Years 9-10-11: First Year Schedule
AmblesideOnline Years 9-10-11:
Years 9-10-11 in Two Years: Overview
First Year Booklist
First Year Schedule
Second Year Booklist
Second Year Schedule
AO Curriculum Overview

As a help for scheduling Year 9-10-11 of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Daily Work:
- Narration of every scheduled reading, either orally or written
- Copywork
- Mathematics
- Foreign language
- Recitation
- Science, such as Apologia
- Physical activity - one option is Swedish Drill Revisited by Dawn Duran purchase
Weekly Work:
- Current Events (Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs)
- Dictation and additional writing assignments
- Handicrafts
- Music Appreciation, including composers, folksongs and hymns
- Outdoor Nature Study
- Artist/Picture Study
- Grammar
- One of Plutarch's Lives spread over each term
- A Shakespeare play spread over each term
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
First 24 weeks are from Year 9
Week 1
Bible: Judges 1-4, Mark 1-2, Psalms 106, Proverbs 1:1-19
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 1 Law of Human Nature
God's Smuggler Prologue
or The Little Woman ch 1 China's Millions, first half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 1
Salem Witch Trials: Letter From Rev. John Higginson; Letter of Deodat Lawson; Court testimony of Sarah Bibber
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 1
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 1
Royal Road to Romance ch 1, 2
The Universe Next Door ch 1 A World of Difference: Introduction
One Race One Blood: Introduction
Common Sense introduction
Writers Inc - pg 1 Understanding the Writing Process (allow 2 weeks)
How to Read a Book ch 6
The Sea Around Us ch 1. The Gray Beginnings
Signs and Seasons: ch 6 The Seasonal Stars, spread over the term, with field work
Battle of the Books (read over the next two weeks)
Week 2
Bible: Judges 5-7, Mark 3-4, Psalms 107, Proverbs 1:20-33
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 2 Some Objections
God's Smuggler ch 1 Smoke and Bread Crusts, first half
or The Little Woman ch 1 China's Millions, second half
Optional: Saints and Heroes by G Hodges (Vol 2) 13 Fox, 1624-1691
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 2
Salem Witch Trials: Court testimony of Mary Osgood; Letter To John Foster; Notable people: Tituba; Increase Mather; Cotton Mather
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 2
Royal Road to Romance ch 3
The Universe Next Door ch 2 A Universe Charged with the Grandeur of God: Christian Theism, first half
One Race One Blood ch 1 Darwin's Garden
Common Sense ch 1 (Of the Origin and design of Government...)
Writers Inc - pg 1 Understanding the Writing Process (allow 2 weeks)
How to Read a Book ch 7
Battle of the Books by Jonathan Swift
Week 3
Bible: Judges 8-11, Mark 5-6, Psalms 108, Proverbs 2
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 3 Reality of the Law
God's Smuggler ch 1 Smoke and Bread Crusts, second half
or The Little Woman ch 2 Moving Out, first half
Optional: Saints and Heroes by G Hodges (Vol 2) 14 Wesley, 1703-1791
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 3
Free Grace: John Wesley Denounces the Doctrine of Predestination (1740)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 3
Royal Road to Romance ch 4
The Universe Next Door ch 2 A Universe Charged with the Grandeur of God: Christian Theism, second half
One Race One Blood ch 2 A Bridge Too Far, first half
Love is a Fallacy by Max Schulman
Common Sense ch 2 (Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession)
Writers Inc - pg 41 using the Writing Process (allow 2 weeks)
How to Read a Book ch 8
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 1-3
Week 4
Bible: Judges 12-15, Mark 7, Psalms 109-110, Proverbs 3
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 4 What Lies Behind
God's Smuggler ch 2 The Yellow Straw Hat, first half
or The Little Woman ch 2 Moving Out, second half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 4 (this is a long chapter)
Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon, spend two weeks (1741)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 4
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 2
Royal Road to Romance ch 5
One Race One Blood ch 2 A Bridge Too Far, second half
Common Sense ch 3 (Thoughts on The Present State of...)
