AmblesideOnline for Groups Form 1A 36-Week Schedule
AO for Groups:
History Cycle
Sample Roster
Page Counts
Form 1 (grades 1, 2, 3):
1A Booklist
1A Schedule
1B Booklist
1B Schedule
1C Booklist
1C Schedule
Form 2 (grades 4, 5, 6):
2A Booklist
2A Schedule
2B Booklist
2B Schedule
2C Booklist
2C Schedule
Form 3 (grades 7, 8, 9):
3A Booklist
3A Schedule
3B Booklist
3B Schedule
3C Booklist
3C Schedule
As a help for scheduling Form 1A of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Weekly Readings
The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Week 1
Bible: Old Testament - The Beginning - Genesis 1:1-31
New Testament - Zacharias and Elisabeth Luke 1:5-25
An Island Story ch 1 The Stories of Albion and Brutus
An Island Story ch 2 The Coming of the Romans
Viking Tales: The Baby
Paddle to the Sea: ch 1
Burgess's Bird Book: ch 1 Jenny Wren Arrives: Introducing the House Wren
Aesop's Fables: The Wolf and the Kid (pg 7 in the Milo Winter version)
Parables from Nature ch 1 A Lesson of Faith
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Just So Stories: How the Whale Got His Throat
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #1 (Perseus; this is for students who will be moving to Form II next year)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 2
Bible: Old Testament - Adam and Eve - Genesis 2:1-25
New Testament - An Angel Visits Mary Luke 1:26-38
An Island Story ch 3 The Romans Come Again
An Island Story ch 4 How Caligula Conquered Britain
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 30 The Sword of Damocles
Viking Tales: The Tooth-thrall
Paddle to the Sea: ch 2
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Blue Fairy Book: Beauty and the Beast
Just So Stories: How the Camel Got His Hump
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #2 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 3
Bible: Old Testament - Evil Enters the Garden - Genesis 3:1-24
New Testament - Mary visits Elisabeth Luke 1:39-56
An Island Story ch 5 The Story of a Warrior Queen
An Island Story ch 6 The Last of the Romans
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 31 Damon and Pythias
Viking Tales: Olaf's Farm
Burgess's Bird Book: ch 2 The Old Orchard Bully - The English or House Sparrow
Aesop's Fables: Tortoise and the Ducks (pg 8 in the Milo Winter version)
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
American Tall Tales: Sky-Bright Axe: Paul Bunyan, first half
Just So Stories: How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #3 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 4
Bible: Old Testament - Cain and Abel - Genesis 4:1-26
New Testament - Elisabeth Has Her Baby Luke 1:57-80
An Island Story ch 7 The Story of St. Alban
Viking Tales: Olaf's Fight with Havard
A Drop of Water Section 1 Water's Smallest Parts
Paddle to the Sea: ch 3
Secrets of the Woods: Tookhees the 'Fraid One (first third; for older students)
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
American Tall Tales: Sky-Bright Axe: Paul Bunyan, second half
Just So Stories: How the Leopard Got His Spots
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 5
Bible: Old Testament - From Adam to Noah - Genesis 5:1-32; Wickedness in the World - Genesis 6:1-8
New Testament - Mary Has HER Baby Luke 2:1-20
An Island Story ch 8 Vortigern and King Constans
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 32 A Laconic Answer
Viking Tales: Foes'-Fear
Paddle to the Sea: ch 4
Secrets of the Woods: Tookhees the 'Fraid One (middle third; for older students)
Aesop's Fables: Belling the Cat (pg 11 in the Milo Winter version)
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Just So Stories: The Elephant's Child
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 6
Bible: Old Testament - Noah and the Flood - Genesis 6:9-22, 7:1-24, 8:1-22
New Testament - Baby Jesus is Taken to the Temple Luke 2:21-38
An Island Story ch 9 The Story of the Coming of Hengist and Horsa
Viking Tales: Harald is King
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Secrets of the Woods: Tookhees the 'Fraid One (last third; for older students)
Parables from Nature ch 2 The Law of Authority and Obedience
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Tales from Shakespeare (this term's play from AO's Shakespeare rotation)
Just So Stories: The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #4 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 7
Bible: Old Testament - God's Covenant; Noah's Sons - Genesis 9:1-28; Nations Descended from Noah - Genesis 10:1-32
New Testament - Jesus is Taken on Another Visit to the Temple Luke 2:39-52
An Island Story ch 10 Hengist's Treachery
