
AmblesideOnline Year 6 36-Week Schedule

As a help for scheduling Year 6 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

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Daily Work

  • Narration of every scheduled reading, either orally or written
  • Copywork - 5-10 minutes a day
  • Recitation
  • Mathematics
  • Foreign language
  • Latin
  • Musical instrument practice
  • Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase

Weekly Work

Additional Books for Free Reading

  • Rob Roy
  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • Little Men
  • Jack and Jill
  • The Cricket on the Hearth
  • The Swiss Family Robinson
  • Call of the Wild
  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  • Little Brother of the Bear
  • Where the Red Fern Grows
  • Roll of Thunder
  • Blue Willow by Doris Gates
  • Miracles on Maple Hill
  • Letters from Rifka
  • Jungle Pilot: The Life and Witness of Nate Saint
  • The Von Trapp Family Singers
  • God's Smuggler
  • Snow Treasure
  • Number the Stars
  • The Ark [OOP]
  • Winged Watchman
  • *The Endless Steppe
  • ***The Bronze Bow
  • *books w/ asterisks pertain to term's historical studies

Weekly Readings

Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.

Correspond history readings with a timeline or century book and map. This PR article on Book of Centuries, as well as other PR articles about history, may be helpful.

Year 6 reflects a transition year between the education of childhood and the challenging education of the upper years. As such, more mature subject matter is included in some areas. We have endeavored to make note of this where applicable, but we encourage parents to pre-screen such material to determine its appropriateness for their child and family.

Week 1
Bible: Old Testament - King Cyrus Commands the Jews to Return - Ezra 1; look at Ezra 2 to see the lists of those who returned
New Testament - The Rich Young Ruler - Luke 18:18-27
New Testament - Promises to the Disciples - Luke18:28-30
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 23, 24 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: The Nineteenth Amendment Grants Women the Right to Vote (1920); Archaeologists Uncover "King Tut's" Tomb (1922); Charles A Lindbergh Solos over the Atlantic (1927)
Story of Mankind by Van Loon ch 66 The US Comes of Age (ch 65-71 were added to later revised editions and are still under copyright, so they are not in the online texts or reprints of online texts. They are in the 1984 version updated by John Merriman and published by Liveright; this edition is being further updated by Robert Sullivan and being rereleased in hardback by Liveright in Dec 2013. The Kindle version linked for sale says it's the version 'updated by John Merriman.' Most libraries will have the 1984 copy of this book) OR A Child's History of the World, ch 85 A Short Twenty Years
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 25-33
Halliburton ch 7 The Labyrinth OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 36
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 7 Life in the Blood - pg 119; spread Lesson 7 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1. The Universe and Its Origins: Counting the stars pg 8
         How big is the universe? pg 9
         How can we measure star distances? pg 10
         Did our universe have a beginning? pg 11
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 1 The Puzzle
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 1, 2 (or Ordinary Genius ch 1)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 29 Return of Ulysses
The Hobbit ch 1
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): Animal features (feet, teeth, covering) and their purposes; how we use animals (meat, milk, fur, silk, horns, hooves, labor, pets)

Week 2
Bible: Old Testament - Worship Begins Again - Ezra 3:1-6
New Testament - Laborers in the Vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16
New Testament - Jesus Foretells His Death - Luke 18:31-34
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 25 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: Penicillin Is Discovered (1928); The New York Stock Market Crashes (1929); Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany (1933)
Story of Mankind by Van Loon ch 67 The Axis Partners and ch 68 Isolationism OR A Child's History of the World, ch 86 Modern Barbarians and ch 87 Fighting the Dictators
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 34-46
Halliburton ch 8 The Slave City (Read our note here) OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 37
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 7 Life in the Blood - pg 119; spread Lesson 7 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1. The Universe and Its Origins: An orderly universe pg 12
         The law of entropy pg 13
         Why doesn't everyone believe in God? pg 13-15
         More wonders pg 15
         An astronaut's wise word pg 15-16
The Elements: silver pg 114, gold pg 180-183
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 3 (or Ordinary Genius ch 2, first half)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 29 the Laestrygonians
The Hobbit ch 2

Week 3
Bible: Old Testament - The Rebuilding of the Temple Begins - Ezra 3:7-13
New Testament - James and John Make a Request - Mark 10:35-45
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 26, 27 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Launches the New Deal (1933); World War II Begins (1939); Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor (1941) (mentions soldiers spending 'their first night' with a woman)
Story of Mankind by Van Loon ch 69 The Atlantic Charter OR A Child's History of the World ch 88 A New Spirit in the World
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 47-59
Halliburton ch 9 Smoke That Sounds OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 38
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 7 Life in the Blood - pg 119; spread Lesson 7 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2. Dead Planets, Living World: What is the Solar System? pg 17
         What are the other planets like? pg 17-18
         Landing on Mercury? pg 18
         Landing on Venus? pg 18-19
         We land on Mars! pg 19-20
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 2 The First Chemists?
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 4 (or Ordinary Genius ch 2, second half)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 29 Scylla and the Charbdis, Calypso
The Hobbit ch 3

