AmblesideOnline Year 10 36-Week Schedule
As a help for scheduling Year 10 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Daily Work:
- Narration of every scheduled reading, either orally or written
- Copywork
- Mathematics
- Foreign language
- Recitation
- Science, such as Apologia
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
Weekly Work:
- Current Events (Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs)
- Dictation and additional writing assignments
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
- Artist/Picture Study
- Grammar
- One of Plutarch's Lives spread over each term
- A Shakespeare play spread over each term
Weekly Readings
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.
Week 01
Bible: 2 Kings 1, 2; John 1:1-32; Psalm 1, 2; Proverbs 17:1-13
The Cost of Discipleship ch 1 Costly Grace, first half
God's Smuggler Prologue
or The Little Woman ch 1 China's Millions, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 1 Victory Peace beginning to "it seemed that a corner had been
turned." (or Johnson's History of the American People Part 3: 284-292 to "Congress price, $1.25 an acre.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 1 and 2
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 1, 2
Up From Slavery Introduction, ch 1
Eothen ch 1, 2
One Race One Blood: Introduction
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Introduction
How to Read a Book, ch 20; read and discuss over 4 weeks
Invitation to the Classics: The Purpose of Invitation to the Classics
The Law, Bastiat: The law perverted!, Life is a Gift From God, What is
Law?, A Just and Enduring Government, The Complete Perversion of the
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 1-4
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 1 An Upright Man (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 1 (or use the schedule for Elements of Style
from Year 9)
Six Easy Pieces - pg ix-xviii Introduction
Walden 1. Economy - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 02
Bible: 2 Kings 3, 4; John 1:35-ch 2; Psalm 3, 4; Proverbs 17:4-28
The Cost of Discipleship ch 1 Costly Grace, second half
God's Smuggler ch 1 Smoke and Bread Crusts, first half
or The Little Woman ch 1 China's Millions, second half
The Great Democracies, ch 1 Victory Peace from "Once again in English history the
personal affairs" to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 292-301 from All the same, speculation and land" to "became a prosperous corporation.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 3
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 3
Up From Slavery ch 2
Eothen ch 3, 4
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 1-4
One Race One Blood ch 1 Darwin's Garden
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 1 The Medium is the Metaphor, first half
How to Read a Book, ch 20; read and discuss over 4 weeks
Invitation to the Classics: The Importance of the Classics
The Law, Bastiat: A Fatal Tendency of Mankind, Property and Plunder,
Victims of Lawful Plunder, The Result of Legal Plunder, The Fate of
Non-Conformists, Who Shall Judge?
Essay by Montaigne That
It Is Folly to Measure Truth and Error by Our Own Capacity
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 5-8
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 1 An Upright Man (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 2
The Sea Around Us ch 9. Wind and Water (spend 2 weeks if necessary)
Six Easy Pieces pg xix-xxiii Special Preface
Walden 1. Economy - allow 2 weeks
Short Story: My Kinsman, Major Molineux by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1832)
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 03
Bible: 2 Kings 5, 6; John 3:1-36; Psalm 5, 6; Proverbs 18:1-10
The Cost of Discipleship ch 2 The Call to Discipleship, first third
God's Smuggler ch 1 Smoke and Bread Crusts, second half
or The Little Woman ch 2 Moving Out, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 2 Canning the Duke from beginning to "still lingers in my ear
the melody of that voice." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 301-311 from "It is a curious fact that" to many of the old tobacco plantations.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 4 and 5
The Holy Alliance Treaty September 26, 1815 or here
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 4
Up From Slavery ch 3, 4
Eothen ch 5
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 5/6
One Race One Blood ch 2 A Bridge Too Far, first half
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 1 The Medium is the Metaphor, second half
How to Read a Book, ch 20; read and discuss over 4 weeks
Invitation to the Classics: The Classics Are Not the "Canon"
The Law, Bastiat: The Reason Why Voting is Restricted, The Answer is to
Restrict the Law, The fatal Idea of legal Plunder, Perverted Law Causes
Conflict, Slavery and Tariffs are Plunder, Two Kinds of Plunder
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 9-12
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 2 The Fall (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 3
The Sea Around Us ch 9. Wind and Water (spend 2 weeks if necessary)
Six Easy Pieces pg xxv-xxix Feynmn's Preface
Walden 2. Where I Lived, & What I Lived for - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 04
Bible: 2 Kings 7, 8; John 4:1-42; Psalm 7, 8; Proverbs 18:1-24
The Cost of Discipleship ch 2 The Call to Discipleship, middle third
God's Smuggler ch 2 The Yellow Straw Hat, first half
or The Little Woman ch 2 Moving Out, second half
The Great Democracies, ch 2 Canning the Duke from "Canning's death at a critical moment"
to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 311-320 from "The Founding Fathers" to "made to achieve a compromise always.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 6 and 7
Catholic Emancipation Page (short)
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 5
Up From Slavery ch 5, 6
Eothen ch 6, 7
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 6-9
One Race One Blood ch 2 A Bridge Too Far, second half
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 2 Media as Epistemology, first half
How to Read a Book, ch 20; read and discuss over 4 weeks
Invitation to the Classics: Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice
