Years 7-8-9 First Year Schedule
AmblesideOnline Years 7-8-9:
Years 7-8-9 in Two Years: Overview
First Year Booklist
First Year Schedule
Second Year Booklist
Second Year Schedule
AO Curriculum Overview

As a help for scheduling Year 7-8-9 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Daily Work
- Narration of every scheduled reading, either orally or written
- Copywork
- Recitation
- Mathematics
- Foreign language; consider adding a second modern language
- Latin
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
Weekly Work
- Current Events (Keep up with your choice of resources)
- Written narration (a few times a week)
- Dictation
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
- Artist/Picture Study
- Grammar
- One of Plutarch's Lives spread over each term
- A Shakespeare play spread over each term
First 24 weeks are from Year 7, Weeks 25-36 are from the first half of Year 8.
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Week 01
Bible: Genesis 1-8, Luke 1:1-56, Ps 1-4, Proverbs 1:1-19
Screwtape Letters: Preface; Letter I
Pursuit of Holiness Preface
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 01 Cyprian
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 1 Britannia, 2 Subjugation, first half,
or Arnold-Forster ch 1 The Romans in Britain, ch 2. The coming of the Saxons, first half
Bede: Book I, chapter 2 (week 1 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 1 Exercise Your Mind, Lesson 2 Love to Listen
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy Preface; Note About Economics
The Brendan Voyage ch 1 Storm or Kon Tiki ch 1
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 1 In the Listening Time
Ivanhoe Introduction
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
The Once and Future King Book 1 ch 1-3
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 1)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 1 Cuckoo Song
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 1-4 The Country of Mansoul
Social Life Insects ch 3 Song of the Cigale, first third, or Life Spider ch 2 Banded Epeira, first quarter of ch
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 1 The Human Side of Weather pg 3-5
Secrets of the Universe ch 1 What is Natural Law? p. 1-4
Wonder Book of Chemistry ch Introduction, first half of ch 2 Mixing and Combining
First Studies in Plant Life ch 1 How Seedlings Come Up From the Ground
Adventures with a Microscope: Introduction (How to Use a Microscope)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Intro 1 week
Signs and Seasons: Intro, first half, with field work
ainting: How Painting Began (work through this section over the next few weeks)
Week 02
Bible: Genesis 9-15, Luke 1:57-80, Psalms 5-6, Proverbs 1:20-33
Screwtape Letters: Letter II
Pursuit of Holiness ch 1 Holiness is for You
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 02 Athanasius
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 2 Subjugation, second half; ch 3 The Roman Province,
or Arnold-Forster ch 2. The coming of the Saxons, second half, ch 3. The Saxon Conquest
Bede Book I, ch. 3 (week 2 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 3 Opposing Viewpoints
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 1 Coins and Paper; ch 2 Tanstaafl, the Romans and Us
The Brendan Voyage ch 2 The Idea to "near the mouth of the creek." or Kon Tiki ch 2, first half
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 2 The Story of the Cattle Raid of Cooley
Ivanhoe ch 1, 2
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
The Once and Future King Book 1 ch 4-6
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 2)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 2 Alison
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 5-8 ch 2 The Perils of Mansoul
Social Life Insects ch 3 Song of the Cigale, second third, or Life Spider ch 2 Banded Epeira, second quarter of ch
Secrets of the Universe ch 2 Archimedes' Principle p. 5-11
Wonder Book of Chemistry 2 Mixing and Combining, second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 1 The Human Side of Weather pg 5-9
Botany activity: grow plants (sunflowers, corn, peas or beans)
Adventures with a Microscope: choose three adventures this term
Signs and Seasons: Intro, second half, with field work
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Ptolemy (first third)
Week 03
Bible: Genesis 16-23, Luke 2, Psalms 7-9, Proverbs 2
Screwtape Letters: Letter III
Pursuit of Holiness ch 2 The Holiness of God, first half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 03 Ambrose
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 4 The Lost Island,
or Arnold-Forster ch 4. How the Saxons became English and the English became Christians, ch 5. The Northmen
Bede Book I, chapters 4-7 (week 3 on this document)
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 3 on this document; readings are marked for Weeks 3 to 12)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 4 Red Herring Fallacy; Lesson 5 Recognizing Red Herrings
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 3 Inflation; ch 4 Dollars, Money and Legal Tender
The Brendan Voyage ch 2 The Idea from "It was an unforgettable day" to "accidentally had fallen open." or Kon Tiki ch 2, first half
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 3 One of the Sorrows of Story-Telling
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 4 The Story of a Literary Lie
Ivanhoe ch 3, 4
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 1
The Once and Future King Book 1 ch 7-8
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 3)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 3 Spring-tide
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 9-10 ch 3 The Government of Mansoul
Social Life Insects ch 3 Song of the Cigale last third, or Life Spider ch 2 Banded Epeira, third quarter of ch
Secrets of the Universe ch 3 Planetary Motion p. 12-20, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 3 The Slice of Toast
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 1 The Human Side of Weather pg 9-12
Botany activity: grow plants (sunflowers, corn, peas or beans)
Signs and Seasons: Prologue, The Sky Above, first half, with field work
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Ptolemy (second third)
Week 04
Bible: Genesis 24-28, Luke 3, Psalms 10-12, Proverbs 3
Screwtape Letters: Letter IV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 2 The Holiness of God, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 04 Chrysostom
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 5 England,
or Arnold-Forster ch 6. The Reign of King Alfred
Bede Book I, chapters 12-13 (week 4 on this document)
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 4 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 6 Special Pleading
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 5 Revolutions, etc; ch 6 Wages, etc
The Brendan Voyage ch 2 The Idea from "An important name kept cropping up" to end of ch.