Week 4
Bible: Old Testament - Opposition to the Rebuilding - Ezra 4
New Testament - Jesus Heals the Blind Men at Jericho - Mark 10:46-52
New Testament - Zacchaeus - Luke 19:1-10
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 28, first half of 29 (up to pg 323) OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: The Allies Invade Nazi-held Europe (1944), 3 pages; British Troops Liberate the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp (1945); America Drops Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945)
Story of Mankind by Van Loon ch 70 Global War OR A Child's History of the World ch 89 A New Big Power in the World
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 60-69
Halliburton ch 10 Allah's Children OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 39
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 7 Life in the Blood - pg 119; spread Lesson 7 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2. Dead Planets, Living World: The outer planets pg 20
         Jupiter, king of the planets pg 20
         Saturn, the ringed planet pg 21
         Uranus, Neptune and Pluto pg 21
The Elements: copper pg 76-79
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 5 (or Ordinary Genius ch 3)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 30 the Phaeacians spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit ch 4

Week 5
Bible: Old Testament - Work on the Temple Begins Again - Ezra 5
New Testament - The Parable of the Ten Talents - Luke 19:11-28
New Testament - Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death - John 11:1-44
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer second half of ch 29 (starting at pg 323), ch 30 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: The Dead Sea Scrolls Are Discovered (1947); George C Marshall Announces a Postwar Recovery Plan (1947); The Nation of Israel Is Carved Out of Palestine (1948)
Story of Mankind by Van Loon ch 71 The UN OR A Child's History of the World ch 90 Trying to Keep Peace and ch 91 Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 70-80
Halliburton ch 11 The Enchanted Temple OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 40
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 7 Life in the Blood - pg 119; spread Lesson 7 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2. Dead Planets, Living World: Dead planets pg 21-22
         The odd planet pg 22
         Why is the sun so important? pg 22-24
         A zone of life pg 24-25
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 3 Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 6 (or Ordinary Genius ch 4)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 30 The Phaeacians spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit ch 5

Week 6
Bible: Old Testament - The Work Continues, The Temple is Dedicated - Ezra 6
New Testament - Meeting of the Sanhedrin - John 11:45-57
New Testament - Mary Anoints Jesus - Luke 7:36-50
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 31, 32 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: Russia Blockades Berlin (1948); China Becomes a Communist Nation (1949), 4 pages; Billy Graham Becomes America's Most Prominent Christian Leader (1950)
Trial and Triumph ch 45. C. S. Lewis Chronicler of Narnia (1898-1963) pg. 277
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 81-93
Halliburton ch 12 The Dead Sea OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 41
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 7 Life in the Blood - pg 119; spread Lesson 7 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3. The "Odd Planet:" What if? pg 26-27
         Rivers in the sea pg 27-29
         What could go wrong? pg 29
         The greenhouse effect? pg 29-30
The Elements: carbon pg 24-25
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 7 (or Ordinary Genius ch 5, first half)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 30 The Fate of the Suitors
The Hobbit ch 6

Week 7
Bible: Old Testament - Ezra Arrives in Jerusalem - Ezra 7
New Testament - Christ enters Jerusalem - Luke 19:29-44
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 33, first half of 34 (up to pg 379) OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: The United States Goes to War with Korea (1950); The US Supreme Court Strikes Down Racial Segregation (1954); Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Montgomery Alabama Bus (1955)
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 94-105
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 9 Sally Hemings, first half (Pre-read this chapter, depending on the age and maturity of your student.)
Halliburton ch 13 The Rock of Abraham OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 42
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 8 Cardiovascular System - pg 133; spread Lesson 8 over six weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 3. The "Odd Planet:" The terrible termites pg 30-31
         Holes in the air pg 31
         A major mystery pg 31-32
         The fundamental law of nature pg 32-33
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 4 The Alchemists
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 8 (or Ordinary Genius ch 5, second half)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 31 Adventures of Aeneas
The Hobbit ch 7

