AmblesideOnline Year 8 36-Week Schedule

As a help for scheduling Year 8 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

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Daily Work:

Weekly Work:

Weekly Readings

The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.

Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Week 1
Bible: Numbers 1-3; Matthew 1; Psalm 56, 57; Proverbs 17:1-13
Jungle Pilot Preface
     or To a Different Drum ch 1 Blowout
Screwtape Letters: Preface; Letter I
Pursuit of Holiness Preface
Churchill's The New World, ch 1 The Round World; Trace and label the map in the book
A Man for All Seasons Act 1 for 4 wks OR Roper's Life of Thomas More part 1 for 3 weeks
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 1
Christopher Columbus Mariner by Samuel Eliot Morison ch 1 Christopher Goes to Sea. Alternately, Hale's Life of Columbus has 9 chapters. OR 1493 for Young People: Introduction
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Introduction pg xi-xxiii (or original: Introduction)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 1
Westward Ho ch 1, 2
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 32 About the Beginning of the Theater
CM's "Ourselves" pg 66-72 Part II ch VII
Roar on the Other Side pg 11 Introduction
Character is Destiny Preface
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 1-14 introduction, note
How To Read a Book Part 2 ch 6 Pigeonholing a Book
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons Intro, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 1 ch 1 The Water Molecule
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 1 Part 1
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term.
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
Signs and Seasons: ch 3 The Moon (schedule over term, with field work)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 1, 2 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet XVIII 18
(Jansen's The Story of Painting - ch 4 and 5 this year)

Week 2
Bible: Numbers 4, 5; Matthew 2;Psalm 58, 59; Proverbs 17:4-28
Jungle Pilot ch 1 "Tacasta!" first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 2 Now what?
Screwtape Letters: Letter II
Pursuit of Holiness ch 1 Holiness is for You
Churchill's The New World, ch 2 The Tudor Dynasty
Luther's speech before the Diet of Worms
A Man for All Seasons Act 1 for 4 wks OR Roper's Life of Thomas More part 1 for 3 weeks
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 2
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 2 Sailing for Portugal, ch 3 A Great Enterprise is Born OR 1493 for Young People: ch 1 Two Monuments
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Introduction pg xi-xxiii (or original: Discourses of R Hythloday, spend 6 wks)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Francis Bacon essay - Of Truth
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 2
Westward Ho ch 3, 4
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 33 How the Shepherd Watched Their Flocks
Character is Destiny Introduction
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 15-22 ch 1, 2
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons Intro, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 1 ch 2 Molecular Ballet
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 1 Part 2
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 3, 4 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet XXIX 29

Week 3
Bible: Numbers 6, 7; Matthew 3, 4; Psalm 60, 61; Proverbs 18:1-10
Jungle Pilot ch 1 "Tacasta!" second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 3 Ph.D. by faith
Pursuit of Holiness ch 2 The Holiness of God, first half
Churchill's The New World, ch 3 King Henry VIII
A Man for All Seasons Act 1 for 4 wks OR Roper's Life of Thomas More part 1 for 3 weeks
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 3
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 4 Bargaining with Princes, ch 5 Preparations for the First Voyage OR 1493 for Young People: ch 2 Reversals of Furtune
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 11-13: Letter to Busleiden (or original: Discourses of R Hythloday, spend 6 wks)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 3
Westward Ho ch 5
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 34 The Story of Everyman
Character is Destiny ch 1 Character is destiny
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 23-30 ch 3, 4
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 1 Peppers, Nutmeg, and Cloves, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 1 ch 3 Molecular Tinkertoys
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 2 Part 1
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 5, 6 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet XXX 30

Week 4
Bible: Numbers 8-10; Matthew 4:18-5:16; Psalm 62, 63; Proverbs 18:11-24
Jungle Pilot ch 2 In the Eagle's Nest
     or To a Different Drum ch 4 Stirred up
Screwtape Letters: Letter III
Pursuit of Holiness ch 2 The Holiness of God, second half
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 01 Luther, 1483-1546
Churchill's The New World, ch 4 Cardinal Wolsey, to page 49, "On October 9, 1529. . ." -- Trace and label map in book
A Man for All Seasons Act 1 for 4 wks OR Roper's Life of Thomas More part 2 for 2 weeks
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 4
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 6 First Crossing of the Atlantic, ch 7 Asia or What? OR 1493 for Young People: ch 3 The Tobacco Coast
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 15- end of 19 (or original: Discourses of R Hythloday, spend 6 wks)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Francis Bacon essay - Of Revenge
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 4
Westward Ho ch 6, 7
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 35 How a Poet Comforted a Girl
Roar on the Other Side pg 17 Sight Training
Character is Destiny ch 2 The unexamined life is not worth living
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 31-36 ch 5
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 1 Peppers, Nutmeg, and Cloves, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 1 ch 4 Sandwich Molecules
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 2 Part 2
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 7, 8 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet LIII 53