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 5 The Story of Fingal
Ivanhoe ch 5, 6
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 2
The Once and Future King Book 1 ch 9-11
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 4)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 4 Blow, Northern Wind
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, first sixth, or Life Spider ch 2 Banded Epeira, last quarter of ch
Secrets of the Universe ch 3 Planetary Motion p. 12-20, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 4 Simple Substances, first half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 2 The Anatomy of Air pg 13-15
First Studies in Plant Life ch 2 How the Seeds Behave When Germinating
Signs and Seasons: Prologue, The Sky Above, second half, with field work
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Ptolemy (last third)
Week 05
Bible: Genesis 29-35, Luke 4, Psalms 13-16, Proverbs 4
Pursuit of Holiness ch 3 Holiness is Not an Option, first half
Bright Valley of Love: Prolog
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 05 Jerome
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 6 The Vikings,
or Arnold-Forster ch 7. The English Kings from Edward "the Elder" to Edward "the Martyr"
Bede Book 1, chapters 14-16 (week 5 on this document)
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 5 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 7 Ad Hominem Attack, Lesson 8 Genetic Fallacy
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 7 Wallpaper, Wheelbarrows and Recessions
The Brendan Voyage ch 3 Building to "first-class handcream." or Kon Tiki ch 3, first quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 6 About Some Old Welsh Stories and Story-Tellers
Ivanhoe ch 7, 8
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 3
The Once and Future King Book 1 ch 12-14
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 5)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 5 This World's Joy
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 11-14 Part I ch 1 Hunger
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, second sixth, or Life Spider ch 3 Narbonne Lycosa, first third
Secrets of the Universe ch 4 Galileo's Laws of Motion p. 21-32, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 4 Simple Substances, second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 2 The Anatomy of Air pg 15-17
Signs and Seasons: ch 1 The Light He Called Day, spend 10 weeks, with field work
Botany activity: grow seeds between paper
Week 06
Bible: Genesis 36-42, Luke 5, Psalms 17-18, Proverbs 5
Screwtape Letters: Letter V
Bright Valley of Love ch 1 Nothing But a Nothing
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 06 Augustine
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 7 Alfred the Great,
or Arnold-Forster ch 8. The Danish Conquest, ch 9. The Danish Kings and Edward the Confessor
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 6 on this document)
Bede Book I chapters 25-26 (week 6 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 9 Tu Quoque
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 8 Fast Money; Beyond the Basics
The Brendan Voyage ch 3 Building from "On the afternoon we finished" to "welded together." or Kon Tiki ch 3, second quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 7 How the Story of Arthur Was Written in English
Ivanhoe ch 9-11
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 4
The Once and Future King Book 1 ch 15-17
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 6)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 6 A Hymn to the Virgin
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, third sixth, or Life Spider ch 3 Narbonne Lycosa, second third
Secrets of the Universe ch 4 Galileo's Laws of Motion p. 21-32, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 5 Compound Substances, first half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 2 The Anatomy of Air pg 17-19
Botany activity: grow seeds between paper
Week 07
Bible: Genesis 43-48, Luke 6, Psalms 19, Proverbs 6:1-19
Screwtape Letters: Letter VI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 3 Holiness is Not an Option, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 07 Benedict
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 8 The Saxon Dusk,
or Arnold-Forster ch 10. The Norman Conquerors, ch 11. The Story of the English
Bede Book I, chapter 34; Book II, ch 3-4 (week 7 on this document)
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 7 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 10 Faulty to the People; Lesson 11 Appeal to the people
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 9 Getting Rich Quick; ch 10 The Boom and Bust Cycle
The Brendan Voyage ch 3 Building from "Once we had mastered the back-stitch" to end of ch. or Kon Tiki ch 3, third quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 8 The Beginning of the Reading Time
Ivanhoe ch 12, 13
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 5
The Once and Future King Book 1 ch 18-20
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 7)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 7 Of a rose, a lovely rose,
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 15-17 ch II Thirst
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, fourth sixth, or Life Spider ch 3 Narbonne Lycosa, last third
Secrets of the Universe ch 5 Newton's Three Laws of Motion p. 33-43, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 5 Compound Substances, second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 3 Air Has Weight pg 20-24
Botany activity: start soaking seeds prior to reading First Studies in Plant Life
First Studies in Plant Life ch 3 The Parts of the Seed
Week 08
Bible: Genesis 49-50; Job 1-3, Luke 7, Psalms 20-21, Proverbs 6:20-35
Pursuit of Holiness ch 4 The Holiness of Christ
Bright Valley of Love ch 2 The House Called Patmos
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 08 Gregory the Great
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 9 The Norman Invasion,
or Arnold-Forster ch 12. The Historians and Writers of England before the Norman Conquest
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 8 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 12 Straw Man
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 11 How Much is a Trillion? Beyond the Basics
The Brendan Voyage ch 4 Departure or Kon Tiki ch 3, last quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 9 "The Passing of Arthur"
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 10 The Adventures of an Old English Book
Ivanhoe ch 14-16
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 6
The Once and Future King Book 1 ch 21-24
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 8)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 8 Praise of Women
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, fifth sixth, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, first fifth
Secrets of the Universe ch 5 Newton's Three Laws of Motion p. 33-43, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 6 Experiments with the Breath
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 3 Air Has Weight pg 24-27
First Studies in Plant Life ch 4 Growth of the Root and Stem
Painting: The Middle Ages (work through the first half of this section over the rest of this term)
Week 09
Bible: Job 4-6, Luke 8, Psalms 23-24, Proverbs 7
Screwtape Letters: Letter VII
Bright Valley of Love ch 3 Love is the Best Antidote, first half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 09 Columba
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 10 William the Conqueror, 11 Growth Amid Turmoil, first half,
or Arnold-Forster ch 13. William I--The Norman Conquest, ch 14. Feudalism, first half
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 9 on this document)
William of Malmesbury's account of the Battle of Hastings
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 13 The Story of Aroup Goupta, Lesson 14 Assumptions
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 12 What's So Bad About the Federal Debt?; One Reason Government Spends So Much
The Brendan Voyage ch 5 Gaeltacht to "toasted 'Saint Brendan and the Voyage!'
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 11 The Story of Beowulf
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 12 The Father of English Song
Ivanhoe ch 17, 18
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 7
The Once and Future King Book 2 ch 1-5
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 9)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 9 Freedom
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 18-20 ch III Restlessness and Rest
Social Life Insects ch 4 Cigale Eggs, Hatching, last sixth, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, second fifth
Secrets of the Universe ch 6 Universal Gravitation p. 44-54, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 7 Experiments with Air
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 4 Isobars pg 29
Week 10
Bible: Job 7-9, Luke 9:1-36, Psalms 25-26, Proverbs 8:1-11
Screwtape Letters: Letter VIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 5 A Change of Kingdoms, first half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 10 Charlemagne
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 11 Growth Amid Turmoil, second half, 12 Henry Plantagenet,
or Arnold-Forster ch 14. Feudalism, second half, ch 15. William II, "The Red King"
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 10 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 15 Circular Reasoning; Lesson 16 Equivocation
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 13 Summary; ch 14 Where Do We Go From Here?
