AmblesideOnline Year 2 36-Week Schedule
As a help for scheduling Year 2 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Daily Work
- Copywork - 5-10 minutes a day
- Phonics or reading practice
- Recitation
- Mathematics
- Foreign language
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
- Every scheduled reading is narrated orally.
Weekly Work
- Art
- Artist/Picture Study
- Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
Additional Books for Free Reading
- Heidi
- A Wonder Book
- The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
- Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
- Pied Piper of Hamlin
- Abraham Lincoln
- Five Children and It
- Little House on the Prairie
- Farmer Boy
- The Story of Doctor Dolittle
- Mary Poppins
- Brighty of the Grand Canyon
- Mr. Popper's Penguins
- Otto of the Silver Hand (see note for sensitive readers)
- Chanticleer and the Fox
- Along Came A Dog
- The Door in the Wall
Weekly Readings
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.
Week 1
Bible: Old Testament - Introduction to Moses - Exodus 1, 2, 3
New Testament - Jesus and Zacchaeus - Luke 19:1-9
An Island Story ch 22 Harold
Trial and Triumph 10. Charlemagne Protector of the Church (742-814 AD)
The Little Duke - first half of chapter 1
Tree in the Trail ch 1 The Lone Sapling
Burgess Animal Book 1 Jenny Wren Gives Peter Rabbit an Idea
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Lamb's or Nesbit's Shakespeare: The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Pilgrim's Progress: about 800 words every week (online text broken down into weekly readings for two years, or 72 portions)
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): A compass can show direction when sun and stars are not visible. Magnetic needle always points north. Points on the compass (N, S, E, W and also halfway in between: NE), how sailors use a compass.
Week 2
Bible: Old Testament - God Calls Moses - Exodus 4, 5, 6 (can omit 6:14-25)
New Testament - The Parable of the Gold Coin - Luke 19:10-27
An Island Story ch 23 The Battle of Stamford Bridge
Child's History of the World ch 47 Two Empires, Two Emperors (ch 45 Light in the Dark Ages in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 12 The Dark Ages/Story of Mankind ch 29 Charlemagne
The Little Duke - second half of chapter 1
Tree in the Trail ch 2 The People Who Walked
Tree in the Trail ch 3 Arrows and Spears
Burgess Animal Book 2 Peter and Jumper Go To School
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 1 Aunt Harriet Has a Cough
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 3
Bible: Old Testament - The Plagues Begin - Exodus 7, 8, 9
New Testament - The Approach to Jerusalem - Luke 19:28-44
An Island Story ch 24 The Battle of Hastings
Child's History of the World ch 48 Getting a Start (ch 46? in 1st edition) may be skipped, as Alfred is covered in An Island Story; OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 13 King Arthur and His Knights
The Little Duke - first half of chapter 2
Tree in the Trail ch 4 The Feasting on the Hill
Burgess Animal Book 3 More of Peter's Long-Legged Cousins
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 2 Betsy Holds the Reins
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 4 Knowledge Not The Limit of Belief
Week 4
Bible: Old Testament - The Plagues Continue, and the Children of Israel leave Egypt - Exodus 10, 11, 12
New Testament - Jesus Goes to the Temple - Luke 19:45-48, 20:1-8
An Island Story ch 25 William the Conqueror - The Story of Hereward the Wake
Child's History of the World ch 49 The End of the World (ch 47 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 14 The Hero of Two Nations/Story of Mankind ch 30 Fury of the Norsemen
The Little Duke - second half of chapter 2
Tree in the Trail ch 5 A New Animal on the Plains
Tree in the Trail ch 6 The Bearer of Messages
Burgess Animal Book 4 Chatterer and Happy Jack Join
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 3 A Short Morning
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 5
Bible: Old Testament - Crossing the Red Sea - Exodus 13, 14
New Testament - The Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard - Luke 20:9-18
This Country of Ours ch. 1 (How the Vikings...) OR Lief the Lucky by D'Aulaire (both cover the same material)
Trial and Triumph 11. Alfred the Great Christian King (847-899 AD)
The Little Duke - first half of chapter 3
Tree in the Trail ch 7 The Talking-Tree
Burgess Animal Book 5 The Squirrels of the Trees
Burgess Animal Book 6 Striped Chipmunk and His Cousins
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 4 Betsy Goes to School
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 6
Bible: Old Testament - Bitter Water and Manna - Exodus 15, 16 (can omit 15:1-18)
New Testament - The Question About Paying Taxes - Luke 20:19-26
An Island Story ch 26 William the Conqueror - Death of the King
The Little Duke - second half of chapter 3
Tree in the Trail ch 8 The Thunderbird Speaks
Tree in the Trail ch 9 Trappers Cross the Plains
Burgess Animal Book 7 Johnny Chuck Joins the Class
Burgess Animal Book 8 Whistler and Yap Yap Join the Class
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 5 What Grade is Betsy?
