Years 9-10-11: Second Year Schedule
AmblesideOnline Years 9-10-11:
Years 9-10-11 in Two Years: Overview
First Year Booklist
First Year Schedule
Second Year Booklist
Second Year Schedule
AO Curriculum Overview

As a help for scheduling Year 9-10-11 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Daily Work:
- Narration of every scheduled reading, either orally or written
- Copywork
- Mathematics
- Foreign language
- Recitation
- Science, such as Apologia
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
Weekly Work:
- Current Events (Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs)
- Dictation and additional writing assignments
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
- Artist/Picture Study
- Grammar
- One of Plutarch's Lives spread over each term
- A Shakespeare play spread over each term
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
First 12 weeks are from AO's Year 10
Week 1
Bible: 1 Chronicles 15-20, John 16-18, Psalms 30-31, Proverbs 24:16-34
Bonhoeffer: Prologue
Holier Than Thou: Introduction pg 1-9, ch 1 Holy, Holy, Holy to pg 16 "we understand about God's ways and works."
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 13 (first half)
Arguing About Slavery ch 21, 22
Eothen ch 1
Economics in One Lesson: Part One: The Lesson
Post-Christian: Introduction
or Saving Leonardo Introduction: Why Americans Hate Politics, ch 1 Are You an Easy Mark? first third
Vision of the Anointed Preface, ch 1 Flattering Unction
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 8 Prudence pg 49-56
Silas Marner ch 1, 2
G.K. Chesterton essay: A Piece of Chalk
The Book on Writing ch 11
Great Astronomers: Sir George Biddell Airy
Six Easy Pieces - pg ix-xxiii Introduction and Special Preface
Week 2
Bible: 1 Chronicles 21-25, John 19-20, Psalms 32-33, Proverbs 25
Bonhoeffer ch 1 Family and Childhood, first quarter
Holier Than Thou ch 1 Holy, Holy, Holy, from Holiness Revealed in Creation
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 13 (second half)
Arguing About Slavery ch 23
Eothen ch 2
Economics in One Lesson: The Broken Window
Post-Christian ch 1 Constructing Our Own Worlds: The Ptolomaic Counterrevolution, first half
or Saving Leonardo ch 1 Are You an Easy Mark?, last two thirds
Vision of the Anointed ch 2 The Pattern, first third
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 9 Opinions 'In The Air' pg 56-60
Silas Marner ch 3
The Book on Writing ch 12
The Sea Around Us ch 12. The Global Thermostat
Six Easy Pieces pg xxv-xxix Feynman's Preface
Week 3
Bible: 1 Chronicles 26-29; 2 Chronicles 1-2, John 21; 1 Thessalonians 1-2, Psalms 34-35, Proverbs 26:1-14
Bonhoeffer ch 1 Family and Childhood, second quarter
Holier Than Thou ch 2 Holy, Holy, Holy: Moral Perfection, first half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 14
Arguing About Slavery ch 24, 25
Eothen ch 3
Economics in One Lesson: The Blessings of Destruction
Post-Christian ch 1 Constructing Our Own Worlds: The Ptolomaic Counterrevolution, second half
or Saving Leonardo ch 2 Truth and Tyranny, first third
Vision of the Anointed ch 2 The Pattern, second third
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 10 The Uninstructed Conscience pg 60-64
Silas Marner ch 4, 5
G.K. Chesterton essay: The Twelve Men
The Book on Writing ch 13
Great Astronomers: Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, first half
Six Easy Pieces pg 1-4 Introduction
Week 4
Bible: 2 Chronicles 3-8, 1 Thessalonians 3-5; 2 Thessalonians 1, Psalms 36, Proverbs 26:15-28
Bonhoeffer ch 1 Family and Childhood, third quarter
Holier Than Thou ch 2 Holy, Holy, Holy: Moral Perfection, second half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 15
Arguing About Slavery ch 26
Eothen ch 4
Economics in One Lesson: Public Works Mean Taxes
Post-Christian ch 2 Knowing Nature: The Dominance of Science, first third
or Saving Leonardo ch 2 Truth and Tyranny, middle third
Vision of the Anointed ch 2 The Pattern, last third
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 10 The Uninstructed Conscience pg 64-68
Silas Marner ch 6, 7, 8
Short Story: The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant (1884)
The Book on Writing ch 14
Great Astronomers: Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, second half
Six Easy Pieces pg 4-10 Matter is Made of Atoms
Week 5
Bible: 2 Chronicles 9-13, 2 Thessalonians 2-3; 1 Corinthians 1-2, Psalms 37-38, Proverbs 27
Bonhoeffer ch 1 Family and Childhood, last quarter
Holier Than Thou ch 3 Holy, Holy, Holy: Transcendence
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 16
Arguing About Slavery ch 27, 28
Eothen ch 5
Economics in One Lesson: Taxes Discourage Production
Post-Christian ch 2 Knowing Nature: The Dominance of Science, middle third
or Saving Leonardo ch 2 Truth and Tyranny, last third
Vision of the Anointed ch 3 By the Numbers, first quarter
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 11 The Instructed Conscience pg 68-71