Week 8
Bible: Old Testament - Ezra Organizes the Work - Ezra 8 (It is probably advisable to omit the last two chapters of Ezra for younger students)
New Testament - Cleansing the Temple - Mark 11:15-18
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch second half of ch 34 (starting at pg 379), and ch 35 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: The US Government Approves a Vaccine for Polio (1955); The Cuban Missile Crisis Unfolds (1962); John Fitzgerald Kennedy Is Assassinated (1963)
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 106-113
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 9 Sally Hemings, second half
Halliburton ch 14 Treasure Hunters OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 43
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 8 Cardiovascular System - pg 133; spread Lesson 8 over six weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 4. World in the Making: pg 35-36
         Shaking the foundations pg 36
         Disappearance of the dinosaurs pg 36-38
         Was Earth struck by a giant asteroid? pg 38-39
The Elements: sulphur pg 46-47
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 9 (or Ordinary Genius ch 6)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 31 Dido, Palinurus
The Hobbit ch 8

Week 9
Bible: Old Testament - Nehemiah's Concern for Jerusalem - Nehemiah 1, 2:1-8
New Testament - The Barren Fig Tree - Mark 11:11-14, 11:19-23
New Testament - Prayer and Forgiveness - Mark 11:24-26
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 36, 37 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: The US Congress Passes the Civil Rights Act (1964); The US Congress Passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964); Israel Fights a Six-Day War Against Egypt and Its Arab Allies (1967)
Trial and Triumph ch 46. Richard Wurmbrand Tortured for Christ (1908- ) pg. 283
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 114-125
Halliburton ch 15 Baalbek OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 44
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 8 Cardiovascular System - pg 133; spread Lesson 8 over six weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 4. World in the Making: The "death star" theory pg 39-40
         Continents that move pg 40-42
         Cataclysms on Earth? pg 42
         What about the Genesis Flood? pg 42-43
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 5 "This Spirit, Hitherto Unknown"
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 10, 11 (or Ordinary Genius ch 7)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 32 The Infernal Regions spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit ch 9

Week 10
Bible: Old Testament - Nehemiah Goes to Jerusalem - Nehemiah 2:9-20
New Testament - The Questioning of the Chief Priests - Luke 20:1-8
New Testament - The Parable of the Two Sons - Matthew 21:28-32
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 38 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: Martin Luther King Jr Is Assassinated (1968); Americans Walk on the Moon (1969); Richard Nixon Resigns as President of the United States (1974)
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 126-137
Halliburton ch 16 Zenobia OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 45
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 8 Cardiovascular System - pg 133; spread Lesson 8 over six weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 5. Mysteries of the Earth: pg 44-45
         Mountains where they shouldn't be pg 45
         How old is the Earth? pg 46
         How scientists use fossils to determine age pg 46-47
         What is radiometric dating? pg 47-49
The Elements: arsenic pg 86-87
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 12 (or Ordinary Genius ch 8)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 32 The Infernal Regions spend 2 weeks as needed
The Hobbit ch 10

Week 11
Bible: Old Testament - Rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem - Nehemiah 3
New Testament - The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen - Matthew 21:33-46
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 39, 40 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: Personal Computers Are Invented (1975); Saigon Falls (1975); Solidarity Strikes the Gdansk Shipyards (1980)
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 138-149
Halliburton ch 17 Prince and the Flying Carpet OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 46
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 8 Cardiovascular System - pg 133; spread Lesson 8 over six weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 5. Mysteries of the Earth: What's wrong with radiometric dating? pg 49-50
         From the beginning? pg 50-51
         What was Earth like when it was created? pg 51-52
         Will the mysteries ever be solved? pg 52-53
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 6 The Atomists Return
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 13 (or Ordinary Genius ch 9)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 32 Elysium, The Sibyl
The Hobbit ch 11

Week 12
Bible: Old Testament - Nehemiah Overcomes Opposition - Nehemiah 4
New Testament - The Parable of the Wedding Garment - Matthew 22:1-14
New Testament - Render Unto Caesar - Matthew 22:15-22
The Story of the World vol 4 by Susan Wise Bauer ch 41, 42 OR What Everyone Should Know About the 20th Century: China Suppresses the Prodemocracy Movement (1989); The Berlin Wall Comes Down (1989); A UN Coalition Goes to War with Iraq (1991) (there is a reference here to "openly gay men")
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 150-161
Halliburton ch 18 Babylon OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 47
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 8 Cardiovascular System - pg 133; spread Lesson 8 over six weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 6. How Science Works: pg 56
         How scientists test their ideas pg 57-58
         It's not really that easy pg 58-59
         Developing better theories pg 59-60
         Good science and bad science pg 60-61
The Elements: iron pg 68-71
Einstein Theory of Relativity by Cwiklik ch 14 (or Ordinary Genius Afterword)
Poetry of Robert Frost
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 33 through Opening the Gates of Janus, Camilla
The Hobbit ch 12