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 6 The Light of Truth
Week 7
Bible: Old Testament - Water From the Rock, and War with the Amalekites - Exodus 17
New Testament - More Questions - Luke 20:27-47
An Island Story ch 27 The Story of William the Red
Child's History of the World ch 50 Real Castles (ch 48 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 15 The Hardy Northmen/Story of Mankind ch 31 Central Europe
The Little Duke - first half of chapter 4
Tree in the Trail ch 10 Wheels Turn on the Santa Fe Trail
Burgess Animal Book 9 Two Queer Little Haymakers
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 6 If You Don't Like Conversation in a Book
Lamb's or Nesbit's Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 8
Bible: Old Testament - The Appointment of Judges - Exodus 18
New Testament - The Widow's Offering, and some Prophecies - Luke 21:1-19
An Island Story ch 28 Henry I - The Story of the "White Ship"
The Little Duke - second half of chapter 4
Tree in the Trail ch 11 Jed and Buck
Tree in the Trail ch 12 The Race for Life
Burgess Animal Book 10 Prickly Porky and Grubby Gopher
Burgess Animal Book 11 A Fellow with a Thousand Spears
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 7 Elizabeth Ann Fails in an Examination
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 9
Bible: Old Testament - The Israelites at Mount Sinai, and the Ten Commandments - Exodus 19, 20
New Testament - More Prophecies - Luke 21:20-38
An Island Story ch 29 The Story of King Stephen
Child's History of the World ch 51 Knights and Days of Chivalry (ch 49 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 16 How the Northmen Conquered England /Story of Mankind ch 32 Chivalry
Trial and Triumph 12. Anselm Theologian, Monk, Archbishop (1033-1109 AD)
The Little Duke - first half of ch 5
Tree in the Trail ch 13 Post Office Tree
Burgess Animal Book 12 A Lumberman and an Engineer
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 8 Betsy Starts a Sewing Society
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 10
Bible: Old Testament - The Golden Calf, and Leaving Mount Sinai - Exodus 31:18, 32, 33
New Testament - The Plot Against Jesus - Luke 22:1-13
An Island Story ch 30 Henry Plantagenet - The Story of Gilbert and Rohesia OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 17 A Spanish Hero
The Little Duke - second half of ch 5
Tree in the Trail ch 14 Cottonwoods Don't Live Forever
Tree in the Trail ch 15 The Old Tree Dies
Burgess Animal Book 13 A Worker and a Robber
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 9 The New Clothes Fail
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 11
Bible: Old Testament - The Tabernacle, Part One - Exodus 34-36
New Testament - Jesus Eats the Passover Meal - Luke 22:14-38
An Island Story ch 31 Henry Plantagenet - The Story of Thomas a Becket
Child's History of the World ch 52 A Pirate's Great Grandson (ch 50 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke - first half of ch 6
Tree in the Trail ch 16 A Kansas Twister
Burgess Animal Book 14 A Trader and a Handsome Fellow
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 10 Betsy Has a Birthday
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 8 A Lesson of Hope
Week 12
Bible: Old Testament - The Tabernacle, Part Two - Exodus 37-40
New Testament - Jesus Prays on The Mount of Olives - Luke 22:39-46
An Island Story ch 32 Henry Plantagenet -The Story of the Conquest of Ireland
Child's History of the World ch 53 A Great Adventure (ch 51 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 18 The First Crusade
The Little Duke - second half of ch 6
Tree in the Trail ch 17 The Past Comes to Light
Tree in the Trail ch 18 The Ox Yoke
Burgess Animal Book 15 Two Unlike Little Cousins
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch 11 "Understood Aunt Frances"
Pilgrim's Progress
Optional Exam Week
Week 13
Bible: Old Testament - Laws About Offerings - Leviticus 1-3
New Testament - Jesus is Arrested and Peter Denies Jesus - Luke 22:47-62
An Island Story ch 33 The Story of Richard Coeur de Lion
Child's History of the World ch 54 Tick-Tack-Toe; Three Kings in a Row (ch 52? in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 19 Frederick Barbarossa/Story of Mankind ch 33 The Strange Double Loyalty
Trial and Triumph 13. Bernard of Clairvaux Lover of Christ (1090-1153 AD)
The Little Duke first half of ch 7
Tree in the Trail ch 19 The Yoke Goes to Independence
Burgess Animal Book 16 Danny's Northern CousinsS, and Nimbleheels
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 1 The River Bank
Pilgrim's Progress
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): Planets rotate around the sun. Earth rotates around the sun in 365 days, making a year. The earth's turning makes day and night.
