More Than a Carpenter: Preface Revised book: Preface
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 1 Britannia OR Arnold-Forster ch 1 The Romans in Britain
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 01 Cyprian, 200-258
Bede: Book I, chapter 2
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 1 Introduction; ch 2 Mythical History of England to "embalmed in literature, we will mention."
The Once and Future King Book I ch 1-3
Ivanhoe intro and ch 1
The Brendan Voyage ch 1 Storm
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 1 Exercise Your Mind
Oxford Book of English Verse 1. Cuckoo Song, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Secrets of the Universe ch 1 What is Natural Law? p. 1-4
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch Introduction, first half of ch 2 Mixing and Combining
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Magic Pictures of the Cavemen 3 weeks, recommend spacing book out to 3 or 4 pages a week
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 1 The Human Side of Weather pg 3-5
First Studies of Plant Life ch 1 How Seedlings Come Up From the Ground
Adventures with a Microscope: Introduction (How to Use a Microscope)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Intro 1 week
Social Life Insects ch 3 Song of the Cigale, first third, or Life Spider ch 2 Banded Epeira, first quarter of ch
Week 2
Bible: Genesis 5-10; Luke 1:26-56; Psalm 3, 4; Proverbs 1:20-33
or Numbers 4, 5; Luke 1:26-56; Psalm 58, 59; Proverbs 17:4-28
More Than a Carpenter ch 1 What Makes Jesus So Different? first third Revised book: ch 1, My Story first half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 2 Subjugation OR Arnold-Forster ch 2. The coming of the Saxons
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 02 Athanasius, 296-373
Bede Book I, ch. 3
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 2 The Mythical History of England: Bladud, to end of ch; ch 3 Merlin
The Once and Future King Book I ch 4-6
Ivanhoe ch 2
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 1 In the Listening Time
The Brendan Voyage ch 2 The Idea to "near the mouth of the creek."
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 1-4 The Country of Mansoul
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 2 Love to Listen
Oxford Book of English Verse 2. Alison, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (if you're using Our Mother Tongue, that doesn't start until Term 3; most of the book will be done in Year 8)
Secrets of the Universe ch 2 Archimedes' Principle p. 5-11
Wonder Book of Chemistry 2 Mixing and Combining, second half
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Magic Pictures of the Cavemen 3 weeks, recommend spacing book out to 3 or 4 pages a week
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 1 The Human Side of Weather pg 5-9
Botany activity: grow plants (sunflowers, corn, peas or beans)
Adventures with a Microscope: choose three adventures this term
Signs and Seasons: Introduction (and field work)
Social Life Insects ch 3 Song of the Cigale, second third, or Life Spider ch 2 Banded Epeira, second quarter of ch
Week 3
Bible: Genesis 11-16; Luke 1:57-80; Psalm 5, 6; Proverbs 2:1-9
More Than a Carpenter ch 1 What Makes Jesus So Different? middle third Revised book: ch 1, My Story second half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 3 The Roman Province OR Arnold-Forster ch 3. The Saxon Conquest
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 03 Ambrose, 340-397
Bede Book I, chapters 4-7
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part I
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 4 Arthur
The Once and Future King Book I ch 7-8
Ivanhoe ch 3, 4
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 2 The Story of the Cattle Raid of Cooley
The Brendan Voyage ch 2 The Idea from "It was an unforgettable day" to "accidentally had fallen open."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy Preface
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 3 Opposing Viewpoints
Oxford Book of English Verse 3. Spring-tide, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Secrets of the Universe ch 3 Planetary Motion p. 12-20, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 3 The Slice of Toast
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Magic Pictures of the Cavemen 3 weeks, recommend spacing book out to 3 or 4 pages a week
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 1 The Human Side of Weather pg 9-12
Botany activity: grow plants (sunflowers, corn, peas or beans)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Ptolemy (first half)
Social Life Insects ch 3 Song of the Cigale last third, or Life Spider ch 2 Banded Epeira, third quarter of ch
Week 4
Bible: Genesis 17-20; Luke 2:1-24; Psalm 7, 8; Proverbs 2:10-22
More Than a Carpenter ch 1 What Makes Jesus So Different? last third Revised book: ch 2, What Makes Jesus So Different? first quarter
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 4 The Lost Island, to "occupation grew from year to year." OR Arnold-Forster ch 4. How the Saxons became English and the English became Christians
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 04 Chrysostom, 347-407
Bede Book I, chapters 12-13
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part I
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 5 Arthur (Cont); ch 6 Sir Gawain
The Once and Future King Book I ch 9-11
Ivanhoe ch 5
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 3 One of the Sorrows of Story-Telling
The Brendan Voyage ch 2 The Idea from "An important name kept cropping up" to end of ch.
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy A Note About Economics
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 4 Red Herring Fallacy
Oxford Book of English Verse 4. Blow, Northern Wind, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Secrets of the Universe ch 3 Planetary Motion p. 12-20, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 4 Simple Substances, first half
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Dead (Egypt) 3 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 2 The Anatomy of Air pg 13-15
First Studies of Plant Life ch 2 How the Seeds Behave When Germinating
Signs and Seasons: Prologue, The Sky Above (first half, and field work)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Ptolemy (last half)
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, first sixth, or Life Spider ch 2 Banded Epeira, last quarter of ch
Week 5
Bible: Genesis 21-24; Luke 2:25-52; Psalm 9; Proverbs 3:1-20
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 2, What Makes Jesus So Different? second quarter
The Word Came With Power ch 1 Don't Let Her Die!
or Bright Valley of Love: Prolog
Churchill's Birth of Britain from ch 4 The Lost Island, "Of all the tribes of the Germanic race" to ch 5 England, "as he walked anywhere in the streets in the Roman fashion." OR Arnold-Forster ch 5. The Northmen
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 05 Jerome, 340-420
Bede Book 1, chapters 14-16
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part I
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 7 Caradoc; ch 8 Launcelot of the Lake, first half
The Once and Future King Book I ch 12-14
Ivanhoe ch 6
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 4 The Story of a Literary Lie
The Brendan Voyage ch 3 Building to "first-class handcream."