Writers Inc - pg 41 using the Writing Process (allow 2 weeks)
How to Read a Book ch 9
The Sea Around Us ch 2. The Pattern of the Surface
The Story of Painting Towards Revolution
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 4-6
Week 5
Bible: Judges 16-20, Mark 8-9, Psalms 111-113, Proverbs 4
Mere Christianity Book 1 ch 5 Cause to Be Uneasy
God's Smuggler ch 2 The Yellow Straw Hat, second half
or The Little Woman ch 3 From the Net of the Fowler, first third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 5
Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon, finish this week (1741)
Patrick Henry's famous 'Give me liberty or give me death' speech, 1775 (online here)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 5
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 3
Royal Road to Romance ch 6
The Universe Next Door ch 3 The Clockwork Universe: Deism, first half
One Race One Blood ch 3 The True Origin of the Species, first half
Common Sense ch 4 (Of the Present Ability of America...)
Writers Inc - pg 81 Writing Sentences (allow 2 weeks)
How to Read a Book ch 10
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 7-9
Week 6
Bible: Judges 21; Ruth 1-4, Mark 10, Psalms 114-115, Proverbs 5
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 1 Rival Conceptions
God's Smuggler ch 3 The Pebble in the Shell
or The Little Woman ch 3 From the Net of the Fowler, middle third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 6
Edmund Burke's Plea for Conciliation with the American Colonies, March 22,1775 (online here)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 6
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 4
Royal Road to Romance ch 7
The Universe Next Door ch 3 The Clockwork Universe: Deism, second half
One Race One Blood ch 3 The True Origin of the Species, second half
Common Sense Appendix
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 60 Dryden - The New Poetry
Writers Inc - pg 81 Writing Sentences (allow 2 weeks)
The Sea Around Us ch 3. The Changing Year
How to Read a Book ch 11
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 10-12
Week 7
Bible: 1 Samuel 1-5, Mark 11-12, Psalms 116-118, Proverbs 6:1-19
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 2 The Invasion
God's Smuggler ch 4 One Stormy Night
or The Little Woman ch 3 From the Net of the Fowler, last third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 7
The Declaration of Independence (online here)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 7
Royal Road to Romance ch 8
One Race One Blood ch 4 The Human Kind
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 1 The Rich and The Poor
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 11 Love's Lords In Waiting: Gladness pg 131-136
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 61 Defoe - The First Newspapers
Writers Inc - pg 125 The Art of Writing
Great Astronomers: Edmond Halley, first half
How to Read a Book ch 12
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 13-15
Week 8
Bible: 1 Samuel 6-11, Mark 13, Psalms 119:1-32, Proverbs 6:20-35
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 3 The Shocking Alternative
God's Smuggler ch 5 The Step of Yes, first half
or The Little Woman ch 4 Among the Mules
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 8
The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence (1775)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 8
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 5
Royal Road to Romance ch 9
The Universe Next Door ch 4 The Silence of Finite Space: Naturalism, first third
One Race One Blood ch 5 One Blood
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 2 Wages
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 12 Justice, Universal pg 136-140
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 62 Defoe - "Robinson Crusoe"
Writers Inc - pg 142 Personal Writing
Great Astronomers: Edmond Halley, second half
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 16-18
Week 9
Bible: 1 Samuel 12-15, Mark 14, Psalms 119:33-72, Proverbs 7
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 4 The Perfect Penitent
God's Smuggler ch 5 The Step of Yes, second half
or The Little Woman ch 5 Among the Feet
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 9 AND 10
Articles of Confederation; spend two weeks (1777)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 9
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 6
Royal Road to Romance ch 10
The Universe Next Door ch 4 The Silence of Finite Space: Naturalism, middle third