Silas Marner ch 9
G.K. Chesterton essay: What is Right With the World
The Book on Writing ch 15
Great Astronomers: John Couch Adams, first half
Six Easy Pieces pg 10-15 Atomic Processes
Week 6
Bible: 2 Chronicles 14-18, 1 Corinthians 3-6, Psalms 39-40, Proverbs 28:1-14
Bonhoeffer ch 2 Tubingen, 1923
Holier Than Thou ch 4 Unholy gods: Idolatry, first half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 17
Arguing About Slavery ch 29, 30
Eothen ch 6
Economics in One Lesson: Credit Diverts Production
Post-Christian ch 2 Knowing Nature: The Dominance of Science, last third
or Saving Leonardo ch 3 Sex, Lies, and Secularism, first third
Vision of the Anointed ch 3 By the Numbers, second quarter
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 12 Poetry, Novels, Essays pg 71-74
Silas Marner ch 10
Short Story: How Much Land Does a Man Need? by Leo Tolstoy (1886)
The Book on Writing ch 16
The Sea Around Us ch 13. Wealth from the Salt Seas
Great Astronomers: John Couch Adams, second half
Six Easy Pieces pg 15-23 Chemical Reactions
Week 7
Bible: 2 Chronicles 19-23, 1 Corinthians 7-9, Psalms 41-42, Proverbs 28:15-28
Bonhoeffer ch 3 Roman Holiday, 1924
Holier Than Thou ch 4 Unholy gods: Idolatry, second half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 18
Arguing About Slavery ch 31
Eothen ch 7
Economics in One Lesson: The Curse of Machinery
Post-Christian ch 3 Mastering Nature: The Achievements of Technology, first half
or Saving Leonardo ch 3 Sex, Lies, and Secularism, middle third
Vision of the Anointed ch 3 By the Numbers, third quarter
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 13 History And Philosophy pg 74-79
Silas Marner ch 11
The Book on Writing ch 17
Microbe Hunters ch 4 Koch (there are 8 sections; space it out for the week if desired)
Six Easy Pieces pg 23 Basic Physics Introduction
Week 8
Bible: 2 Chronicles 24-28, 1 Corinthians 10-13, Psalms 43-44, Proverbs 29:1-14
Bonhoeffer ch 4 Student in Berlin, 1924-27, first half
Holier Than Thou ch 5 Holy Justice, first half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 19 (first half)
Arguing About Slavery ch 32, 33
Economics in One Lesson: Spread-the-Work Schemes
Post-Christian ch 3 Mastering Nature: The Achievements of Technology, second half
or Saving Leonardo ch 3 Sex, Lies, and Secularism, last third
Vision of the Anointed ch 3 By the Numbers, last quarter
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 14 Theology pg 79-82
Silas Marner ch 12, 13
Short Story: The Open Boat by Stephen Crane (1897)
The Book on Writing ch 18
Six Easy Pieces pg 27-32 Physics Before 1920
Week 9
Bible: 2 Chronicles 29-33, 1 Corinthians 14-15, Psalms 45-47, Proverbs 29:15-27
Bonhoeffer ch 4 Student in Berlin, 1924-27, second half
Holier Than Thou ch 5 Holy Justice, second half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 19 (second half)
Arguing About Slavery ch 34, 35
Eothen ch 8
Economics in One Lesson: Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? Uncle Eric's Model of How the World Works
Post-Christian ch 4 Recovering Reality: The Story of Kant's Neighbor, first half
or Saving Leonardo ch 4 Crash Course on Art and Worldview, first quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 4 The Irrelevance of Evidence, first fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 14 Theology pg 82-87
Silas Marner ch 14, 15
The Book on Writing ch 19
Microbe Hunters ch 5 Pasteur (there are 7 sections; space it out for the week if desired)
Six Easy Pieces pg 32-38 Quantum Physics
Week 10
Bible: 2 Chronicles 34-36; Obadiah, 1 Corinthians 16; 2 Corinthians 1-2, Psalms 48-49, Proverbs 30:1-17
Bonhoeffer ch 5 Barcelona, 1928, first half
Holier Than Thou ch 6 Holy How? Holy Vision, first half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 20 (first half)
Arguing About Slavery ch 36
Eothen ch 9
Economics in One Lesson: The Fetish of Full Employment
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 1. Don't Be Embarrassed
Post-Christian ch 4 Recovering Reality: The Story of Kant's Neighbor, second half
or Saving Leonardo ch 4 Crash Course on Art and Worldview, second quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 4 The Irrelevance of Evidence, second fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 14 Theology pg 87-92
Silas Marner ch 16
The Book on Writing ch 20
Microbe Hunters ch 6 Roux and Behring (there are 4 sections; space it out for the week if desired)
The Sea Around Us ch 14. The Encircling Sea
Six Easy Pieces pg 38-47 Nuclei and particles
Week 11
Bible: Jonah 1-4; Isaiah 1-3, 2 Corinthians 3-7, Psalms 50-51, Proverbs 30:18-33
Bonhoeffer ch 5 Barcelona, 1928, second half
Holier Than Thou ch 6 Holy How? Holy Vision, second half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 20 (second half)
Arguing About Slavery ch 37, 38
Eothen ch 10
Economics in One Lesson: Who's "Protected" by Tariffs?