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 5-8 ch 2 The Perils of Mansoul
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 5 Recognizing Red Herrings
Oxford Book of English Verse 5. This World's Joy, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Secrets of the Universe ch 4 Galileo's Laws of Motion p. 21-32, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 4 Simple Substances, second half
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Dead (Egypt) 3 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 2 The Anatomy of Air pg 15-17
Botany activity: grow seeds between paper
Signs and Seasons: Prologue, The Sky Above (second half, and field work)
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, second sixth, or Life Spider ch 3 Narbonne Lycosa, first third
Week 6
Bible: Genesis 25-28; Luke 3:1-22; Psalm 10, 11; Proverbs 3:21-35
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 2, What Makes Jesus So Different? third quarter
The Word Came With Power ch 2 I Let My Dream Die
or Bright Valley of Love ch 1 Nothing But a Nothing
Churchill's Birth of Britain to end of ch 5, England OR Arnold-Forster ch 6. The Reign of King Alfred
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 06 Augustine, 354-430
Bede Book I chapters 25-26
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part I
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 8 Launcelot, 2nd half; ch 9 Adv of the Cart; ch 10 Lady of Shalott
The Once and Future King Book I ch 15-17
Ivanhoe ch 7
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 5 The Story of Fingal
The Brendan Voyage ch 3 Building from "On the afternoon we finished" to "welded together."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 1 Coins and Paper
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 6 Ad Hominem Attack
Oxford Book of English Verse 6. A Hymn to the Virgin, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Secrets of the Universe ch 4 Galileo's Laws of Motion p. 21-32, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 5 Compound Substances, first half
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Dead (Egypt) 3 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 2 The Anatomy of Air pg 17-19
Botany activity: grow seeds between paper
Signs and Seasons: ch 1, The Light He Called Day, schedule over 15 weeks (include field work)
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, third sixth, or Life Spider ch 3 Narbonne Lycosa, second third
Week 7
Bible: Genesis 29-31; Luke 3:23-38; Psalm 12, 13, 14; Proverbs 4:1-13
More Than a Carpenter ch 2 Lord, Liar, or Lunatic? first half Revised book: ch 2, What Makes Jesus So Different? last quarter
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 6 The Vikings OR Arnold-Forster ch 7. The English Kings from Edward "the Elder" to Edward "the Martyr"
Bede Book I, chapter 34; Book II, ch 3-4
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 07 Benedict, 480-543
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part I
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 11 Queen Guenever's Peril; ch 12 Tristram and Isoude
The Once and Future King Book I ch 18-20
Ivanhoe ch 8
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 6 About Some Old Welsh Stories and Story-Tellers
The Brendan Voyage ch 3 Building from "Once we had mastered the back-stitch" to end of ch.
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 2 Tanstaafl, the Romans and Us
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 7 Genetic Fallacy
Oxford Book of English Verse 7. Of a rose, a lovely rose, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Living, Crete 2 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 3 Air Has Weight pg 20-24
Botany activity: start soaking seeds prior to reading First Studies of Plant Life
First Studies of Plant Life ch 3 The Parts of the Seed
Secrets of the Universe ch 5 Newton's Three Laws of Motion p. 33-43, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 5 Compound Substances, second half
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, fourth sixth, or Life Spider ch 3 Narbonne Lycosa, last third
Week 8
Bible: Genesis 32-35; Luke 4:1-41; Psalm 15, 16; Proverbs 4:14-27
More Than a Carpenter ch 2 Lord, Liar, or Lunatic? second half Revised book: ch 3, Lord, Liar, or Lunatic first third
The Word Came With Power ch 3 An Isolated Sand Bar
or Bright Valley of Love ch 2 The House Called Patmos
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 7 Alfred the Great first half OR Arnold-Forster ch 8. The Danish Conquest
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 08 Gregory the Great,
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part II
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 13 Tristram and Isoude (Cont); ch 14 Tristram's Battle with Sir Launcelot
The Once and Future King Book I ch 21-24
Ivanhoe ch 9, 10
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 7 How the Story of Arthur Was Written in English
The Brendan Voyage ch 4 Departure
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 9-10 ch 3 The Government of Mansoul
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 8 Tu Quoque
Oxford Book of English Verse 8. Praise of Women, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Living, Crete 2 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 3 Air Has Weight pg 24-27
First Studies of Plant Life ch 4 Growth of the Root and Stem
Secrets of the Universe ch 5 Newton's Three Laws of Motion p. 33-43, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 6 Experiments with the Breath
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, fifth sixth, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, first fifth
Week 9
Bible: Genesis 36-39; Luke 4:42-5:16; Psalm 17; Proverbs 5:1-14
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 3, Lord, Liar, or Lunatic? second third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 7 Alfred the Great, second half OR Arnold-Forster ch 9. The Danish Kings and Edward the Confessor
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 09 Columba, 521-597
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part II
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 15 The Round Table; ch 16 Sir Palamedes; ch 17 Sir Tristram
The Once and Future King Book II ch 1-5
Ivanhoe ch 11, 12
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 8 The Beginning of the Reading Time
The Brendan Voyage ch 5 Gaeltacht to "toasted 'Saint Brendan and the Voyage!'