The Law, Bastiat: The Law Defends Plunder, How to Identify legal
Plunder, Legal Plunder has Many Names, Socialism is Legal Plunder, The
Choice Before Us, The Proper Function of the Law, The Seductive Lure of
Socialism, Enforced Fraternity Destroys Liberty
Essay by Montaigne Of
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 13-16
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 2 The Fall (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 4
Six Easy Pieces pg 1-4 Introduction
Great Astronomers: Sir John Herschel, first half
Walden 2. Where I Lived, & What I Lived for - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 05
Bible: 2 Kings 9, 10; John 4:43-5:15; Psalm 9; Proverbs 19:1-10
The Cost of Discipleship ch 2 The Call to Discipleship, last third
God's Smuggler ch 2 The Yellow Straw Hat, second half
or The Little Woman ch 3 From the Net of the Fowler, first third
The Great Democracies, ch 3 Reform and Free Trade from beginning to "alighted in the
course of their journey." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 320-330 from "This second tradition, upheld for so long" to "of presidential charisma in American history.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 8 and 9
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 6
Up From Slavery ch 7, 8
Eothen ch 8
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 9-11
One Race One Blood ch 3 The True Origin of the Species, first half
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 2 Media as Epistemology, second half
How to Read a Book, ch 21
Invitation to the Classics: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Faust
The Law, Bastiat: Plunder Violates Ownership, Three Systems of Plunder,
Law is Force, Law is a Negative Concept, The Political Approach, The
Law and Charity, The Law and Education, The Law and Morals
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 17-20
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 3 The Year 1817 (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 5
Walden 3. Reading - allow 2 weeks
Great Astronomers: Sir John Herschel, second half
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 06
Bible: 2 Kings 11, 12; John 5:16-6:21; Psalm 10, 11; Proverbs 19:11-21
The Cost of Discipleship ch 3 Singleminded Obedience
God's Smuggler ch 3 The Pebble in the Shell
or The Little Woman ch 3 From the Net of the Fowler, middle third
The Great Democracies, ch 3 Reform and Free Trade from "In 1837 King William died." to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 330-339 from "The presidential election of 1824" to "and essentially Virginian Ascendancy.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 10
Robert Peel's resignation speech 1846
Also check out some resources at
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 7, 8
Up From Slavery ch 9, 10
Eothen ch 9, 10
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 12/13
One Race One Blood ch 3 The True Origin of the Species, second half
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 3 Typographic America, first half
Invitation to the Classics: Wordsworth and Coleridge - Lyrical Ballads
The Law, Bastiat: 6, A Confusion of Terms, The Influence of Socialist
Writers, The Socialists Wish to Play God, The Socialists Despise
Mankind, A Defense of Compulsory Labor, A Defense of Paternal
Essay by Montaigne Of the Inequality Among Us
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 21-24
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 3 The Year 1817 (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 6
Walden 3. Reading - allow 2 weeks
Six Easy Pieces pg 4-10 Matter is Made of Atoms
Short Story: Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1835; from Mosses from an Old Manse) Ω
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 07
Bible: 2 Kings 13, 14; John 6:22-60; Psalm 12, 13, 14; Proverbs 19:22-29
The Cost of Discipleship ch 4 Discipleship and the Cross
God's Smuggler ch 4 One Stormy Night
or The Little Woman ch 3 From the Net of the Fowler, last third
The Great Democracies, ch 4 The Crimean War from beginning to "arts and to socialism in
politics." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 339-349 from "To Jackson, then, it was a hostile city" to "million in gifts and annuities.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 11 and 12
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 9
Up From Slavery ch 11,12
Eothen ch 11, 12
Invitation to the Classics: German Classics
One Race One Blood ch 4 The Human Kind
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 3 Typographic America, second half
The Law, Bastiat: The Idea of Passive Mankind, Socialists Ignore Reason
and Facts, Socialists Want to Regiment People, A Famous Name and an
Evil Idea, A Frightful Idea
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 25-28
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 4 To Trust is Sometimes to Surrender
The Sea Around Us ch 10. Wind, Sun, and the Spinning of the Earth
The Book on Writing ch 7
Walden 4. Sounds - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 08
Bible: 2 Kings 15-16:12; John 6:61-7:27; Psalm 15, 16; Proverbs 20:1-14
The Cost of Discipleship ch 5 Discipleship and the Individual
God's Smuggler ch 5 The Step of Yes, first half
or The Little Woman ch 4 Among the Mules
The Great Democracies, ch 4 The Crimean War from "Foreign affairs and the threat of war"
to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 349-358 from "Cass was a sophisticated man" to "Depression made it certain he would lose.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 13 and half of 14 (pg 173)
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 10
Up From Slavery ch 13
Eothen ch 13-15
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 14/15
One Race One Blood ch 5 One Blood
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 4 The Typographic Mind, first third
Invitation to the Classics: John Keats - The Great Odes
The Law, Bastiat: The Leader of the Democrats, Socialists Want Forced
Conformity, Legislators Desire to Mold Mankind, Legislators Told How to
Manage Men, A Temporary Dictatorship, Socialists want Equality of Wealth
Essay by Montaigne Of
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 29-32
