AmblesideOnline Year 9 Lite 36-Week Schedule
AmblesideOnline Year 9 Lite:
Year 9 Overview
Year 9 Lite Booklist
Year 9 Lite Schedule
AO Curriculum Overview

As a help for scheduling Year 9 Lite of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
b9Daily Work:
- Narration of every scheduled reading, either orally or written
- Copywork
- Mathematics
- Foreign language
- Recitation
- Science, such as Apologia
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
Weekly Work:
- Current Events (Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs)
- Dictation and additional writing assignments
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
- Artist/Picture Study
- Grammar
- One of Plutarch's Lives spread over each term
- A Shakespeare play spread over each term
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Free Reading
Week 1
Bible: Judges 1-3; Mark 1-2:12; Psalm 106:1-23; Proverbs 1:1-19
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 1 Law of Human Nature
Through Gates of Splendor ch 1 I Dare Not Stay Home, first half
or William Carey Preface, Forward
Age of Revolution, ch 1 William of Orange (first half this week), or History of the American People pg 79-82 (to 'there are immortal souls')
Salem Witch Trials: Letter From Rev. John Higginson; Letter of Deodat Lawson; Court testimony of Sarah Bibber
The Universe Next Door ch 1 A World of Difference: Introduction
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 1 to pg 9, 'remained with the Episcopal Church.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 1
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
Count of Monte Cristo ch 1, 2, 3
Gulliver's Travels Pt 1 ch 1, 2
Battle of the Books, first quarter of the book
Longitude ch 1 Imaginary Lines, first half
The Sea Around Us ch 1. The Gray Beginnings
Signs and Seasons: work through ch 6, The Seasonal Stars, this term
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 2
Bible: Judges 4-6; Mark 2:13-4:20; Psalm 106:24-48; Proverbs 1:20-33
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 2 Some Objections
Through Gates of Splendor ch 1 I Dare Not Stay Home, second half
or William Carey ch 1 A Quiz: Who Was William Carey?, first half
Age of Revolution, ch 1 William of Orange (last half this week), or History of the American People pg 82-85 (to 'watershed in American history.')
Salem Witch Trials: Court testimony of Mary Osgood; Letter To John Foster
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 9 'Josiah, my father, married young' to pg 15 'lest it should be missed or wanted.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 2
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
Count of Monte Cristo ch 4, 5, 6
Gulliver's Travels Pt 1 ch 3, 4, 5
Battle of the Books, second quarter of the book
Longitude ch 1 Imaginary Lines, second half
The Universe Next Door ch 2 A Universe Charged with the Grandeur of God: Christian Theism, first half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 131-135: Gladness
Microbe Hunters: Leeuwenhook, first half
How to Read a Book ch 6 Pigeonholing a Book pg 59-61 Importance of Classifying
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 3
Bible: Judges 7-9:21; Mark 4:21-5; Psalm 107:1-22; Proverbs 2:1-9
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 3 Reality of the Law
Through Gates of Splendor ch 2 Destination: Shandia
or William Carey ch 1 A Quiz: Who Was William Carey?, second half
Optional: Saints and Heroes by G Hodges (Vol 2) 13 Fox, 1624-1691
Salem Witch Trials: Notable people: Tituba; Increase Mather; Cotton Mather
Age of Revolution, ch 2 Continental War (first half this week), or History of the American People pg 85-89 (to 'an experimental center for plants.')
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 15 'And after some time an ingenious' to pg 21 'offered in a manner unexpected.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 3
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 60 Dryden - The New Poetry
Count of Monte Cristo ch 7, 8, 9
Gulliver's Travels Pt 1 ch 6, 7, 8
Battle of the Books, third quarter of the book
Longitude ch 2 The Sea Before Time, first half
The Universe Next Door ch 2 A Universe Charged with the Grandeur of God: Christian Theism, second half
Microbe Hunters: Leeuwenhook, second half
How to Read a Book ch 6 Pigeonholing a Book pg 61-65 What You Can Learn from the Title
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 4
Bible: Judges 9:22-11; Mark 6; Psalm 107:23-43; Proverbs 2:10-22
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 4 What Lies Behind
Through Gates of Splendor ch 3 All Things to All Men, first half
William Carey: none this week
Age of Revolution, ch 2 Continental War (last half this week), or History of the American People pg 89-93 (to 'operating over 300 ships.')