Week 5
Bible: Numbers 11-13; Matthew 5:17-48; Psalm 64, 65; Proverbs 19:1-10
Jungle Pilot ch 3 Boy in a Hurry
     or To a Different Drum ch 5 China at last
Screwtape Letters: Letter IV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 3 Holiness is Not an Option, first half
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 02 More, 1478-1535
Churchill's The New World ch Cardinal Wolsey, pages 49-61, end of ch 4 and first half of ch 5 The Break with Rome, to 'Having Established his supremacy. . .'
A Man for All Seasons Act 2 for 4 wks OR Roper's Life of Thomas More part 2 for 2 weeks
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 5
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 8 Homeward Passage OR 1493 for Young People: ch 4 Evil Air
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 19-to middle of 24 (or original: Discourses of R Hythloday, spend 6 wks)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 5
Westward Ho ch 8
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 36 The Renaissance
CM's "Ourselves" pg 73-80 ch VIII
Character is Destiny ch 3 Character is what you are in the dark, first half
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 37-40 ch 6
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 2 Ascorbic Acid, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 1 ch 5 Left-handed and Right-handed Molecules
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 3 Part 1
First Studies of Plant Life ch 11 How the Living Plant Uses Water to Remain Firm (spread over 5 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 9, 10 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet LIV 54

Week 6
Bible: Numbers 14, 15; Matthew 6; Psalm 66, 67; Proverbs 19:11-21
Jungle Pilot ch 4 Evolution of a Yardbird
     or To a Different Drum ch 6 First Impressions
Screwtape Letters: Letter V
Pursuit of Holiness ch 3 Holiness is Not an Option, second half
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 03 Loyola, 1491-1556
Churchill's The New World second half of ch 5 The Break with Rome, and beginning of ch 6 The End of the Monasteries pg 61, from "having established his supremacy, to page 75, 'Catholic and economically backward North" (possibly questionable passage on page 66 about accusations of Anne Boleyn's affairs beginning "In January. . .")
A Man for All Seasons Act 2 for 4 wks OR Roper's Life of Thomas More part 3 for 2 weeks
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 6
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 9 Hour of Triumph OR 1493 for Young People: ch 5 Shiploads of Silver
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 24-to end of 28 (or original: Discourses of R Hythloday, spend 6 wks)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Francis Bacon essay - Of Adversity
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 6
Westward Ho ch 9
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 37 The Land of Nowhere
Character is Destiny ch 3 Character is what you are in the dark, second half
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 41-48 ch 7, 8
How To Read a Book Part 2 ch 7 X-Raying a Book
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 2 Ascorbic Acid, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 1 ch 6 Molecular Traps, 7 The Smell of
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 3 Part 2
First Studies of Plant Life ch 12 How the Root Lifts Water in the Plant (spread over 2 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 11, 12 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet LVII 57

Week 7
Bible: Numbers 16, 17; Matthew 7; Psalm 68; Proverbs 19:22-29
Jungle Pilot ch 5 Shattering of a Dream
     or To a Different Drum ch 7 Commitment tested, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter VI
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 04 Cranmer, 1489-1556
Churchill's The New World second half of ch 6 The End of the Monasteries, page 75, from "In the Autumn, when the new taxes," to the end of ch 6
A Man for All Seasons Act 2 for 4 wks OR Roper's Life of Thomas More part 3 for 2 weeks)
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 7
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 10 Second Voyage to America, ch 11 Coasting the Caribbees (**pre-read ch 11; esp pg 79, the paragraph beginning "The skirmish at Salt River. . ." **) OR 1493 for Young People: ch 6 Lovesick Grass, Foreign Tubers, and Jade Rice
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 28-to middle of 33 (or original: Discourses of R Hythloday, spend 6 wks)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 7
Westward Ho ch 10, 11
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 38 The Death of Sir Thomas More
Character is Destiny ch 4 The final forming of a person's character lies in
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 49-53 ch 9
Roar on the Other Side pg 23 Real Toads
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 3 Glucose, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 1 ch 8 Bad Molecules and Good
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 3 Part 3
First Studies of Plant Life ch 12 How the Root Lifts Water in the Plant (spread over 2 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 13, 14 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet LXXIII 73

Week 8
Bible: Numbers 18-20; Matthew 8; Psalm 69; Proverbs 20:1-14
Jungle Pilot ch 6 A Voice from Heaven
     or To a Different Drum ch 7 Commitment tested, second half
Pursuit of Holiness ch 4 The Holiness of Christ
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 05 Calvin, 1509-1564
Churchill's The New World first half of ch 7 The Protestant Struggle, to page 97, "Catholic Empire of Hapsburgs" (Questionable section on page 87 about "romps" and scandal involving 'the young princess')
A Man for All Seasons Act 2 for 4 wks OR Roper's Life of Thomas More part 4 for 1 week)
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 8
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 12 The First Colony, ch 13 Exploring Cuba OR 1493 for Young People: ch 7 Potato Power, Potato Pests
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 33-to end of 37 (or original: Towns, Magistrates)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Francis Bacon essay - Of Innovations
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 8
Westward Ho ch 12, 13
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 39 How the Sonnet Came to England
Character is Destiny ch 5 Character is higher than intellect
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 54-59 ch 10
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 3 Glucose, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 2 ch 1 A Large and Well-Packed Suitcase
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 4 Part 1
First Studies of Plant Life ch 13 How Plants Give Off Water (spread over 4 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 15, 16 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet XCIV 94