One Race One Blood ch 6 One Flesh
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 3 Population: or Patty's Marriage
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 13 Justice To The Persons Of Others pg 140-145
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 63 Swift - "The Journal to Stella"
The Sea Around Us ch 4. The Sunless Sea
Writers Inc - pg 155 Subject Writing
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 19-21
Week 10
Bible: 1 Samuel 16-18, Mark 15-16, Psalms 119:73-112, Proverbs 8:1-11
Mere Christianity Book 2 ch 5 The Practical Conclusion
God's Smuggler ch 6 The Game of the Royal Way, first half
or The Little Woman ch 6 Ninepence
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 11
Articles of Confederation; finish this week (1777)
Articles of Capitulation, Yorktown (1781)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 10
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 7
Royal Road to Romance ch 11
The Universe Next Door ch 4 The Silence of Finite Space: Naturalism, last third
One Race One Blood ch 7 Grace Relations
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 4 The Poor's Rate: or The Treacherous Friend
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 13 Justice To The Persons Of Others pg 145-150
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 64 Swift - "Gullivers Travels"
Great Astronomers: James Bradley
Writers Inc - pg 167 Creative Writing
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 22-24
Week 11
Bible: 1 Samuel 19-23, Acts 1-2, Psalms 119:113-152, Proverbs 8:12-36
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 1 The Three Parts of Morality
God's Smuggler ch 6 The Game of the Royal Way, second half
or The Little Woman ch 7 Mrs. Ching, first half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 12
Treaty with Great Britain (end of Revolutionary War, 1783)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 11
Royal Road to Romance ch 12
Yuval Levin interview on The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of the Left and Right YouTube, 1 hour
One Race One Blood ch 8 New Seeds
Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 5 Foreign Trade: or The Wedding Gown
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 14 Truth: Justice In Word pg 150-156
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 65 Addison - "The Spectator"
Writers Inc - pg 185 Persuasive Writing
Microbe Hunters: ch 1 Leeuwenhook
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 25-27
Week 12
Bible: 1 Samuel 24-28, Acts 3-4, Psalms 119:153-176; psa 120, Proverbs 9
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 2 The 'Cardinal Virtues'
God's Smuggler ch 7 Behind the Iron Curtain
or The Little Woman ch 7 Mrs. Ching, second half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 13
Federalist Paper No. 10 - Divisive Party Factions
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 12
Royal Road to Romance ch 13
One Race One Blood ch Appendix A: Hijacking the Civil Rights Bus
The Law Bastiat: from Life Is a Gift from God to Property and Plunder
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 15 Spoken Truth pg 156-159
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 66 Steele - The Soldier Author
Writers Inc - pg 199 Academic Writing
Microbe Hunters: ch 2 Spallanzani
Optional Exam
Week 13
Bible: 1 Samuel 29-31; 2 Samuel 1-2, Acts 5-6, Psalms 121-125, Proverbs 10
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 3 Social Morality
God's Smuggler ch 8 The Cup of Suffering
or The Little Woman ch 8 The Lull Before the Storm, first half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 14
Federalist Paper No. 39 - Republican Principles
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 13
Royal Road to Romance ch 14
The Universe Next Door ch 5 Zero Point: Nihilism, first third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave Preface: The Gods of the Mind and Introduction
The Law Bastiat: from Victims of Lawful Plunder to The Answer Is to Restrict the Law from The Fatal Idea of Legal Plunder to Socialism Is Legal Plunder
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 15 Spoken Truth pg 159-163
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 67 Pope - "The Rape of the Lock"
Great Astronomers: Sir William Herschel
Signs and Seasons: ch 7 The Wandering Stars, spread over the term, with field work
Writers Inc - pg 215 Writing About Literature (allow 2 weeks)
Week 14
Bible: 2 Samuel 3-7, Acts 7-8, Psalms 126-129, Proverbs 11:1-12