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 2. The Original American Philosophy
Post-Christian ch 5 The End of Sex: The Exaltation of Barrenness, first half
or Saving Leonardo ch 4 Crash Course on Art and Worldview, third quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 4 The Irrelevance of Evidence, third fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 14 Theology pg 92-97
Silas Marner ch 17, 18, 19
The Book on Writing ch 21
Microbe Hunters ch 7 Metchnikoff (there are 8 sections; space it out for the week if desired)
Six Easy Pieces pg 47/48 Relation of Science Introduction
Week 12
Bible: Isaiah 4-9, 2 Corinthians 8-10, Psalms 52-54, Proverbs 31
Bonhoeffer ch 6 Berlin, 1929
Holier Than Thou ch 7 Holy How? Behold, We Become
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 21
Arguing About Slavery ch 39, 40
Eothen ch 11
Economics in One Lesson: The Drive for Exports
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 3. The Opposite of the Original American Philosophy
Post-Christian ch 5 The End of Sex: The Exaltation of Barrenness, second half
or Saving Leonardo ch 4 Crash Course on Art and Worldview, last quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 4 The Irrelevance of Evidence, fourth fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 15 Nature, Science, Art pg 97-100
Silas Marner ch 20-end
The Book on Writing ch 22
Microbe Hunters ch 8 Theobald Smith (there are 6 sections; space it out for the week if desired)
Six Easy Pieces pg 48/49 Chemistry
Optional Exam
Next 24 weeks are from Year 11
Week 13
Bible: Isaiah 10-17, 2 Corinthians 11-13; Romans 1, Psalms 55-57, Proverbs 1
Bonhoeffer ch 7 Bonhoeffer in America, 1930-31, first third
or William Carey Preface, Forward
Knowledge of the Holy Preface
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 1 pg 1-26
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner Preface
Speech: Teddy Roosevelt "The Man with the Muck Rake"--April 15, 1906
Economics in One Lesson: "Parity" Prices
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 4. Basic Political Spectrum
Post-Christian ch 6 Repudiating the Body: Engineering Children and Oneself, first third
Saving Leonardo: none this week
Are Screens As Addictive As Drugs? 53-minute documentary
Vision of the Anointed ch 4 The Irrelevance of Evidence, last fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 15 Nature, Science, Art pg 100-104
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 1
Short Story: The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster (1909)
The Book on Writing ch 23
Microbe Hunters ch 9 Bruce section 1, 2
Six Easy Pieces pg 49-59 Biology (allow two weeks)
Week 14
Bible: Isaiah 18-25, Romans 2-4, Psalms 58-59, Proverbs 2
Bonhoeffer ch 7 Bonhoeffer in America, 1930-31, second third
or William Carey ch 1 A Quiz: Who Was William Carey?, first half
Knowledge of the Holy ch 1 Why We Must Think Rightly About God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 1 pg 26-52
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 1
Eothen ch 12
Economics in One Lesson: Saving the X Industry
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 5. The Nature of Political Power
Post-Christian ch 6 Repudiating the Body: Engineering Children and Oneself, middle third
or Saving Leonardo ch 5 Beauty in the Eye of the Machine, first sixth
Vision of the Anointed ch 5 The Anointed vs The Benighted, first fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 16 Sociology, Self-Knowledge pg 104-109
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 2
Essay: 'In Defense of the Essay', by Christopher Orlet
The Book on Writing ch 24
Microbe Hunters ch 9 Bruce section 3, 4
Six Easy Pieces pg 59-61 Astronomy
Week 15
Bible: Isaiah 26-32, Romans 5-7, Psalms 60-62, Proverbs 3:1-18
Bonhoeffer ch 7 Bonhoeffer in America, 1930-31, last third
or William Carey ch 1 A Quiz: Who Was William Carey?, second half
Knowledge of the Holy ch 2 God Incomprehensible
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 2 pg 53-79
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 2
Eothen ch 13
Economics in One Lesson: How the Price System Works
Post-Christian ch 6 Repudiating the Body: Engineering Children and Oneself, last third
or Saving Leonardo ch 5 Beauty in the Eye of the Machine, second sixth
Vision of the Anointed ch 5 The Anointed vs The Benighted, second fifth
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 6. The Two Categories of Encroachment
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 17 Conviction Of Sin pg 109-115
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 3
Short Story: The Open Window by Saki (Hector.H. Munro; 1914)
On Writing Well ch 1
Microbe Hunters ch 9 Bruce section 5, 6
Six Easy Pieces pg 61-63 Geology
Week 16
Bible: Isaiah 33-39, Romans 8-10, Psalms 63-65, Proverbs 3:19-35
Bonhoeffer ch 8 Berlin, 1931-32, first half
William Carey: none this week