Week 9
Bible: Numbers 21, 22; Matthew 9:1-17; Psalm 70, 71; Proverbs 20:15-30
Jungle Pilot ch 7 Missionary in Khaki
     or To a Different Drum ch 8 Square peg
Screwtape Letters: Letter VII
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 06 Knox, 1505-1572
Churchill's The New World second half of ch 7 The Protestant Struggle, to middle of ch 8 Good Queen Bess pg 98-109, from 'all eyes turned to Princess Elizabeth' to 'Divide a European Combination'
Rawley's Life of Francis Bacon; read the first third
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 9
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 14 Hell in Hispaniola OR 1493 for Young People: ch 8 Wealth That Grows on Trees
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 37-to middle of 42 (or original: Trades, Manner of Life)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 9
Westward Ho ch 14, 15
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 40 The Beginning of Blank Verse
CM's "Ourselves" pg 81-86 Part II ch I The Ways of Love
Character is Destiny ch 6 Excellence is habit
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 60-67 ch 11, 12
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 4 Cellulose, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 2 ch 2 Diamonds and Glass
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 4 Part 2
First Studies of Plant Life ch 13 How Plants Give Off Water (spread over 4 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 17, 18 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet CIV 104

Week 10
Bible: Numbers 23-25; Matthew 9:18-38; Psalm 72; Proverbs 21:1-11
Jungle Pilot ch 8 Mountaintop Encounter
     or To a Different Drum ch 9 Tempted to quit
Screwtape Letters: Letter VIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 5 A Change of Kingdoms, first half
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 07 Coligny, 1519-1572
Churchill's The New World second half of ch 8 Good Queen Bess pg 109 from "meanwhile, there was Mary Stuart. . ." to end of ch 8
Rawley's Life of Francis Bacon; read the middle third
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 10
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 15 The Third Voyage to America, ch 16 An Other World OR 1493 for Young People: ch 9 Crazy Soup
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 42-to 47 (or original: Of Their Traffic)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 10
Westward Ho ch 16, 17, 18
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 41 Spenser--The "Shepherd's Calendar"
Character is Destiny ch 7 Whatever is true. . . first half
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 68-73 ch 13
Roar on the Other Side pg 33 Metaphors be With You
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 4 Cellulose, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 2 ch 3 Bridges Over Troubled Water
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 5 Part 1
First Studies of Plant Life ch 13 How Plants Give Off Water (spread over 4 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 19, 20 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet CVI 106

Week 11
Bible: Numbers 26, 27; Matthew 10; Psalm 73; Proverbs 21:12-20
Jungle Pilot ch 9 Ordeal in Mexico, first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 10 Mountains and valleys
Screwtape Letters: Letter IX
Pursuit of Holiness ch 5 A Change of Kingdoms, second half
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 08 William the Silent, 1533-1584
Churchill's The New World ch 9 The Spanish Armada
Queen Elizabeth's speech before the Armada
Rawley's Life of Francis Bacon; read the last third
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 11
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 17 Admiral of the Mosquitos, ch 18 The High Voyage OR 1493 for Young People: ch 10 Forest of Fugitives
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 49-end of 53 (or original: Travelling of Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Francis Bacon essay - Of Friendship
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 11
Westward Ho ch 19, 20
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 42 Spenser--The "Faery Queen"
Character is Destiny ch 7 Whatever is true. . . second half
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 74-77 ch 14
How To Read a Book Part 2 ch 8 Coming to Terms With an Author
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 5 Nitro Compounds, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 2 ch 4 Hustle and Bustle of Liquids
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 5 Part 2
First Studies of Plant Life ch 13 How Plants Give Off Water (spread over 4 weeks)
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 21, 22 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet CXVI 116

Week 12
Bible: Numbers 28-30; Matthew 11; Psalm 74; Proverbs 21:21-31
Jungle Pilot ch 9 Ordeal in Mexico, second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 11 Reward of obedience
Screwtape Letters: Letter X
Churchill's The New World, ch 10 Gloriana
Rawley's Life of Francis Bacon Part 4
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 12
Christopher Columbus Mariner ch 19 Belen, ch 20 Marooned in Jamaica, ch 21 Home to Die OR 1493 for Young People: Afterword: Currents of Life
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 53-middle of 58 (or original: Travelling of Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Everyman: A Morality Play spread over the 12-Week term as desired
Fierce Wars Faithful Loves Canto 12
Westward Ho ch 21
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 43 Spenser--His Last Days
Character is Destiny ch 8 To enjoy the things
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 78-87 ch 15
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Napoleon's Buttons ch 5 Nitro Compounds, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 2 ch 5 Count and Tell Time
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 5 Part 3
First Studies of Plant Life ch 14 Water Path in Plants
Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball: Galileo (30 pgs; divide over Term 1 as desired)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 23, 24 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry Anthology
Shakespeare Sonnet CXXIX 129