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 4 Morality and Psychoanalysis
God's Smuggler ch 9 The Foundations Are Laid
or The Little Woman ch 8 The Lull Before the Storm, second half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 15
Federalist Paper No. 51 - Proper Checks and Balances
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 14
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 8
Royal Road to Romance ch 15
The Universe Next Door ch 5 Zero Point: Nihilism, middle third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 1 Biology is Destiny: Darwin
The Law Bastiat: from The Choice Before Us to Law Is a Negative Concept
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 16 Some Causes Of Lying pg 163-167
The Sea Around Us ch 5. Hidden Lands
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 68 Johnson - Days of Struggle
Writers Inc - pg 215 Writing About Literature (allow 2 weeks)
Week 15
Bible: 2 Samuel 8-13, Acts 9, Psalms 130-132, Proverbs 11:13-31
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 5 Sexual Morality
God's Smuggler ch 10 Lanterns in the Dark
or The Little Woman ch 9 At War, first third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 16
Federalist Paper No. 68 - Electing the President; The Electoral College
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 15
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 9
Royal Road to Romance ch 16
The Universe Next Door ch 5 Zero Point: Nihilism, last third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 2 Thinking Further About Science
The Law Bastiat: from The Political Approach to The Socialists Wish to Play God
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 17 Integrity: Justive In Action pg 167-171
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 69 Johnson - The End of the Journey
Great Astronomers: Pierre-Simon Laplace
Writers Inc - pg 245 Research Writing (allow 3 weeks)
Week 16
Bible: 2 Samuel 14-17, Acts 10-12, Psalms 133-135, Proverbs 12
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 6 Christian Marriage, first half
God's Smuggler ch 11 The Third Prayer, first half
or The Little Woman ch 9 At War, middle third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 17
Constitution of the United States (online here, 1787
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 16
Royal Road to Romance ch 17
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 3 Social Darwinism
The Law Bastiat: from The Socialists Despise Mankind to Socialists Want to Regiment People
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 18 Opinions: Justice In Thought pg 171-175
The Sea Around Us ch 6. The Long Snowfall
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 70 Goldsmith - The Vagabond
Writers Inc - pg 245 Research Writing (allow 3 weeks)
Week 17
Bible: 2 Samuel 18-20, Acts 13-14, Psalms 136-137, Proverbs 13:1-12
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 6 Christian Marriage, second half
God's Smuggler ch 11 The Third Prayer, second half
or The Little Woman ch 9 At War, last third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 18
Washington's First Inaugural Address (1789)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 17
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 10
Royal Road to Romance ch 18
The Universe Next Door ch 6 Beyond Nihilism: Existentialism, first third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 4 The Ruling Principle for All Humanity: Marx, first third
The Law Bastiat: from A Famous Name and an Evil Idea to Socialists Want Forced Conformity
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 18 Opinions: Justice In Thought pg 175-179
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 71 Goldsmith - "The Vicar of Wakefield"
Writers Inc - pg 245 Research Writing (allow 3 weeks)
Week 18
Bible: 2 Samuel 21-22, Acts 15-16, Psalms 138-139, Proverbs 13:13-25
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 7 Forgiveness
God's Smuggler ch 12 Counterfeit Church
or The Little Woman ch 10 Flight
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 19
Speeches by William Wilberforce and William Pitt concerning the slave trade; spend two weeks
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 18
Royal Road to Romance ch 19
The Universe Next Door ch 6 Beyond Nihilism: Existentialism, middle third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 4 The Ruling Principle for All Humanity: Marx, middle third
The Law Bastiat: from Legislators Desire to Mold Mankind to What Is Liberty?