Knowledge of the Holy ch 3 A Divine Attribute: Something True About God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 3 pg 80-111
Speech: Woodrow
Wilson, entering World War I, April 2, 1917 "War Message"
Eothen ch 14
Economics in One Lesson: "Stabilizing" Commodities
Post-Christian ch 7 Sexual Counterrevolution: Toward a Theology of the Body, first quarter
or Saving Leonardo ch 5 Beauty in the Eye of the Machine, third sixth
Vision of the Anointed ch 5 The Anointed vs The Benighted, third fifth
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 7. The Middle Ground
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 18 Temptation pg 115-118
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 4
Short Story: Barn Burning by William Faulkner (1939)
On Writing Well ch 2
Microbe Hunters ch 9 Bruce section 7, 8, 9
Essay: The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent by John Erskine
Six Easy Pieces pg 63/64 Psychology
Week 17
Bible: Isaiah 40-44, Romans 11-12, Psalms 66-67, Proverbs 4
Bonhoeffer ch 8 Berlin, 1931-32, second half
or William Carey ch 2 A Tribute by an Indian Woman, first quarter
Knowledge of the Holy ch 4 The Holy Trinity
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 4 pg 112-139
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 3
Eothen ch 15
Economics in One Lesson: Government Price-Fixing
Post-Christian ch 7 Sexual Counterrevolution: Toward a Theology of the Body, second quarter
or Saving Leonardo ch 5 Beauty in the Eye of the Machine, fourth sixth
Vision of the Anointed ch 5 The Anointed vs The Benighted, fourth fifth
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 8. Freedom vs. Liberty
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 18 Temptation pg 118-121
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 5, 6
Short story: Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell (1936)
Essay: The Superstition of School by G.K. Chesterton, 1923
On Writing Well ch 3
Six Easy Pieces pg 64-69 How Did it Get This Way?
Week 18
Bible: Isaiah 45-52, Romans 13-15, Psalms 68, Proverbs 5
Bonhoeffer ch 9 The Fuhrer Principle, 1933, first half
or William Carey ch 2 A Tribute by an Indian Woman, second quarter
Knowledge of the Holy ch 5 The Self-existence Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 4 pg 139-161, ch 5 pg 162-168
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 4
Optional speech: Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address March 4, 1933 "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
Economics in One Lesson: What Rent Control Does
Post-Christian ch 7 Sexual Counterrevolution: Toward a Theology of the Body, third quarter
or Saving Leonardo ch 5 Beauty in the Eye of the Machine, fifth sixth
Vision of the Anointed ch 5 The Anointed vs The Benighted, last fifth
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 9. Exceptions
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 19 Duty And Law pg 121-126
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 7
On Writing Well ch 4
Essay: Master of Many Trades by Robert Twigger, 2013
Six Easy Pieces: pg 69-72 What is energy?
Week 19
Bible: Isaiah 53-61, Romans 16; Colossians 1, Psalms 69-70, Proverbs 6:1-19
Bonhoeffer ch 9 The Fuhrer Principle, 1933, second half
or William Carey ch 2 A Tribute by an Indian Woman, third quarter
Knowledge of the Holy ch 6 The self-sufficiency Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 5 pg 168-195
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 5
Optional speech: Edward VIII abdicates the throne of England--December 11, 1936 "the woman I love"
Eothen ch 16
Economics in One Lesson: Minimum Wage Laws
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 10. Military and Foreign Policy
Post-Christian ch 7 Sexual Counterrevolution: Toward a Theology of the Body, last quarter
or Saving Leonardo ch 5 Beauty in the Eye of the Machine, last sixth
Vision of the Anointed ch 6 Crusades of the Anointed, first fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 1 The Will-Less Life pg 126-129
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 8
Short Story: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber (1939)
On Writing Well ch 5
Six Easy Pieces: pg 72-80 Gravitational potential energy
Week 20
Bible: Isaiah 62-66; Amos 1, Colossians 2-4; Philemon, Psalms 71-72, Proverbs 6:20-35
Bonhoeffer ch 10 The Church and the Jewish Question, first half
or William Carey ch 2 A Tribute by an Indian Woman, last quarter
Knowledge of the Holy ch 7 The Eternity Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 5 pg 195-214, ch 6 pg 215-222
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 6
Speech: Lou
Gehrig's farewell to baseball speech July 4, 1939 (also see biography on the site)
Speech: Winston
Churchill "Blood, sweat and tears" May 13, 1940
Eothen ch 17
Economics in One Lesson: Do Unions Really Raise Wages?