Optional Exam Week

Week 13
Bible: Numbers 31, 32; Matt 12:1-37; Psalm 75, 76; Proverbs 22:1-14
Jungle Pilot ch 10 College for a Year
     or To a Different Drum ch 12 Gathering darkness, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 6 The Battle for Holiness
Churchill's The New World ch 11 The United Crowns to page 159 "negotiations for the Spanish match."
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 13
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 58-end of 62 (or original: Travelling of Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 1-19
Westward Ho ch 22, 23, 24
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 44 About the First Theaters
Discovery of Muscovy introduction OR Kon Tiki, chapter 1: A Theory
CM's "Ourselves" pg 87-90 ch II Pity
Character is Destiny ch 9 No one who desires to become, first half
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 88-94 ch 16
Roar on the Other Side pg 43 White Whales with Swimming Hats
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 1 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 6 Silk and Nylon, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 2 ch 6 Molecules That Clean
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 6 Part 1
Johannes Kepler ch 1 The Boy Nobody Wanted
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term.
First Studies of Plant Life ch 15 The Living Plant Forms Starch (spread over 2 weeks)
Signs and Seasons: ch 4 The Sun's Motion (schedule over term, with field work)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 25, 26 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 14
Bible: Numbers 33-35; Matt 12:38-13:23; Psalm 77; Proverbs 22:15-29
Jungle Pilot ch 11 Twosome to Ecuador, first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 12 Gathering darkness, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XII
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 09 Brewster, 1560-1644
Churchill's The New World, ch 11, The United Crowns, from 'in the midst of these turmoils' to ch 12, The Mayflower, to 'London greatly aided them in this.'
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 14
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 62-middle of 67 (or original: Travelling of Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 20-29
Westward Ho ch 25
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 45 Shakespeare--The Boy
Discovery of Muscovy The New Navigation and Discovery of The Kingdom Of Muscovy OR Kon Tiki, chapter 2: An Expedition is Born (spend 2 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Regiment of Health
Character is Destiny ch 9 No one who desires to become, second half
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 95-101 ch 17
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 2 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 6 Silk and Nylon, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 2 ch 7 Rubber, Nylon, and Wood
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 6 Part 2
Johannes Kepler ch 2 Grounded in Faith
First Studies of Plant Life ch 15 The Living Plant Forms Starch (spread over 2 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 27 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 15
Bible: Numbers 36, Deut 1; Matt 13:24-43; Psalm 78:1-22; Proverbs 23:1-11
Jungle Pilot ch 11 Twosome to Ecuador, second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 13 New Start, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 7 Help in the Daily Battle, first half
Churchill's The New World, ch 12 The Mayflower, from 'Beneath the drab exterior' to end of ch 12
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 15
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 67-end of 71 (or original: Travelling of Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 30-40
Westward Ho ch 26
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 46 Shakespeare--The Man
Discovery of Muscovy Of Muscovy OR Kon Tiki, chapter 2: An Expedition is Born (spend 2 weeks)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 91-94 ch III Benevolence
Character is Destiny ch 10 Example is not the main thing, first half
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 102-105 ch 18
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 3 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 7 Phenol, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 2 ch 8 The Air We Breathe
Johannes Kepler ch 3 Music of the Spheres
First Studies of Plant Life ch 16 The Work Done by Plants in Making Starch (spread over 2 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 1 Horrible Accident in Vermont (spread over 3 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 28 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 16
Bible: Deut 2, 3; Matt 13:44-14:21;Psalm 78:23-39; Proverbs 23:12-28
Jungle Pilot ch 12 Crash at Quito
     or To a Different Drum ch 13 New Start, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 7 Help in the Daily Battle, second half
Churchill's The New World, ch 13 Charles I and Buckingham to 'henceforth they faced it together.'
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 16
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 71-middle of 76 (or original: Slaves, and Marriages, spend 2 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 41-45
Westward Ho ch 27, 28, 29
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 47 Shakespeare--"The Merchant of Venice"
Discovery of Muscovy Of The Muscovites OR Kon Tiki, chapter 3: To South America (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Suspicion
Character is Destiny ch 10 Example is not the main thing, second half
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 106-110 ch 19
Roar on the Other Side pg 53 Musical Thought
How To Read a Book Part 2 ch 9 Determining an Author's Meaning
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 4 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 7 Phenol, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 3 ch 1 Stationary Electron Waves
Johannes Kepler ch 4 Calendar making Graz
First Studies of Plant Life ch 16 The Work Done by Plants in Making Starch (spread over 2 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 1 Horrible Accident in Vermont (spread over 3 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 29 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 17
Bible: Deut 4, 5; Matt 14:22-15:20; Psalm 78:40-72; Proverbs 23:29-35
Jungle Pilot ch 13 Crusade for Safety, first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 14 A round-trip ticket
Screwtape Letters: Letter XV
Churchill's The New World, ch 13 Charles I and Buckingham from 'Through the commons had granted' to ch 14 The Personal Rule, to 'the inert forces of the nation.'
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 17
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 76-end of 80 (or original: Slaves, and Marriages, spend 2 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 46-55
Westward Ho ch 30
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 48 Jonson--"Every Man in his Humour"
Discovery of Muscovy The Coins, Weights, and Measures, used in Russia OR Kon Tiki, chapter 3: To South America (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Discourse
Character is Destiny ch 11 A man never describes
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 111-113 ch 20
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 5 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 8 Isoprene, first third OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 3 ch 2 Spherical Waves
Johannes Kepler ch 5 Banishment!
First Studies of Plant Life ch 17 The Kind of Gas Which Plants Give Off While Making Starch
Phineas Gage ch 1 Horrible Accident in Vermont (spread over 3 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 30 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 18
Bible: Deut 6-8; Matt 15:21-16:12; Psalm 79; Proverbs 24:1-16
Jungle Pilot ch 13 Crusade for Safety, second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 15 Haunted house
Pursuit of Holiness ch 8 Obedience--Not Victory
Churchill's The New World ch 14 from 'Presently Charles' Lawyers and sleuth-hounds' to "Irish Army in Scotland whenever it might be necessary."
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 81-middle of 85 (or original: Military Discipline, spend 2 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 56-66
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: pg 2-top of pg 13 to "no harm done" (pdf file)
Westward Ho ch 31, 32, 33