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 18 Opinions: Justice In Thought pg 179-183
The Sea Around Us ch 7. The Birth of an Island
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 72 Burns - The Ploughman Poet
Writers Inc - pg 297 Workplace Writing
Week 19
Bible: 2 Samuel 23-24; 1 Kings 1, Acts 17-18, Psalms 140-141, Proverbs 14:1-18
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 8 The Great Sin
God's Smuggler ch 13 To the Rim of the Inner Circle
or The Little Woman ch 11 The Long Trek, first third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 20
Speeches by William Wilberforce and William Pitt concerning the slave trade; spend two weeks
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 19, 20
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 11
Royal Road to Romance ch 20
The Universe Next Door ch 6 Beyond Nihilism: Existentialism, last third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 4 The Ruling Principle for All Humanity: Marx, last third
The Law Bastiat: from Philanthropic Tyranny to Napoleon Wanted Passive Mankind
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 18 Opinions: Justice In Thought pg 183-187
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 73 Cowper - "The Task"
Writers Inc - pg 351 Reading Skills (allow 3 weeks)
Week 20
Bible: 1 Kings 2-6, Acts 19-20, Psalms 142-143, Proverbs 14:19-35
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 9 Charity
God's Smuggler ch 14 Abraham the Giant Killer, first half
or The Little Woman ch 11 The Long Trek, middle third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 21
Washington's Farewell Address
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 21
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 12
Royal Road to Romance ch 21
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 5 Thinking Further About Marxism
The Law Bastiat: from The Vicious Circle of Socialism to The Socialists Reject Free Choice
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 19 Principles: Justice In Motive pg 187-191
The Sea Around Us ch 8. The Shape of Ancient Seas
Writers Inc - pg 351 Reading Skills (allow 2 weeks)
Week 21
Bible: 1 Kings 7-10, Acts 21-22, Psalms 144-145, Proverbs 15:1-17
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 10 Hope
God's Smuggler ch 14 Abraham the Giant Killer, second half
or The Little Woman ch 11 The Long Trek, last third
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 22
Treaty with the Six Nations
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 22
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 13
Royal Road to Romance ch 22
The Universe Next Door ch 7 Journey to the East: Eastern Pantheistic Monism, first third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 6 Closing the Book: Julius Wellhausen, first half
The Law Bastiat: from The Cause of French Revolutions to Law and Charity Are Not the Same
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 20 Self-Ordering pg 191-195
Great Astronomers: John Brinkley and the Dunsink Observatory
Writers Inc - pg 351 Reading Skills (allow 2 weeks)
Week 22
Bible: 1 Kings 11-14, Acts 23-24, Psalms 146-147, Proverbs 15:18-33
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 11 Faith
God's Smuggler ch 15 The Greenhouse and the Garden, first half
or The Little Woman ch 12 The Stethoscope, first half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 23
Treaty with France (Louisiana Purchase) (1803)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 23
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 14
Royal Road to Romance ch 23
The Universe Next Door ch 7 Journey to the East: Eastern Pantheistic Monism, middle third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 6 Closing the Book: Julius Wellhausen, second half
The Law Bastiat: from The High Road to Communism to Let Us Now Try Liberty
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 20 Self-Ordering pg 195-199
Writers Inc - pg 383 Study Skills (allow 2 weeks)
Week 23
Bible: 1 Kings 15-18, Acts 25-26, Psalms 148-150, Proverbs 16
Mere Christianity Book 3 ch 12 Faith (again)
God's Smuggler ch 15 The Greenhouse and the Garden, second half
or The Little Woman ch 12 The Stethoscope, second half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 24
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 24
George Washington from James Baldwin's Four Great Americans ch 15
Royal Road to Romance ch 24
The Universe Next Door ch 7 Journey to the East: Eastern Pantheistic Monism, last third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 7 The Coming of the Strange Fire, first half
On Liberty ch 1 Introductory (first half)
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) ch 20 Self-Ordering pg 199-204
Writers Inc - pg 383 Study Skills (allow 2 weeks)
Week 24
Bible: 1 Kings 19-21, Acts 27-28, Psalms 1-3, Proverbs 17:1-14
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 1 Making and Begetting
