AmblesideOnline Year 3 36-Week Schedule
As a help for scheduling Year 3 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Daily Work
- Copywork - 5-10 minutes a day
- Phonics or reading practice
- Recitation
- Mathematics
- Foreign language
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
- Every scheduled reading is narrated orally.
Weekly Work
- Art
- Artist/Picture Study
- Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
Additional Books for Free Reading
- A Little Princess
- Water Babies
- At the Back of the North Wind
- Men of Iron
- Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
- Through the Looking Glass
- The Bears of Blue River
- Swallows and Amazons
- *Unknown to History: Captivity of Mary of Scotland
- Caddie Woodlawn
- On the Banks of Plum Creek
- The Little White Horse
- The Saturdays
- English Fairy Tales
- King of the Wind
- The Four Story Mistake
- Then There Were Five
- The Wheel on the School
*books w/ asterisks pertain to term's historical studies
Weekly Readings
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.
Week 1
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 1, 2
New Testament - Jesus Heals Many People - Matthew 8:1-17
An Island Story ch 62 The Story of the Field of the Cloth of Gold
Child's History of the World ch 63 Fortune Hunters (ch 60 in 1st ed?) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 31 Vasco da Gama's Great Voyage
Trial and Triumph ch 19. Martin Luther Father of the Reformation (1483-1546) pg. 121
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 1 Water's Smallest Parts
Pagoo: ch 1 Pagoo Might Be a Hermit Crab
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Is what you see what you get? p. 15
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #1 (Perseus)
American Tall Tales: Sky-Bright Axe: Paul Bunyan
Pilgrim's Progress: about 800 words each week
The Princess and the Goblin ch 1-3
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): Measuring distance: inch, foot yard; mile. A country's proximity to the equator or poles determines its climate. Parallel lines from pole to pole are longitude.
Week 2
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 3
New Testament - Jesus Calms a Storm and Casts Out Demons - Matthew 8:18-34
This Country of Ours ch 6. How the Flag of England Was Planted on the Shores of the New World
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 2 Water's Elastic Surface
Pagoo: ch 2 Shifting Tides and Changing Hides
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Why is food packaged? p. 16
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #2
Parables from Nature ch 17 Purring When You're Pleased
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 4-6
Week 3
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 4, 5 [can skip verses 2-5 and 7-8 in ch 5]
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man - Matthew 9:1-8
An Island Story ch 63 How the King became Defender of the Faith, How the Great Cardinal Died
Child's History of the World ch 64 The Land of Enchantment (ch 61 in 1st ed?) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 49 Conquest of Peru
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 3 Floating Steel and Wild Waves (experiment: Surface Tension)
Pagoo: ch 3 Pagoo IS a Hermit Crab
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: A big trick: the size of detergent containers, p. 19
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #3
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 7-9
Week 4
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 6
New Testament - Jesus Heals and Teaches - Matthew 9:9-26
An Island Story ch 64 The Story of the King's Six Wives
This Country of Ours ch 7. How the Flag of France Was Planted in Florida (long chapter; plan accordingly)
Trial and Triumph ch 20. William Tyndale Translator of the English Bible (1485-1536) pg. 127
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 4 When Water Meets Air
Pagoo: ch 4 At the Ringside
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Fooling the senses, p. 20-22
Poetry of William Blake
American Tall Tales: Coyote Cowboy: Pecos Bill
Lamb's or Nesbit Tales of Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 10, 11
Week 5
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 7
New Testament - More Healings - Matthew 9:27-38
An Island Story ch 65 The Story of a Boy King
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 5 When Water Flows Up (experiment: Capillary Attraction)
Pagoo: ch 5 A Ride and a Fall Far, Far From Home
Pagoo: ch 6 A Starfish, and a Few Barnacles
Poetry of William Blake
Parables from Nature ch 18 The Voices of the Earth
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 12-14
Week 6
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 8
New Testament - The Sending out of the Twelve - Matthew 10
An Island Story ch 66 The Story of Lady Jane Grey
This Country of Ours ch 8. How the French Founded a Colony in Florida (long chapter; plan accordingly)
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 6 Soap Bubbles (experiment: Soap Bubbles)
Pagoo: ch 7 Room and Board, Travel Included
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Fruits and vegetables, p. 23
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #4
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 15, 16
Week 7
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 9
New Testament - The Messengers from John the Baptist - Matthew 11:1-19
An Island Story ch 67 How the Princess Elizabeth Became a Prisoner
Child's History of the World ch 65 Along the Coast of East Africa (ch 61 in 1st ed?) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 50 A Great Awakening/Story of Mankind ch 39, Renaissance
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 7 Bubble Shapes (experiment: Bubble Frames)