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 21 'One of the pieces in our newspaper' to pg 28 'I told him who the old man was.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 4
Founding Father (Washington) Introduction
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
Count of Monte Cristo ch 10, 11, 12
Gulliver's Travels Pt 2 ch 1, 2, 3
Battle of the Books, last quarter of the book
Longitude ch 2 The Sea Before Time, second half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 136-139: Justice Universal
How to Read a Book ch 6 Pigeonholing a Book pg 65-70 Practical vs Theoretical
Land of Little Rain ch 01 The Land of Little Rain
The Sea Around Us ch 2. The Pattern of the Surface
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 5
Bible: Judges 12-15; Mark 7-8:21; Psalm 108; Proverbs 3:1-20
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 5 Cause to Be Uneasy
Through Gates of Splendor ch 3 All Things to All Men, second half
or William Carey ch 2 A Tribute by an Indian Woman, first quarter
Age of Revolution, ch 3 The Spanish Succession (first half this week), or History of the American People pg 93-96 (to 'cotton after the Revolution.')
John Wesley Denounces the Doctrine of Predestination, first half (1740)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 28 'Keimer's printing-house, I found' to pg 35 'debt; but I never heard of him after.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 5
Founding Father (Washington) War, first half
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
Count of Monte Cristo ch 13, 14, 15
Gulliver's Travels Pt 2 ch 4, 5, 6
Longitude ch 3 Adrift in a Clockwork Universe, first half
The Universe Next Door ch 3 The Clockwork Universe: Deism, first half
How to Read a Book ch 6 Pigeonholing a Book pg 70-74 Kinds of Theoretical Books
Great Astronomers: Edmond Halley, first half
Land of Little Rain ch 02 Water Trails of the Ceriso
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 6
Bible: Judges 16-18; Mark 8:22-9:29; Psalm 109; Proverbs 3:21-35
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 1 Rival Conceptions
Through Gates of Splendor ch 4 Infinite Adaptability, first half
or William Carey ch 2 A Tribute by an Indian Woman, second quarter
Age of Revolution, ch 3 The Spanish Succession (last half this week), or History of the American People pg 96-100 (to 'provided free for guests.')
John Wesley Denounces the Doctrine of Predestination, second half (1740)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 35 'The breaking into this money' to pg 43 'passed during his administration.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 6
Founding Father (Washington) War, second half
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 61 Defoe - The First Newspapers
Count of Monte Cristo ch 16, 17, 18
Gulliver's Travels Pt 2 ch 7, 8, Pt 3 ch 1
Longitude ch 3 Adrift in a Clockwork Universe, second half
The Universe Next Door ch 3 The Clockwork Universe: Deism, second half
Great Astronomers: Edmond Halley, second half
Land of Little Rain ch 03 The Scavengers
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 7
Bible: Judges 19-21; Mark 9:30-10:31; Psalm 110, 111; Proverbs 4:1-13
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 2 The Invasion
Through Gates of Splendor ch 4 Infinite Adaptability, second half
or William Carey ch 2 A Tribute by an Indian Woman, third quarter
Age of Revolution, ch 4 Marlborough (first half this week), or History of the American People pg 100-103 (to 'over the people of the colonies.')
Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon, first quarter (1741)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 43 'Ralph and I were inseparable' to pg 49 'Pennsilvania, which he was now about to do.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 7
Founding Father (Washington) Constitution, first half
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
Count of Monte Cristo ch 19, 20, 21
Gulliver's Travels Pt 3 ch 2, 3, 4
Longitude ch 4 Time in a Bottle
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 140-149: Justice to the Persons of Others
How to Read a Book ch 7 X-Raying a Book pg 75-78
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 8
Bible: Ruth; Mark 10:32-11; Psalm 112, 113; Proverbs 4:14-27
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 3 The Shocking Alternative
Through Gates of Splendor ch 5 Expendable for God, first half
or William Carey ch 2 A Tribute by an Indian Woman, last quarter
Age of Revolution, ch 4 Marlborough (last half this week), or History of the American People pg 103-107 (to 'of the mob belonged to it!')
Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon, second quarter (1741)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 49 'I must record one trait of this good' to pg 57 'regard for me as long as they lived.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 8
Founding Father (Washington) Constitution, second half
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
Count of Monte Cristo ch 22, 23, 24
Gulliver's Travels Pt 3 ch 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
The Universe Next Door ch 4 The Silence of Finite Space: Naturalism, first third
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 150-155: Truth: Justice in Word
How to Read a Book ch 7 X-Raying a Book pg 78-83 Stating the Unity of a Book
The Sea Around Us ch 3. The Changing Year
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 9
Bible: 1 Samuel 1-3; Mark 12; Psalm 114, 115; Proverbs 5:1-14
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 4 The Perfect Penitent
Through Gates of Splendor ch 5 Expendable for God, second half
William Carey: none this week
Age of Revolution, ch 5 Oudenarde and Malplaquet (first half this week), or History of the American People pg 107-108 (to 'second half of the twentieth century.')
Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon, third quarter (1741)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 57 'Before I enter upon my public appearance' to pg 63 'was in some degree corrected.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 9
Founding Father (Washington) President, first half
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 62 Defoe - "Robinson Crusoe"
Count of Monte Cristo ch 25, 26, 27
Gulliver's Travels Pt 3 ch 10, 11, Pt 4 ch 1
Longitude ch 5 Powder of Sympathy, first half
The Universe Next Door ch 4 The Silence of Finite Space: Naturalism, middle third
How to Read a Book ch 7 X-Raying a Book pg 83-90 The Art of Outlining a Book
Great Astronomers: James Bradley
Land of Little Rain ch 04 The Pocket Hunter
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 10
Bible: 1 Samuel 4-8; Mark 13-14:11; Psalm 116, 117; Proverbs 5:15-23
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 5 The Practical Conclusion
Through Gates of Splendor ch 6 Missionary to the Head-Shrinking Jivaros
or William Carey ch 3 A Jar of Clay, first third, to "cared for him and sustained him."
Age of Revolution, ch 5 Oudenarde and Malplaquet (last half this week), or History of the American People pg 108-112 (to 'essence of the religious experience.')
Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon, last quarter (1741)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 63 'But now another difficulty came upon me' to pg 69 'each took his books home again.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 10
Founding Father (Washington) President, second half
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 63 Swift
Count of Monte Cristo ch 28, 29, 30
Gulliver's Travels Pt 4 ch 2, 3, 4, 5
Longitude ch 5 Powder of Sympathy, second half
The Universe Next Door ch 4 The Silence of Finite Space: Naturalism, last third
How to Read a Book ch 7 X-Raying a Book pg 90-92 Reciprocal Arts of Reading and Writing
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 11
Bible: 1 Samuel 9-12; Mark 14:12-72; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 6:1-19
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 1 The Three Parts of Morality
Through Gates of Splendor ch 7 Breaking Jungle Barriers, first half
or William Carey ch 3 A Jar of Clay, middle third, from "Creative Leisure"
Age of Revolution, ch 6 Treaty of Utrechte (first half this week), or History of the American People pg 112-114 (to 'stranger sects on the Protestant fringes.')
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 11
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 69 'And now I set on foot my first project' to pg 78 'done, and for some time contented us.'
Founding Father (Washington) Nature
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 64 Swift Gulliver's Travels
Count of Monte Cristo ch 31, 32, 33
Gulliver's Travels Pt 4 ch 6, 7, 8, 9
Longitude ch 6 The Prize, first half
Yuval Levin interview on The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of the Left and Right YouTube, 1 hour
How to Read a Book ch 7 X-Raying a Book pg 92-95 Discovering the Author's Intention, First Stage
Land of Little Rain ch 05 Shoshone Land
Poems of Alexander Pope
Week 12
Bible: 1 Samuel 13, 14; Mark 15, 16; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 6:20-35
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 2 The 'Cardinal Virtues'
Through Gates of Splendor ch 7 Breaking Jungle Barriers, second half
or William Carey ch 3 A Jar of Clay, last third, from "Creative Leisure"
Age of Revolution, ch 6 Treaty of Utrechte (last half this week), or History of the American People pg 114-117
"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 78 'Finding the advantage of this' to pg 86 'committed respecting that virtue upon that day.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 12
Founding Father (Washington) Morals
Chesterfield's Letters, selections
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 65 Joseph Addison "the Spectator"
Count of Monte Cristo ch 34, 35, 36
Gulliver's Travels Pt 4 ch 10, 11, 12
Longitude ch 6 The Prize, second half
Poems of Alexander Pope
Optional Exam Week
Term 2
Week 13
Bible: 1 Samuel 15-17; Acts 1, 2; Psalm 119:1-19; Proverbs 7:1-5
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 3 Social Morality
Through Gates of Splendor ch 8 The Aucas, first half
William Carey: none this week
Age of Revolution, ch 7 The House of Hanover (all), or History of the American People pg 121-125 to "Huguenot immigrants in the British colonies could testify"
Edmund Burke's Plea for Conciliation with the American Colonies, 1775
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 86 'I determined to give a week's strict' to pg 90 'fed and clothed. -- James ii. 15, 16.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 13
Founding Father (Washington) Ideas, first third
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 66 Dick Steele
Count of Monte Cristo ch 37, 38, 39
Longitude ch 7 Cogmaker's Journal, first half
She Stoops to Conquer Act 1
Rasselas ch 1-4
The Universe Next Door ch 5 Zero Point: Nihilism, first third
Painting: Towards Revolution this term (or other art book)
Land of Little Rain ch 06 Jimville
Signs and Seasons: work through ch 7, The Wandering Stars, this term
Poems of William Cowper
Week 14
Bible: 1 Samuel 18-20:42; Acts 3, 4; Psalm 119:20-35; Proverbs 7:6-27
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 4 Morality and Psychoanalysis
Through Gates of Splendor ch 8 The Aucas, second half
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, first fifth, to "others amongst the American Indians."