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 49 Jonson--"The Sad Shepherd"
Discovery of Muscovy The Oath OR Kon Tiki, chapter 3: To South America (spend 4 weeks)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 95-98 ch ch IV Sympathy
Character is Destiny ch 12 You can follow all the rules
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 114-119 ch 21
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 6 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 8 Isoprene, second third OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 3 ch 3 Waves That Look 4 The Mating Game of Electrons
Johannes Kepler ch 6 Prince of Astronomers
First Studies of Plant Life ch 18 How Plants Breathe (spread over 2 weeks; don't do experiment with caustic potash)
Phineas Gage ch 2 What We Thought About How We Thought (spread over 3 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 31 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 19
Bible: Deut 9-11; Matt 16:13-17:13; Psalm 80; Proverbs 24:17-34
Jungle Pilot ch 14 Log of a Jungle Pilot
     or To a Different Drum ch 16 No man's debtor
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVI
Churchill's The New World end of ch 14 The Personal Rule 'At this decisive moment. . .' to ch 15 The Revolt of Parliament to 'they would now impeach the Queen.'
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 85-end of 89 (or original: Military Discipline, spend 2 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 67-81
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: pg 13-25 (pdf file)
I Promessi Sposi ch 1, 2
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 50 Raleigh--"The Revenge"
Discovery of Muscovy Certain Instructions OR Kon Tiki, chapter 3: To South America (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Riches
Character is Destiny ch 13 Sow a thought, reap an act
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 120-126 ch 22
Roar on the Other Side pg 63 Anatomy Lessons
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 7 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 8 Isoprene, last third OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 3 ch 5 When Waves Meet
Johannes Kepler ch 7 The New Astronomy
First Studies of Plant Life ch 18 How Plants Breathe (spread over 2 weeks; don't do experiment with caustic potash)
Phineas Gage ch 2 What We Thought About How We Thought (spread over 3 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 32 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 20
Bible: Deut 12-14; Matt 17:19-18:14; Psalm 81, 82; Proverbs 25:1-10
Jungle Pilot - none this week
     or To a Different Drum ch 17 Does God still provide?
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 9 Putting Sin to Death, first half
Churchill's The New World ch 15 The Revolt of Parliament, from 'This was the agony of Charles life' to end of ch 15
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 89-end of 93 (or original: Religions of the Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 82-93
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: pg 26-36 (pdf file)
I Promessi Sposi ch 3, 4, 5
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 51 Raleigh--"The History of the World"
Discovery of Muscovy Gifts sent to OR Kon Tiki, chapter 4: Across the Pacific (spend 2 weeks)
How To Read a Book Part 2 ch 10 Criticizing a Book Fairly
Character is Destiny ch 14 I have found who is responsible
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 127-132 ch 23, 24
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 8 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 9 Dyes, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 3 ch 6 Ties That Bind
Johannes Kepler ch 8 Message from the Stars
First Studies of Plant Life ch 19 The Sensitive Plant
Phineas Gage ch 2 What We Thought About How We Thought (spread over 3 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 33 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 21
Bible: Deut 15-17; Matt 18:15-19:15; Psalm 83; Proverbs 25:11-19
Jungle Pilot ch 15 Corridor Between the Clouds
     or To a Different Drum ch 18 Loaves and fishes, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 9 Putting Sin to Death, second half
Churchill's The New World, ch 16 The Great Rebellion, to 'ever succeed in holding the towns.'
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: pg 37-end (pdf file)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 93-middle of 98 (or original: Religions of the Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 94-98
I Promessi Sposi ch 6, 7
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 52 Bacon--New Ways of Wisdom
Discovery of Muscovy 13th of July OR Kon Tiki, chapter 4: Across the Pacific (spend 2 weeks)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 99-102 ch V Kindness
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 133-136 ch 25
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 9 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 9 Dyes, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 3 ch 7 Petal-shaped Waves, 9 Double Bonds
Johannes Kepler ch 9 The Dark Years
First Studies of Plant Life ch 20 The Behavior of Plants Toward Light (spread over 4 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 3 Following Phineas Gage (spread over 2 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 34 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 22
Bible: Deut 18-21:9; Matt 19:16-20:19; Psalm 84, 85; Proverbs 25:20-28
Jungle Pilot ch 16 Shell Merita, first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 18 Loaves and fishes, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIX
Churchill's The New World ch 16 The Great Rebellion, from 'Charles possessed a certain strategic comprehension' to ch 17 Marston Moor and Naseby, to 'led them safely south to Shrewsbury.'
A Coffin for King Charles ch 1
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 98-end of 102 (or original: Religions of the Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 99-117
I Promessi Sposi ch 8
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 53 Bacon--The Happy Island
Discovery of Muscovy Manners, Usages, and Ceremonies of the Russians OR Kon Tiki, chapter 5: Halfway (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of YNature in Men
Roar on the Other Side pg 71 A Few Formalities
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 137-145 ch 26
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 10 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 10 Wonder Drugs, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 4 ch 1 Daily Life of Molecules
Johannes Kepler ch 10 Tried for a Witch
First Studies of Plant Life ch 20 The Behavior of Plants Toward Light (spread over 4 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 3 Following Phineas Gage (spread over 2 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 35 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 23
Bible: Deut 21:10-24:9; Matt 20:20-21:17; Psalm 86, 87; Proverbs 26:1-14
Jungle Pilot ch 16 Shell Merita, second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 19 Solution
Pursuit of Holiness ch 10 The Place of Personal Discipline, first half
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 10 Laud, 1573-1645
Churchill's The New World, ch 17 Marston Moor and Naseby from 'The success of the king's campaign' to ch 18 The Axe Falls to 'but who should dragoon them?'
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 first half
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 102-middle of 107 (or original: Religions of the Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 118-125
I Promessi Sposi ch 9, 10
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 54 About Some Lyric Poets
Discovery of Muscovy Of Their Matrimony OR Kon Tiki, chapter 5: Halfway (spend 4 weeks)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 103-107 ch VI Generosity
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 146-151 ch 27
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 11 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 10 Wonder Drugs, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 4 ch 2 Umbrellas, Chairs, and Boats
Johannes Kepler ch 11 Home at Last!
First Studies of Plant Life ch 20 The Behavior of Plants Toward Light (spread over 4 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 4 Putting Phineas Together Again (spread over 2 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 36 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