Pagoo: ch 8 Around Snail Cousins' Rock
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: How water travels through plants, p. 24
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #5
Lamb's or Nesbit Tales of Shakespeare Pericles, Prince of Tyre
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 17-19
Week 8
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 10
New Testament - Come to Me and Rest - Matthew 11:20-30
An Island Story ch 68 How a Candle Was Lit in England which Has Never Been Put Out
This Country of Ours ch 9. How the Spaniards Drove the French Out of Florida (long chapter; plan accordingly)
Trial and Triumph ch 21. John Calvin Theologian of the Reformation (1509-1563) pg. 131
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 8 Molecules in Motion (experiment: Molecules in Motion)
Pagoo: ch 9 In, Out, Up With Traveling Towers
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Crying in the kitchen, p. 29
Poetry of William Blake
American Tall Tales: Five Fathoms Tall: Stormalong
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 20, 21
Week 9
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 11, 12
New Testament - About the Sabbath - Matthew 12:1-21
An Island Story ch 69 How the Imprisoned Princess Became a Queen
Child's History of the World ch 66 Rebirth (ch 62in 1st ed?) OR Synge's Awakening of Europe ch 05 The Story of Martin Luther/Story of Mankind ch 40 Age of Expression
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 9 Ice (experiment: Ice)
Pagoo: ch 10 Houses are Scarce in Tide-Pool Town
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Popcorn! Get your fresh popcorn here, p. 31
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #6
Parables from Nature ch 19 The Master of the Harvest
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 22
Week 10
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 13, 14
New Testament - Teachings of Jesus - Matthew 12:22-50
An Island Story ch 70 The Story of a Most Unhappy Queen
This Country of Ours ch 10. How a Frenchman Avenged the Death of His Countrymen
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 10 Water Vapor
Pagoo: ch 11 A Concrete Tile Can Crawl Both Ways
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Supermarket Staples, p. 33
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #7
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 23-25
Week 11
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 15
New Testament - Parables, Part One - Matthew 13:1-30
An Island Story ch 71 The Story of How England was Saved From the Spaniards
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 11 Condensation (activity: Condensation)
Pagoo: ch 12 Hermit House From an Ancient Jungle
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Going, going, gone, p. 34
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #8
Parables from Nature ch 20 The Deliverer
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 26, 27
Week 12
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 16, 17
New Testament - Parables, Part Two - Matthew 13:31-58
This Country of Ours ch 11. The Adventures of Sir Humphrey Gilbert
Biography of Da Vinci or Michelangelo - spread the book over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 12 Evaporation vs Condensation (experiment: Condensation and Evaporation)
Pagoo: ch 13 The Grotto of Eating Trees
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: It's a delicate balance, p. 36
Poetry of William Blake
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #9
Pilgrim's Progress
The Princess and the Goblin ch 28-end
Optional Exam Week
Week 13
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 18
New Testament - The Death of John the Baptist - Matthew 14:1-12
An Island Story ch 72 The Story of Sir Walter Raleigh
This Country of Ours ch 12. About Sir Walter Raleigh's Adventures in the Golden West (long chapter; plan accordingly)
Child's History of the World ch 67 Christians Quarrel (ch 63 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Awakening of Europe ch 06 The Diet of Worms/Story of Mankind ch 41 Great Discoveries
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 13 How Clouds Form (experiment: Condensation Nuclei)
Pagoo: ch 14 Among the Crabs, a Shy Masked Lady
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: A closer look at density, p. 39
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #10 (Jason and the Argonauts)
American Tall Tales: River Roarer: Mike Fink
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 1-3
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Week 14
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 19
New Testament - Jesus Feeds Five Thousand and Walks on Water - Matthew 14:13-36
An Island Story ch 73 The Story of the Queen's Favourite
This Country of Ours ch 13. The Adventures of Captain John Smith (long chapter; plan accordingly)
Trial and Triumph ch 22. Anne Askew The Lord's Bold Witness (1521-1546) pg. 137
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 14 Snowflakes (experiment: Snowflakes)
Pagoo: ch 15 Pagoo Takes a Shell--Keeps It, Too
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Not a drop to drink, p. 44
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #11
Lamb's or Nesbit Tales of Shakespeare The Taming of the Shrew
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 4-6
Week 15
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 20, 21
New Testament - Various Teachings and Miracles - Matthew 15
An Island Story ch 74 The Story of Guy Fawkes
This Country of Ours ch 14. More Adventures of Captain John Smith (long chapter; plan accordingly)
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 15 Endless Variety
Pagoo: ch 16 Death Trap!