Age of Revolution, ch 8 Sir Robert Walpole (all), or History of the American People pg 125-131 to "factor in his life and allegiance."
The Declaration of Independence (1776)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 90 'But it so happened that my intention of' to pg 96 'about the beginning of 1735.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 14
Founding Father (Washington) Ideas, second third
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 67 Pope
Count of Monte Cristo ch 40, 41, 42
Longitude ch 7 Cogmaker's Journal, second half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 156-162: Spoken Truth
The Universe Next Door ch 5 Zero Point: Nihilism, middle third
How to Read a Book ch 8 Coming to Terms With an Author pg 96-100 Words vs Terms
She Stoops to Conquer Act 2
Rasselas ch 5-8
The Sea Around Us ch 4. The Sunless Sea
Poems of William Cowper
Week 15
Bible: 1 Samuel 21-24; Acts 5, 6; Psalm 119:37-56; Proverbs 8:1-11
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 5 Sexual Morality
Through Gates of Splendor ch 9 September 1955
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, second fifth, from "Three Presuppositions of Carey's Reforms" to "fighting for their own rule."
Optional: Saints and Heroes by G Hodges (Vol 2) 14 Wesley, 1703-1791
Age of Revolution; ch 9 Austrian Succession (all), or History of the American People pg 131-136 to "indulging his scientific curiosity."
The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence (1775)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 96 'In the conduct of my newspaper, I carefully' to pg 103 'were grown into more influence.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 15
Founding Father (Washington) Ideas, last third
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 1-2 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 1 Napoleon in School
Count of Monte Cristo ch 43, 44, 45
The Universe Next Door ch 5 Zero Point: Nihilism, last third
How to Read a Book ch 8 Coming to Terms With an Author pg 100-103 Finding the Key Words
She Stoops to Conquer Act 3
Rasselas ch 9-11
Poems of William Cowper
Week 16
Bible: 1 Samuel 25-27; Acts 7-8:8; Psalm 119:57-71; Proverbs 8:12-21
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 6 Christian Marriage, first half
Through Gates of Splendor ch 10 Operation Auca Begins
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, third fifth, from "Carey's Two Most Important Contributions to Reform"
Age of Revolution, none this week, or History of the American People pg 136-141 to "and oppressive, but ridiculous."
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 103 'About this time I wrote a paper (first' to pg 110 'much expectation of obtaining it.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 16, 17
Founding Father (Washington) Fathers, first half
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 3 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 2 Napoleon an Officer
Count of Monte Cristo ch 46, 47, 48
How to Read a Book ch 8 Coming to Terms With an Author pg 103-106 Technical Words and Special Vocabularies
She Stoops to Conquer Act 4
Rasselas ch 12-15
Poems of William Cowper
Week 17
Bible: 1 Samuel 28-2 Samuel 1:16; Acts 8:9-9; Psalm 119:72-87; Proverbs 8:22-35
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 6 Christian Marriage, second half
Through Gates of Splendor ch 11 A Line from Plane to Ground, first half
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, fourth fifth, from "Carey's Two Most Important Contributions to Reform"
Age of Revolution, ch 10 The American Colonies (all), or History of the American People pg 141-147 to "--to a close."