God's Smuggler ch 16 The Work Begins to Expand, first half
or The Little Woman ch 13 The God Who Loves, first half
Churchill's Age of Revolution, ch 25
Treaty with Great Britain (End of War of 1812) (1814)
Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen ch 25
Arguing About Slavery ch 1
Royal Road to Romance ch 25
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 7 The Coming of the Strange Fire, second half
On Liberty ch 1 Introductory (second half)
Ourselves (Book 1, Self-Knowledge) Part IV Vocation pg 204-end
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 74 Wordsworth - The Poet of Nature
Writers Inc - pg 421 Speaking, Thinking, and Viewing Skills (allow 3 weeks)
Optional Exam
Next 24 weeks crossing over into the following year are from Year 10
Week 25
Bible: 1 Kings 22; Ecclesiastes 1-4, James 1-4, Psalms 4-6, Proverbs 17:15-28
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 2 Three-Personal God
God's Smuggler ch 16 The Work Begins to Expand, second half
or The Little Woman ch 13 The God Who Loves, second half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 1
Arguing About Slavery ch 2
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 1 Boyhood, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 1 A President's Childhood
Royal Road to Romance ch 26
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, first fifth (about 10 pages)
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 8 Looking Within: Freud, first third
On Liberty ch 2 On the Liberty of Thought and Discussion (first fifth)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) pg 1-5
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 75 Wordsworth and Coleridge - The Lake Poets
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 1-4
My Kinsman, Major Molineux by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1832)
Frankenstein preface, introduction, etc
Ralph Waldo Emerson essay: Art
Writers Inc - pg 421 Speaking, Thinking, and Viewing Skills (allow 3 weeks)
The Sea Around Us ch 9. Wind and Water (spend 2 weeks if necessary)
Signs and Seasons: Epilogue The Calendar, spread over the term, with field work
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 13 for the next two weeks
The Story of Painting by H. W. Janson - The Age of Machines (over the next 8 weeks)
Week 26
Bible: Ecclesiastes 5-10, James 5; Galatians 1-2, Psalms 7-8, Proverbs 18
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 3 Time and Beyond
God's Smuggler ch 17 Russia at First Glance
or The Little Woman ch 14 Mr. Shan, first half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 2
Arguing About Slavery ch 3, 4
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 2 The Young Backwoodsman, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 2 Captain Lincoln
Royal Road to Romance ch 27
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, second fifth (about 10 pages)
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 8 Looking Within: Freud, middle third
On Liberty ch 2 On the Liberty of Thought and Discussion (second fifth)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 1 The Court Of Appeal pg 5-9
Character is Destiny ch 14
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde introduction
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 76 Coleridge and Southey - Sunshine and Shadow
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 5-8
Frankenstein ch 1, 2
Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1835)
The Sea Around Us ch 9. Wind and Water (spend 2 weeks if necessary)
Writers Inc - pg 421 Speaking, Thinking, and Viewing Skills (allow 3 weeks)
Week 27
Bible: Ecclesiastes 11-12; 2 Kings 1-2, Galatians 3-5, Psalms 9-10, Proverbs 19:1-15
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 4 Good Infection
God's Smuggler ch 18 For Russia with Love
or The Little Woman ch 14 Mr. Shan, second half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 3
Arguing About Slavery ch 5
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 3 Slavery, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 3 Lawyer Lincoln
Royal Road to Romance ch 28
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, third fifth (about 10 pages)
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 8 Looking Within: Freud, last third
On Liberty ch 2 On the Liberty of Thought and Discussion (third fifth)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 2 The Instruction Of Conscience pg 9-12
Frankenstein ch 3-5
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 1
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 77 Scott - The Awakening of Romance
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 9-12
Ralph Waldo Emerson essay: Nature
The Book on Writing ch 1
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 14 for the next two weeks
Week 28
Bible: 2 Kings 3-5, Galatians 6; John 1, Psalms 11-13, Proverbs 19:16-29
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 5 The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