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 36 The Brave Three Hundred
Viking Tales: Harald's Battle
Paddle to the Sea: ch 5
Aesop's Fables: The Eagle and the Jackdaw (pg 12 in the Milo Winter version)
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Just So Stories: The Beginning of the Armadillos
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #5 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 8
Bible: Old Testament - The Tower of Babel - Genesis 11:1-9; Abram's Family Tree - Genesis 11:10-26; 11:27-32; God Calls Abram - Genesis 12:1-9
New Testament - John the Baptist Begins His Ministry Luke 3:1-20
An Island Story ch 11 How the Giant's Dance was Brought to Britain
George Washington by D'Aulaire (spread this book over three weeks)
Viking Tales: Gyda's Saucy Message
A Drop of Water Section 2 Water's Elastic Surface
Paddle to the Sea: ch 6
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Just So Stories: How the First Letter Was Written
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 9
Bible: Old Testament - Abram Goes to Egypt - Genesis 12:10-20; Abram and Lot Separate - Genesis 13:1-18
New Testament - Jesus' Baptism: When all the people were being baptized, before Herod shut up John in prison, Jesus also came to be baptized: Matt 3:13-17; Mark 14:9-12
An Island Story ch 12 The Coming of Arthur
An Island Story ch 13 The Founding of the Round Table
George Washington by D'Aulaire (spread this book over three weeks)
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Boy and the Filberts (pg 12 in the Milo Winter version)
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Just So Stories: How the Alphabet Was Made
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #6 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 10
Bible: Old Testament - Abram Rescues Lot and Meets Melchizedek - Genesis 14:1-24
New Testament - The Wilderness Luke 4:1-13
An Island Story ch 14 The Story of Gregory and the Pretty Children
Viking Tales: The Sea Fight
George Washington by D'Aulaire (spread this book over three weeks)
Paddle to the Sea: ch 7
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Just So Stories: The Crab That Played with the Sea
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #7 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 11
Bible: Old Testament - God's Covenant With Abram - Genesis 15:1-21; Hagar and Ishmael - Genesis 16:1-16
New Testament - Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law Luke 4:14-41
Child's History of the World ch 47 Two Empires, Two Emperors (ch 45 Light in the Dark Ages in 1st ed)
Viking Tales: King Harald's Wedding
Farmer George Plants a Nation (spread this book over two weeks)
Paddle to the Sea: ch 8
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: Hercules and the Wagoner (pg 13 in the Milo Winter version)
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Just So Stories: The Cat That Walked by Himself
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #8 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 12
Bible: Old Testament - Abram Keeps God's Covenant - Genesis 17:1-27; Abram Has Three Visitors - Genesis 18:1-15
New Testament - Fishermen Luke 5:1-11
Child's History of the World ch 48 Getting a Start (ch 46? in 1st edition) (optional; this is covered in An Island Story)
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 34 Alexander and Bucephalus
Viking Tales: King Harald Goes West-Over-Seas
Farmer George Plants a Nation (spread this book over two weeks)
Paddle to the Sea: ch 9
Aesop's Fables: The Kid and the Wolf (pg 13 in the Milo Winter version)
Parables from Nature ch 3 The Unknown Land
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Just So Stories: The Butterfly That Stamped
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #9 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Optional Exam Week
Week 13
Bible: Old Testament - Abraham Pleads for Sodom - Genesis 18:16-33; Sodom and Gomorrah - Genesis 19:1-29 (parents: preread)
New Testament - Four Friends Bring a Man to be Healed Luke 5:17-26
An Island Story ch 15 How King Alfred Learned to Read
An Island Story ch 16 King Alfred in the Cowherd's Cottage
The Little Duke - first half of ch 1
Paddle to the Sea: ch 10
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (pg 14 in the Milo Winter version)
Jungle Book: Mowgli's Brothers, first half
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #10 (Jason and the Argonauts; this is for students who will be moving to Form II next year)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 14
Bible: Old Testament - Abraham Lies to Abimelek - Genesis 20:1-18; Isaac is Born - Genesis 21:1-7; Abram Sends Hagar and Ishmael Away - Genesis 21:8-21