Post-Christian ch 8 Culture and Anticulture: Society without Community, first half
or Saving Leonardo ch 6 Art Red in Tooth and Claw, first fifth
Vision of the Anointed ch 6 Crusades of the Anointed, second fifth
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 11. Democrats and Republicans
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 2 Will And Wilfulness pg 129-133
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 9, 10, 11
The Second Time I Learned to Read by Stephen L. Carter
On Writing Well ch 6
Six Easy Pieces: pg 80/81 Kinetic energy
Week 21
Bible: Amos 2-7, Ephesians 1-4, Psalms 73, Proverbs 7
Bonhoeffer ch 10 The Church and the Jewish Question, second half
William Carey: none this week
Knowledge of the Holy ch 8 God's Infinitude
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 6 pg 222-251
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 7
Speech: Winston
Churchill "Their finest hour" June 18, 1940
Eothen ch 18
Economics in One Lesson: "Enough to Buy Back the Product"
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 12. Socialism and Communism
Post-Christian ch 8 Culture and Anticulture: Society without Community, second half
or Saving Leonardo ch 6 Art Red in Tooth and Claw, second fifth
Vision of the Anointed ch 6 Crusades of the Anointed, third fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 2 Will And Wilfulness pg 133-137
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 12
On Writing Well ch 7
Essay: Introduction to Athanasisus' Incarnation by C. S. Lewis, 1944
Microbe Hunters ch 10 Ross vs Grassi section 1, 2
Six Easy Pieces: pg 81-88 Other forms of energy
Week 22
Bible: Amos 8-9; Micah 1-6, Ephesians 5-6; Philippians 1, Psalms 74-76, Proverbs 8
Bonhoeffer ch 11 Nazi Theology
or William Carey ch 3 A Jar of Clay, first third, to "cared for him and sustained him."
Knowledge of the Holy ch 9 The Immutability Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 6 pg 251-263, ch 7 pg 264-280
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 8
Speech: Franklin
Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor address December 8, 1941 "a day that will
live in infamy"
Eothen ch 19
Economics in One Lesson: The Function of Profits
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 13. Fascism
Post-Christian ch 9 Power Politics and the Death of Education: From Relativisim to Absolutism, first third
or Saving Leonardo ch 6 Art Red in Tooth and Claw, third fifth
Vision of the Anointed ch 6 Crusades of the Anointed, fourth fifth
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 3 Will Not Moral Or Immoral pg 137-141
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 13
Short story: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson (1948)
On Writing Well ch 8, 9
Essay: The Inner Ring, by C. S. Lewis, 1944
Microbe Hunters ch 10 Ross vs Grassi section 3, 4
Six Easy Pieces: pg 89/90 Planetary motions
Week 23
Bible: Micah 7; Hosea 1-7, Philippians 2-4, Psalms 77-78:1-31, Proverbs 9
Bonhoeffer ch 12 The Church Struggle Begins
or William Carey ch 3 A Jar of Clay, middle third, from "Creative Leisure"
Knowledge of the Holy ch 10 The Divine Omniscience
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 7 pg 280-309
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner ch 9
Speech: Eisenhower--D-Day
invasion order June 5, 1944 "The eyes of the world are upon
you . . ."
Speech: Franklin
Roosevelt D-Day Prayer June 6, 1944
Eothen ch 20
Economics in One Lesson: The Mirage of Inflation
Post-Christian ch 9 Power Politics and the Death of Education: From Relativisim to Absolutism, middle third
or Saving Leonardo ch 6 Art Red in Tooth and Claw, fourth fifth
Vision of the Anointed ch 6 Crusades of the Anointed, last fifth
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 14. What Are They Really?