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 5 The Descent
The Book on Writing ch 8
Six Easy Pieces ppg 10-15 Atomic Processes
Great Astronomers: William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse
Walden 4. Sounds - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 09
Bible: 2 Kings 16:13-ch 18; John 7:28-53; Psalm 17; Proverbs 20:15-30
The Cost of Discipleship ch 6 The Beatitudes
God's Smuggler ch 5 The Step of Yes, second half
or The Little Woman ch 5 Among the Feet
The Great Democracies, ch 5 Palmerston from beginning to "bitter mark in the memory of
both countries." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 358-367 from "If there were any justice in politics" to "written about a river, Life on the Mississippi.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 14b and 15
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 11
Up From Slavery ch 14
Eothen ch 16, 17
One Race One Blood ch 6 One Flesh
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 4 The Typographic Mind, middle third
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 15/16
The Law, Bastiat: The Error of the Socialist Writers, What is Liberty?,
Philanthropic Tyranny, The Socialists Want Dictatorship, Dictatorial
Arrogance, The Indirect Approach to Despotism
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 33-36
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 6 Javert
The Book on Writing ch 9
Microbe Hunters ch 3 Pasteur (there are 8 sections; space it out for
the week if desired)
Walden 5. Solitude - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 10
Bible: 2 Kings 19, 20; John 8:1-47; Psalm 18; Proverbs 21:1-11
The Cost of Discipleship ch 7 The Visible Community
God's Smuggler ch 6 The Game of the Royal Way, first half
or The Little Woman ch 6 Ninepence
The Great Democracies, ch 5 Palmerston from "While these events unrolled in India" to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 367-377 from "At their peak, there were 6,000" to "He did all these things.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 16
Garibaldi's speech 1860
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 12
Up From Slavery ch 15
Eothen ch 18
One Race One Blood ch 7 Grace Relations
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 4 The Typographic Mind, last third
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 16-18
The Law, Bastiat: Napoleon Wanted Passive Mankind, The Vicious Circle
of Socialism, The Doctrine of the Democrats, The Socialist Concept of
Liberty, Socialists Fear All Liberties, The Superman Idea, The
Socialists Reject Free Choice
Essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson Art
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 37-39
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 7 The Champmathieu Affair (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 10
Walden 5. Solitude - allow 2 weeks
Great Astronomers: Sir William Rowan Hamilton, first third
Short Story: The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe (1839)
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 11
Bible: 2 Kings 21-23:18; John 8:48-ch 9; Psalm 19; Proverbs 21:12-20
The Cost of Discipleship ch 8 The Righteousness of Christ
God's Smuggler ch 6 The Game of the Royal Way, second half
or The Little Woman ch 7 Mrs. Ching, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 6 Canada and South Africa entire chapter (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 377-386 from "He also got America into war" to "Unknown President Polk.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 17, 18, 19
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 13
Up From Slavery ch 16
Eothen ch 19-22
One Race One Blood ch 8 New Seeds
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 5 The Peek-a-Boo World, first half
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 18-21
The Law, Bastiat: The cause of French Revolutions, The Enormous Power
of Government, Politics and Economics, Proper Legislative Functions,
Law and Charity are Not the Same
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 40-42
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 7 The Champmathieu Affair (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 11
Great Astronomers: Sir William Rowan Hamilton, middle third
Six Easy Pieces pg 15-23 Chemical Reactions
Walden 6. Visitors - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 12
Bible: 2 Kings 23:19-ch 25; John 10; Psalm 20; Proverbs 21:21-31
The Cost of Discipleship ch 9 The Brother
God's Smuggler ch 7 Behind the Iron Curtain
or The Little Woman ch 7 Mrs. Ching, second half
The Great Democracies, ch 7 Australia and New Zealand entire chapter (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 386--394 from "The great California gold rush of 1849" to "was having a college education.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 20, 21
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin 14
Up From Slavery ch 17
Eothen ch 23, 24
One Race One Blood ch Appendix A: Hijacking the Civil Rights Bus
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 5 The Peek-a-Boo World, second half
The Law, Bastiat: The High Road to Communism, The Basis for Stable
Government, Justice Means Equal Rights, The Path to Dignity and
Progress, Proof of an Idea, The Desire to Rule Over Others, Let Us Now
Try Liberty
Essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson Nature
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 43-45
Les Miserables Vol 1 Book 8 Counter-Stroke
The Book on Writing ch 12
Great Astronomers: Sir William Rowan Hamilton, last third
Walden 6. Visitors - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 1 Neoclassism and Romanticism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Optional Exam Week
Term 2
Week 13
Bible: 1 Chronicles 1, 2; John 11:1-44; Psalm 21; Proverbs 22:1-14
The Cost of Discipleship ch 10 Woman
God's Smuggler ch 8 The Cup of Suffering
or The Little Woman ch 8 The Lull Before the Storm, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 8 American Epic from beginning to "the inexperience of their
leaders in such affairs." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 394-405 from "By any statistical standards, America made enormous progress" to "pristine morality of the American ideal.")