Articles of Confederation (1777; spend two weeks if desired)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 111 'Meanwhile, Colonel Lawrence, William Allen' to pg 117 'think, in the same year, 1749.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 18
Founding Father (Washington) Fathers, second half
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 5-6 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 3 Napoleon in Egypt
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 68 Samuel Johnson
Count of Monte Cristo ch 49, 50, 51
Longitude ch 8 The Grasshopper Goes to Sea, first half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 163-166: Some Causes of Lying
The Universe Next Door ch 6 Beyond Nihilism: Existentialism, first third
How to Read a Book ch 8 Coming to Terms With an Author pg 106-113 Finding the Meanings
She Stoops to Conquer Act 5
Rasselas ch 16-22
Great Astronomers: Sir William Herschel, first half
Land of Little Rain ch 07 My Neighbor's Field
Poems of William Cowper
Week 18
Bible: 2 Samuel 1:17-4; Acts 10, 11; Psalm 119:88-102; Proverbs 9:1-18
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 7 Forgiveness
Through Gates of Splendor ch 11 A Line from Plane to Ground, second half
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, last fifth, from "Carey's Two Most Important Contributions to Reform"
Age of Revolution, ch 11 The First World War (all), or History of the American People pg 147-152 to "their lives and fortunes in the same cause."
Articles of Confederation (1777; finish if necessary)
Articles of Capitulation, Yorktown (1781)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 117 'The scholars increasing fast, the house' to pg 126 'into the windows of shops and houses.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 19, 20
Founding Father (Washington) Patriarchs and Masters, first third
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 7-8 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 4 Napoleon as Consul
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 69 Johnson
Count of Monte Cristo ch 52, 53, 54
The Universe Next Door ch 6 Beyond Nihilism: Existentialism, middle third
Longitude ch 8 The Grasshopper Goes to Sea, second half
Rasselas ch 23-26
Land of Little Rain ch 08 The Mesa Trail
Poems of Phillis Wheatley
Microbe Hunters ch 2 Spallanzani Pt 1, 2
Week 19
Bible: 2 Samuel 5-9; Acts 12-13:41; Psalm 119:103-122; Proverbs 10:1-11
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 8 The Great Sin
Through Gates of Splendor ch 12 The Savages Respond, first half
William Carey: none this week
Age of Revolution, ch 12 The Quarrel with America (all), or History of the American People pg 152-157 to "Independence sets forth."
Treaty with Great Britain (1783)
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 126 'An accidental occurrence had instructed me' to pg 133 'about I shall show hereafter.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 21
Founding Father (Washington) Patriarchs and Masters, second third
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 9-10 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 5 Napoleon as Emperor
Founding Brothers Preface, first half
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 70 Goldsmith
Count of Monte Cristo ch 55, 56, 57
Longitude ch 9 Hands on Heaven's Clock, first half
The Universe Next Door ch 6 Beyond Nihilism: Existentialism, last third
How to Read a Book ch 9 Determining an Author's Meaning pg 114-116
Common Sense by Thomas Paine Introduction
Rasselas ch 27-29
Poems of Phillis Wheatley
Microbe Hunters ch 2 Spallanzani Pt 3, 4
Week 20
Bible: 2 Samuel 10-13:20; Acts 13:42-15:29; Psalm 119:123-136; Proverbs 10:12-21
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 9 Charity
Through Gates of Splendor ch 12 The Savages Respond, second half
or William Carey ch 5 The Mind of a Modernizer, first quarter, to "His Word irrespective of how we feel."
Age of Revolution, none this week, or History of the American People pg 157-162 to "September 11, 1777."
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 133 'But I am got forward too fast with my story:' to pg 140 'them, and they gradually left him.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 22
Founding Father (Washington) Patriarchs and Masters, last third
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 11-12 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 6 Napoleon and Prussia
Founding Brothers Preface, second half
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 71 Goldsmith
Count of Monte Cristo ch 58, 59, 60
Longitude ch 9 Hands on Heaven's Clock, second half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 167-172: Integrity in Work
How to Read a Book ch 9 Determining an Author's Meaning pg 117-120 Sentences vs Prepositions
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 1 Of the Origin and Design of Government in General
Rasselas ch 30-34
Poems of Phillis Wheatley
The Sea Around Us ch 5. Hidden Lands
Microbe Hunters ch 2 Spallanzani Pt 5
Week 21
Bible: 2 Samuel 13:21-15; Acts 15:22-16:40; Psalm 119:137-155; Proverbs 10:22-32
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 10 Hope
Through Gates of Splendor ch 13 The Search for Palm Beach, first half
or William Carey ch 5 The Mind of a Modernizer, second quarter, from "Human Beings as God's Image" to "never, lamentably, becoming a reforming force."
Age of Revolution, ch 13 War of Independence (all), or History of the American People pg 162-167 to "Anglo-American Special Relationship."