Week 14
Bible: Old Testament - The Day of Atonement - Leviticus 16
New Testament - Jesus Before the Council, Pilate, and Herod - Luke 22:63-71, 23:1-12
An Island Story ch 34 Richard Coeur de Lion - The Story of How Blondel Found the King
An Island Story ch 35 John Lackland - The Story of Prince Arthur
The Little Duke second half of ch 7
Tree in the Trail ch 20 Rendezvous at Council Grove
Tree in the Trail ch 21 Return to the Hill
Burgess Animal Book 17 Three Little Redcoats and Some Others
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 2 The Open Road
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 15
Bible: Old Testament - Israel's Feasts - Leviticus 23
New Testament - Jesus is Sentenced to Death - Luke 23:13-25
An Island Story ch 36 John Lackland - The Story of the Great Charter
The Little Duke first half of ch 8
Tree in the Trail ch 22 How the Wheels Rolled Westward
Burgess Animal Book 18 Mice with Pockets, and Others
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 3 The Wild Wood
Lamb's or Nesbit's Shakespeare: All's Well That Ends Well
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 16
Bible: Old Testament - The Year of Jubilee - Leviticus 25, 26:1-13
New Testament - Jesus is Crucified - Luke 23:26-43
An Island Story ch 37 Henry III of Winchester - The Story of Hubert de Burgh
The Little Duke second half of ch 8
Tree in the Trail ch 23 At Bent's Fort
Tree in the Trail ch 24 The Hill That Was Called a Mouse
Burgess Animal Book 19 Teeny Weeny and his Cousin
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 4 Mr. Badger
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 9 The Circle of Blessing
Week 17
Bible: Old Testament - The Second Passover and The Fiery Cloud - Numbers 9
New Testament - The Death and Burial of Jesus - Luke 23:44-56
An Island Story ch 38 Henry III of Winchester - The Story of Simon de Montfort
Child's History of the World ch 55 Three Kingdoms in West Africa (not in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 20 The Third Crusade/Story of Mankind ch 34 Turks Took the Holy Land
Trial and Triumph 14. Peter Waldo and the Waldensians Faithful to the Word (1130-1217)
The Little Duke first half of ch 9
Tree in the Trail ch 25 The Yoke Comes to Santa Fe
Burgess Animal Book 20 Four Busy Little Miners
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 5 Dulce Donum
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 18
Bible: Old Testament - The Israelites Continue their Journey - Numbers 10
New Testament - The Resurrection - Luke 24:1-12
An Island Story ch 39 Henry III - The Story of the Poisoned Dagger
An Island Story ch 40 Edward I - The Little War of Chalons
The Little Duke second half of ch 9
Tree in the Trail ch 26 The Heart of the West
Tree in the Trail ch 27 End of the Trail
Burgess Animal Book 21 Flitter the Bat and His Family
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 6 Mr. Toad
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 19
Bible: Old Testament - The Grumbling Israelites, Part One - Numbers 11
New Testament - The Walk to Emmaus - Luke 24:13-35
An Island Story ch 41 Edward I - The Lawgiver- The Story of the First Prince of Wales
An Island Story ch 42 Edward I - The Hammer of the Scots
The Little Duke first half of ch 10
Seabird ch 1 The Ivory Gull
Burgess Animal Book 22 An Independent Family
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 7 The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Lamb's or Nesbit's Shakespeare: Cymbeline
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 20
Bible: Old Testament - The Grumbling Israelites, Part Two - Numbers 12
New Testament - Jesus Appears to His Disciples - Luke 24:36-43
An Island Story ch 43 Edward II of Caernarvon - The Story of King Robert the Bruce and Bohun
An Island Story ch 44 Edward II of Caernarvon - The Story of the Battle of Bannockburn
The Little Duke second half of ch 10
Seabird ch 2 The Vision in the Snow
Seabird ch 3 Smart Traders
Burgess Animal Book 23 Digger and His Cousn Glutton
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 8 Toad's Adventures
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 11 Active and Passive
Week 21
Bible: Old Testament - Spies Search out the Land, Part One - Numbers 13
New Testament - Jesus' Words to the Disciples, and the Ascension - Luke 24:44-53
An Island Story ch 45 Edward III of Windsor - The Story of the Battle of Sluys
An Island Story ch 46 Edward III of Windsor - The Story of the Battle of Crecy
Trial and Triumph 15. Francis of Assisi The Lesser Brother (1181-1226)
The Little Duke ch 11
Seabird ch 4 The Ivory Bird Soars
Burgess Animal Book 24 Shadow and His Family
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 9 Wayfarer's All
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 22
Bible: Old Testament - Spies Search out the Land, Part Two - Numbers 14