Optional Exam Week

Week 13
Bible: Old Testament - Nehemiah Fights the Oppression of the Poor - Nehemiah 5
New Testament - The Sadducees Ask a Question - Luke 20:27-40
New Testament - The Greatest Commandment - Mark 12:28-34
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 1-9
Augustus Caesar's World: Janus, XI-XIII/Under a Lucky Star pg 5-9, The Ides of March, pg 10-13 (This book contains sections on the birth of world religions presented from a secular humanist point of view. Parents may wish to cover these sections closely with their children.)
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 162-169
Halliburton ch 19 Home of the Nightingales OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 48, 49
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems - pg 149; spread Lesson 9 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 6. How Science Works: The "ruling theory trap" pg 62-63
         Is scientific proof possible? pg 63-64
         7. Life in a Test Tube? pg 65
         Either/or pg 65-66
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 7 The Strange Tale of Phlogiston, the Element that Wasn't
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 1, 2
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 33 Evander, Infant Rome
The Hobbit ch 13
Church's Iliad: ch 1, 2, 3, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Golden Apple
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): Things mined from the earth: minerals and metals such as coal, iron, gold, silver, lead, tin, copper, mercury, salt. Quarried stones: granite, sandstone; limestone (chalk), marble, slate and their uses. Where brick and glass come from; mortar.

Week 14
Bible: Old Testament - Plots Against Nehemiah - Nehemiah 6, 7:1-3
New Testament - David's Son and David's Lord? - Mark 12:35-37
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 10-19
Augustus Caesar's World: Cleopatra and her Son, p 14-18, Caesar's Adopted Son pg. 19-21, Cicero, pg 22-26
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 170-181
Halliburton ch 20 Wonderland OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 50, 51
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems - pg 149; spread Lesson 9 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 7. Life in a Test Tube? What do Evolutionists think happened? pg 66-67
         Stanley Miller's experiment pg 67
         What is a cell? pg 68-69
         How do we know it Couldn't Just Happen? pg 69-72
The Elements: tin pg 120-121
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 3
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 33 Nisus and Euryalus
Church's Iliad: ch 4, 5, 6, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Ship-Gathering, Quarrel with the High King
The Hobbit ch 14

Week 15
Bible: Old Testament - Ezra Reads the Law to the People, and the Festival of Shelters - Nehemiah 8
New Testament - Woe to the Pharisees - Matthew 23:1-39
New Testament - The Widow's Mite - Mark 12:41-44
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 20-29
Augustus Caesar's World: Conspirators Without a Plan p 26-28, Mark Antony pg 29-34, Why is July pg 35-40
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 182-193
Halliburton ch 21 My Hindu Princess OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 52, 53
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems - pg 149; spread Lesson 9 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 8. The Mystery of the Moths: The moths that changed! pg 73-74
         Other changes and evolution pg 74-75
         The Theory of Evolution and evolution pg 75-76
         What are genes and chromosomes? pg 76-77
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 8 ch Mr. Priestly Clears Things Up
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 4
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 33 Mezentius, Pallas, Camilla, Turnus
Church's Iliad: ch 7, 8, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Single Combat
The Hobbit ch 15

Week 16
Bible: Old Testament - Queen Vashti Defies King Xerxes - Esther 1
New Testament - Christ's Second Coming Foretold - Mark 13:1-37
New Testament - The Parable of the Ten Virgins - Matthew 25:1-13
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 30-39
Augustus Caesar's World: Gauls, Geese and Black Vultures p 41-44, Octavian Plays the game pg 45-49, Bloody Finger Prints pg 50-54
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 194-205
Answering the Cry for Freedom Part Four - Freedom Was Just the Beginning
Halliburton ch 22 A Love Story OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 54, 55
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems - pg 149; spread Lesson 9 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 8. The Mystery of the Moths: What about those moths? pg 77-78
         What experiments show pg 78-79
         Were there "hopeful monsters"? pg 79-80
         What does the Bible say? pg 80-81
The Elements: lead pg 188-191
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 5
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 34 Pythagoras
Church's Iliad: ch 9, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Women of Troy, The High King's Embassy
The Hobbit ch 16

Week 17
Bible: Old Testament - Esther Becomes Queen, and Mordecai Saves the King's Life - Esther 2
New Testament - The Last Judgment - Matthew 25:31-46
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 40-49
Augustus Caesar's World: Candles and Holly Berries pg 55-58, The Festival of Lights pg 63-65, Herod Future King of the Jews pg 66-70
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 206-219
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 10 Paul Cuffe, first half
Halliburton ch 23 The Glory of Asia OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 56, 57
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 10 Nervous System Extended - pg 161; spread Lesson 10 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 9. The Record in the Rocks: What is a fossil? pg 82
         What do fossils have to do pg 83
         What did Charles Darwin think about fossils? pg 84-85
         What are strata? pg 85-89
         Other problems, too pg 89-90
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 9 Mr. Cavendish and Inflammable Air
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 6
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 34 Sybaris and Crotona, Myth of Osiris and Isis
Church's Iliad: ch 10, 11, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Horses of King Rhesus, Red Rain
The Hobbit ch 17