The Brendan Voyage ch 5 Gaeltacht from "We were making satisfactory progress" to "She's his wife." or Kon Tiki ch 4, first half
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 13 How Caedmon Sang
Ivanhoe ch 19, 20
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 8
The Once and Future King Book 2 ch 6-8
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 10)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 10 The Love Unfeigned
Social Life Insects ch 5 The Mantis: The Chase, first third, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, third fifth
Secrets of the Universe ch 6 Universal Gravitation p. 44-54, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 8 Further Experiments with Air
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 5 Weather is a Circular Affair pg 30-32
Week 11
Bible: Job 10-13, Luke 9:37-62, Luke 10, Psalms 27-29, Proverbs 8:12-36
Screwtape Letters: Letter IX
Pursuit of Holiness ch 5 A Change of Kingdoms, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 11 Hildebrand
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 13 The English Common Law, 14 Coeur de Lion, first half,
or Arnold-Forster ch 16. Henry I, ch 17. Stephen, first half
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 11 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 17 Loaded Question; Lesson 18 Slippery Slope
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy ch 15 Natural Law and Economic Prosperity to pg 106
The Brendan Voyage ch 5 Gaeltacht from "So I went up to the Presidential" to end of ch. or Kon Tiki ch 4, first half
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 14 The Father of English History
Ivanhoe ch 21, 22
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 9
The Once and Future King Book 2 ch 9-11
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 11)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 11 Balade
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 21-23 ch IV Chastity
Social Life Insects ch 5 The Mantis: The Chase, second third, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, fourth fifth
Secrets of the Universe ch 7 Conservation of Momentum p. 55-64, 1/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 9 The Two Sparrows, first half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 6 Fronts and Masses pg 33-35
Week 12
Bible: Job 14-16, Luke 11, Psalms 30-31, Proverbs 9
Screwtape Letters: Letter X
Bright Valley of Love ch 3 Love is the Best Antidote, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 12 Anselm
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 14 Coeur de Lion,second half, 15 Magna Carta,
or Arnold-Forster ch 17. Stephen, second half, ch 18. Henry II
The Life of King Alfred by Asser (week 12 on this document)
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 19 Part-to-Whole, Lesson 20 Whole-to-Part
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 107 Nations and Legal Systems (Tables)
The Brendan Voyage ch 6 Hebrides to "ploughed forward in a world of our own."
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 15 How Alfred the Great Fought with his Pen
Ivanhoe ch 23, 24
Beowulf - divide over the 12-week term
Watership Down ch 10
The Once and Future King Book 2 ch 12-14
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 12)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 12 Merciles Beaute
Social Life Insects ch 5 The Mantis: The Chase last third, or Life Spider ch 4 Narbonne Lycosa: Burrow, last fifth
Secrets of the Universe ch 7 Conservation of Momentum p. 55-64, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 9 The Two Sparrows, second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 6 Fronts and Masses pg 35-37
Week 13
Bible: Job 17-19, Luke 12, Psalms 32-33, Proverbs 10
Screwtape Letters: Letter XI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 6 The Battle for Holiness
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 13 Bernard
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 16 On the Anvil,
or Arnold-Forster ch 19. Richard Coeur-de-Lion
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 01 The Childhood of Joan of Arc; ch 02 Voices Came to the Maid or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 1 ch 1-5
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 21 Either-Or
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 125-132 The Long Winter
The Brendan Voyage ch 6 Hebrides from "The sea was about to teach" to end of ch.
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 16 When English Slept
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 17 The Story of Havelok the Dane
Ivanhoe ch 25, 26
Watership Down ch 11-14
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer the Tale-Teller, parts I to VII
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 13)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 13 Lament for Chaucer
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 24-32 ch V The Five Senses
Social Life Insects ch 10 Field Cricket, first half, or Life Spider ch 5 Narbonne Lycosa: Family, first half
Secrets of the Universe ch 8 Optics - The Laws of Light p. 65-80, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 10 Burning Phosphorus
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 7 The Warm Front pg 39-41
First Studies in Plant Life ch 5 Direction of Growth of Root and Stem
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
Painting: The Middle Ages (work through the first half of this section over the next few weeks)
Week 14
Bible: Job 20-22, Luke 13:1-34, Psalms 34-35, Proverbs 11:1-15
Screwtape Letters: Letter XII
Bright Valley of Love ch 4 The Language of Praise, first half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 14 Thomas Becket
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 17 The Mother of Parliaments, 18 King Edward I, first half,
or Arnold-Forster ch 20. John--the History of the Charters, ch 21. What the Great Charter Did for Englishmen
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 03 Maid Obeyed the Voices; 04 Joan Heard News Strangely or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 1 ch 6-9; Bk 2 ch 1, 2
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 22 What Is a Generalization? Lesson 23 Hasty Generalization
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 133-143
The Brendan Voyage ch 7 The Sheep Islands to "powerful skuas struck at them." or Kon Tiki ch 5, first quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 18 About some Song Stories
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 19 "Piers the Ploughman"
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer the Tale-Teller, Parts VIII to XV
Ivanhoe ch 27
Watership Down ch 15-18
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 14)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 14 Vox ultima Crucis
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 8 The Cold Front pg 43
Social Life Insects ch 10 Field Cricket, last half, or Life Spider ch 5 Narbonne Lycosa: Family, last half of ch
Wonder Book of Chemistry 11 Burning Metals, first half
First Studies in Plant Life ch 6 Buds and Winter Shoots
Week 15
Bible: Job 23-27, Luke 13:35-57; Luke 14, Psalms 36, Proverbs 11:16-31
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 7 Help in the Daily Battle, first half
Bright Valley of Love ch 4 The Language of Praise, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 15 John Langton
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 18 King Edward I, second half, 19 Bannockburn, first half,
or Arnold-Forster ch 22. Henry III--The Parliament of England, ch 23. Edward I and "The Breaking of Wales," first half
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 05 Maid Saw the Dauphin; 06 Maid Rode to Orleans or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 2 ch 3-6
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 24 What Is an Analogy?