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Rock candy, p. 45
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #12
Parables from Nature ch 21 Inferior Animals
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 7, 8
Week 16
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 22
New Testament - Signs and Sayings - Matthew 16:1-12
An Island Story ch 75 The Story of the Mayflower
Child's History of the World ch 68 Queen Elizabeth (ch 64) OR Synge's Awakening of Europe ch 14 England/Story of Mankind ch 42 Buddha
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 16 Frost and Dew (experiment: Dew)
Pagoo: ch 17 A Fright, a Frolic, and a Farewell
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Pasta, Macaroni, Spaghetti, and other Noodles, p. 47
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #13
American Tall Tales: Frontier Fighter: Davy Crockett
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 9, 10
Week 17
Bible: Old Testament - Joshua 23, 24
New Testament - Who is Jesus? - Matthew 16:13-28
An Island Story ch 76 How a Woman Struck a Blow for Freedom
This Country of Ours ch 15. How the Colony Was Saved (long chapter; plan accordingly)
Trial and Triumph ch 23. Latimer, Ridley, and Cranmer The Bishop Martyrs (1485-1556) pg. 141
Shakespeare bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 17 Water and Light (experiments: Refraction; Rainbows; Spherical Raindrops)
Pagoo: ch 18 Down to the Depths of Deep Hole
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: The Soda Aisle, p. 49
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #14
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 11, 12
Week 18
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 1
New Testament - The Transfiguration - Matthew 17:1-13
An Island Story ch 77 The Story of How the King and the Parliament Quarreled and at Last Fought
This Country of Ours ch 16. How Pocahontas Took a Journey Over the Seas
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
A Drop of Water Section 18 The Water Cycle
Pagoo: ch 19 Can This Be the End of Pagoo?
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: It's All About Pressure, p. 49
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #15
Parables from Nature ch 22 The General Thaw
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 13, 14
Week 19
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 2
New Testament - A Boy with a Demon, and the Payment of the Tax - Matthew 17:14-27
An Island Story ch 78 The Story of How the King was Brought to His Death
This Country of Ours ch 17. How the Redmen Fought Against Their White Brothers
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Pagoo: ch 20 Endless Rhythm of an Old, Old Sea
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Diet vs. Regular: Which Weighs More? p. 51
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #16
Lamb's or Nesbit Tales of Shakespeare Measure for Measure
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 15, 16
Week 20
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 3
New Testament - Who is the Greatest?, and The Lost Sheep - Matthew 18:1-14
An Island Story ch 79 The Adventures of a Prince
This Country of Ours ch 18. How Englishmen Fought a Duel With Tyranny
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Tookhees the 'Fraid One (first half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Cleaning Supplies, p. 54
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #17
Parables from Nature ch 23 The Light of Life
American Tall Tales: Rainbow Walker: Johnny Appleseed
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 17, 18
Week 21
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 4
New Testament - A Brother Who Sins, and The Unforgiving Servant - Matthew 18:15-35
An Island Story ch 80 The Lord Protector
This Country of Ours ch 19. The Coming of the Cavaliers
Trial and Triumph ch 24. John Knox Scottish Reformer (1514-1572) pg. 147
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Tookhees the 'Fraid One (last half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Soap: A brief History, p. 54
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #18
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 19, 20
Week 22
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 5
New Testament - Teachings about Marriage and Money - Matthew 19
An Island Story ch 81 How the King Came to His Own and Death Walked in the Streets of London
This Country of Ours ch 20. Bacon's Rebellion (long chapter; plan accordingly)
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: A Wilderness Byway (entire chapter)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: How soap cleans, p. 56
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #19
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 21, 22
Week 23
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 6
New Testament - The Workers in the Vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16
An Island Story ch 82 The Story of How London was Burned
This Country of Ours ch 21. The Story of the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Keeonekh the Fisherman (first half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Pure or Pure Malarkey? p. 48