Missouri Compromise, 1820
Arguing About Slavery ch 22
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 1 OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 1 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln preface, ch 1-3
Eothen ch 25-27
Frankenstein preface, introduction, etc
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: introduction (not all editions have an introduction)
Invitation to the Classics: Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 1 Waterloo (two weeks)
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 6 The Age of Show Business, first half
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave Preface: The Gods of the Mind and Introduction
The Book on Writing ch 13
Six Easy Pieces pg 23 Basic Physics Introduction
Walden 7. The Bean-Field - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 14
Bible: 1 Chronicles 3-5:17; John 11:45-12:19; Psalm 22; Proverbs 22:15-29
The Cost of Discipleship ch 11 Truthfulness
God's Smuggler ch 9 The Foundations Are Laid
or The Little Woman ch 8 The Lull Before the Storm, second half
The Great Democracies, ch 8 American Epic from "The westward tide rolled on" to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 405-414 from "The first Americsn intellectual and writer" to "--the commercial salesman.")
The 1850 compromise included the end of the slave trade in Washington, DC
Arguing About Slavery ch 23, 24
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 2 OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 2 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 4-6
Eothen ch 28, 29 (end)
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 6 The Age of Show Business, second half
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 1 Biology is Destiny: Darwin
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 21-25
Essay by Quiller-Couch The Practice of Writing
Frankenstein ch 1, 2
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 1
Invitation to the Classics: Ralph Waldo Emerson - Essays
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 1 Waterloo (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 14
Great Astronomers: Sir George Biddell Airy
Walden 7. The Bean-Field - allow 2 weeks
Short Story: The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol (1842; audio here)
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 15
Bible: 1 Chronicles 5:18-7:12; John 12:20-50; Psalm 23, 24; Proverbs 23:1-11
The Cost of Discipleship ch 12 Revenge
God's Smuggler ch 10 Lanterns in the Dark
or The Little Woman ch 9 At War, first third
The Great Democracies, ch 9 Slavery and Secession entire chapter (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 414-419 from "Whitman first published his central work" to end of chapter)
Dred Scott Decision, 1857
Arguing About Slavery ch 25, 26
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 3 OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 3 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 7-9
The Oregon Trail ch 1
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 7 Now . . .This, first half
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 2 Thinking Further About Science
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 25/26
Frankenstein ch 3, 4, 5
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 2
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 2 The Ship Orion
The Book on Writing ch 15
Walden 8. The Village
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
The Sea Around Us ch 11. The Moving Tides
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 16
Bible: 1 Chronicles 7:13-9:32; John 13; Psalm 25; Proverbs 23:12-28
The Cost of Discipleship ch 13 The Enemy--The 'Extraordinary'
God's Smuggler ch 11 The Third Prayer, first half
or The Little Woman ch 9 At War, middle third
The Great Democracies, ch 10 The Union in Danger from beginning to "marshalled the
overwhelming forces of the union." (or Johnson's History of the American People Part 4 pgs 423-433 from beginning of chapter to "supply and 6,000 [annually] for sale.")
Optional: Various slave narratives
Arguing About Slavery ch 27
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 4 OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 4 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 10, 11
The Oregon Trail ch 2
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 7 Now . . .This, second half
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 3 Social Darwinism
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 26-28
Essay by Quiller-Couch Interlude: On Jargon
Frankenstein ch 6, 7
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 3
Invitation to the Classics: Frederick Douglass - Narrative of the Life of. . .
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 3 Fulfillment of the Promis Made to the
Departed (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 16
Six Easy Pieces pg 27-32 Physics Before 1920
Walden 8. The Village
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 17
Bible: 1 Chronicles 9:33-11; John 14; Psalm 26, 27; Proverbs 23:29-35
The Cost of Discipleship ch 14 The Hidden Righteousness
God's Smuggler ch 11 The Third Prayer, second half
or The Little Woman ch 9 At War, last third
The Great Democracies, ch 10 The Union in Danger from "Both sides set to work to form
armies." to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 433-442 from "Actually, Virginia was living on its slave" to "was obvious and recognized.")
Optional: Various slave narratives
Arguing About Slavery ch 28, 29, 30 (up tp pg 370)
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 5 OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 5 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 12-14
The Oregon Trail ch 3, 4
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 8 Shuffle Off to Bethlehem
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 4 The Ruling Principle for All Humanity: Marx, first third
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 29-31
Frankenstein ch 8, 9
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 4
Invitation to the Classics: Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 3 Fulfillment of the Promis Made to the
Departed (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 17
Great Astronomers: Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, first half
Walden 9. The Ponds - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 18
Bible: 1 Chronicles 12-14:17; John 15; Psalm 28, 29; Proverbs 24:1-16
The Cost of Discipleship ch 15 The Hiddenness of Prayer
God's Smuggler ch 12 Counterfeit Church
or The Little Woman ch 10 Flight
The Great Democracies, ch 11 The Campaign Against Richmond from beginning to "the Army of
Northern Virginia." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 442-451 from "At Bloomington on May 29" to "he remained his brother's dependant.")