Week 18
Bible: Old Testament - Haman's Plot - Esther 3
New Testament - Greeks Visit Jesus - John 12:20-36
New Testament - The Judgment of Unbelief - John 12:37-50
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 50-58
Augustus Caesar's World: Philippi and the Ghost pg 71-76, Antony and Octavian Divide the World pg 77-79
Never Give In (Churchill biography) pg 220-228
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 10 Paul Cuffe, second half
Halliburton ch 24 The Top of the World OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 58, 59
It Couldn't Just Happen 9. The Record in the Rocks: Taking wings pg 90-91
         Evidence for creation pg 91
         10. The Same, yet Different: pg 94-96
         Is similarity proof? pg 96-97
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 10 Nervous System Extended - pg 161; spread Lesson 10 over four weeks
The Elements: hydrogen pg 14-15, helium pg 16-17
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 7
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 34 Oracles: Oracle of Aesculapis
Church's Iliad: ch 12, 13, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Battle for the Ships, The Armor of Achilles
The Hobbit ch 18

Week 19
Bible: Old Testament - Mordecai Asks for Esther's Help - Esther 4
New Testament - Judas Iscariot - Luke 22:1-6
New Testament - The Last Supper - John 13:1-35
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 59-67
Augustus Caesar's World: Horace and the Country Mouse pg 80-84, Antony and Cleopatra pg 84-90, Herod the Fugitive pg 91-92
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 1, God's Book of Creation
Halliburton ch 25 Land of Mystery OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 60, 61
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 10 Nervous System Extended - pg 161; spread Lesson 10 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 10. The Same, yet Different: Why is homology good evidence? pg 97-98
         What are problems with homology? pg 98-99
         What about other similarities? pg 99-100
         What does the evidence show? pg 100
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 10 Chemistry's French Revolution
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 8
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 34 Oracle of Apis
Church's Iliad: ch 14, 15, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Vengeance for Patrocles, Funeral Games
The Hobbit ch 19

Week 20
Bible: Old Testament - Esther Sends an Invitation - Esther 5
New Testament - Who Is The Greatest? - Luke 22:24-30
New Testament - Peter's Fall Foretold - Matthew 26:31-35
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 68-77
Augustus Caesar's World: Virgil and Isaiah pg 93-96, Octavia Weds Antony pg 97-100, Herod King of the Jews pg 100-101, To Athens and Return pg 102-106
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 1, God's Book of Creation
Halliburton ch 26 Palace of the Living Gods OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 62, 63
It Couldn't Just Happen 11. The Wonders of Design: pg 102-103
         The woodpecker pg 103-104
         The amazing penguin pg 104-105
         The temperature bird pg 105-106
         The first zipper pg 106
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 10 Nervous System Extended - pg 161; spread Lesson 10 over four weeks
The Elements: oxygen pg 28-29
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 9
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 35 Origin of Mythology
Church's Iliad: ch 16, 17, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Ransom for Hector, The Luck of Troy
Animal Farm ch 1, 2

Week 21
Bible: Old Testament - The King Honors Mordecai - Esther 6
New Testament - The Comforter - John 14:1-31
New Testament - The Vine and the Branches - John 15:1-27
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 78-86
Augustus Caesar's World: The Future Empress pg 107, The Siege of Jerusalem pg 108-111, A Turning Point pg 112-116, The Love Story Ends pg 117-121
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 1, God's Book of Creation
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 11 John Kizell, first half
Halliburton ch 27 Thirty Million Idols OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 64, 65
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 11 Your Senses - pg 175; spread Lesson 11 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 11. The Wonders of Design: Directional signals? pg 106-107
         The first sonar? pg 107
         The first kite? pg 107-108
         An unusual cooling system pg 108-109
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 11 A Revolution in Names
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 10
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 35 Statues of the gods: The Diana a La Biche
Church's Iliad: ch 18, 19, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Warrior Women, The Death of Achilles
Animal Farm ch 3, 4