Federalist Paper No. 10 - Divisive Party Factions
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 140 'In conversation with him one day,' to pg 148 'Make them scour the anchor.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 23
Founding Father (Washington) Father of His Country
Founding Brothers The Duel, first quarter
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 13-14 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 7 Napoleon in Spain
Count of Monte Cristo ch 61, 62, 63
How to Read a Book ch 9 Determining an Author's Meaning pg 121-124 Finding the Key Sentences
The Universe Next Door ch 7 Journey to the East: Eastern Pantheistic Monism, first third
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 2 Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession
Rasselas ch 35-38
Poems of Phillis Wheatley
Microbe Hunters ch 2 Spallanzani Pt 6, 7
Week 22
Bible: 2 Samuel 16-18; Acts 17, 18; Psalm 119:156-176; Proverbs 11:1-11
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 11 Faith
Through Gates of Splendor ch 13 The Search for Palm Beach, second half
or William Carey ch 5 The Mind of a Modernizer, third quarter, from "All People Can Change, Because We Are All Made in God's Image"
Age of Revolution, ch 14 The United States (all), or History of the American People pg 167-173 to "lost the religious battle."
Federalist Paper No. 39 - Republican Principles
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 148 'This kind of fort, however contemptible' to pg 154 'founded on an error in the translation,'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 24
Founding Father (Washington) Death
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 15-16 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 8 Napoleon in Russia
Founding Brothers The Duel, second quarter
Count of Monte Cristo ch 64, 65, 66
Longitude ch 10 The Diamond Timekeeper, first half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 173-178: Integrity in Use of Time
The Universe Next Door ch 7 Journey to the East: Eastern Pantheistic Monism, middle third
How to Read a Book ch 9 Determining an Author's Meaning pg 124-128 Finding the Prepositions
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 3 Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs
Rasselas ch 39-43
Poems of Phillis Wheatley
Week 23
Bible: 2 Samuel 19-21; Acts 19-20:17; Psalm 120, 121; Proverbs 11:12-22
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 12 Faith (again)
Through Gates of Splendor ch 14 An Auca on the Path
or William Carey ch 5 The Mind of a Modernizer, last quarter, to "His Word irrespective of how we feel."
Age of Revolution, none this week, or History of the American People pg 173-177 to "reaching it the next morning."
Federalist Paper No. 51 - Proper Checks and Balances
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 155 'I concluded to let my papers shift' to pg 163 'this day, of which more hereafter.'
Miracle at Philadelphia ch 25
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 17-18 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 9 Napoleon Emperor of Elba
Founding Brothers The Duel, third quarter
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 72 Burns
Count of Monte Cristo ch 67, 68, 69
Longitude ch 10 The Diamond Timekeeper, second half
How to Read a Book ch 9 Determining an Author's Meaning pg 128-134 Finding the Arguments
The Universe Next Door ch 7 Journey to the East: Eastern Pantheistic Monism, last third
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 4 Of the present ability of America
Rasselas ch 44-46
Poems of Phillis Wheatley
Week 24
Bible: 2 Samuel 22-24; Acts 20:18-21; Psalm 122, 123, 124; Proverbs 11:23-31
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 1 Making and Begetting
Through Gates of Splendor ch 15 Why Did the Men Go?
William Carey: book is finished
Age of Revolution, ch 15 The Indian Empire (all), or History of the American People pg 177-184 to "the other, at all times."
Federalist Paper No. 68 - Electing the President; The Electoral College
Autobiography Benjamin Franklin from pg 163 'Our captain of the paquet had boasted much,' to end of book.
Boy Life of Napoleon ch 19-20 or Marshall's Story of Napoleon ch 10 Napoleon's Last Battle
Founding Brothers The Duel, last quarter
Count of Monte Cristo ch 70, 71, 72
How to Read a Book ch 9 Determining an Author's Meaning pg 135-136 Finding the Solutions
Common Sense by Thomas Paine Appendix
Rasselas ch 47-49
Land of Little Rain ch 09 The Basket Maker
Poems of Phillis Wheatley
Optional Exam Week
Week 25
Bible: 1 Kings 1-2:27; Acts 22; Psalm 125, 126, 127; Proverbs 12:1-12
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 2 Three-Personal God
Through Gates of Splendor ch 16 We Go Not Forth Alone, first half
Age of Revolution, ch 16 The Younger Pitt, or History of the American People pg 184-192 to "In that sense it was very important."