Confederate Constitution
Arguing About Slavery ch 30b (from pg 370), ch 31
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 6 OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 6 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 15-17
The Oregon Trail ch 5
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 9 Reach Out and Elect Someone, first half
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 4 The Ruling Principle for All Humanity: Marx, middle third
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 31/32
Essay by Quiller-Couch Some Principles Reaffirmed
Frankenstein ch 10, 11, 12
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 5
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 4 The Old Gorbeau House
The Book on Writing ch 18
Walden 9. The Ponds - allow 2 weeks
Great Astronomers: Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, second half
Short Story: A Simple Heart by Gustave Flaubert (1877)
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 19
Bible: 1 Chronicles 15, 16; John 16; Psalm 30, 31; Proverbs 24:17-34
The Cost of Discipleship ch 16 The Hiddenness of the Devout Life
God's Smuggler ch 13 To the Rim of the Inner Circle
or The Little Woman ch 11 The Long Trek, first third
The Great Democracies, ch 11 The Campaign Against Richmond from "Lee now made the first
of his offensive" to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 451-461 from "it is important to grasp that, when Davis spoke" to "Congress as the State of West Virginia in 1863.")
Causes for Secession (official documents from from various states)
Ordinances of secession (these are brief)
Arguing About Slavery ch 32, 33
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 7, 8 OR Nicolay Lincoln ch 7 and 8 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 18, 19
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 9 Reach Out and Elect Someone, second half
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 4 The Ruling Principle for All Humanity: Marx, last third
The Oregon Trail ch 6
Frankenstein ch 13, 14, 15
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 6
Invitation to the Classics: Emily Dickinson - The Complete Poems
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 5 A Dark Chase Requires a Silent Hound (two weeks)
The Book on Writing ch 19
Six Easy Pieces pg 32-38 Quantum Physics
Walden 10. Baker Farm - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 20
Bible: 1 Chronicles 17-19; John 17;Psalm 32, 33; Proverbs 25:1-10
The Cost of Discipleship ch 17 The Simplicity of the Carefree Life
God's Smuggler ch 14 Abraham the Giant Killer, first half
or The Little Woman ch 11 The Long Trek, middle third
The Great Democracies, ch 12 Lee and McClellan from beginning to "a struggle unsurpassed
in history." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 461-470 from "General Lee, the state's most distinguished soldier" to "a basic issue of Christian principle.")
Lincoln's goals for the war in a letter to Horace Greeley
Arguing About Slavery ch 34, 35
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 9 (end) OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 9 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 20, 21
The Oregon Trail ch 7
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 10 Teaching as an Amusing Activity, first half
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 5 Thinking Further About Marxism
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 33-40
Essay by Quiller-Couch On Style
Frankenstein ch 16, 17
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 7
Invitation to the Classics: Herman Melville - Moby Dick
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 5 A Dark Chase Requires a Silent Hound (two
The Book on Writing ch 20
The Sea Around Us ch 12. The Global Thermostat
Walden 10. Baker Farm - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 21
Bible: 1 Chronicles 20-22; John 18; Psalm 34; Proverbs 25:11-19
The Cost of Discipleship ch 18 The Disciple and Unbelievers
God's Smuggler ch 14 Abraham the Giant Killer, second half
or The Little Woman ch 11 The Long Trek, last third
The Great Democracies, ch 12 Lee and McClellan from "Lincoln had hoped for a signal
victory" to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 470-480 from "Moreover, having split, the Christian churches promptly" to "Too bad! Too bad! OH! TOO BAD!")
Arguing About Slavery ch 36, 37
Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 10 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 22, 23
The Oregon Trail ch 8
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 10 Teaching as an Amusing Activity, second half
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 6 Closing the Book: Julius Wellhausen, first half
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 41-43
Frankenstein ch 18, 19
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 8
Invitation to the Classics: Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 6 Petit-Picpus
The Book on Writing ch 21
Walden 11. Higher Laws - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 22
Bible: 1 Chronicles 23-25; John 19; Psalm 35; Proverbs 25:20-28
The Cost of Discipleship ch 19 The Great Divide
God's Smuggler ch 15 The Greenhouse and the Garden, first half
or The Little Woman ch 12 The Stethoscope, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 13 Chancellorsville and Gettysburg from beginning to "facing
each other on the Raphidan." (long section!) (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 480-489 from "General Meade was criticized for not following" to "verdict and Whitman's concurred.")