New Testament - none scheduled
An Island Story ch 47 Edward III of Windsor - The Story of the Siege of Calais
Child's History of the World ch 56 Bibles Made of Stone and Glass (ch 53 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 21 The Days of Chivalry/Story of Mankind ch 35 City Air
The Little Duke first half of ch 12
Seabird ch 5 Seabird Learns About Whales
Seabird ch 6 A Nantucket Sleighride
Burgess Animal Book 25 Two Famous Swimmers
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 10 The Further Adventures of Toad
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 23
Bible: Old Testament - Psalm 1, 19, 23, 46
New Testament - none scheduled
An Island Story ch 48 Edward III of Windsor - The Story of the Battle of Poitiers
Child's History of the World ch 57 John, Whom Nobody Loved (ch 54 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 22 Queen of the Adriatic
The Little Duke second half of ch 12
Seabird ch 7 A Gallopin' Fishpole
Burgess Animal Book 26 Spite the Marten and Pekan the Fisher
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 11 "Like Summer Tempests Came His Tears"
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 24
Bible: Old Testament - Psalm 63, 100, 121, 139
New Testament - none scheduled
An Island Story ch 49 Richard II of Bordeaux - The Story of Wat Tyler's Rebellion
An Island Story ch 50 How King Richard Lost His Throne
The Little Duke Conclusion
Seabird ch 8 Fin Out
Seabird ch 9 Cutting In
Burgess Animal Book 27 Reddy Fox Joins the School
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcomb Riley
The Wind in Willows: ch 12 The Return of Ulysses
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 13 Not Lost, but Gone Before
Optional Exam Week
Week 25
Bible: Old Testament - Three Miracles, Part One - Numbers 16
New Testament - Birth of Jesus, Part One - Matthew 1
Child's History of the World ch 58 A Great Story Teller (ch 55 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 23 The Story of Marco Polo/Story of Mankind ch 36 Right to be Heard
Child's History of the World ch 59 Thing-a-ma-jig (ch 56 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 24 Dante's Great Poem/Story of Mankind ch 37 People of Middle Ages
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley (break it up however works best this term)
Seabird ch 10 Cleaning Ship
Burgess Animal Book 28 Old Man Coyote and Howler the Wolf
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Prologue (it's long; this is an enjoyable readaloud that can be stretched into the summer)
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 14 Motes in the Sunbeam
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): The poles; earth's spinning on its tilted axis makes the four seasons
Week 26
Bible: Old Testament - Three Miracles, Part Two - Numbers 17
New Testament - Birth of Jesus, Part Two - Matthew 2
Child's History of the World ch 60 Thelon Gest Wart Hate Verwas (ch 57 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 25 The Maid of Orleans
An Island Story ch 51 Henry IV of Bolingbroke - The Story of the Battle of Shrewsbury
Trial and Triumph 16. Elizabeth of Hungary Servant of the Poor (1207-1231)
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 11 In the Captain's Cabin
Seabird ch 12 Islands in the Sea
Burgess Animal Book 29 Yowler and His Cousin Tufty
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Robin and the Tinker
Lamb's or Nesbit's Shakespeare: Macbeth
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 27
Bible: Old Testament - Three Miracles, Part Three - Numbers 20:1-21
New Testament - The Preaching of John and the Baptism of Jesus - Matthew 3
An Island Story ch 52 Henry IV of Bolingbroke - The Story of How Prince Hal was Sent to Prison
An Island Story ch 53 Henry V of Monmouth - The Story of the Battle of Agincourt
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 13 The Changing Years
Burgess Animal Book 30 Some Big and Little Cat Cousins
Burgess Animal Book 31 Bobby Coon Arrives
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - The Shooting-Match at Nottingham
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 28
Bible: Old Testament - The Death of Aaron - Numbers 20:22-29
New Testament - The Temptation of Jesus - Matthew 4:1-11
Child's History of the World ch 61 Off With the Old, On With The New (ch 58 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 29 The Invention of Printing/Story of Mankind ch 38 Crusades
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 14 Timber, Sticks, and String
Seabird ch 15 How to Stop a Full-Rigged Ship
Burgess Animal Book 32 Buster Bear Nearly Breaks Up School
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Will Stutely rescued by his Good Companions
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 15 Red Snow
Week 29
Bible: Old Testament - Victory Over the Canaanites, and the Bronze Snake - Numbers 21:1-20