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy pg 143-168
The Brendan Voyage ch 7 The Sheep Islands from "For two days Brendan made" to "we would have been in real trouble." or Kon Tiki ch 5, second quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 20 "Piers the Ploughman" - continued
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer's Pilgrims: from Prologue to Friar
Ivanhoe ch 28, 29
Watership Down ch 19-21
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 15)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 15 Spring Song of the Birds
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 33-34 Part II The House of Mind ch 1
Secrets of the Universe ch 9 Conservation of Matter p. 81-85
Wonder Book of Chemistry 11 Burning Metals second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 9 The Line Squall pg 45
Social Life Insects ch 11 Italian Cricket, first half, or Life Spider ch 6 Narbonne Lycosa: Climbing-Instinct, first half
Signs and Seasons: ch 2 The Darkness He Called Night, spend 10 weeks, with field work
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Copernicus 14 pg (first half)
Week 16
Bible: Job 28-30, Luke 15-16, Psalms 37-38, Proverbs 12:1-14
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 7 Help in the Daily Battle, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 16 Dominic
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 19 Bannockburn, second half, 20 Scotland and Ireland,
or Arnold-Forster ch 23. Edward I and "The Breaking of Wales," second half, ch 24. Scotland
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 07 Maid Saved Orleans; 08 Maid Took the Town of Jargeau or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 2 ch 7-13
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 25 Weak Analogy?, Lesson 26 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
The Brendan Voyage ch 7 The Sheep Islands from "Scarcely had the words left" to end of ch. or Kon Tiki ch 5, third quarter
Chaucer Golden Key: Chaucer's Pilgrims: from Merchant to end of ch or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 2 ch 7-13
Ivanhoe ch 30, 31
Watership Down ch 22-23
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 16)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 16 Robin and Makyne
Secrets of the Universe ch 10 Pascal's Law p. 86-96, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 12 Salts, first half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 10 The Weather Map pg 46-47
Social Life Insects ch 11 Italian Cricket, last half, or Life Spider ch 6 Narbonne Lycosa: Climbing-Instinct, last half
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Copernicus 14 pg (second half)
Week 17
Bible: Job 31-33, Luke 17, Psalms 39-40, Proverbs 12:15-28
Screwtape Letters: Letter XV
Bright Valley of Love ch 5 There's a Crack in Everything, first half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 17 Francis Bernadone
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 21 The Long-Bow,
or Arnold-Forster ch 25. Edward II--"The Making of Scotland"
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 09 Defeated the English in Fair Field; 10 to be Crowned or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 2 ch 14-20
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 27 Post Hoc Ergo Prooter Hoc in Statistics
The Brendan Voyage ch 8 Faroes to Iceland to "realism of the original medieval text." or Kon Tiki ch 5, last quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 21 How the Bible came to the People)
Chaucer Golden Key: Knight's Tale (Palamon and Arcite), first half
Ivanhoe ch 32, 33
Watership Down ch 24-26
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 17)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 17 The Bludy Serk
Character is Destiny Preface
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 35-44 ch II My Lord Intellect
Secrets of the Universe ch 10 Pascal's Law p. 86-96, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 12 Salts, second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 11 About Winds pg 49-51
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, first sixth, or Life Spider ch 7 The Spiders' Exodus, first quarter of ch
First Studies in Plant Life ch 7 The Plant
Painting: Explorers and Discovers (work through the first half of this section over the rest of this term)
Week 18
Bible: Job 34-36, Luke 18, Psalms 41-42, Proverbs 13
Pursuit of Holiness ch 8 Obedience--Not Victory
Bright Valley of Love ch 5 There's a Crack in Everything, second half
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 22 The Black Death,
or Arnold-Forster ch 26. Edward III--"The Ruin of France"
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 11 Maid was Betrayed at Paris; 12 Maid Took Certain Towns or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 2 ch 21-26
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 28 Proof by Lack of Evidence; Lesson 29 What Is Propaganda?
The Brendan Voyage ch 8 Faroes to Iceland from "But not all the sea monsters" to "reduced the wind's chill."
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 22 Chaucer - Bread and Milk for Children
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 23 Chaucer - "The Canterbury Tales"
Chaucer Golden Key: Knight's Tale (Palamon and Arcite), second half
Ivanhoe ch 34
Watership Down ch 27-30
Character is Destiny Introduction
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 18)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 18 To a Lady
Secrets of the Universe ch 11 Boyle's and Charles's Law p. 97-109, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 13 A Talk on Tools
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 11 About Winds pg 51-53
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, second sixth, or Life Spider ch 7 The Spiders' Exodus, second quarter of ch
Week 19
Bible: Job 37-38, Luke 19, Psalms 43-44, Proverbs 14:1-17
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVI
Bright Valley of Love ch 6 I Can Read
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 18 John Wycliffe
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 23 King Richard II and the Social Revolt,
or Arnold-Forster ch 27. Richard II
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 13 Voices Prophesied Evil; 14 Maid was Taken or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 2 ch 27-34
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 30 Appeal to Fear
The Brendan Voyage ch 8 Faroes to Iceland from "Food became the number-one" to end of ch. or Kon Tiki ch 6, first quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 24 Chaucer - At the Tabard Inn
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 25 The First English Guide-book
Chaucer Golden Key: The Friar's Tale (Story of the Summoner)
Ivanhoe ch 35, 36
Watership Down ch 31-33
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 19)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 19 In Honour of the City of London
Character is Destiny ch 1 Character is destiny
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 45-47 ch III Daemons of Intellect
Secrets of the Universe ch 11 Boyle's and Charles's Law p. 97-109, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 14 Oxygen, first half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 11 About Winds pg 53-56
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, third sixth, or Life Spider ch 7 The Spiders' Exodus, third quarter of ch
Week 20
Bible: Job 39-42, Luke 20, Psalms 45-47, Proverbs 14:18-35
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 9 Putting Sin to Death, first half
Bright Valley of Love ch 7 Faith Spreads Its Wings, first half
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 24 The Usurpation of Henry Bolingbroke, 25 The Empire of Henry V, 26 Joan of Arc,
or Arnold-Forster ch 28. Henry IV, ch 29. Henry V
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 15 Captivity of the Maid; 16 Trial of the Maid or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 2 ch 35-41
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 31 Appeal to Pity, Lesson 32 Bandwagon
The Brendan Voyage ch 9 Island of Smiths to "safely afloat once more." or Kon Tiki ch 6, second quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 26 Barbour - "The Bruce," Beginning of a Struggle
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 27 Barbour - "The Bruce," The End of the Struggle
Chaucer Golden Key: Clerk's Tale (Patient Griselda), first half
Ivanhoe ch 37, 38
Watership Down ch 34-36
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 20)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 20 On the Nativity of Christ
Character is Destiny ch 2 The unexamined life is not worth living
Secrets of the Universe ch 12 Bernoulli's Principle p. 110-115
Wonder Book of Chemistry 14 Oxygen, second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 11 About Winds pg 56-57
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, fourth sixth, or Life Spider ch 7 The Spiders' Exodus, last quarter of ch
Week 21
Bible: Exodus 1-8, Luke 21, Psalms 48-49, Proverbs 15:1-16
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 9 Putting Sin to Death, second half
Bright Valley of Love ch 7 Faith Spreads Its Wings, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 19 John Hus
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 27 York and Lancaster,
or Arnold-Forster ch 30. Henry VI--"The Freeing of France," ch 31. York and Lancaster
Lang's Joan of Arc ch 17 Priests Betrayed the Maid; 18 End of the Maid; 19 Second Trial of the Maid or Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 3 ch 1-7
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 33 Exigency
The Brendan Voyage ch 9 Island of Smiths from "The director of Iceland's telecommunications" to end of ch.