Week 24
Bible: Deut 24:10-27:26; Matt 21:18-46; Psalm 88; Proverbs 26:15-28
Jungle Pilot ch 17 Chupientsa
     or To a Different Drum ch 20 A bloodstained boy
Screwtape Letters: Letter XX
Pursuit of Holiness ch 10 The Place of Personal Discipline, second half
Churchill's The New World ch 18 The Axe Falls, from, 'Now that the war was won' to the end of ch 18
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 second half
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 107-113 (or original: Religions of the Utopians, spend 5 wks)
Izaak Walton's Life of John Donne paragraphs 126-end
I Promessi Sposi ch 11, 12, 13
Discovery of Muscovy The Geography of Europe OR Kon Tiki, chapter 5: Halfway (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Youth and Age
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 152-157 ch 28, 29
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 12 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 13 Morphine, Nicotine, and Caffeine, first third** OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 4 ch 3 One Pair Kicks Out Another
Johannes Kepler ch 12 Kepler in Today's World
First Studies of Plant Life ch 20 The Behavior of Plants Toward Light (spread over 4 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 4 Putting Phineas Together Again (spread over 2 wks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 37 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of John Donne

** Chapters 11 and 12 of Napoleon's Buttons are not scheduled and can be skipped.

Optional Exam Week

Week 25
Bible: Deuteronomy 28, 29; Matthew 22:1-33; Psalm 89:1-15; Proverbs 27:1-12
Jungle Pilot ch 18 Odyssey by Air, first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 21 Monkeys and black eyes, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 11 Holiness in Body
Churchill's The New World, ch 19 The English Republic to "there still lies 'the curse of Cromwell.'"
John Donne's "Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions - Meditation XVII"
A Coffin for King Charles ch 3
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana introduction OR Kon Tiki, chapter 5: Halfway (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 14, 15
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 55 Herbert--The Parson Poet
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 108-111 ch VII Gratitude
Roar on the Other Side pg 81 More Formalities
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 158-168 ch 30
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 13 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 13 Morphine, Nicotine, and Caffeine, second third OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 4 ch 4 Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
A Briefer History of Time ch 1 Thinking About the Universe
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term.
First Studies of Plant Life ch 21 The Behavior of Climbing Plants (spread over 2 weeks)
Signs and Seasons: ch 5, The Cycle of the Year (schedule over term, and field work)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Newton (divide over 4 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 38 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 26
Bible: Deuteronomy 30-31:29; Matthew 22:34-23:12; Psalm 89:19-52; Proverbs 27:13-27
Jungle Pilot ch 18 Odyssey by Air, second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 21 Monkeys and black eyes, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 12 Holiness in Spirit
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 11 Cromwell, 1599-1658
Churchill's The New World from ch 19 The English Republic, from "At the moment when the axe. . ." to ch 20 The Lord Protector, to "and the successors of Torquemada."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 4 first half
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part I (spend 3 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 6: Across the Pacific (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Building (first half only)
I Promessi Sposi ch 16, 17
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
How To Read a Book Part 2 ch 11 Agreeing or Disagreeing With an Author
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 169-177 ch 31, 32
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 14 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 13 Morphine, Nicotine, and Caffeine, last third OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 4 ch 5 Fidelity and the Eternal Traingle
A Briefer History of Time ch 2 Our Evolving Picture of the Universe
First Studies of Plant Life ch 21 The Behavior of Climbing Plants (spread over 2 weeks)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Newton (divide over 4 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 39 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 27
Bible: Deuteronomy 31:30-ch 33; Matthew 23:13-34; Psalm 90, 91; Proverbs 28:1-9
Jungle Pilot ch 19 Oasis in Jivaria
     or To a Different Drum ch 22 Diamonds in the rough, first half
Pursuit of Holiness ch 13 Holiness and Our Wills
Churchill's The New World, ch 20 The Lord Protector, "Cromwell's successes and failures" to end of ch 20
A Coffin for King Charles ch 4 second half
Ch 23/epilogue of "Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England" by Sir Charles Firth
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part I (spend 3 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 6: Across the Pacific (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 18, 19
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 178-182 ch 33
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 15 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 14 Oleic Acid, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 4 ch 6 Electrochemistry
A Briefer History of Time ch 3 The Nature of a Scientific Theory
First Studies of Plant Life ch 22 The Behavior of Flowers (spread over 4 weeks)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Newton (divide over 4 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 40 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 28
Bible: Deuteronomy 34; Joshua 1-4:14; Matthew 24:1-31; Psalm 92, 93; Proverbs 28:10-17
Jungle Pilot ch 20 From Cangaime to Villano
     or To a Different Drum ch 22 Diamonds in the rough, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 14 Habits of Holiness
Optional: Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 12 Bunyan, 1628-1688
Churchill's The New World, ch 21 The Restoration, to "was England's supreme day of joy." (The folksong "the King enjoys his own again" fits here)