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 4 The Will And Its Peers pg 141-143
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 14, 15, 16
Essay: Politics and the English Language by George Orwell, 1946
On Writing Well ch 10
Six Easy Pieces: pg 90-92 Kepler's laws
Week 24
Bible: Hosea 8-14; Nahum 1-2, 1 Timothy 1-4, Psalms 78:32-72, Proverbs 10:1-16
Bonhoeffer ch 13 The Bethel Confession, first half
or William Carey ch 3 A Jar of Clay, last third, from "Creative Leisure"
Knowledge of the Holy ch 11 The Wisdom Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 7 pg 309-319, ch 8 pg 320-339
The Men Behind Hitler Schreibner Author's Note
Optional speech: Speech: Eisenhower -Supreme Allied Commander on victory: June 12, 1945
Economics in One Lesson: The Assault on Savings
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 15. The Other Middle View
Post-Christian ch 9 Power Politics and the Death of Education: From Relativisim to Absolutism, last third
or Saving Leonardo ch 6 Art Red in Tooth and Claw, last fifth
Vision of the Anointed ch 7 The Vocabulary of the Anointed, first quarter
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 5 The Function Of Will pg 143-147
The Chosen by Chaim Potok ch 17, 18
Short Story: The Outstation by Somerset Maugham (1950)
On Writing Well ch 11
Microbe Hunters ch 10 Ross vs Grassi section 5
Six Easy Pieces: pg 92-94 Development of dynamics
Optional Exam
Week 25
Bible: Nahum 3; Zephaniah 1-3; Jeremiah 1, 1 Timothy 5-6; 1 Peter 1, Psalms 79-80, Proverbs 10:17-32
Bonhoeffer ch 13 The Bethel Confession, second half
William Carey: none this week
Knowledge of the Holy ch 12 The Omnipotence Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 8 pg 339-368
The Trial at Nuremberg (short essay)
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 1 The One Hundredth Birthday Party; ch 2 Full Table
Speech: Douglas
MacArthur's farewell to Congress April 19, 1951 "Old soldiers never
Eothen ch 21
Economics in One Lesson: The Lesson Restated
Post-Christian ch 10 Rebuilding Civilization: Options for the Dark Ages, first third
or Saving Leonardo ch 7 Romancing the Canvas, first quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 7 The Vocabulary of the Anointed, second quarter
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 16. The National Religion
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 6 The Scope Of Will pg 147-152
Fahrenheit 451 Part 1 (2 weeks)
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 1, 2
On Writing Well ch 12
Microbe Hunters ch 10 Ross vs Grassi section 6
Six Easy Pieces: pg 94-98 Newton's law of gravitation
Week 26
Bible: Jeremiah 2-6, 1 Peter 2-3, Psalms 81-83, Proverbs 11:1-15
Bonhoeffer ch 14 Bonhoeffer in London, 1934-35
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, first fifth, to "others amongst the American Indians."
Knowledge of the Holy ch 13 The Devine Transcendence
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 8 pg 368--398
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 3 Karel; ch 4 The Watch Shop
Optional speech: Speech: Winston Churchill "Iron Curtain" March 5, 1946
Eothen ch 22
Economics in One Lesson: Part Three: The Lesson After Thirty Years
Post-Christian ch 10 Rebuilding Civilization: Options for the Dark Ages, middle third
or Saving Leonardo ch 7 Romancing the Canvas, second quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 7 The Vocabulary of the Anointed, third quarter
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 17. A U.S.-Nazi Alliance or a U.S.-Soviet Alliance?
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 7 Self-Control -- Self-Restraint -- Self-Command -- Self-Denial pg 152-156
Fahrenheit 451 Part 1 (2 weeks)
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 3, 4, 5
On Writing Well ch 13
Microbe Hunters ch 10 Ross vs Grassi section 7, 8
Six Easy Pieces: pg 98-104 Universal gravitation
Week 27
Bible: Jeremiah 7-11, 1 Peter 4-5; Titus 1-3, Psalms 84-85, Proverbs 11:16-31
Bonhoeffer ch 15 The Church Battle Heats Up, first quarter
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, second fifth, from "Three Presuppositions of Carey's Reforms" to "fighting for their own rule."
Knowledge of the Holy ch 14 God's Omnipresence
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 9 pg 399-427
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 5 Invasion
Optional speech: Douglas MacArthur's address at West Point May 12, 1962 "Duty, honor, country."
F. Kennedy's Inauguration January 20, 1961 "Ask not what your
country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."
Eothen ch 23
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 18. Economic Counterparts
Post-Christian ch 10 Rebuilding Civilization: Options for the Dark Ages, last third
or Saving Leonardo ch 7 Romancing the Canvas, third quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 7 The Vocabulary of the Anointed, last quarter
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 8 The Effort Of Decision pg 156-160
Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 (2 weeks)
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 6, 7, 8
Short Story: A and P by John Updike (1961)
On Writing Well ch 14
Microbe Hunters ch 11 Walter Reed section 1, 2
Six Easy Pieces: pg 104-107 Cavendish's experiment
Week 28
Bible: Jeremiah 12-16, Hebrews 1-3, Psalms 86-88, Proverbs 12
Bonhoeffer ch 15 The Church Battle Heats Up, second quarter
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, third fifth, from "Carey's Two Most Important Contributions to Reform"
Knowledge of the Holy ch 15 The Faithfulness Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 9 pg 427-456
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 6 The Secret Room
F. Kennedy's "Ich bin ein Berliner" June 26, 1963
I Have
a Dream speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. August 28, 1963
Eothen ch 24
Post-Christian ch 11 Spiritual but Not Religious: The Religion of the Nones, first half
or Saving Leonardo ch 7 Romancing the Canvas, last quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 8 Courting Disaster, first half
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 19. Effects on Your Money
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 9 Intention -- Purpose -- Resolution pg 160-165
Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 (2 weeks)
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 9, 10
Short Story: Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (1961)
On Writing Well ch 15
Microbe Hunters ch 11 Walter Reed section 3, 4
Six Easy Pieces: pg 107-112 What is gravity?