Emancipation Proclamation, 1863
Arguing About Slavery ch 38, 39
Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 11 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 24
The Oregon Trail ch 9
Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 11 The Huxleyan Warning
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 6 Closing the Book: Julius Wellhausen, second half
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 43/44
Essay by Frederick
Douglass Reconstruction
Frankenstein ch 20, 21
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 9
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 7 A Parenthesis
The Book on Writing ch 22
Six Easy Pieces pg 38-47 Nuclei and particles
Walden 11. Higher Laws - allow 2 weeks
Short Story: The Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1880)
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 23
Bible: 1 Chronicles 26, 27; John 20; Psalm 36; Proverbs 26:1-14
The Cost of Discipleship ch 20 The Conclusion, ch 21 The Harvest, ch 22 The Apostles
God's Smuggler ch 15 The Greenhouse and the Garden, second half
or The Little Woman ch 12 The Stethoscope, second half
The Great Democracies, ch 13 Chancellorsville and Gettysburg from "We must now turn to
the West" to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 489-498 from "Yet it is curious how little impact" to "issued December 8, 1863.")
Arguing About Slavery ch 40
Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 12 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 25-26
The Oregon Trail ch 10
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 7 The Coming of the Strange Fire, first half
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 44-48
Frankenstein ch 22, 23
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 10
Invitation to the Classics: French Classics
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 8 Cemeteries Take What is Given Them (two
The Book on Writing ch 23
Great Astronomers: John Couch Adams, first half
Walden 12. Brute Neighbors - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 24
Bible: 1 Chronicles 28-29; John 21; Psalm 37; Proverbs 26:15-28
The Cost of Discipleship ch 23 The Work
God's Smuggler ch 16 The Work Begins to Expand, first half
or The Little Woman ch 13 The God Who Loves, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 14 The Victory of the Union entire chapter (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 498-507 from "His first practical step was to" to end of chapter)
Arguing About Slavery ch 41, 42
Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 13 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 27-29
The Oregon Trail ch 11
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 7 The Coming of the Strange Fire, second half
Essay by Frederick
Douglass An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage
Frankenstein ch 24-end
Invitation to the Classics: Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 8 Cemeteries Take What is Given Them (two
The Book on Writing ch 24
Great Astronomers: John Couch Adams, second half
Walden 12. Brute Neighbors - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work
through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Optional Exam Week
Term 3
Week 25
Bible: 2 Chronicles 1-4; 1 Thessalonians 1, 2; Psalm 38, 39; Proverbs 27:1-12
The Cost of Discipleship ch 24 The Suffering of the Messengers, ch 25 The Decision
God's Smuggler ch 16 The Work Begins to Expand, second half
or The Little Woman ch 13 The God Who Loves, second half
The Great Democracies, ch 15 The Rise of Germany from beginning to "the sentence was not
carried out." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 511-517 from beginning of chapter to "adventure-game for rich city-dwellers.")
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 1, 2
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 1-3
The Oregon Trail ch 12, 13
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 8 Looking Within: Freud, first third
Essay - Sesame: Of King's Treasuries by John Ruskin, spread over seven weeks
77-minute Video on Biblical Citizenship
Silas Marner ch 1, 2
Invitation to the Classics: John Henry, Cardinal Newman - Apologia pro vita sua
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 1 Paris Atomized
Six Easy Pieces pg 47/48 Relation of Science Introduction
Walden 13. House-Warming - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 26
Bible: 2 Chronicles 5-7; 1 Thessalonians 3-5; Psalm 40; Proverbs 27:13-27
The Cost of Discipleship ch 26 The Fruit, ch 27 Preliminary Questions
God's Smuggler ch 17 Russia at First Glance
or The Little Woman ch 14 Mr. Shan, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 15 The Rise of Germany from "The war seemed over." to end
(short section) (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 517-526 from "The years of vast expanses and high profits" to by sheer weight of numbers.")
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 3
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 4-6
The Oregon Trail ch 14
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 8 Looking Within: Freud, middle third
Essay - Sesame: Of King's Treasuries by John Ruskin, spread over seven weeks
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 49-52
Essay by Frederick
Douglass My Escape From Slavery
Silas Marner ch 3
Invitation to the Classics: Soren Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 2 The Grand Bourgeois
Microbe Hunters ch 4 Koch (there are 8 sections; space it out for
the week if desired)
Walden 13. House-Warming - allow 2 weeks
Short Story: The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant (1884)
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 27
Bible: 2 Chronicles 8-11; 2 Thessalonians 1-3; Psalm 41, 42; Proverbs 28:1-9
The Cost of Discipleship ch 28 Baptism
God's Smuggler ch 18 For Russia with Love
or The Little Woman ch 14 Mr. Shan, second half
The Great Democracies, ch16 Gladstone and Disraeli from beginning to "from this
glittering prospect." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 526-536 from "The violent phase in the West's history" to "managers had their hands in the till.")