New Testament - Jesus Begins His Ministry - Matthew 4:12-25
An Island Story ch 54 Henry VI of Windsor - The Story of the Maid of Orleans
An Island Story ch 55 Henry VI of Windsor - The Red Rose and the White
Trial and Triumph 17. John Wyclif Morning Star of the Reformation (1330-1384)
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 16 Shifting Shadows
Burgess Animal Book 33 Buster Bear's Big Cousins
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Robin Hood turns Butcher
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 30
Bible: Old Testament - Victory Over King Sihon and King Og - Numbers 21:21-35
New Testament - The Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1-12
An Island Story ch 56 Edward IV - The Story of Queen Margaret and the Robbers
An Island Story ch 57 Edward IV The Story of the Kingmaker
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 17 Lines, Winds, and Waves
Seabird ch 18 Good Luck and Bad
Burgess Animal Book 34 Unc' Billy and Old Mrs. Possum
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Little John goes to the Fair at Nottinghamtown
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 31
Bible: Old Testament - The King of Moab Sends for Balaam - Numbers 22:1-21
New Testament - The Sermon on the Mount, Part One - Matthew 5:13-26
An Island Story ch 58 Edward V - The Story of the King Who was Never Crowned
An Island Story ch 59 Richard III - The Story of the Two Little Princes in the Tower
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 19 The Sea is an Enemy
Burgess Animal Book 35 Lightfoot, Blacktail and Forkhorn
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - How Little John lived at the Sheriff's House
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 32
Bible: Old Testament - Balaam and His Donkey - Numbers 22:22-39
New Testament - The Sermon on the Mount, Part Two - Matthew 5:27-48
An Island Story ch 60 Henry VII - The Story of the Make-Believe Prince
An Island Story ch 61 Henry VII - The Story of Another Make-Believe Prince
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 20 The Sea is a Friend
Seabird ch 21 Magic Can Be Spun From Simple Things
Burgess Animal Book 36 Bugler, Flathorns and Wanderhoof
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Little John and the Tanner of Blythe
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 33
Bible: Old Testament - Balaam Prophesies - Numbers 23, 24
New Testament - The Sermon on the Mount, Part Three - Matthew 6:1-15
This Country of Ours ch 2. The Sea of Darkness And the Great Faith of Columbus OR Columbus by D'Aulaire (spend 3 weeks)
Trial and Triumph 18. John Huss Forerunner of the Reformation (1369-1415)
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 22 The Age of Sail Dies Slowly
Burgess Animal Book 37 Thunderfoot, Fleetfoot and Longcoat
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Robin Hood and Will Scarlet
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 34
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua is Chosen to Lead the People - Numbers 27:12-23
New Testament - The Sermon on the Mount, Part Four - Matthew 6:16-34
This Country of Ours ch 3. How Columbus Fared Forth Upon the Sea of Darkness And Came To Pleasant Lands Beyond OR Columbus by D'Aulaire (spend 3 weeks)
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 23 Some People Grow to be Machines
Seabird ch 24 A Matter of Bridges
Burgess Animal Book 38 Two Wonderful Mountain Climbers
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - The Merry Adventure with Midge the Miller
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 35
Bible: Old Testament - Moses Speaks to the People - Deuteronomy 31, 32
New Testament - The Sermon on the Mount, Part Five - Matthew 7:1-14
This Country of Ours ch 4. How Columbus Returned in Triumph OR Columbus by D'Aulaire (spend 3 weeks)
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 25 Old Birds Find New Wings
Burgess Animal Book 39 Piggy and Hardshell
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Robin Hood and Allan a Dale
Lamb's or Nesbit's Shakespeare: The Comedy of Errors
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 36
Bible: Old Testament - The Death of Moses - Deuteronomy 34
New Testament - The Sermon on the Mount, part Six - Matthew 7:15-29
This Country of Ours ch 5. How America Was Named
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Seabird ch 26 Three Partners Inspect a New Ship
Seabird ch 27 A Sailing of Ships
Burgess Animal Book 40 The Mammals of the Sea
Poetry of Christina Rossetti
Robin Hood - Robin seeketh the Curtal Friar of the Fountain (this book can be finished over summer break)
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature ch 16 Whereunto?
Optional Exam Week
Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)