Constitution of the United States (1787) (current copy here
Founding Brothers The Dinner, first half
Count of Monte Cristo ch 73, 74, 75
Pride and Prejudice ch 1-4 ch 5-6
Longitude ch 11 Trial by Fire and Water, first half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 179-186: Opinions
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, first fifth (about 10 pages)
How to Read a Book ch 10 Criticizing a Book Fairly pg 137-140 Teachability as a Virtue
The Sea Around Us ch 6. The Long Snowfall
Signs and Seasons: work through the Epilogue, The Calendar, this term
Land of Little Rain ch 10 The Streets of the Mountains
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 26
Bible: 1 Kings 2:28-5; Acts 23; Psalm 128, 129, 130; Proverbs 12:13-28
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 3 Time and Beyond
Through Gates of Splendor ch 16 We Go Not Forth Alone, second half
Age of Revolution, ch 17 The American Constitution, or History of the American People pg 192-200 to "as two years (some, one)."
Washington's First Inaugural Address (1789)
Founding Brothers The Dinner, second half
English Literature for Boys and Girls Chap 73 Cowper
Count of Monte Cristo ch 76, 77, 78
Pride and Prejudice ch 7-9 ch 10-11
Longitude ch 11 Trial by Fire and Water, second half
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, second fifth (about 10 pages)
How to Read a Book ch 10 Criticizing a Book Fairly pg 140-145 Role of Rhetoric, Importance of Suspending Judgment
Land of Little Rain ch 11 Water Borders
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 27
Bible: 1 Kings 6, 7; Acts 24, 25; Psalm 131, 132, 133; Proverbs 13:1-12
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 4 Good Infection
Through Gates of Splendor ch 17 Success on Friday
Age of Revolution, none this week, or History of the American People pg 200-208 to "William Few of Georgia."
Founding Brothers The Silence, first half
Count of Monte Cristo ch 79, 80, 81
Pride and Prejudice ch 12-15 ch 16-17
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 187-190: Principles
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, third fifth (about 10 pages)
Great Astronomers: Pierre-Simon Laplace
How to Read a Book ch 10 Criticizing a Book Fairly pg 145-147 Avoiding Contentiousness
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 28
Bible: 1 Kings 8-9:14; Acts 26; Psalm 134, 135; Proverbs 13:13-25
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 5 The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
Through Gates of Splendor ch 18 Silence, first half
Age of Revolution, ch 18 The French Revolution, or History of the American People pg 208-215 to "industry could stand on its own feet."
Speeches by William Wilberforce and William Pitt concerning the slave trade; spend two weeks
Founding Brothers The Silence, second half
Count of Monte Cristo ch 82, 83, 84
Pride and Prejudice ch 18-19 ch 20-22
Longitude ch 12 A Tale of Two Portraits, first half
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 191-203: Self-Ordering
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, fourth fifth (about 10 pages)
How to Read a Book ch 10 Criticizing a Book Fairly pg 147-151 Resolution of Disagreements
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 29
Bible: 1 Kings 9:15-12:11; Acts 27; Psalm 136; Proverbs 14:1-11
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 6 Two Notes
Through Gates of Splendor ch 18 Silence, second half
Age of Revolution, ch 19 France Confronted, or History of the American People pg 215-222 to "inti-mate acquaintance."
Speeches by William Wilberforce and William Pitt concerning the slave trade; spend two weeks
Founding Brothers The Farewell, first half
Count of Monte Cristo ch 85, 86, 87
Pride and Prejudice ch 23-25 ch 26-28
Longitude ch 12 A Tale of Two Portraits, second half
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, last fifth (about 10 pages)
How to Read a Book ch 11 Agreeing or Disagreeing With an Author pg 152-156 Prejudice and Judgment
The Sea Around Us ch 7. The Birth of an Island
Land of Little Rain ch 12 Other Water Borders
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 30
Bible: 1 Kings 12:12-ch 14; Acts 28; James 1; Psalm 137, 138; Proverbs 14:12-24
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 7 Let's Pretend
Through Gates of Splendor ch 19 Yet Have We Not Forgotten Thee
Age of Revolution, ch 20 Trafalgar, or History of the American People pg 222-230 to "led America to an auspicious start."
Washington's Farewell Address
Founding Brothers The Farewell, second half
Count of Monte Cristo ch 88, 89, 90
Pride and Prejudice ch 29-31 ch 32-34
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 204-210: Vocation
How to Read a Book ch 11 Agreeing or Disagreeing With an Author pg 156-160 Judging the Author's Soundness
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 31
Bible: 1 Kings 15-16:22; James 2, 3; Psalm 139; Proverbs 14:25-35
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 8 Hard or Easy?
Through Gates of Splendor ch Epilogue 1958
Age of Revolution, ch 21 Emperor of the French, or History of the American People pg 230-237 to "minority only eight times."