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 3 Inflation
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 9 Faulty Appeal to Authority
Oxford Book of English Verse 9. Freedom, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Greek and Roman Painting 4 weeks
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Greek and Roman Painting 4 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 4 Isobars pg 29
Secrets of the Universe ch 6 Universal Gravitation p. 44-54, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 7 Experiments with Air
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, last sixth, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, second fifth
Week 10
Bible: Genesis 40-42; Luke 5:17-39; Psalm 18; Proverbs 5:15-23
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 3, Lord, Liar, or Lunatic? last third
The Word Came With Power ch 4 What Have We Gotten Ourselves Into?
or Bright Valley of Love ch 3 Love is the Best Antidote, first half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 8 The Saxon Dusk, first half OR Arnold-Forster ch 10. The Norman Conquerors
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 10 Charlemagne, 742-814
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part II
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 18 Perceval; ch 19 The Sangreal; ch 20 The Sangreal (Cont)
The Once and Future King Book II ch 6-8
Ivanhoe ch 13
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 9 "The Passing of Arthur"
The Brendan Voyage ch 5 Gaeltacht from "We were making satisfactory progress" to "She's his wife."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 4 Dollars, Money and Legal Tender
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 10 Appeal to the People
Oxford Book of English Verse 10. The Love Unfeigned, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 5 Weather is a Circular Affair pg 30-32
Secrets of the Universe ch 6 Universal Gravitation p. 44-54, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 8 Further Experiments with Air
Social Life Insects ch 5 The Mantis: The Chase, first third, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, third fifth
Week 11
Bible: Genesis 43-46; Luke 6:1-23; Psalm 19; Proverbs 6:1-19
More Than a Carpenter ch 3 What About Science? Revised book: ch 4 What About Science?
The Word Came With Power ch 5 I'll Be Your Father
or Bright Valley of Love ch 3 Love is the Best Antidote, second half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 8 The Saxon Dusk, second half OR Arnold-Forster ch 11. The Story of the English
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 11 Hildebrand, 1020-1085
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part II
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 21 The Sangreal; ch 22 Sir Agrivain's Treason
The Once and Future King Book II ch 9-11
Ivanhoe ch 14, 15
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 10 The Adventures of an Old English Book
The Brendan Voyage ch 5 Gaeltacht from "So I went up to the Presidential" to end of ch.
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 11-14 Part I ch 1 Hunger
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 11 Straw Man
Oxford Book of English Verse 11. Balade, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Greek and Roman Painting 4 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 6 Fronts and Masses pg 33-35
Secrets of the Universe ch 7 Conservation of Momentum p. 55-64, 1/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 9 The Two Sparrows, first half
Social Life Insects ch 5 The Mantis: The Chase, second third, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, fourth fifth
Week 12
Bible: Genesis 47-50; Luke 6:24-49; Psalm 20; Proverbs 6:20-35
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: none
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 9 The Norman Invasion OR Arnold-Forster ch 12. The Historians and Writers of England before the Norman Conquest
Asser's Life of King Alfred spend 5 weeks in Part II
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
Age of Chivalry ch 23 Morte d'Arthur
The Once and Future King Book II ch 12-14
Ivanhoe ch 16
The Brendan Voyage ch 6 Hebrides to "ploughed forward in a world of our own."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 5 Revolutions, Elections and Printing Presses
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 12 Story of Aroup Goupta
Oxford Book of English Verse 12. Merciles Beaute, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Greek and Roman Painting 4 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 6 Fronts and Masses pg 35-37
Secrets of the Universe ch 7 Conservation of Momentum p. 55-64, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 9 The Two Sparrows, second half
Social Life Insects ch 5 The Mantis: The Chase last third, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, last fifth
Optional Exam Week
Term 2
Week 13
Bible: Job 1-7; Luke 7:1-35; Psalm 21; Proverbs 7:1-5
More Than a Carpenter ch 4 Are the Biblical Records Reliable? first third Revised book: ch 5, The Challenge of the New Atheism first quarter
The Word Came With Power ch 6 Sacrifices and Spirits
or Bright Valley of Love ch 4 The Language of Praise, first half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 10 William the Conqueror OR Arnold-Forster ch 13. William I--The Norman Conquest
William of Malmesbury's account of the Battle of Hastings
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 12 Anselm, 1033-1109
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
In Freedom's Cause ch 1, 2
Ivanhoe ch 17, 18
Watership Down ch 1-4
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 11 The Story of Beowulf
The Brendan Voyage ch 6 Hebrides from "The sea was about to teach" to end of ch.