Gladstone's speech to his constituents on the accomplishments of the administration
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 4, 5
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 7, 8
The Oregon Trail ch 15
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 8 Looking Within: Freud, last third
Essay - Sesame: Of King's Treasuries by John Ruskin, spread over seven weeks
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 52-55
Silas Marner ch 4, 5
Invitation to the Classics: George Eliot - Middlemarch
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 3 The Grandfather and the Grandson
Six Easy Pieces pg 48/49 Chemistry
The Sea Around Us ch 13. Wealth from the Salt Seas
Walden 14. Former Inhabitants; & Winter Visitors - allow 2
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 28
Bible: 2 Chronicles 12-16; 1 Corinthians 1, 2; Psalm 43, 44; Proverbs 28:10-17
The Cost of Discipleship ch 29 The Body of Christ, first half
God's Smuggler ch 19 Bibles to the Russian Pastors
or The Little Woman ch 15 Even Unto Death, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 16 Gladstone and Disraeli from "In 1876 the Eastern Question"
to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 536-545 from "These public suspicions were intensified" to "sixth-largest rail-stock owner in the nation.")
Disraeli's speech on the Reform Bill
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 6
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 9-12
The Oregon Trail ch 16, 17
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 9 The Vast Emergence: John Dewey, first third
Essay - Sesame: Of King's Treasuries by John Ruskin, spread over seven weeks
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 56/57
Essay by G.K. Chesterton A Piece
of Chalk
Silas Marner ch 6, 7, 8
Invitation to the Classics: Gerard Manley Hopkins - Poems
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 4 The Friends of the ABC (two weeks)
Continue working through your Math program
Microbe Hunters ch 5 Pasteur (there are 7 sections; space it out for
the week if desired)
Walden 14. Former Inhabitants; & Winter Visitors - allow 2
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 29
Bible: 2 Chronicles 17-19; 1 Corinthians 3, 4; Psalm 45; Proverbs 28:18-28
The Cost of Discipleship ch 29 The Body of Christ, second half
God's Smuggler ch 20 The Awakening Dragon, first half
or The Little Woman ch 15 Even Unto Death, second half
The Great Democracies, ch 17 American "Reconstruction" entire chapter (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 545-554 from "These financiers were not without redeeming features" to "himself called a positive genius.")
Andrew Johnson's Proclamation of Amnesty for South
Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 1866
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 7, 8
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 13-17
The Oregon Trail ch 18
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 9 The Vast Emergence: John Dewey, middle third
Essay - Sesame: Of King's Treasuries by John Ruskin, spread over seven weeks
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 58/59
Silas Marner ch 9
Invitation to the Classics: Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 4 The Friends of the ABC (two weeks)
Six Easy Pieces pg 49-59 Biology (allow two weeks)
Walden 15. Winter Animals - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 30
Bible: 2 Chronicles 20-22; 1 Corinthians 5-7:16; Psalm 46, 47; Proverbs 29:1-15
The Cost of Discipleship ch 30 The Visible Community, first third
God's Smuggler ch 20 The Awakening Dragon, second half
or The Little Woman ch 16 Back to England
The Great Democracies, ch 18 America as a World Power entire chapter (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 554-564 from "Carnegie's ability to make first-class steel" to "gold outflow from the United States.")
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 9
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 18, Book 2 ch 1, 2
The Oregon Trail ch 19
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 9 The Vast Emergence: John Dewey, last third
Essay - Sesame: Of King's Treasuries by John Ruskin, spread over seven weeks
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 60/61
Essay by G.K. Chesterton On
Lying in Bed
Silas Marner ch 10
Invitation to the Classics: Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 5 The Excellence of Misfortune
Continue working through your Math program
Microbe Hunters ch 6 Roux and Behring (there are 4 sections; space it
out for the week if desired)
Walden 15. Winter Animals - allow 2 weeks
Short Story: How Much Land Does a Man Need? by Leo Tolstoy (1886)
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 31
Bible: 2 Chronicles 23-25:13; 1 Corinthians 7:17-ch 8; Psalm 48, 49; Proverbs 29:16-27
The Cost of Discipleship ch 30 The Visible Community, middle third
God's Smuggler ch 21 Twelve Apostles of Hope, first third
or The Little Woman ch 17 Wong Kwai, first half
The Great Democracies, ch 19 Home Rule for Ireland from beginning to "they had paid the
penalty." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 564-573 from "In October 1907 Morgan was coming up to his" to "then cut to 200 feet in 1911.)")
The Berlin Conference of 1885
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 10, first half of chapter 11
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 3-7
The Oregon Trail ch 20
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 10 New Hope for the Nations: Keynes, first third
Essay - Sesame: Of King's Treasuries by John Ruskin, spread over seven weeks
Silas Marner ch 11
Invitation to the Classics: Henry James - The Portrait of a Lady
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 6 The Conjunction of Two Stars
Continue working through your Math program
The Sea Around Us ch 14. The Encircling Sea
Microbe Hunters ch 7 Metchnikoff (there are 8 sections; space it out
for the week if desired)
Walden 16. The Pond in Winter - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 32
Bible: 2 Chronicles 25:14-29:11; 1 Corinthians 9, 10; Psalm 50; Proverbs 30:1-9
The Cost of Discipleship ch 30 The Visible Community, last third
God's Smuggler ch 21 Twelve Apostles of Hope, middle third
or The Little Woman ch 17 Wong Kwai, second half
The Great Democracies, ch 19 Home Rule for Ireland from "The position of the Liberal
Party" to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 573-583 from "Horizontal expansion in Chicago" to "most clamoring for stained-glass windows.")