God's Smuggler ch 19 Bibles to the Russian Pastors
or The Little Woman ch 15 Even Unto Death, first half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 4
Arguing About Slavery ch 6, 7
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 4 Lincoln the Lawyer, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 4 Congressman Lincoln
Royal Road to Romance ch 29
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, fourth fifth (about 10 pages)
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 9 The Vast Emergence: John Dewey, first third
On Liberty ch 2 On the Liberty of Thought and Discussion (fourth fifth)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 3 Temperance pg 12-16
Frankenstein ch 6, 7
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 2
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 78 Scott - "The Wizard of the North"
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 13-16
Frederick Douglass essay: Reconstruction
Great Astronomers: Sir John Herschel, first half
The Book on Writing ch 2
Week 29
Bible: 2 Kings 6-9, John 2-3, Psalms 14-16, Proverbs 20:1-15
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 6 Two Notes
God's Smuggler ch 20 The Awakening Dragon, first half
or The Little Woman ch 15 Even Unto Death, second half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 5
Arguing About Slavery ch 8
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 5 Defeat of the Little Giant, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 5 The Champion of Freedom
Royal Road to Romance ch 30
The Universe Next Door ch 8 A Separate Universe: The New Age, last fifth (about 10 pages)
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 9 The Vast Emergence: John Dewey, middle third
On Liberty ch 2 On the Liberty of Thought and Discussion (last fifth)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 3 Temperance pg 16-21
Frankenstein ch 8, 9
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 3
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 79 Byron - "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 17-20
The Book on Writing ch 3
Great Astronomers: Sir John Herschel, second half
The Sea Around Us ch 10. Wind, Sun, and the Spinning of the Earth
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 15 for the next two weeks
Week 30
Bible: 2 Kings 10-14, John 4-5, Psalms 17-18:1-15, Proverbs 20:16-30
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 7 Let's Pretend
God's Smuggler ch 20 The Awakening Dragon, second half
or The Little Woman ch 16 Back to England
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 6
Arguing About Slavery ch 9, 10
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 6 The New President and Secession, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 6 The New President
Royal Road to Romance ch 31
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 9 The Vast Emergence: John Dewey, last third
On Liberty ch 3 Of Individuality (first half)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 4 Chastity (Part 1) pg 21-25
Frankenstein ch 10, 11, 12
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 4
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 80 Shelley - The Poet of Love
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 21-24
Frederick Douglass essay: An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage
The Book on Writing ch 4
Week 31
Bible: 2 Kings 15-18, John 6, Psalms 18:16-50, Proverbs 21
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 8 Hard or Easy?
God's Smuggler ch 21 Twelve Apostles of Hope, first third
or The Little Woman ch 17 Wong Kwai, first half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 7
Arguing About Slavery ch 11, 12
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 7 The War, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 7 Lincoln and the War
Royal Road to Romance ch 32
The Universe Next Door ch 9 The Vanished Horizon: Postmodernism, first third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 10 New Hope for the Nations: Keynes, first third
On Liberty ch 3 Of Individuality (second half)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 4 Chastity (Part 1) pg 25-29
Frankenstein ch 13, 14, 15
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 5
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 81 Keats - The Poet of Beauty
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 25-28
The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe (1839)
The Book on Writing ch 5
Microbe Hunters ch 3 Pasteur (there are 8 sections; space it out for the week if desired)
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 16 for the next two weeks
Week 32
Bible: 2 Kings 19-22, John 7, Psalms 19-20, Proverbs 22:1-16
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 9 Counting the Cost
God's Smuggler ch 21 Twelve Apostles of Hope, middle third
or The Little Woman ch 17 Wong Kwai, second half