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 28 A Poet King
Chaucer Golden Key: Clerk's Tale (Patient Griselda), second half
Ivanhoe ch 39, 40, first half
Watership Down ch 37-38
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 21)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 21 Lament for the Makers
Secrets of the Universe ch 13 Definite Proportions, Gay-Lussac's Law p. 116-124
Wonder Book of Chemistry 15 Air and Combustion
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 59-61
Character is Destiny ch 3 Character is what you are in the dark, first half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 48-53 ch IV My Chief Explorer Imagination
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, fifth sixth, or Life Spider ch 9 Garden Spiders: Building Web, first quarter
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe (first third)
Week 22
Bible: Exodus 9-15, Luke 22, Psalms 50-51, Proverbs 15:17-33
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIX
Bright Valley of Love ch 8 To Glorify God, first half
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 28 The Wars of the Roses,
or Arnold-Forster ch 32. Edward IV
Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 3 ch 8-11
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 34 Repetition; Lesson 35 Transfer
The Brendan Voyage ch 10 Emergency to "and then calculate our speed." or Kon Tiki ch 6, third quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 29 The Death of the Poet King
Chaucer Golden Key: Franklin's Tale (Promise of Dorigen)
Ivanhoe ch 40, second half; 41
Watership Down ch 39-41
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 22)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 22 May in the Green-Wood
Character is Destiny ch 3 Character is what you are in the dark, second half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 54-55 ch V The Beauty Sense
Secrets of the Universe ch 14 Mendeleev's Periodic Law p. 125-133
Wonder Book of Chemistry 16 Rust
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 61-63
Social Life Insects ch 14 Great Peacock, last sixth, or Life Spider ch 9 Garden Spiders: Building Web, second quarter
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe (second third)
Week 23
Bible: Exodus 16-22, Luke 23, Psalms 52-54, Proverbs 16:1-16
Pursuit of Holiness ch 10 The Place of Personal Discipline, first half
Bright Valley of Love ch 8 To Glorify God, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 1 ch 20 Savonarola
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 29 The Adventures of Edward IV,
or Arnold-Forster ch 33. The Invention of Printing
Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 3 ch 12-18
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 36 Snob Appeal
The Brendan Voyage ch 10 Emergency from "Friday the thirteenth" to "down to a safer margin." or Kon Tiki ch 6, last quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 30 Dunbar - The Wedding of the Thistle and the Rose
Chaucer Golden Key: Pardoner's Tale (The Revelers Who Went to Meet Death)
Ivanhoe ch 42, 43
Watership Down ch 42-46
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 23)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 23 Carol
Character is Destiny ch 4 The final forming of a person's character lies in
Secrets of the Universe ch 15 The First Law of Thermodynamics p. 134-141
Wonder Book of Chemistry 17 At the Blacksmith's
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 63-65
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 56-65 ch VI My Lord Chief Attorney General, Reason
Social Life Insects ch 15 Oak Eggar/Banded Monk, first half, or Life Spider ch 9 Garden Spiders: Building Web, third quarter
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Brahe (last third)
Week 24
Bible: Exodus 23-31, Luke 24, Psalms 55-56, Proverbs 16:17-33
Screwtape Letters: Letter XX
Pursuit of Holiness ch 10 The Place of Personal Discipline, second half
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 01 Martin Luther
Churchill Birth of Britain ch 30 Richard III,
or Arnold-Forster ch 34. Edward V and Richard III: (1) The Last of the Plantagenets, (2) The First of the Tudors, (3) The Union of the Roses
Twain's Joan of Arch Bk 3 ch 19-conclusion
Fallacy Detective: Lesson 37 Appeal to Tradition and Hi-Tech, Lesson 38 Find Some Propaganda on your own
The Brendan Voyage ch 10 Emergency from "Then it was time to pay out" to end of ch.
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 31 At the Sign of the Red Pale
Ivanhoe ch 44
Watership Down ch 47-epilogue
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 24)
Oxford Book of English Verse: 24 Quia Amore Langueo
Character is Destiny ch 5 Character is higher than intellect
Secrets of the Universe ch 16 The Second Law of Thermodynamics p. 142-148
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 65-67
Social Life Insects ch 15 Oak Eggar/Banded Monk, last half, or Life Spider ch 9 Garden Spiders: Building Web, last quarter
Week 25 (Begins Renaissance era)
Bible: Exodus 32-40, Matthew 1-2, Psalms 57-59, Proverbs 17
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 11 Holiness in Body
Bright Valley of Love ch 9 The Ugliest of Times, first third
Churchill The New World ch 1 The Round World,
or Arnold-Forster ch 35. Henry VII, first half
Martin Luther's speech before the Diet of Eorms
A Man for All Seasons, Act I, first half
The Brendan Voyage ch 11 Greenland Sea to "it should be somewhere."