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 15-17 ch II Thirst
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 13 Assumptions
Oxford Book of English Verse 13. Lament for Chaucer, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
First Studies of Plant Life ch 5 Direction of Growth of Root and Stem
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Middle Ages 3 weeks,recommend spacing this book out to 3 or pages a week
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 7 The Warm Front pg 39-41
Secrets of the Universe ch 8 Optics - The Laws of Light p. 65-80, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 10 Burning Phosphorus
Social Life Insects ch 10 Field Cricket, first half, or Life Spider ch 5 Narbonne Lycosa: Family, first half
Week 14
Bible: Job 8-14; Luke 7:36-8:15; Psalm 22; Proverbs 7:6-27
More Than a Carpenter ch 4 Are the Biblical Records Reliable? middle third Revised book: ch 5, The Challenge of the New Atheism second quarter
The Word Came With Power ch 7 I Wish I Could Know God
or Bright Valley of Love ch 4 The Language of Praise, second half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 11 Growth Amid Turmoil OR Arnold-Forster ch 14. Feudalism
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 13 Bernard, 1091-1153
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
In Freedom's Cause ch 3, 4, 5
Ivanhoe ch 19, 20
Watership Down ch 5-9
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 12 Father of English Song
The Brendan Voyage ch 7 The Sheep Islands to "powerful skuas struck at them."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 6 Wages, Prices, Spirals and Controls
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 14 Circular Reasoning
Oxford Book of English Verse 14. Vox ultima Crucis, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Middle Ages 3 weeks, recommend spacing this book out to 3 or pages a week
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 8 The Cold Front pg 43
First Studies of Plant Life ch 6 Buds and Winter Shoots
Wonder Book of Chemistry 11 Burning Metals, first half
Social Life Insects ch 10 Field Cricket, last half, or Life Spider ch 5 Narbonne Lycosa: Family, last half of ch
Week 15
Bible: Job 15-21; Luke 8:16-39; Psalm 23, 24; Proverbs 8:1-11
More Than a Carpenter ch 4 Are the Biblical Records Reliable? last third Revised book: ch 5, The Challenge of the New Atheism third quarter
The Word Came With Power ch 8 You Might Get Lonely
or Bright Valley of Love ch 5 There's a Crack in Everything, first half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 12 Henry Plantagenet OR Arnold-Forster ch 15. William II, "The Red King"
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 14 Becket, 1118-1170
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
In Freedom's Cause ch 6
Ivanhoe ch 21, 22
Watership Down ch 10 The Road and the Common, ch 11 Hard Going
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 13 How Caedmon Sang
The Brendan Voyage ch 7 The Sheep Islands from "For two days Brendan made" to "we would have been in real trouble."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 7 Wallpaper, Wheelbarrows and Recessions
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 15 Equivocation
Oxford Book of English Verse 15. Spring Song of the Birds, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Middle Ages 3 weeks, recommend spacing this book out to 3 or pages a week
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 9 The Line Squall pg 45
Secrets of the Universe ch 9 Conservation of Matter p. 81-85
Wonder Book of Chemistry 11 Burning Metals second half
Social Life Insects ch 11 Italian Cricket, first half, or Life Spider ch 6 Narbonne Lycosa: Climbing-Instinct, first half
Week 16
Bible: Job 22-29; Luke 8:40-9:17; Psalm 25; Proverbs 8:12-21
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 5, The Challenge of the New Atheism last quarter
The Word Came With Power ch 9 My Child, It's Impossible
or Bright Valley of Love ch 5 There's a Crack in Everything, second half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 13 The English Common Law OR Arnold-Forster ch 16. Henry I
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 15 Langton, 1170-1221
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
In Freedom's Cause ch 7, 8, 9
Ivanhoe ch 23
Watership Down ch 12 The Stranger in the Field, ch 13 Hospitality
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 14 The Father of English History
The Brendan Voyage ch 7 The Sheep Islands from "Scarcely had the words left" to end of ch.
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 18-20 ch III Restlessness and Rest
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 16 Loaded Questions
Oxford Book of English Verse 16. Robin and Makyne (spend 3 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Earlier Middle Ages in the West 3 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 10 The Weather Map pg 46-47
Secrets of the Universe ch 10 Pascal's Law p. 86-96, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 12 Salts, first half
Social Life Insects ch 11 Italian Cricket, last half, or Life Spider ch 6 Narbonne Lycosa: Climbing-Instinct, last half
Week 17
Bible: Job 30-35; Luke 9:18-50; Psalm 26, 27; Proverbs 8:22-35
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 6, Are the Bible Records Reliable? first fifth
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 14 Coeur de Lion OR Arnold-Forster ch 17. Stephen
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
In Freedom's Cause ch 10, 11
Ivanhoe ch 24
Watership Down ch 14-16
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 15 How Alfred the Great Fought with his Pen
The Brendan Voyage ch 8 Faroes to Iceland to "realism of the original medieval text."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 8 Fast Money; Beyond the Basics
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 17 Part-to-Whole
Oxford Book of English Verse 16. Robin and Makyne (spend 3 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Earlier Middle Ages in the West 3 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 11 About Winds pg 49-51
First Studies of Plant Life ch 7 The Plant
Secrets of the Universe ch 10 Pascal's Law p. 86-96, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 12 Salts second half
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, first sixth, or Life Spider ch 7 The Spiders' Exodus, first quarter of ch
Week 18
Bible: Job 36-41; Luke 9:51-10:24; Psalm 28, 29; Proverbs 9:1-18
More Than a Carpenter ch 5 Who Would Die for a Lie? first half Revised book: ch 6, Are the Bible Records Reliable? second fifth
The Word Came With Power ch 10 Of Babies and Ambassadors
or Bright Valley of Love ch 6 I Can Read
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 15 Magna Carta OR Arnold-Forster ch 18. Henry II
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 16 Dominic, 1170-1228
The Magna Carta document
Beowulf - divide over 18 weeks
In Freedom's Cause ch 12, 13
Ivanhoe ch 25, 26
Watership Down ch 17 The Shining Wire
The Brendan Voyage ch 8 Faroes to Iceland from "But not all the sea monsters" to "reduced the wind's chill."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 9 Getting Rich Quick
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 18 Whole-to-Part
Oxford Book of English Verse 16. Robin and Makyne (spend 3 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Earlier Middle Ages in the West 3 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 11 About Winds pg 51-53
Secrets of the Universe ch 11 Boyle's and Charles's Law p. 97-109, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 13 A Talk on Tools
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, second sixth, or Life Spider ch 7 The Spiders' Exodus, second quarter of ch
Week 19
Bible: Job 42, Exodus 1-4; Luke 10:25-11:13; Psalm 30, 31; Proverbs 10:1-11
More Than a Carpenter ch 5 Who Would Die for a Lie? second half Revised book: ch 6, Are the Bible Records Reliable? third fifth
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 16 On the Anvil OR Arnold-Forster ch 19. Richard Coeur-de-Lion
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 17 Francis, 1182-1226
In Freedom's Cause 14, 15
Ivanhoe ch 27
Watership Down ch 18 Watership Down, ch 19 Fear in the Dark
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 16 When English Slept
The Brendan Voyage ch 8 Faroes to Iceland from "Food became the number-one" to end of ch.