A Coffin for King Charles ch 5 first half
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part I (spend 3 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 6: Across the Pacific (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Studies
I Promessi Sposi ch 20, 21, 22
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 56 Herrick and Marvell--Of Blossoms and Bowers
Roar on the Other Side pg 99 Genres
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 183-188 ch 34, 35
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 16 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 14 Oleic Acid, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 4 ch 7 Photochemistry
A Briefer History of Time ch 4 Newton's Universe
First Studies of Plant Life ch 22 The Behavior of Flowers (spread over 4 weeks)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Newton (divide over 4 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 41 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 29
Bible: Joshua 4:15-ch 6; Matthew 24:32-25:13; Psalm 94, 95; Proverbs 28:18-28
Jungle Pilot ch 21 Referee in a War, first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 23 Not with my sickle! first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIV
Churchill's The New World, ch 21 The Restoration beginning "The Wheel had not however swung" to ch 22 The Merry Monarch, to "and you have the word of a king for it."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 5 second half
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part II (spend 2 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 6: Across the Pacific (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 23, 24
Samuel Pepys diary webpage: excerpts from his entries on The Black Plague
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 112-117 ch VIII Courage
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 189-192 ch 36
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 17 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 15 Salt, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 4 ch 8 Catalysis and
A Briefer History of Time ch 5 Relativity
First Studies of Plant Life ch 22 The Behavior of Flowers (spread over 4 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 42 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 30
Bible: Joshua 7, 8; Matthew 25:14-46; Psalm 96, 97; Proverbs 29:1-15
Jungle Pilot ch 21 Referee in a War, second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 23 Not with my sickle! second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 15 Holiness and Faith
Churchill's The New World, ch 22 The Merry Monarch, from "The Cavalier Parliament sternly corrected" to "actually spelt the word 'Cabal.'"
A Coffin for King Charles ch 6
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part II (spend 2 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Praise
I Promessi Sposi ch 25, 26
Excerpts from The Diary of Samuel Pepys: Sep 2-6 1666 (The Great Fire)
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 193-196 ch 37
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 18 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 15 Salt, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 5 ch 1 A Yes or No, 2 Extended Waves
A Briefer History of Time ch 6 Curved Space
First Studies of Plant Life ch 22 The Behavior of Flowers (spread over 4 weeks)
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 or 4 weeks as needed)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 43 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 31
Bible: Joshua 9, 10; Matthew 26:1-35; Psalm 98, 99; Proverbs 29:16-27
Jungle Pilot ch 22 Jungle Handyman, first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 24 No teaching for Ned
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 16 Holiness in an Unholy World
Churchill's The New World, ch 22 The Merry Monarch, from "The dominant fact on the continent of" to ch 23 The Popish Plot, to "in the broad course of European events."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 7 first half
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part III (spend 2 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 27, 28
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 57 Milton--Sight and Growth
Excerpts from The Diary of Samuel Pepys: Sep 7-Nov 12 1666 (The Great Fire)
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 118-125 ch IX Loyalty
Roar on the Other Side pg 113 Sing Darker
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 197-203 ch 38, 39
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 19 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 16 Chlorocarbon Compounds, first half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 5 ch 3 The 2, 6, 10 Rule
A Briefer History of Time ch 7 The Expanding Universe
First Studies of Plant Life ch 23 How Fruits Are Formed (spread over 3 weeks)
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 or 4 weeks as needed)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 44 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 32
Bible: Joshua 11-13; Matthew 26:36-56; Psalm 100, 101; Proverbs 30:1-9
Jungle Pilot ch 22 Jungle Handyman, second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 25 More trouble with fathers
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 17 The Joy of Holiness
Churchill's The New World, ch 23 The Popish Plot, from "It was at this moment that Louis XIV" to ch 24 Whig and Tory, to "the Peers rejected the exclusion Bill."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 7 second half
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part III (spend 2 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 29, 30
Excerpts from The Diary of Samuel Pepys: Dec 13, 1666-Jun 19, 1668 (The Great Fire)
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
How To Read a Book Part 2 ch 12 Aids to Reading
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 204-209 ch 40, 41
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 20 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 16 Chlorocarbon Compounds, second half OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 5 ch 4 Forbidden and Allowed Reactions
A Briefer History of Time ch 8 The Big Bang, Black Holes, and the Evolution of the Universe
First Studies of Plant Life ch 23 How Fruits Are Formed (spread over 3 weeks)
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 or 4 weeks as needed)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 45 OR work through Jensen's Grammar