Week 29
Bible: Jeremiah 17-22, Hebrews 4-6, Psalms 89, Proverbs 13:1-12
Bonhoeffer ch 15 The Church Battle Heats Up, third quarter
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, fourth fifth, from "Carey's Two Most Important Contributions to Reform"
Knowledge of the Holy ch 16 The Goodness Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 9 pg 456-467, ch 10 pg 468-484
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 7 Eusie
Optional speech: Edward Kennedy at Robert Kennedy's funeral June 8, 1968 "I see things that never were and say 'why not?''
Optional speech: Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 Moon Landing July 20, 1969 "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." (20th century topics, or click here for 4 min. 22 sec. of Real Audio of landing and Armstrong's words, go here and click on Speech Archive and go to Neil Armstrong entry)
Eothen ch 25
Post-Christian ch 11 Spiritual but Not Religious: The Religion of the None, second half
or Saving Leonardo ch 8 Escape from Nihilism, first quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 8 Courting Disaster, second half
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 20. Three Types of Wrongdoing
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 10 A Way Of The Will pg 165-170
Fahrenheit 451 Part 3 (2 weeks)
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 11
On Writing Well ch 16, 17
Microbe Hunters ch 11 Walter Reed section 5, 6, 7
Six Easy Pieces: pg 112-114 Gravity and relativity
Week 30
Bible: Jeremiah 23-26, Hebrews 7-9, Psalms 90-91, Proverbs 13:13-25
Bonhoeffer ch 15 The Church Battle Heats Up, last quarter
or William Carey ch 4 The Modernization of India, last fifth, from "Carey's Two Most Important Contributions to Reform"
Knowledge of the Holy ch 17 The Justice Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 10 pg 484-513
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 8 Storm Clouds Gather; ch 9 The Raid
Optional speech: Richard Nixon's "Silent Majority" speech, November 3, 1969
Optional speech: Congresswoman Barbara Jordan's opening statement to House Judiciary Committee
Eothen ch 26
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 21. Muddied Waters
Post-Christian ch 12 Religious but Not Spiritual: The New Gods, first third
or Saving Leonardo ch 8 Escape from Nihilism, second quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 9 Optional Reality, first half
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 11 Freewill pg 170-174
Fahrenheit 451 Part 3 (2 weeks)
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 12, 13, 14
Short Story: Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor (1965)
On Writing Well ch 18
Microbe Hunters ch 12 Paul Ehrlich section 1, 2
Six Easy Pieces: pg 115-117 Atomic mechanics
Week 31
Bible: Jeremiah 27-31, Hebrews 10-11, Psalms 92-94, Proverbs 14:1-17
Bonhoeffer ch 16 The Conference at Fano, first half
William Carey: none this week
Knowledge of the Holy ch 18 The Mercy Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 10 pg 513-542
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 10 Scheveningen
Optional speech: Richard Nixon's resignation August 8, 1974
Optional speech: Gerald Ford's pardoning of Richard Nixon September 8, 1974
Post-Christian ch 12 Religious but Not Spiritual: The New Gods, middle third
or Saving Leonardo ch 8 Escape from Nihilism, third quarter
Vision of the Anointed ch 9 Optional Reality, second half
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 22. Who Gets the Children?
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 1 The Capacities Of The Soul pg 174-177
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 15, 16
On Writing Well ch 19
Microbe Hunters ch 12 Paul Ehrlich section 3, 4
Six Easy Pieces: pg 117-120 An experiment with bullets
Week 32
Bible: Jeremiah 32-36, Hebrews 12-13, Psalms 95-98, Proverbs 14:18-35
Bonhoeffer ch 16 The Conference at Fano, second half
or William Carey ch 5 The Mind of a Modernizer, first quarter, to "His Word irrespective of how we feel."
Knowledge of the Holy ch 19 The Grace Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 11 pg 543-572
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 11 The Lieutenant
Optional speech: Ronald Reagan--D-Day Memorial--June 6, 1984 "These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc."
Optional speech: Ronald Reagan--Challenger Disaster Address Jan 28, 1986 "they touched the face of God.
Eothen ch 27
Post-Christian ch 12 Religious but Not Spiritual: The New Gods, last third
or Saving Leonardo ch 8 Escape from Nihilism, last quarter
Graves of Academe by Richard Mitchell: The Seven Deadly Principles, first half
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 23. The Return of Racism
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 2 The Disabilities Of The Soul pg 177-182
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 17, 18
On Writing Well ch 20
Microbe Hunters ch 12 Paul Ehrlich section 5
Six Easy Pieces: pg 120-122 An experiment with waves
Week 33
Bible: Jeremiah 37-42, 2 Timothy 1-4, Psalms 99-101, Proverbs 15:1-17
Bonhoeffer ch 17 The Road to Zingst and Finkenwade, first half
or William Carey ch 5 The Mind of a Modernizer, second quarter, from "Human Beings as God's Image" to "never, lamentably, becoming a reforming force."