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 21-23 ch IV Chastity
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 19 Either-Or
Oxford Book of English Verse 17. The Bludy Serk (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns, Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 11 About Winds pg 53-56
Secrets of the Universe ch 11 Boyle's and Charles's Law p. 97-109, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 14 Oxygen, first half
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, third sixth, or Life Spider ch 7 The Spiders' Exodus, third quarter of ch
Week 20
Bible: Exodus 5-9:12; Luke 11:14-54; Psalm 32, 33; Proverbs 10:12-21
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 6, Are the Bible Records Reliable? fourth fifth
The Word Came With Power ch 11 Where Do We Go When We Die?
or Bright Valley of Love ch 7 Faith Spreads Its Wings, first half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 17 The Mother of Parliaments OR Arnold-Forster ch 20. John--the History of the Charters
In Freedom's Cause ch 16, 17, 18
Ivanhoe ch 28
Watership Down ch 20 A Honeycomb and a Mouse; ch 21 For El-ahrairah to Cry
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 17 The Story of Havelok the Dane
The Brendan Voyage ch 9 Island of Smiths to "safely afloat once more."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 10 The Boom and Bust Cycle
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 20 What is a Generalization?
Oxford Book of English Verse 17. The Bludy Serk (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns, Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 11 About Winds pg 56-57
Secrets of the Universe ch 12 Bernoulli's Principle p. 110-115
Wonder Book of Chemistry 14 Oxygen, second half
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, fourth sixth, or Life Spider ch 7 The Spiders' Exodus, last quarter of ch
Week 21
Bible: Exodus 9:13-12; Luke 12:1-34; Psalm 34; Proverbs 10:22-32
More Than a Carpenter ch 6 What Good is a Dead Messiah? Revised book: ch 6, Are the Bible Records Reliable? last fifth
The Word Came With Power ch 12 A Church Is Born
or Bright Valley of Love ch 7 Faith Spreads Its Wings, second half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 18 King Edward I, first half OR Arnold-Forster ch 21. What the Great Charter Did for Englishmen
In Freedom's Cause ch 19, 20
Ivanhoe ch 29
Watership Down ch 22 The Story of the Trial of El-ahrairah
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 18 About some Song Stories
The Brendan Voyage ch 9 Island of Smiths from "The director of Iceland's telecommunications" to end of ch.
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 24-32 ch V The Five Senses
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 21 Hasty Generalizations
Oxford Book of English Verse 18. To a Lady, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns, Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 59-61
Signs and Seasons: ch 2, The Darkness He Called Night, schedule over 16 weeks (and field work)
Secrets of the Universe ch 13 Definite Proportions, Gay-Lussac's Law p. 116-124
Wonder Book of Chemistry 15 Air and Combustion
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, fifth sixth, or Life Spider ch 9 Garden Spiders: Building Web, first quarter
Week 22
Bible: Exodus 13-16:20; Luke 12:35-13:9; Psalm 35; Proverbs 11:1-11
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 7, Who Would Die for a Lie? first third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 18 King Edward I, second half OR Arnold-Forster ch 22. Henry III--The Parliament of England
In Freedom's Cause ch 21, 22, 23
Ivanhoe ch 30
Watership Down ch 23 Kehaar
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 19 "Piers the Ploughman"
The Brendan Voyage ch 10 Emergency to "and then calculate our speed."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 11 How Much is a Trillion? Beyond the Basics
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 22 What is an Analogy?
Oxford Book of English Verse 19. In Honour of the City of London (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns, Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 61-63
Secrets of the Universe ch 14 Mendeleev's Periodic Law p. 125-133
Wonder Book of Chemistry 16 Rust
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, last sixth, or Life Spider ch 9 Garden Spiders: Building Web, second quarter
Week 23
Bible: Exodus 16:21-20; Luke 13:10-35; Psalm 36; Proverbs 11:12-22
More Than a Carpenter ch 7 Did You Hear What Happened to Saul? first half Revised book: ch 7, Who Would Die for a Lie? middle third
The Word Came With Power ch 13 This is War!
or Bright Valley of Love ch 8 To Glorify God, first half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 19 Bannockburn OR Arnold-Forster ch 23. Edward I and "The Breaking of Wales"
In Freedom's Cause ch 24, 25
Ivanhoe ch 31
Watership Down ch 24 Nuthanger Farm; ch 25 The Raid
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 20 "Piers the Ploughman" - continued
The Brendan Voyage ch 10 Emergency from "Friday the thirteenth" to "down to a safer margin."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 12 What's So Bad About the Federal Debt?; One Reason Government Spends So Much
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 23 Weak Analogy
Oxford Book of English Verse 19. In Honour of the City of London (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns, Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 63-65
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Copernicus (first half)
Secrets of the Universe ch 15 The First Law of Thermodynamics p. 134-141
Wonder Book of Chemistry 17 At the Blacksmith's
Social Life Insects ch 15 Oak Eggar/Banded Monk, first half, or Life Spider ch 9 Garden Spiders: Building Web, third quarter
Week 24
Bible: Exodus 21-24; Luke 14:1-35; Psalm 37; Proverbs 11:23-31
More Than a Carpenter ch 7 Did You Hear What Happened to Saul? second half Revised book: ch 7, Who Would Die for a Lie? last third
The Word Came With Power ch 14 Victory
or Bright Valley of Love ch 8 To Glorify God, second half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 20 Scotland and Ireland OR Arnold-Forster ch 24. Scotland
In Freedom's Cause ch 26, 27
Ivanhoe ch 32
Watership Down ch 26 Fiver Beyond, ch 27 You Can't Imagine It Unless
The Brendan Voyage ch 10 Emergency from "Then it was time to pay out" to end of ch.