British Missionary Letters urging annexation of South Sea Islands
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee second half of ch 11, first half of ch 12
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 8-18 (short chapters)
The Oregon Trail ch 21
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 10 New Hope for the Nations: Keynes, middle third
Essay - The Mystery of Life and its Arts by John Ruskin, first fifth
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 61-63
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 1
Essay by G.K. Chesterton The
Twelve Men
Silas Marner ch 12, 13
Invitation to the Classics: Mark Twain - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 7 Patron-Minette
Six Easy Pieces pg 59-61 Astronomy
Walden 16. The Pond in Winter - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 33
Bible: 2 Chronicles 29:12-31; 1 Corinthians 11; Psalm 51; Proverbs 30:10-23
The Cost of Discipleship ch 31 The Saints, first third
God's Smuggler ch 21 Twelve Apostles of Hope, last third
or The Little Woman ch 18 An Old Suit
The Great Democracies, ch 20 Lord Salisbury's Government from beginning to "were on the
grand scale." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 583-592 from "But Tiffany put his best ideas" to "escape from Biltmore's problems.")
Open letter to the Belgian King from an American
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch second half of ch 12, ch 13
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 19-26 (short chapters)
The Oregon Trail ch 22
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 10 New Hope for the Nations: Keynes, last third
Essay - The Mystery of Life and its Arts by John Ruskin, second fifth
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 63/64
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 2
Silas Marner ch 14, 15
Invitation to the Classics: The Makers of the Modern World
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 8 The Noxious Poor (four weeks)
Six Easy Pieces pg 61-63 Geology
Walden 17. Spring - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 34
Bible: 2 Chronicles 32-34:21; 1 Corinthians 12, 13;Psalm 52, 53; Proverbs 30:24-33
The Cost of Discipleship ch 31 The Saints, middle third
God's Smuggler Epilogue: Further Adventures, first third
The Great Democracies, ch 20 Lord Salisbury's Government from "In January 1893 the
Independent" to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 592-601 from "Between 1880 and 1920 more, and bigger" to "antisocial exploitation of corporate power.")
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 14, 15
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 27-37 (short chapters)
The Oregon Trail ch 23
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 11 The Advent of Diffusion: Kierkegaard, first half
Essay - The Mystery of Life and its Arts by John Ruskin, third fifth
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 64-67
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 3
Essay by G.K. Chesterton The
Silas Marner ch 16
Invitation to the Classics: Fredrich Nietzsche - Twilight of the Idols
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 8 The Noxious Poor (four weeks)
Six Easy Pieces pg 63/64 Psychology
Walden 17. Spring - allow 2 weeks
Short Story: The Open Boat by Stephen Crane (1897)
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 35
Bible: 2 Chronicles 34:22-ch 36; 1 Corinthians 14-15:20; Psalm 54; Proverbs 31:1-9
The Cost of Discipleship ch 31 The Saints, last third
God's Smuggler Epilogue: Further Adventures, middle third
The Great Democracies, ch 21 The South African War from beginning to power with a large
majority." (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 601-611 from "In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt termed" to "That was a task for American leadership.")
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 16, 17
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 38
The Oregon Trail ch 24, 25
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 11 The Advent of Diffusion: Kierkegaard, second half
Essay - The Mystery of Life and its Arts by John Ruskin, fourth fifth
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 4
Silas Marner ch 17, 18, 19
Invitation to the Classics: Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 8 The Noxious Poor (four weeks)
Six Easy Pieces pg 64-69 How Did it Get This Way?
Walden 18. Conclusion - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 36
Bible: Obadiah; Jonah; 1 Corinthians 15:21-ch 16; Psalm 55; Proverbs 31:10-31
The Cost of Discipleship ch 32 The Image of Christ
God's Smuggler Epilogue: Further Adventures, last third
The Great Democracies, ch 21 The South African War from "On January 22, 1901, Queen
Victoria died." to end (or Johnson's History of the American People pgs 611-620 from "It was against this background that America drifted" to "336 to 140, Parker carrying Southern states only.")
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 18, 19
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 39, 40
The Oregon Trail ch 26, 27
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 12 Who Shall Overcome?
Essay - The Mystery of Life and its Arts by John Ruskin, last fifth
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 5
Essay by G.K. Chesterton What
is Right With the World
Silas Marner ch 20-end
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 8 The Noxious Poor (four weeks)
Microbe Hunters ch 8 Theobald Smith (there are 6 sections; space it out
for the week if desired)
Walden 18. Conclusion - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through
this chapter over the term)
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Optional Exam Week
Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)