Knowledge of the Holy ch 20 The Love Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 11 pg 572-601
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 12 Vught
Reagan--Brandenburg Gate June 12, 1987 "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down
this wall!"
Eothen ch 28
Post-Christian ch 13 Post-Christian Christianity: Desecularizing the Church, first half
or Saving Leonardo ch 9 Morality at the Movies, first half
Graves of Academe by Richard Mitchell: The Seven Deadly Principles, second half
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 24. The First American Philosophies
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 3 The Knowledge Of God pg 182-188
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 19, 20, 21
Essay: Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation by Ronald Reagan, 1983
On Writing Well ch 21
Microbe Hunters ch 12 Paul Ehrlich section 6
Six Easy Pieces: pg 122-124 The interface of electron waves
Week 34
Bible: Jeremiah 43-48, 2 Peter 1-3; Jude, Psalms 102-103, Proverbs 15:18-33
Bonhoeffer ch 17 The Road to Zingst and Finkenwade, second half
or William Carey ch 5 The Mind of a Modernizer, third quarter, from "All People Can Change, Because We Are All Made in God's Image"
Knowledge of the Holy ch 21 The Holiness Of God
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 11 pg 601-607, ch 12 pg 608-630
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 13 Ravensbruck
Optional speech: Barbara Bush at Wellesley, 1990
Optional speech: George H. W. Bush 41st President--Announces Attack on Iraq January 16, 1991
Eothen ch 29
Post-Christian ch 13 Post-Christian Christianity: Desecularizing the Church, second half
or Saving Leonardo ch 9 Morality at the Movies, second half
Graves of Academe by Richard Mitchell: Problem Solving in the Content-Area, first third
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 25. Summary
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 4 Prayer pg 188-191
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 22, 23, 24
On Writing Well ch 22
Essay: Can Beauty Help us to Become Better People? by John Armstrong, 2014
Six Easy Pieces: pg 127-133 Watching the electrons
Week 35
Bible: Jeremiah 49-51, 1 John 1-3, Psalms 104, Proverbs 16:1-19
Bonhoeffer ch 18 Zingst and Finkenwalde, first half
or William Carey ch 5 The Mind of a Modernizer, last quarter, to "His Word irrespective of how we feel."
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century 12 pg 630-656
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 14 The Blue Sweater
Optional speech: Mother Theresa at Presidential Prayer Breakfast 1994 February 5--before President and Mrs. Clinton, on subect of abortion
Optional speech: Billy Graham's funeral address for Richard Nixon April 27, 1994 Part 1 Part 2
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused? 26. Encroachment, Big and Small
Post-Christian Conclusion: Toward the Postsecular, first half
or Saving Leonardo Epilogue: Bach School of Apologetics, first half
Graves of Academe by Richard Mitchell: Problem Solving in the Content-Area, second third
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 5 Thanksgiving; Praise pg 191-197
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 25, 26, 27
Essay: You're Regretting Wrong by Judith Shulevitz, 2014
On Writing Well ch 23
Short Story: Thank You, Ma'am by Langston Hughes
Six Easy Pieces: pg 133-136 First principles of quantum mechanics
Week 36
Bible: Jeremiah 52; Habakkuk 1-3, 1 John 4-5; 2 John; 3 John, Psalms 105, Proverbs 16:20-33
Bonhoeffer ch 18 Zingst and Finkenwalde, second half (book is finished in Year 12)
or Mrs. Oswald Chambers ch 11 What is That to Thee? Nov 1917, second half
Knowledge of the Holy ch 23 The Open Secret
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century 12 pg 656-678
Diary of a Young Girl (spread over 12 weeks) OR The Hiding Place ch 15 The Three Visions; epilogue
Optional speech: Queen Elizabeth II on death of Princess of Wales, September 5, 1997
Optional speech: Clarence Thomas "I am a man, a black man, an American" July 29, 1998, before National Bar Association
Speech: Chairman Hyde's Opening Remarks to Impeachment Inquiry of President Clinton, December 11, 1998 (9min 18sec on Real Audio)
Optional speech: Elie Wiesel The Perils of Indifference April 12, 1999
Post-Christian Conclusion: Toward the Postsecular, second half
or Saving Leonardo Epilogue: Bach School of Apologetics, second half
Graves of Academe by Richard Mitchell: Problem Solving in the Content-Area, last third
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 7 Faith In God pg 197-202
To Kill a Mockingbird ch 28-end
Essay: Too Much Information: What Good is Information? by Dougald Hine, 2014
On Writing Well ch 24 (end)
Six Easy Pieces: pg 136-139 The uncertainty principle
Optional Exam
Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)