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 33-34 Part II The House of Mind ch 1
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 24 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Oxford Book of English Verse 20. On the Nativity of Christ (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns, Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 65-67
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Copernicus (last half)
Secrets of the Universe ch 16 The Second Law of Thermodynamics p. 142-148
Social Life Insects ch 15 Oak Eggar/Banded Monk, last half, or Life Spider ch 9 Garden Spiders: Building Web, last quarter
Optional Exam Week
Term 3
Week 25
Bible: Exodus 25-28; Luke 15; Psalm 38, 39; Proverbs 12:1-12
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 8 What Good is a Dead Messiah?
The Word Came With Power ch 15 Of Locusts and a Helicopter Crash
or Bright Valley of Love ch 9 The Ugliest of Times, first third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 21 The Long-Bow OR Arnold-Forster ch 25. Edward II--"The Making of Scotland"
The Daughter of Time ch 1
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 1 The Childhood of Joan of Arc or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 1 ch 1-5
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer the Tale-Teller, parts I to VII
Ivanhoe ch 33
Watership Down ch 28 At the Foot of the Hill; ch 29 Return and Departure
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 21 How the Bible came to the People
The Brendan Voyage ch 11 Greenland Sea to "it should be somewhere."
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 35-44 ch II My Lord Intellect
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 25 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc in Statistics
Oxford Book of English Verse 20. On the Nativity of Christ (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Explorers and Discoverers
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 67-69
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
Secrets of the Universe ch 17 Electromag-netism p. 149-158, 1/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 18 Hydrogen, first half
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, first sixth, or Life Spider ch 10 Garden Spiders: my Neighbour, first third
Week 26
Bible: Exodus 29-32:16; Luke 16; Psalm 40; Proverbs 12:13-28
More Than a Carpenter ch 8 Can You Keep a Good Man Down? first half Revised book: ch 9, Did You Hear What Happened to Saul? first half
The Word Came With Power ch 16 Facing God
or Bright Valley of Love ch 9 The Ugliest of Times, middle third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 22 The Black Death OR Arnold-Forster ch 26. Edward III--"The Ruin of France"
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 18 Wycliffe, 1320-1384
The Daughter of Time ch 2
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 2 Voices Came to; ch 3 Obeyed the Voices or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 1 ch 6-9; Bk 2 ch 1, 2
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer the Tale-Teller, Parts VIII to XV
Ivanhoe ch 34
Watership Down ch 30 A New Journey; ch 31 El-ahrairah and the Black Rabbit of Inle
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 22 Chaucer - Bread and Milk for Children
The Brendan Voyage ch 11 Greenland Sea from "Arthur always had the bad luck" to "unable to fly due to bad weather."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 13 Summary
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 26 Proof by Lack of Evidence
Oxford Book of English Verse 21. Lament for the Makers (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 1)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 69-71
Secrets of the Universe ch 17 Electromag-netism p. 149-158, 2/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 18 Hydrogen, second half
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, second sixth, or Life Spider ch 10 Garden Spiders: my Neighbour, second third
Week 27
Bible: Exodus 32:17-35; Luke 17-18:14; Psalm 41, 42; Proverbs 13:1-12
More Than a Carpenter ch 8 Can You Keep a Good Man Down? second half Revised book: ch 9, Did You Hear What Happened to Saul? second half
The Word Came With Power ch 17 Changes
or Bright Valley of Love ch 9 The Ugliest of Times, last third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 23 King Richard II and the Social Revolt, first half OR Arnold-Forster ch 27. Richard II: (1) Wat Tyler, (2) The Banishment of Bolingbroke
The Daughter of Time ch 3, 4
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 4 How Joan Heard News Strangely or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 2 ch 3-6
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer's Pilgrims: from Prologue to Friar
Ivanhoe ch 35
Watership Down ch 32 Across the Iron Road; ch 33 The Great River
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 23 Chaucer - "The Canterbury Tales"
The Brendan Voyage ch 11 Greenland Sea from "On May 29 Brendan at last" to end of ch.
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 14 Where Do We Go From Here?
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 27 What is Propaganda?
Oxford Book of English Verse 21. Lament for the Makers (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 2)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 71-74
First Studies of Plant Life ch 8 The Stem
Secrets of the Universe ch 18 Ohm's Law, Joule's Law p. 159-168, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 19 A Drop of Water, first half
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, third sixth, or Life Spider ch 10 Garden Spiders: my Neighbour, last third
Week 28
Bible: Exodus 36-39; Luke 18:15-43; Psalm 43, 44; Proverbs 13:13-25
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 10, Can You Keep a Good Man Down? first third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 23 King Richard II and the Social Revolt, second half OR Arnold-Forster ch 27. Richard II: (3) Geoffrey Chaucer, (4) The Black Death--John Wycliffe
The Daughter of Time ch 5, 6
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 5 Maid Saw the Dauphin; ch 6 Rode to Orleans or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 2 ch 7-13
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer's Pilgrims: from Merchant to end of ch
Ivanhoe ch 36
Watership Down ch 34 General Woundwort; ch 35 Groping (first half)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 24 Chaucer - At the Tabard Inn
The Brendan Voyage ch 12 Puncture in the Ice to "been a very close call."