Week 22
Bible: Old Testament - Haman is Put to Death - Esther 7
New Testament - Work of the Comforter - John 16:1-33
New Testament - Jesus Prays for Them - John 17:1-26
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 87-96
Augustus Caesar's World: Herod and Mariamne pg 122-125, Triumph and Peace pg 125-128, Augustus Caesar pg 133-136
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 2, Book of Adam
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 11 John Kizell, second half
Halliburton ch 28 A Tale From the Jungle OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 66, 67
It Couldn't Just Happen 12. More Wonders of Design: pg 110-111
         More examples of design pg 111
         A termite's home is its castle pg 111-113
         Life inside the castle pg 113
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 11 Your Senses - pg 175; spread Lesson 11 over four weeks
The Elements: mercury pg 184-185
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 11
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 35 The Poets of Mythology: Ovid
Church's Iliad: ch 20, 21, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Poisoned Arrow
Animal Farm ch 5, 6

Week 23
Bible: Old Testament - Esther Pleads with the King - Esther 8
New Testament - Gethsemane - Luke 22:40-46
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 97-106
Augustus Caesar's World: The Druids pg 137-140, Tales of the Wild Northwest pg 141-145, A Wedding pg 145-146, The Pantheon pg 147-151
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 2, Book of Adam
Halliburton ch 29 The Great Stone Serpent OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 68, 69
It Couldn't Just Happen 12. More Wonders of Design: Dancers with wings pg 113-114
         On the march pg 114-115
         Will insects take over the world? pg 115-116
         13. When It Takes Two: pg 117-118
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 11 Your Senses - pg 175; spread Lesson 11 over four weeks
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 12 'Nature Never Creates Other Than Balance in Hand'
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 12
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 36 Modern Monsters, the Phoenix, the Cockatrice
Church's Iliad: ch 22, 23, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Wooden Horse
Animal Farm ch 7, 8

Week 24
Bible: Old Testament - The End of the Story - Esther 9
New Testament - The Betrayal - Luke 22:47-53
New Testament - Peter's Denial - Matthew 26:57-75
Story of the Greeks by HA Guerber ch 107-115
Augustus Caesar's World: A Bible for the Romans pg 152-154, The Story of Aeneas pg 155-158, Who Were the Roman Gods: Mars pg 160-161 (This book contains sections on the birth of world religions presented from a secular humanist point of view. Parents may wish to cover these sections closely with their children.)
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 2, Book of Adam
Halliburton ch 30 The Magic Mountain OR Hillyer's Child's Geography ch 70, 71
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 11 Your Senses - pg 175; spread Lesson 11 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 13. When It Takes Two: Mutualism in the oceans pg 118-119
         Insects and plants pg 119
         Insects and orchids pg 120-121
         More mimics pg 121-122
         Wonders everywhere pg 122-123
The Elements: nitrogen pg 26-27
Archimedes and the Door of Science ch 13
Poetry of Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 36 The Unicorn, the Salamander
Church's Iliad: ch 24, 25, 26, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Fall of Troy
Animal Farm ch 9, 10

Optional Exam Week

Week 25
Bible: Old Testament - The Story of Job, Part One - Job 1
New Testament - Christ before the Sanhedrin - Matthew 26:59-68
New Testament - Christ before Pilate - John 18:33-40
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 1-8
Augustus Caesar's World: Jupiter pg 162-165, Golden Eagles Come Home pg 166-169, Out of Persia pg 170-174
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 3, Book of Noah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 1
It Couldn't Just Happen 14. The Family Tree? pg 126-127
         Piltdown man pg 127-128
         What's new? pg 129
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 12 Integumentary System - pg 195; spread Lesson 12 over four weeks
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 13 Mr. Dalton and His Atoms
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (If you absolutely can't find Galileo and the Magic Numbers, Along Came Galileo by Jeanne Bendick has the same chapter lineup. The other book is much preferred, however) ch 1
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 37 Zoroaster, Hindu Mythology
Church's Odyssey: ch 1, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Prologue, The Sacker of Cities
This term, focus on explaining and teaching the following geography concept(s): People around the world live in different dwellings, eat, work, learn and play. Terms: agriculture (farming), stock-raising, mining, lumbering, fishing. Town people: manufacturing, trade/commerce, transportation and other occupations.

Week 26
Bible: Old Testament - The Story of Job, Part Two - Job 2
New Testament - Judas Dies - Matthew 27:3-10
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 9-17
Augustus Caesar's World: We Still Call it Sunday pg 174-176, Herod and the Temple pg 177-182, Hillel the Great Pharisee pg 182-185, The Law of Moses pg 186-191
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 3, Book of Noah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 2, first half
It Couldn't Just Happen 14. The Family Tree? Why so many mistakes? pg 130-131
         Where did humans really come from? pg 131-133
         Either, or pg 133
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 12 Integumentary System - pg 195; spread Lesson 12 over four weeks
The Elements: Titanium p 58-61
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 2
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 37 Vishnu-Castes
Church's Odyssey: ch 2, 3, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Cyclops