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 8
Arguing About Slavery ch 13
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 8 Victory, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 8 Unsuccessful Generals
Royal Road to Romance ch 33
The Universe Next Door ch 9 The Vanished Horizon: Postmodernism, middle third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 10 New Hope for the Nations: Keynes, middle third
On Liberty ch 4 Of the Limits to Authority of Society (first half)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 5 Chastity (Part 2 Ordered Friendship) pg 29-33
Frankenstein ch 16, 17
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 6
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 82 Carlyle - The Sage of Chelsea
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 29-32
Frederick Douglass essay: My Escape From Slavery
Great Astronomers: William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse
The Book on Writing ch 6
Week 33
Bible: 2 Kings 23-25; 1 Chronicles 1, John 8-9, Psalms 21-22, Proverbs 22:17-29
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 10 Nice People or New Men, first half
God's Smuggler ch 21 Twelve Apostles of Hope, last third
or The Little Woman ch 18 An Old Suit
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 9
Arguing About Slavery ch 14
Story of Abraham Lincoln, ch 9 O Captain My Captain, or Boys Life of Lincoln ch 9 Freedom for the Slaves
Royal Road to Romance ch 34
The Universe Next Door ch 9 The Vanished Horizon: Postmodernism, last third
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 10 New Hope for the Nations: Keynes, last third
On Liberty ch 4 Of the Limits to Authority of Society (second half)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 6 Chastity (Part 3 The Final Unchastity) pg 33-38
Frankenstein ch 18, 19
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 7
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 83 Thackeray - The Cynic?
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 33-36
The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol (1842)
The Book on Writing ch 7
The Sea Around Us ch 11. The Moving Tides
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 17 for the next two weeks
Week 34
Bible: 1 Chronicles 2-5, John 10-11, Psalms 23-24, Proverbs 23:1-15
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 10 Nice People or New Men, second half
God's Smuggler Epilogue: Further Adventures, first third
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 10
Arguing About Slavery ch 15, 16
Royal Road to Romance ch 35
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 11 The Advent of Diffusion: Kierkegaard, first half
On Liberty ch 5 Applications (first third)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 6 Chastity (Part 3 The Final Unchastity) pg 38-41
Frankenstein ch 20, 21
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 8
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 84 Dickens - Smiles and Tears
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 37-39
A Simple Heart by Gustave Flaubert (1877)
Great Astronomers: Sir William Rowan Hamilton, first third
The Book on Writing ch 8
Week 35
Bible: 1 Chronicles 6-10, John 12, Psalms 25-26, Proverbs 23:16-35
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 11 The New Men, first half
God's Smuggler Epilogue: Further Adventures, middle third
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 11
Arguing About Slavery ch 17
Royal Road to Romance ch 36
The Universe Next Door ch 10 The Examined Life: Conclusion
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 11 The Advent of Diffusion: Kierkegaard, second half
On Liberty ch 5 Applications (second third)
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 7 Fortitude pg 41-45
Frankenstein ch 22, 23
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 9
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 85 Tennyson - The Poet of Friendship
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 40-42
The Book on Writing ch 9
Great Astronomers: Sir William Rowan Hamilton, middle third
How to Read a Book, part 3 ch 18
Week 36
Bible: 1 Chronicles 11-14, John 13-14, Psalms 27-29, Proverbs 24:1-15
Mere Christianity Book 4 ch 11 The New Men, second half
God's Smuggler Epilogue: Further Adventures, last third
Churchill's Great Democracies, ch 12
Arguing About Slavery ch 18, 19, 20
Royal Road to Romance ch 37
On Liberty ch 5 Applications (last third)
Seven Men Who Rule from the Grave ch 12 Who Shall Overcome?
Ourselves (Book 2, Self-Direction) ch 7 Fortitude pg 45-49
Frankenstein ch 24-end
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 10
Uncle Tom's Cabin ch 43-45
The Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1880)
The Book on Writing ch 10
Great Astronomers: Sir William Rowan Hamilton, last third
How to Read a Book, part 3 ch 19
Optional Exam
Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)