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 45-47 ch III Daemons of Intellect
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 28 Appeal to Fear
Oxford Book of English Verse 22. May in the Green-Wood, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 3)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 74-77
Secrets of the Universe ch 18 Ohm's Law, Joule's Law p. 159-168, 2/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 19 A Drop of Water, second half
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, fourth sixth, or Life Spider ch 11 Garden Spiders: Lime-Snare, first half
Week 29
Bible: Exodus 40; Leviticus 1-4; Luke 19:1-40; Psalm 45; Proverbs 14:1-11
More Than a Carpenter ch 9 Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up? first half Revised book: ch 10, Can You Keep a Good Man Down? middle third
The Word Came With Power ch 18 Is This a Taste of Heaven?
or Bright Valley of Love ch 10 The Unshakable Kingdom, first third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 24 The Usurpation of Henry Bolingbroke OR Arnold-Forster ch 28. Henry IV
Optional: Saints and Heroes by George Hodges 19 Hus, 1373-1415
The Daughter of Time ch 7
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 7 Saved Orleans; ch 8 Took the Town of Jargeau or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 2 ch 14-20
Chaucer Golden Key: Knight's Tale (Palamon and Arcite), first half
Ivanhoe ch 37
Watership Down ch 35 Groping (second half); ch 36 Approaching Thunder
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 25 The First English Guide-book
The Brendan Voyage ch 12 Puncture in the Ice from "Trondur and Arthur were soon up" to "growler lying in Brendan's path."
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 15 Natural Law and Economic Prosperity to pg 106
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 29 Appeal to Pity
Oxford Book of English Verse 23. Carol, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 4)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 13 Winds That Do No Good pg 79-81
First Studies of Plant Life ch 9 The Root
Secrets of the Universe ch 19 Relativity p. 169-178, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 20 A Piece of Chalk
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, fifth sixth, or Life Spider ch 11 Garden Spiders: Lime-Snare, last half of ch
Week 30
Bible: Leviticus 5-8; Luke 19:41-20:26; Psalm 46, 47; Proverbs 14:12-24
More Than a Carpenter ch 9 Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up? second half Revised book: ch 10, Can You Keep a Good Man Down? last third
The Word Came With Power ch 19 A Gift From God
or Bright Valley of Love ch 10 The Unshakable Kingdom, middle third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 25 The Empire of Henry V OR Arnold-Forster ch 29. Henry V
The Daughter of Time ch 8
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 9 How Joan Defeated the English in Fair Field or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 2 ch 21-26
Chaucer Golden Key: Knight's Tale (Palamon and Arcite), second half
Ivanhoe ch 38
Watership Down ch 37 The Thunder Builds Up; ch 38 The Thunder Breaks
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 26 Barbour - "The Bruce," Beginning of a Struggle
The Brendan Voyage ch 12 Puncture in the Ice from "As soon as the first watch ended" to end of ch.
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 107 Nations and Legal Systems (Tables)
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 30 Bandwagon
Oxford Book of English Verse 24. Quia Amore Langueo (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 5)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 13 Winds That Do No Good pg 81-84
Secrets of the Universe ch 19 Relativity p. 169-178, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 21 Carbonic-Acid Gas
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, last sixth, or Life Spider ch 12 Garden Spiders: Telegraph-Wirey, first half
Week 31
Bible: Leviticus 9-13:8; Luke 20:27-47; Psalm 48, 49; Proverbs 14:25-35
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 11, Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up? first half
The Word Came With Power ch 20 Reaching Out to Judea
or Bright Valley of Love ch 10 The Unshakable Kingdom, last third
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 26 Joan of Arc OR Arnold-Forster ch 30. Henry VI--"The Freeing of France"
The Daughter of Time ch 9
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 10 How Joan Led the Dauphin to be Crowned or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 2 ch 27-34
Chaucer Golden Key: The Friar's Tale (Story of the Summoner)
Ivanhoe ch 39
Watership Down ch 39 The Bridges
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 27 Barbour - "The Bruce," The End of the Struggle
The Brendan Voyage ch 13 Land in the West to "clothed in imaginative detail."
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 48-53 ch IV My Chief Explorer Imagination
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 31 Exigency
Oxford Book of English Verse 24. Quia Amore Langueo (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early Renaissance in Italy 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 14 Atmospheric Antics pg 85-87
Secrets of the Universe ch 20 Quantum Mechanics p. 179-191, 1/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 22 Different Kinds of Water
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, first fifth, or Life Spider ch 12 Garden Spiders: Telegraph-Wire, last half of ch
Week 32
Bible: Leviticus 13:9-ch 15; Luke 21-22:6; Psalm 50; Proverbs 15:1-15
More Than a Carpenter ch 10 Isn't There Some Other Way? Revised book: ch 11, Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up? second half
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 27 York and Lancaster OR Arnold-Forster ch 31. York and Lancaster
The Daughter of Time ch 10, 11
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 11 was Betrayed at Paris; ch 12 Took Certain Towns or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 2 ch 35-41
Chaucer Golden Key: Clerk's Tale (Patient Griselda), first half
Ivanhoe ch 40
Watership Down ch 40 Tfte Way Back; ch 41 Rowsby Woof and the Fairy Wogdog
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 28 A Poet King
The Brendan Voyage ch 13 Land in the West from "Where, then, was the Land" to end of ch.