Week 27
Bible: Old Testament - The Story of Job, Part Three - Job 3; read from Chapter 4 to show how Job's friends tried to "help" him. Note that the story goes on for many pages as Job and his friends speak and then the Lord answers. Finish by reading Chapter 42, which gives Job's prayer and tells the end of the story.
New Testament - Jesus Before Herod - Luke 23:7-12
New Testament - Jesus Condemned to Die - Mark 15:6-15
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 18-26
Augustus Caesar's World: Augustus the God pg 192-194, A Roman Pharaoh pg 199-204
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 3, Book of Noah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 2, second half
It Couldn't Just Happen 15. Amazing and Wonderful: pg 134
         Life in this world pg 134
         You and your body pg 134
         Inside your body pg 134-135
         The world's best pump pg 135
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 12 Integumentary System - pg 195; spread Lesson 12 over four weeks
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 14 The Shocking Mr. Davy
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 3
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 37 Buddha-Prester John
Church's Odyssey: ch 4, 5, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Lord of the Winds, The Enchantress

Week 28
Bible: Old Testament - Introduction to Daniel, Part One - Daniel 1
New Testament - Treatment by the Soldiers - Matthew 27:27-31
New Testament - The Crucifixion - Matthew 27:32-38
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 27-35
Augustus Caesar's World: Remember Akhenaton pg 205-209, Philo and the Lighthouse pg 210-214
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 4, Book of the Sons of Noah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 3
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 12 Richard Allen, first half
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 12 Integumentary System - pg 195; spread Lesson 12 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 15. Amazing and Wonderful: The oxygen exchange pg 135-138
         Rushing rivers within pg 138-139
         How many cells in your body? pg 139-140
         Eyes to see pg 140
         Ever new pg 140-141
The Elements: phosphorus pg 44-45
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 4
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 38 Northern Mythology, The Joys of Valhalla
Church's Odyssey: ch 6, 7, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Land of the Dead, Sea Perils

Week 29
Bible: Old Testament - Introduction to Daniel, Part Two - Daniel 2
New Testament - The Mother of Jesus at the Cross - John 19:25-27
New Testament - Jesus is Mocked on the Cross - Matthew 27:39-44
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 36-43
Augustus Caesar's World: Questions and Answers pg 215-223, Stepsons and Stars pg 224-227
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 4, Book of the Sons of Noah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 4
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 12 Richard Allen, second half
It Couldn't Just Happen 16. In God's Image: pg 142-143
         How does the brain work? pg 143
         Your nervous system pg 143-144
         Grey matter? pg 144-145
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 13 Lymphatic and Immune Systems - pg 215; spread Lesson 13 over four weeks
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 15 Guy-Lussac and Avogadro to the Rescue
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 5
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 38 the Valkyrior-How Thor Paid his Wages
Church's Odyssey: ch 8, 9, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Telemachus Seeks His Father

Week 30
Bible: Old Testament - The Fiery Furnace - Daniel 3
New Testament - The Penitent Thief - Luke 23:40-43
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 44-51
Augustus Caesar's World: Strabo and the World pg 228-232, Of Calendars and the Mayans pg 233-238, Children of the Sun pg 239-242
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 4, Book of the Sons of Noah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 5
It Couldn't Just Happen 16. In God's Image: The true you pg 145-147
         What evolutionists can never explain pg 147
         God's gift? pg 147-148
         You, for always pg 148-149
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 13 Lymphatic and Immune Systems - pg 215; spread Lesson 13 over four weeks
The Elements: potassium pg 52-53, sodium pg 34-35
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 6
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 38 The Recovery of the Hammer
Church's Odyssey: ch 10, 11, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Farewell to Calypso

Week 31
Bible: Old Testament - The King Who Lived in the Fields - Daniel 4
New Testament - The Death of Christ - Matthew 27:45-56
New Testament - The Soldiers Pierce Jesus' Side - John 19:31-37
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 52-60
Augustus Caesar's World: Herod is Dead pg 243-245, The Old Silk Road pg 246-249, Land of the Dragon pg 250-257
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 5, Book of Shem
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 6
It Couldn't Just Happen 17. A Sure Word: pg 152-153
         Knowing about God pg 153-154
         What's so special about the Bible? pg 154-155
         The Bible's historical accuracy pg 155-156
         Can we prove the Bible's origin? pg 156-159
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 13 Lymphatic and Immune Systems - pg 215; spread Lesson 13 over four weeks
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 16 Things Fall into Place: Triads and Octaves
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 7
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 39 Thor's Visit to Jotunheim spend 2 weeks as needed
Church's Odyssey: ch 12, 13, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The King's Daughter