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 32 About the Beginning of the Theater
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 1
Francis Bacon essay: Of Truth
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 1, 2
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Intro, poem, Letters to Peter Giles pg xi-10
I Promessi Sposi ch 1 or Westward Ho! ch 1
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 25)
Shakespeare Sonnet 18
Character is Destiny ch 6 Excellence is habit
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 1 The Activity and Art of Reading
Lay of the Land ch 4 The Nature-Student, first half
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, first sixth, or Life Spider ch 10 Garden Spiders: my Neighbour, first third
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
Secrets of the Universe ch 17 Electromagnetism p. 149-158, 1/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 18 Hydrogen, first half
Great Astronomers: Galileo, first quarter (if you did not do Galileo and the Magic Numbers in Year 6)
Signs and Seasons: ch 3 The Cycle of the Month, spend 8 weeks, with field work
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 67-69
Week 26
Bible: Leviticus 1-10, Matthew 3-4, Psalms 60-62, Proverbs 18
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 12 Holiness in Spirit
Bright Valley of Love ch 9 The Ugliest of Times, middle third
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 02 Sir Thomas More
Churchill The New World ch 2 The Tudor Dynasty, 3 King Henry VIII,
or Arnold-Forster ch 35 Henry VII, second half, ch 36. Henry VIII and England at War
A Man for All Seasons, Act I, second half
The Brendan Voyage ch 11 Greenland Sea from "Arthur always had the bad luck" to "unable to fly due to bad weather." or Kon Tiki ch 7, first quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 33 How the Shepherd Watched their Flocks
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 34 The Story of Everyman
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 3, 4
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 11-19: Letter to Busleiden
I Promessi Sposi ch 2 or Westward Ho! ch 2
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 26)
Shakespeare Sonnet 30
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 2
Francis Bacon essay: Of Revenge
Character is Destiny ch 7 Whatever is true. . . first half
CM's Ourselves Book I pg 66-72 Desires; Prizes, Place
Lay of the Land ch 4 The Nature-Student, second half
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, third sixth, or Life Spider ch 10 Garden Spiders: my Neighbour, last third
Secrets of the Universe ch 17 Electromagnetism p. 149-158, 2/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 18 Hydrogen, second half
Great Astronomers: Galileo, second quarter (if you did not do Galileo and the Magic Numbers in Year 6)
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 69-71
Week 27
Bible: Leviticus 11-18, Matthew 5, Psalms 63-65, Proverbs 19:1-15
Pursuit of Holiness ch 13 Holiness and Our Wills
Bright Valley of Love ch 9 The Ugliest of Times, last third
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 03 Ignatius Loyola
Churchill The New World ch 4 Cardinal Wolsey,
or Arnold-Forster ch 37. The Great Cardinal and the King's Divorce
A Man for All Seasons, Act II, first half
The Brendan Voyage ch 11 Greenland Sea from "On May 29 Brendan at last" to end of ch. or Kon Tiki ch 7, first quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 35 How a Poet Comforted a Girl
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 5, 6
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 19-28
I Promessi Sposi ch 3, 4 or Westward Ho! ch 3
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 3
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 27)
Shakespeare Sonnet 31
Character is Destiny ch 7 Whatever is true. . . second half
Francis Bacon essay: Of Adversity
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 2 The Levels of Reading
Lay of the Land ch 5 Chickadee
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, third sixth, or Life Spider ch 10 Garden Spiders: my Neighbour, last third
First Studies in Plant Life ch 8 The Stem
Secrets of the Universe ch 18 Ohm's Law, Joule's Law p. 159-168, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 19 A Drop of Water, first half
Great Astronomers: Galileo, third quarter (if you did not do Galileo and the Magic Numbers in Year 6)
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 71-74
Week 28
Bible: Leviticus 19-25, Matthew 6, Psalms 66-67, Proverbs 19:16-29
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 14 Habits of Holiness
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 04 Thomas Cranmer
Churchill The New World ch 5 The Break with Rome,
or Arnold-Forster ch 38. The Protestant Reformation, ch 39. Henry as Head of the Church
A Man for All Seasons, Act II, second half
The Brendan Voyage ch 12 Puncture in the Ice to "been a very close call."
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 36 The Renaissance
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 37 The Land of Nowhere
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 4
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 7, 8
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 28-37
I Promessi Sposi ch 5, 6 or Westward Ho! ch 4
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 28)
Shakespeare Sonnet 53
Francis Bacon essay: Of Innovations
Character is Destiny ch 8 To enjoy the things
CM's Ourselves Book I pg 73-80 Desires Pt 2
Lay of the Land ch 6 The Missing Tooth
Secrets of the Universe ch 18 Ohm's Law, Joule's Law p. 159-168, 2/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 19 A Drop of Water, second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 12 The World of Clouds pg 74-77
Great Astronomers: Galileo, last quarter (if you did not do Galileo and the Magic Numbers in Year 6)
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, fourth sixth, or Life Spider ch 11 Garden Spiders: Lime-Snare, first half
Week 29
Bible: Leviticus 26-27; Numbers 1-4, Matthew 7, Psalms 68, Proverbs 20:1-15
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIV
Bright Valley of Love ch 10 The Unshakable Kingdom, first third
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 05 John Calvin
Churchill The New World ch 6 The End of the Monasteries,
or Arnold-Forster ch 40. Edward VI
Everyman, first third
The Brendan Voyage ch 12 Puncture in the Ice from "Trondur and Arthur were soon up" to "growler lying in Brendan's path." or Kon Tiki ch 7, third quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 38 The Death of Sir Thomas More
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 5
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 3 Elementary Reading
I Promessi Sposi ch 7 or Westward Ho! ch 5
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 29)
Shakespeare Sonnet 54
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 9, 10
Character is Destiny ch 9 No one who desires to become, first half
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 37-47
Francis Bacon essay: Of Regiment of Health
Secrets of the Universe ch 19 Relativity p. 169-178, first half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 20 A Piece of Chalk
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 13 Winds That Do No Good pg 79-81
Lay of the Land ch 7 The Sign of the Shad-bush
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, fifth sixth, or Life Spider ch 11 Garden Spiders: Lime-Snare, last half of ch
First Studies in Plant Life ch 9 The Root
Week 30
Bible: Numbers 5-10, Matthew 8-9, Psalms 69-70, Proverbs 20:16-30
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 15 Holiness and Faith
Bright Valley of Love ch 10 The Unshakable Kingdom, middle third
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 06 John Knox
Churchill The New World ch 7 The Protestant Struggle,
or Arnold-Forster ch 41. What the Reformation Meant, ch 42. Mary, ch 43. Elizabeth--The Protestant Queen
Everyman, second third
The Brendan Voyage ch 12 Puncture in the Ice from "As soon as the first watch ended" to end of ch. or Kon Tiki ch 7, last quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 39 How the Sonnet Came to England
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 6
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 30, 31)
I Promessi Sposi ch 8, 9 or Westward Ho! ch 6
Shakespeare Sonnet 73
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 11, 12
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 49-middle of 58
Francis Bacon essay: Of Suspicion
Character is Destiny ch 9 No one who desires to become, second half
CM's Ourselves Book I pg 81-86 Ways Love
Lay of the Land ch 8 The Nature Movement
Social Life Insects ch 17 Elephant-Beetle, last sixth, or Life Spider ch 12 Garden Spiders: Telegraph-Wirey, first half
Secrets of the Universe ch 19 Relativity p. 169-178, second half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 21 Carbonic-Acid Gas
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 13 Winds That Do No Good pg 81-84
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers this term
Week 31
Bible: Numbers 11-18, Matthew 10, Psalms 71-72, Proverbs 21:1-15
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 16 Holiness in an Unholy World
Bright Valley of Love ch 10 The Unshakable Kingdom, last third
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 07 Gaspard de Coligny
Churchill The New World ch 8 Good Queen Bess,
or Arnold-Forster ch 44 Mary Queen of Scots, ch 45. Protestants and Roman Catholics
Everyman, second third
The Brendan Voyage ch 13 Land in the West to "clothed in imaginative detail."