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 125-132 The Long Winter
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 32 Repetition
Oxford Book of English Verse 29. The Old Cloak (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 6)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early Renaissance in Italy 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 14 Atmospheric Antics pg 87-88
Secrets of the Universe ch 20 Quantum Mechanics p. 179-191, 2/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 23 Plants at Work, first half
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, second fifth, or Life Spider ch 13 Garden Spiders: Pairing and Hunting, first third
Week 33
Bible: Leviticus 16-18; Luke 22:7-53; Psalm 51; Proverbs 15:16-33
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: ch 12 Isn't There Some Other Way?
The Word Came With Power ch 21 Pushing to Finish
or Bright Valley of Love: Epilog (1976) AND Update (2021)
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 28 The Wars of the Roses OR Arnold-Forster ch 32. Edward IV
The Daughter of Time ch 12, 13
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 13 Voices Prophesied Evil; ch 14 Maid was Taken or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 3 ch 1-7
Chaucer Golden Key: Clerk's Tale (Patient Griselda), second half
Ivanhoe ch 41
Watership Down ch 42 News at Sunset; ch 43 The Great Patrol
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 29 The Death of the Poet King
The Brendan Voyage Appendix I The Navigatio
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 54-55 ch V The Beauty Sense
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 33 Transfer
Oxford Book of English Verse 29. The Old Cloak (spend 2 weeks), or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 7)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early Renaissance in Italy 6 weeks
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 14 Atmospheric Antics pg 88-90
First Studies of Plant Life ch 10 Leaves
Secrets of the Universe ch 21 Conservation Mass/Energy p. 192-197
Wonder Book of Chemistry 23 Plants at Work, second half
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, third fifth, or Life Spider ch 13 Garden Spiders: Pairing and Hunting, second third
Week 34
Bible: Leviticus 19-22; Luke 22:54-23:25; Psalm 52, 53; Proverbs 16:1-11
More Than a Carpenter ch 11 He Changed My Life, first half Revised book: ch 13, He Changed My Life first half
The Word Came With Power ch 22 At Last--the Book!
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 29 The Adventures of Edward IV OR Arnold-Forster ch 33. The Invention of Printing
The Daughter of Time ch 14
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 15 The Captivity of the Maid or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 3 ch 8-11
Chaucer Golden Key: Franklin's Tale (Promise of Dorigen)
Ivanhoe ch 42
Watership Down ch 44 A Message from El-ahrairah; ch 45 Nuthanger Farm Again
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 30 Dunbar - The Wedding of the Thistle and the Rose
The Brendan Voyage Appendix II The Navigatio and Brendan
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 133-143
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 34 Snob Appeal
Oxford Book of English Verse 31. To Mistress Margaret Hussey, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 8)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early Renaissance in Italy 6 weeks
Secrets of the Universe ch 22 The Uncertainty Principle p. 198-203
Wonder Book of Chemistry 24 Sulphur
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe (first third)
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, fourth fifth, or Life Spider ch 13 Garden Spiders: Pairing and Hunting, last third
Week 35
Bible: Leviticus 23-25:13; Luke 23:26-24:12; Psalm 54; Proverbs 16:12-22
More Than a Carpenter ch 11 He Changed My Life, second half Revised book: ch 13, He Changed My Life second half
The Word Came With Power: Epilogue
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 30 Richard III, first half OR Arnold-Forster ch 34. Edward V and Richard III: (1) The Last of the Plantagenets
The Daughter of Time ch 15, 16
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 16 Trial of the Maid; ch 17 Priests Betrayed the Maid or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 3 ch 12-18
Chaucer Golden Key: Pardoner's Tale (The Revelers Who Went to Meet Death)
Ivanhoe ch 43
Watership Down ch 46 Bigwig Stands His Ground; ch 47 Sky Suspended; ch 48 Dea ex Machina
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 31 At the Sign of the Red Pale
The Brendan Voyage Appendix III Brendan, first half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 143-end
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 35 Appeal to Tradition and Hi-Tech
Oxford Book of English Verse 32. The True Knight, or work through Idylls of the King
Grammar: work through your grammar program (or Our Mother Tongue Lesson 9)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early Renaissance in Italy 6 weeks
Secrets of the Universe Appendix The Inverse Square Laws p. 204-207
Wonder Book of Chemistry 25 Chlorin
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe (second third)
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, last fifth, or Life Spider ch 14 Garden Spiders: Question of Propertyy, first half
Week 36
Bible: Leviticus 25:14-ch 27; Luke 24:13-50; Psalm 55; Proverbs 16:23-33
More Than a Carpenter: none this week Revised book: none
Churchill's Birth of Britain, ch 30 Richard III, second half OR Arnold-Forster ch 34. Edward V and Richard III: (2) The First of the Tudors, (3) The Union of the Roses
The Daughter of Time ch 17
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 18 The End of the Maid; ch 19 Second Trial or Twain's Joan of Arc Bk 3 ch 19-conclusion
Ivanhoe ch 44
Watership Down ch 49 Hazel Comes Home, ch 50 And Last, Epilogue
The Brendan Voyage Appendix III Brendan, last half
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 56-65 ch VI My Lord Chief Attorney General, Reason
The Fallacy Detective Lesson 36 Find Some Propaganda on Your Own
Oxford Book of English Verse 33. An Epitaph, or work through Idylls of the King
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe (last third)
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early Renaissance in Italy 6 weeks
Wonder Book of Chemistry 26 Nitrogen Compounds
Life Spider ch 14 Garden Spiders: Question of Property, last half
Optional Exam Week
Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)