Week 33
Bible: Joshua 14-16; Matthew 26:57-75; Psalm 102; Proverbs 30:10-23
Jungle Pilot ch 23 Operation Auca, first half
     or To a Different Drum ch 26 Foot-washing
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVIII
Churchill's The New World ch 24 Whig and Tory, from "The fury against the Popish plot was gradually" to end of ch 24
A Coffin for King Charles ch 8 first half
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part V (spend 2 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Honor and Reputation
I Promessi Sposi ch 31, 32
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 58 Milton--Darkness and Death
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 210-217 ch 42, "Spread the Word"
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 21 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 17 Molecules versus Malaria, first third OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 5 ch 5 A Law Governing
A Briefer History of Time ch 9 Quantum Gravity
First Studies of Plant Life ch 23 How Fruits Are Formed (spread over 3 weeks)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Flamsteed (divide over 4 weeks)
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 or 4 weeks as needed)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 46 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 34
Bible: Joshua 17-19; Matthew 27:1-26; Psalm 103; Proverbs 30:24-33
Jungle Pilot ch 23 Operation Auca, second half
     or To a Different Drum ch 27 Fiery furnace
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIX
Churchill's The New World, ch 25 The Catholic King, to "which he most desired came to pass."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 8 second half
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part V (spend 2 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 8: Among Polynesians (spend 3 weeks)
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 59 Bunyan--"The Pilgrim's Progress"
I Promessi Sposi ch 33, 34
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 126-130 ch X Humility
Roar on the Other Side pg 119 Writing, Reading and Revising
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 219-221 charts
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 22 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 17 Molecules versus Malaria, second third OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 5 ch 6 A Snake That Bites
A Briefer History of Time ch 10 Wormholes and Time Travel
First Studies of Plant Life ch 24 How Plants Scatter Their Seeds (spread over 3 weeks)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Flamsteed (divide over 4 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 47 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 35
Bible: Joshua 20-22:14; Matthew 27:27-66; Psalm 104; Proverbs 31:1-9
Jungle Pilot ch 24 Curaray Sandbar
     or To a Different Drum ch 28 End of an era
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXX
Churchill's The New World ch 25 The Catholic King, from "James was now at the height" to ch 26 The Revolution of 1688, to "now events struck their hammer blows."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 9
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part IV (spend 2 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 8: Among Polynesians (spend 3 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Anger
I Promessi Sposi ch 35, 36
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
Roar on the Other Side pg 135 A Gathering of Poems (peruse this section over the next two weeks)
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 222-227 or 228-233 Agreement Between . . .
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 23 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons ch 17 Molecules versus Malaria, last third OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 5 ch 7 Boxing and Molecular Collisions
A Briefer History of Time ch 11 The Forces of nature and the Unification of Physics
First Studies of Plant Life ch 24 How Plants Scatter Their Seeds (spread over 3 weeks)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Flamsteed (divide over 4 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 48 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Week 36
Bible: Joshua 22:15-ch 24; Matthew 28; Psalm 105; Proverbs 31:10-31
Jungle Pilot ch 25 Radio Silence
     or To a Different Drum ch 29 Still bar nothing
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXXI
Churchill's The New World, ch 26 The Revolution of 1688, from "At the end of April James issued" to end of book.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 10
Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana Part IV (spend 2 weeks) OR Kon Tiki, chapter 8: Among Polynesians (spend 3 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 37, 38
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
Roar on the Other Side pg 135 A Gathering of Poems
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 234-242 lists of movies and further reading
Rural Hours (or Teale book) - spread over the year, matching chapters to your geographical area by season
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made ch 24 and 25 (optional)
Napoleon's Buttons Epilogue OR Marvels of the Molecule Pt 5 ch 8 The Message of Molecules
A Briefer History of Time ch 12 Conclusion
First Studies of Plant Life ch 24 How Plants Scatter Their Seeds (spread over 3 weeks)
Great Astronomers by R.S. Ball: Flamsteed (divide over 4 weeks)
Grammar: Our Mother Tongue Lesson 49 OR work through Jensen's Grammar
Poetry of Milton

Optional Exam Week

Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)

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