Founding Brothers The Collaborators, firs third
Count of Monte Cristo ch 91, 92, 93
Pride and Prejudice ch 35-37 ch 38-40
Longitude ch 13 The Second Voyage of Captain James Cook, first half
The Universe Next Door ch 9 The Vanished Horizon: Postmodernism, first third
How to Read a Book ch 11 Agreeing or Disagreeing With an Author pg 160-163 Judging the Author's Completeness
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 1 The Rich and The Poor
Great Astronomers: John Brinkley and the Dunsink Observatory in Dublin
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 32
Bible: 1 Kings 16:23-18; James 4, 5; Psalm 140, 141; Proverbs 15:1-15
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 9 Counting the Cost
Through Gates of Splendor ch Epilogue 1981
Age of Revolution, ch 22 Peninsular War, or History of the American People pg 237-245 to "to the pediment and roof."
Treaty with the Six Nations
Founding Brothers The Collaborators, second third
Count of Monte Cristo ch 94, 95, 96
Pride and Prejudice ch 41-42 ch 43-44
Longitude ch 13 The Second Voyage of Captain James Cook, second half
The Universe Next Door ch 9 The Vanished Horizon: Postmodernism, middle third
How to Read a Book ch 11 Agreeing or Disagreeing With an Author pg 163-167 Third Stage of Analytical Reading
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 2 Wages
Land of Little Rain ch 13 Nurslings of the Sky
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 33
Bible: 1 Kings 19, 20; Galatians 1, 2; Psalm 142, 143; Proverbs 15:16-33
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 10 Nice People or New Men, first half
Age of Revolution, ch 23 Washington, Adams, Jefferson, or History of the American People pg 245-253 to "begged Congress to accept."
Treaty with France (Louisiana Purchase) (1803)
Founding Brothers The Collaborators, last third
Count of Monte Cristo ch 97, 98, 99
Pride and Prejudice ch 45-46 ch 47-48
Longitude ch 14 The Mass Production of Genius, first half
How to Read a Book ch 12 Aids to Reading pg 168-172 Role of Relevant Experience
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 3 Population: or Patty's Marriage
The Sea Around Us ch 8. The Shape of Ancient Seas
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 34
Bible: 1 Kings 21, 22; Ecclesiastes 1; Galatians 3; Psalm 144, 145; Proverbs 16:1-11
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 10 Nice People or New Men, second half
Age of Revolution, none this week, or History of the American People pg 253-261 to "Vermont and New York State."
Founding Brothers The Friendship, first third
Count of Monte Cristo ch 100-102
Pride and Prejudice ch 49-51 ch 52
Longitude ch 14 The Mass Production of Genius, second half
The Universe Next Door ch 9 The Vanished Horizon: Postmodernism, last third
How to Read a Book ch 12 Aids to Reading pg 172-176 Other Books as Extrinsic Aids, How to Use Commentaries and Abstracts
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 4 The Poor's Rate: or The Treacherous Friend
Land of Little Rain ch 14 The Little Town of the Grape Vines
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 35
Bible: Ecclesiastes 2-6; Galatians 4; Psalm 146, 147; Proverbs 16:12-22
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 11 The New Men, first half
Age of Revolution, ch 24 The War of 1812, or History of the American People pg 261-269 to "grand but ruthless purposes."
Treaty with Great Britain (End of War of 1812) (1814)
Founding Brothers The Friendship, second third
Count of Monte Cristo ch 103-105
Pride and Prejudice ch 53-54 ch 56
Longitude ch 15 In the Meridian Courtyard, first half
The Universe Next Door ch 10 The Examined Life: Conclusion
How to Read a Book ch 12 Aids to Reading pg 176-182 Reference Books and How to Use a Dictionary
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 5 Foreign Trade: or The Wedding Gown
Poems of Lord Byron
Week 36
Bible: Ecclesiastes 7-12; Galatians 5, 6; Psalm 148, 149, 150; Proverbs 16:23-33
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 11 The New Men, second half
Age of Revolution, ch 25 Elba and Waterloo, or History of the American People pg 269-279
Founding Brothers The Friendship, last third
Count of Monte Cristo ch 106- 108 (cont summer)
Pride and Prejudice ch 57-58 ch 59-61
Longitude ch 15 In the Meridian Courtyard, second half
How to Read a Book ch 12 Aids to Reading pg 182-188 How to Use an Encyclopedia
Love is a Fallacy (very short!)
Poems of Lord Byron
Optional Exam Week
Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)