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #20
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 23, 24
Week 24
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 7
New Testament - A Mother's Request, and the Healing of Two Blind Men - Matthew 20:17-34
This Country of Ours ch 22. The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers
Child's History of the World ch 69 The Age of Elizabeth (ch 65) OR Synge's Awakening of Europe ch 15 Elizabeth's Sailors/Story of Mankind ch 43 Confucius
Shakespeare Bard of Avon and/or Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley - spread the book(s) over the term as desired
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Keeonekh the Fisherman (last half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Detergents, p. 58
Poetry of Sara Teasdale and Hilda Conkling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #21
Parables from Nature ch 24 Gifts
Pilgrim's Progress
Children of the New Forest ch 25-end
Optional Exam Week
Week 25
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 8
New Testament - Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Matthew 21:1-22
An Island Story ch 83 The Fiery Cross
This Country of Ours ch 23. The Founding of Massachusetts
Trial and Triumph ch 25. Jeanne d'Albret Reformation Queen (1528-1572) pg. 151
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 1-9 (The Boy and the Postmaster; How Will Made a Great Decision; How Persecution Came upon the Separatists)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Koskomenos the Outcast (first half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: The Laundry Blues, p. 62
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
American Tall Tales: Hammerhead: John Henry
Pilgrim's Progress
Jungle Book: Mowgli's Brothers; Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack (poem)
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): A map (plan) is a picture of a room, town, country or earth and should show where N is; how maps are made; maps of towns, regions, countries, the world.
Week 26
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 9
New Testament - The Parable of the Two Sons, and the Parable of the Tenants - Matthew 21:23-46
An Island Story ch 84 The Story of King Monmouth
Child's History of the World ch 70 James the Servant (ch 66 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Awakening of Europe ch 30 The Pilgrim Fathers/Story of Mankind ch 43 Reformation
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 10-23 (Departure; Leyden Years; The Press)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Koskomenos the Outcast (last half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Cleaning with Scratchy stuff, p. 62
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #22 (Theseus)
Jungle Book: Kaa's Hunting; Road-Song of the Bandar-log (poem)
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 27
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 10
New Testament - The Parable of the Wedding Feast, and Some Hard Questions - Matthew 22
An Island Story ch 85 The Story of the Seven Bishops
This Country of Ours ch 24. The Story of Harry Vane
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 24-34 (Delfthaven Farewell; Aboard the Mayflower)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Meeko the Mischief Maker (first half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: The Moh's Scale: What Does Harder Mean? p. 64
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #23
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 28
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 11
New Testament - Jesus Speaks Against the Pharisees - Matthew 23
An Island Story ch 86 William the Deliverer
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 35-51 (How Master Christopher Jones Brought; Landfall; How the Mayflower Came to Anchor at Cape Cod)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Meeko the Mischief Maker (last half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Getting Stuff out of Bottles, Aerosol Spray Cans Bottles, Spray Cans, p. 65
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Parables from Nature ch 25 Night and Day
Lamb's or Nesbit Tales of Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing
Jungle Book: Tiger! Tiger!; Mowgli's Song (poem)
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 29
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 12, 13
New Testament - Jesus Speaks of the Future - Matthew 24
An Island Story ch 87 The Story of Brave Londonderry
This Country of Ours ch 25. The Story of Anne Hutchinson And the Founding of Rhode Island
Trial and Triumph ch 26. Renee Duchess of Ferrara (1510-1575) pg. 157
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 52-60 (Of the Adventure in the Shallop; The Third Discovery and the First Encounter)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: The Ol' Beech Pa'tridge (first half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Spray Bottles, p.69
Jungle Book: The White Seal; Lukannon
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #24
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 30
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 14