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 40 The Beginning of Blank Verse
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 41 Spenser - "The Shepherd's Calendar"
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 7
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 32)
Shakespeare Sonnet 87
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 13, 14
Character is Destiny ch 10 Example is not the main thing, first half
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 58-middle of 67
I Promessi Sposi ch 10, 11 or Westward Ho! ch 7
Francis Bacon essay: Of Discourse
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 4 Inspectional Reading
Lay of the Land ch 9 June
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, first fifth, or Life Spider ch 12 Garden Spiders: Telegraph-Wire, last half of ch
Secrets of the Universe ch 20 Quantum Mechanics p. 179-191, 1/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 22 Different Kinds of Water
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 14 Atmospheric Antics pg 85-87
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers this term
Week 32
Bible: Numbers 19-23, Matthew 11, Psalms 73, Proverbs 21:16-29
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 17 The Joy of Holiness
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 08 William the Silent
Churchill The New World ch 9 The Spanish Armada, 10 Gloriana,
or Arnold-Forster ch 46. The Great Armada, ch 47. Last Years of the Great Queen, ch 48. A New World and a New Age; ch 49. Literature and Art in the Tudor Period
Queen Elizabeth's speech before the Armada
The Brendan Voyage ch 13 Land in the West from "Where, then, was the Land" to end of ch. or Kon Tiki ch 8 1/3
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 42 Spenser - "The Faery Queen"
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 43 Spenser - His Last Days
I Promessi Sposi ch 12, 13 or Westward Ho! ch 8
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 33)
Shakespeare Sonnet 90
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 15, 16
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 67-middle of 76
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 8
Character is Destiny ch 10 Example is not the main thing, second half
CM's Ourselves Book I pg 87-90 Pity
Francis Bacon essay: Of Riches
Lay of the Land ch 10 Broken Feather
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, second fifth, or Life Spider ch 13 Garden Spiders: Pairing and Hunting, first third
Secrets of the Universe ch 20 Quantum Mechanics p. 179-191, 2/2
Wonder Book of Chemistry 23 Plants at Work, first half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 14 Atmospheric Antics pg 87-88
The Story of Painting: Explorers and Discoverers this term
Week 33
Bible: Numbers 24-25, Matthew 12, Psalms 74-76, Proverbs 22
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVIII
Bright Valley of Love: Epilog (1976) AND Update (2021)
Churchill The New World ch 11 The United Crowns,
or Arnold-Forster ch 50. Parliament--Dress--Dwellings--Schools--The Calendar, ch 51. James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, first third
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: pg 2-top of pg 13 to "no harm done" (pdf file)
The Brendan Voyage Appendix I The Navigatio or Kon Tiki ch 8 2/3
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 44 About the First Theaters
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 9
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 5 How to Be a Demanding Reader
I Promessi Sposi ch 14 or Westward Ho! ch 9
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 34, 35)
Shakespeare Sonnet 94
I, Pencil if you're not using Whatever Happened to Justice
Character is Destiny ch 11 A man never describes
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 76-middle of 85
Francis Bacon essay: Of Youth and Age
Lay of the Land ch 11 High Noon
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, third fifth, or Life Spider ch 13 Garden Spiders: Pairing and Hunting, second third
Secrets of the Universe ch 21 Conservation Mass/Energy p. 192-197
Wonder Book of Chemistry 23 Plants at Work, second half
Eric Sloane's Weather Book ch 14 Atmospheric Antics pg 88-90
First Studies in Plant Life ch 10 Leaves
Signs and Seasons: ch 4 The Tabernacle for the Sun, first half, spend 4 weeks, with field work
Johannes Kepler, first fourth (either Great Astronomers, or other biography)
Week 34
Bible: Numbers 26-32, Matthew 13, Psalms 77, Proverbs 23:1-18
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIX
Saints and Heroes by George Hodges Vol 2 ch 09 William Brewster
Churchill The New World ch 12 The Mayflower,
or Arnold-Forster ch 51. James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, second third
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: pg 13-25 (pdf file)
The Brendan Voyage Appendix II The Navigatio and Brendan or Kon Tiki ch 8 3/3
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 45 Shakespeare - The Boy
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 46 Shakespeare - The Man
I Promessi Sposi ch 15 or Westward Ho! ch 10, 11
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 36, 37)
Shakespeare Sonnet 97
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 17, 18
Character is Destiny ch 12 You can follow all the rules
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 85-93
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 10
Francis Bacon essay: Of Studies
CM's Ourselves Book I pg 91-94 Benevolence
Secrets of the Universe ch 22 The Uncertainty Principle p. 198-203
Wonder Book of Chemistry 24 Sulphur
Lay of the Land ch 12 The Palace in the Pig-pen
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, fourth fifth, or Life Spider ch 13 Garden Spiders: Pairing and Hunting, last third
Johannes Kepler, second fourth (either Great Astronomers, or other biography)