Week 32
Bible: Old Testament - The Fall of Babylon - Daniel 5
New Testament - The Burial - Luke 23:50-56
New Testament - The Guard of the Sepulchre - Matthew 27:62-66
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 61-68
Augustus Caesar's World: Of India and the Hindus pg 258-264, Pater Patriae pg 265-266
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 5, Book of Shem
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 7
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 13 Lymphatic and Immune Systems - pg 215; spread Lesson 13 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen 18. How We Know We Can Trust: pg 160-167
         Prophecy about Jesus pg 160-163
         The evidence of miracles pg 163-164
         Were Jesus' miracles real? pg 164-166
         What did Jesus teach about beginnings? pg 166-167
The Elements: magnesium pg 36-37, chlorine pg 48-49
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 8
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 39 Thor's Visit to Jotunheim spend 2 weeks as needed
Church's Odyssey: ch 14, 15, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Phaeacian Games

Week 33
Bible: Old Testament - Daniel in the Lion's Den - Daniel 6
New Testament - The Resurrection - John 20:1-18
New Testament - Disciples Going to Emmaus - Luke 24:13-35
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 69-76
Augustus Caesar's World: Buddha and the Kingdom of Truth pg 267-272, December 25, Year 1 pg 277-281, Tiberius pg 282
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 5, Book of Shem
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 8
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 13 Jarena Lee, first half
It Couldn't Just Happen 19. What the Bible Teaches About Creation: How many choices are there? pg 168-169
         What we learn about creation pg 169-171
         When did God create? pg 171
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 14 Growth and Development - pg 231; spread Lesson 14 over four weeks
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 17 The Mystery Solved
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 9
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 40 Death of Baldur to Ragnarok, Twilight of the Gods
Church's Odyssey: ch 16, 17, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Return to Ithaca, The Beggar in the Corner

Week 34
Bible: Old Testament - Introduction to Jonah - Jonah 1, 2
New Testament - Appearances in Jerusalem - Luke 24:36-49
New Testament - Doubts of Thomas - John 20:24-29
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 77-85
Augustus Caesar's World: A Boy of Nazareth pg 283-286, The Hebrew Prophets pg 287-294, On the German Border pg 295-297
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 6, Book of Terah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 9
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 13 Jarena Lee, second half
It Couldn't Just Happen 19. What the Bible Teaches About Creation: Did God create in consecutive pg 172-173
         The Genesis Flood pg 173-175
         What we can and cannot know pg 175-176
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 14 Growth and Development - pg 231; spread Lesson 14 over four weeks
The Elements: nickel pg 74-75, platinum pg 178-179
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 10
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 40 Runic Letters to Wagner's Nibelungen Ring
Church's Odyssey: ch 18, 19, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Archery Contest

Week 35
Bible: Old Testament - Jonah Obeys the Lord - Jonah 3
New Testament - Appearance at the Sea of Tiberias - John 21:1-23
New Testament - Appearance on the Mount of Galilee - Matthew 28:16-20
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 86-93
Augustus Caesar's World: The Passover pg 298-304, My Dear Tiberius pg 305-306, Hermann The German Hero pg 308-311
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 6, Book of Terah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 10, first half
Answering the Cry for Freedom Epilogue
It Couldn't Just Happen 20. Alive Now and Forevermore: pg 177-178
         What about you? pg 178
         What does lie in the future? pg 178-180
         Resurrection ahead pg 180-184
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 14 Growth and Development - pg 231; spread Lesson 14 over four weeks
Mystery of the Periodic Table ch 18 The Mystery Continues
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 11
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 41 Druids
Church's Odyssey: ch 20, 21, or Rosemary Sutcliff: The Slaying of the Suitors

Week 36
Bible: Old Testament - Jonah's Anger and God's Mercy - Jonah 4
New Testament - The Ascension - Luke 24:50-53
Story of the Romans by HA Guerber ch 94-102
Augustus Caesar's World: Farewell Augustus! pg 312-314, The Kingdom of Heaven pg 315-319, A New Religion for Rome pg 320-325
Trial and Triumph ch 1. Polycarp Witness in the Arena (69-155 AD) pg. 17
Genesis, Finding Our Roots: Spend 3 weeks on Unit 6, Book of Terah
Vautier Golding's David Livingstone ch 10, second half
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 14 Growth and Development - pg 231; spread Lesson 14 over four weeks
It Couldn't Just Happen - none
The Elements: uranium pg 210-213, radium pg 202-203, plutonium pg 216-217
Galileo and the Magic Numbers (or Along Came Galileo) ch 12
Poetry of Langston Hughes
Shakespeare - work on current term's play for the 12-week term
Plutarch - read slowly through this term's Life for the 12-week term
Age of Fable ch 41 Iona
Church's Odyssey: ch 22, 23, or Rosemary Sutcliff: Peace in the Islands

Optional Exam Week

Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)

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