New Testament - The Coming of the Son of Man - Matthew 25
An Island Story ch 88 The Story of a Sad Day in a Highland Glen
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 61-73 (How the Discoverers Sought Thievish Bay; How the Mayflower Came to Plymouth Harbor; Lost in the Forest)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: The Ol' Beech Pa'tridge (last half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Baby Bottles, p.71
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Parables from Nature ch 26 Kicking
American Tall Tales: Steelmaker: Joe Magarac
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 31
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 15
New Testament - The Plot Against Jesus, and the Anointing at Bethany - Matthew 26:1-16
An Island Story ch 89 How the Union Jack was Made
This Country of Ours ch 26. The Founding of Harvard
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 74-84 (How the Spring Came and Samoset; Of the Visit of That Great Chief, Massasoit)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Following the Deer - Summer Woods (entire chapter)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: The Cooler and Freezer Aisles, Some cool Questions (and Answers), p.73
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #25
Jungle Book: Rikki-tikki-tavi and Darzee's Chaunt
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 32
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 16
New Testament - Jesus Eats the Passover Meal - Matthew 26:17-35
An Island Story ch 90 The Story of the Earl of Mar's Hunting Party
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 85-100 (The Return of the Mayflower; How Mr. Winslow Brought a Scarlet Coat to Massasoit; How Squanto Was Avenged)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Following the Deer - Still Hunting (first half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: The Dairy Case, p.77
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #26
Parables from Nature ch 27 Imperfect Instruments
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 33
Bible: Old Testament - Judges 17, 18 (Judges 19-21 are not scheduled)
New Testament - Jesus Prays in Gethsemane and is Arrested - Matthew 26:36-56
An Island Story ch 91 The Story of Bonnie Prince Charlie
This Country of Ours ch 27. How Quakers First Came To New England
Trial and Triumph ch 27. Gustavus Adolphus Warrior King (1594-1632) pg. 167
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 101-110 (Of the Arrival of the Ship Fortune; Of the Strange Message from Canonicus; Thanksgiving, 1621)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Following the Deer - Still Hunting (last half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Where does Cream come from? p.78
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #27
Jungle Book: Toomai of the Elephants; Shiv and the Grasshopper (poem)
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 34
Bible: Old Testament - Ruth 1
New Testament - The Trial of Jesus - Matthew 26:57-75
An Island Story ch 92 The Story of Flora MacDonald
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 111-124 (Of a Strange Plot; Of How They Built a Strong Fort for Their Defense; Concerning the Coming of the Charity and the Swan)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Following the Deer - Winter Trails (first half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: How to Whip Cream, p.79
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #28
Parables from Nature ch 29 Birds in the Nest
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 35
Bible: Old Testament - Ruth 2, 3
New Testament - Jesus Before Pilate, and the Death of Jesus - Matthew 27
An Island Story ch 93 The Story of the Black Hole of Calcutta
This Country of Ours ch 28. How Maine And New Hampshire Were Founded
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 125-138 (How Massasoit Disclosed a Most Villanous Plot; How Witawamat Lost His Head; How Began Free Enterprise)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Following the Deer - Winter Trails (last half)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: Before It's Butter, p.82
Jungle Book: Her Majesty's Servants; Parade-Song of the Camp Animals (poem)
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #29
Pilgrim's Progress
Week 36
Bible: Old Testament - Ruth 4
New Testament - The Resurrection - Matthew 28
An Island Story ch 94 The Story of How Canada Was Won
Squanto, OR, Landing of the Pilgrims: pg 139-end (How Came the Good Ship Anne and the Pinnace Ye Little James; The Sailing of the Anne and of the Great Fire; Good News From New England; Twenty Years Later)
Marco Polo - read a third of the book each term, using map to record his journey
Secrets of the Woods: Following the Deer - Snow Bound (entire chapter)
Optional: Science Lab in a Supermarket: I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream, p.83
Poetry of Helen Hunt Jackson
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #30
Lamb's or Nesbit Tales of Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Pilgrim's Progress
Optional Exam Week
Last updated: Jul 29, 2024 (Kingsley's Heroes rescheduled; old Bible schedule was removed)