Week 35
Bible: Numbers 33-36; Deuteronomy 1-2, Matthew 14, Psalms 78, Proverbs 23:19-35
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXX
Churchill The New World ch 13 Charles I and Buckingham,
or Arnold-Forster ch 51. James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, last third, ch 52. Charles I--How the King angered the Parliament, first half
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: pg 26-36 (pdf file)
The Brendan Voyage Appendix III Brendan, first half
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 47 Shakespeare - "The Merchant of Venice"
I Promessi Sposi ch 16 or Westward Ho! ch 12, 13
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 38)
Shakespeare Sonnet 104
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 19, 20
Character is Destiny ch 13 Sow a thought, reap an act
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 93-102
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 11
Secrets of the Universe Appendix The Inverse Square Laws p. 204-207
Wonder Book of Chemistry 25 Chlorine
Lay of the Land ch 13 An Account with Nature
Social Life Insects ch 20 Grey Locust, last fifth, or Life Spider ch 14 Garden Spiders: Question of Propertyy, first half
Johannes Kepler, third fourth (either Great Astronomers, or other biography)
Week 36
Bible: Deuteronomy 3-8, Matthew 15-16:12, Psalms 79, Proverbs 24:1-15
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXXI
Churchill The New World ch 14 The Personal Rule,
or Arnold-Forster ch 52. Charles I--How the King angered the Parliament, second half
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: pg 37-end (pdf file)
The Brendan Voyage Appendix III Brendan, last half
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 48 Jonson - "Every Man in his Humor"
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 49 Jonson - "The Sad Shepherd"
I Promessi Sposi ch 17, 18 or Westward Ho! ch 14 (continues into next year)
Grammar: Work through your program (or Our Mother Tongue: Lesson 39)
Shakespeare Sonnet 116
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 21, 22 (book continues into next year)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 102-113
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 12
Character is Destiny ch 14 I have found who is responsible
CM's Ourselves Book I pg 95-98 Sympathy
Lay of the Land ch 15 The Lay of the Land
Life Spider ch 14 Garden Spiders: Question of Property, last half
Wonder Book of Chemistry 26 Nitrogen Compounds
Johannes Kepler, last fourth (either Great Astronomers, or other biography)
Free Reading (missed from regular booklist)
The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey
Age of Chivalry by Thomas Bulfinch Part I (about King Arthur)
Page counts for this schedule (if the texts were printed at 320 words per page); Plutarch's Lives (one per term) would add 35-55 pages to the term, and a Shakespeare play would add 46-95 pages to the term.):
Term 1
Bible 143 pgs
Bright Valley of Love 28 pgs
Pursuit of Holiness 41 pgs
Screwtape Letters 26 pgs
Birth of Britain ch 1-15 242 pgs
Saints and Heroes ch 1-12 76 pgs
Asser's Life of Alfred 42 pgs
Bede's Ecclesiastical History 27 pgs
Walmesbury's account of the Battle of Hastings 5 pgs
The Magna Carta 11 pgs
The Once and Future King, Books I and II 360 pgs
Ourselves p 1-23 17 pgs
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 1-15 81 pgs
Ivanhoe Intro-ch 24 295 pgs
Beowulf 123 pgs
Fallacy Detective, first half 68 pgs
Brendan Voyage, 1/3 121 pgs or KonTiki, 1/3 103 pgs
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, 3/4 67 pgs
Watership Down ch 1-10 53 pgs
Life of the Spider or Social Life of Insect 45 pgs
Sloane's Weather Book 30 pgs
Great Astronomers Intro, Ptolemy 23 pgs
First Studies of Plant Life 16 pgs
Secrets of the Universe ch 1-7 53 pgs
Painting How Painting Began, half of Middle Ages 16 pgs
Wonder Book of Chemistry 97 pgs
Total 2088 pgs Plus Oxford Book English Poetry
Term 2
Bible 136 pgs
Saints and Heroes ch 13-20; ch 1 61 pgs
Bright Valley of Love 65 pgs
Pursuit of Holiness 40 pgs
Screwtape Letters 27 pgs
Birth of Britain ch 16-30 230 pgs
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 16-31 92 pgs
Ivanhoe ch 25-44 283 pgs
Watership Down ch 11-epilogue 455 pgs
Chaucer: Golden Key 158 pgs
Lang's Joan of Arc 64 pgs
Fallacy detective half, 68 pgs
Ourselves pg 24-65 37 pgs
Brendan Voyage, 1/3 121 pgs or KonTiki, 1/3 103 pgs
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, last quarter 23 pgs
Character is Destiny, ch 1-5 56 pgs
Life of the Spider or Social Life of Insect 48 pgs
Sloane's Weather Book 30 pgs
Great Astronomers Copernicus, Brahe 23 pgs
First Studies of Plant Life 10 pgs
Secrets of the Universe ch 8-16 53 pgs
Painting half of Middle Ages, Ecplorers and Discovers 32 pgs
Wonder Book of Chemistry 98 pgs
Total 2192 pgs Plus Oxford Book English Poetry
Term 3
Bible 141 pgs
Bright Valley of Love 51 pgs
Pursuit of Holiness 40 pgs
Screwtape Letters 32 pgs
Saints and Heroes, vol 2 ch 2-9 87 pgs
Churchill's New World ch 1-14 202 pgs
Diet of Worms 4 pgs
Man for All Seasons 88 pgs
Everyman 23 pgs
Plymouth Journal 89 pgs
How to Read a Book ch 1-5 55 pgs
Ourselves pg 66-98 29 pgs
Utopia 136 pgs
Whatever Happened to Justice, second half 83 pgs
Character is Destiny ch 6-14 80 pgs
Fierce Loves Faithful Loves 136 pgs
Francis Bacon 10 essays 19 pgs
Brendan Voyage, 1/3 121 pgs (or KonTiki, 1/3 103 pgs)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 32-49 119 pgs
Westward Ho, 1/2 395 pgs (or I Promesi Sposi 1/2 229 pgs)
Shakespeare Sonnets 7 pgs
Story Painting
Social Life of Insects (or Spiders) 50 pgs
Sloane's Weather Book 30 pgs
First Studies of Plant Life ch 8-10 16 pgs
Great Astronomers Kepler 14 pgs
Secrets of the Universe ch 17-end 53 pgs
The Lay of the Land ch 4-13 and 15 94 pgs
Wonder Book of Chemistry 120 pgs
2314 pgs plus Painting