New Testament - The Healing of a Withered Hand Luke 6:1-11
An Island Story ch 17 More About Alfred the Great
Child's History of the World ch 49 The End of the World (ch 47 in 1st ed)
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 35 Diogenes the Wise Man
The Little Duke - second half of ch 1
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Jungle Book: Mowgli's Brothers, second half and Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
American Tall Tales: Coyote Cowboy: Pecos Bill, first half
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #11 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 15
Bible: Old Testament - Abram's Treaty with Abimelek at Beersheba - Genesis 21:22-34; God Tests Abraham - Genesis 22:1-19; The Sons of Abram's Brother Nahor - Genesis 22:20-24
New Testament - Jesus calls the Disciples, and Heals More People Luke 6:12-19
An Island Story ch 18 Ethelred the Unready
Child's History of the World ch 50 Real Castles (ch 48 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke - first half of ch 2
A Drop of Water Section 3 Floating Steel and Wild Waves (experiment: Surface Tension)
Secrets of the Woods: A Wilderness Byway (first half; for older students)
Jungle Book: Kaa's Hunting, first half
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
American Tall Tales: Coyote Cowboy: Pecos Bill, second half
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #12 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 16
Bible: Old Testament - Sarah Dies - Genesis 23:1-20
New Testament - Healing of the Centurion's Servant Luke 7:1-10
An Island Story ch 19 How Edmund Ironside Fought for the Crown
Child's History of the World ch 51 Knights and Days of Chivalry (ch 49 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke - second half of ch 2
Paddle to the Sea: ch 11
Secrets of the Woods: A Wilderness Byway (second half; for older students)
Aesop's Fables: The Fox and the Grapes (pg 16 in the Milo Winter version)
Jungle Book: Kaa's Hunting, second half and Road-Song of the Bandar-log
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #13 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 17
Bible: Old Testament - Isaac and Rebekah - Genesis 24:1-67
New Testament - John the Baptist Questions Jesus Luke 7:11-30
This Country of Ours ch 1 How the Vikings of Old Sought And Found New Lands
The Little Duke - first half of ch 3
Paddle to the Sea: ch 12
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Bundle of Sticks (pg 16 in the Milo Winter version)
Jungle Book: Tiger! Tiger!, first half
Parables from Nature ch 5 Training and Restraining
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #14 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 18
Bible: Old Testament - Abraham Dies - Genesis 25:1-11; Ishmael's Sons; Isaac's Sons Jacob and Esau - Genesis 25:12-34
New Testament - The Woman Who Washed Jesus' Feet Luke 7:36-50
An Island Story ch 20 Canute and the Waves
Child's History of the World ch 52 A Pirate's Great Grandson (ch 50 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke - second half of ch 3
Paddle to the Sea: ch 13
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Jungle Book: Tiger! Tiger!, second half and Mowgli's Song
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Blue Fairy Book: Why the Sea is Salt
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #15 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 19
Bible: Old Testament - Isaac Deceives Abimelek - Genesis 26:1-33; Esau's Wives - Genesis 26:34-35
New Testament - A Parable of the Sower Luke 8:1-18
An Island Story ch 21 Edward the Confessor
The Little Duke - first half of ch 4
A Drop of Water Section 4 When Water Meets Air
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Ass and his Driver (pg 18 in the Milo Winter version)
Jungle Book: The White Seal, first half
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Tales from Shakespeare (this term's play from AO's Shakespeare rotation)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #16 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 20
Bible: Old Testament - Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing - Genesis 27:1-46; 28:1-9
New Testament - Jesus Rules a Storm Luke 8:19-26
An Island Story ch 22 Harold
The Little Duke - second half of ch 4
Paddle to the Sea: ch 14
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Oxen and the Wheels (pg 18 in the Milo Winter version)
Jungle Book: The White Seal, second half and Lukannon
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #17 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 21
Bible: Old Testament - Jacob's Dream at Bethel - Genesis 28:10-22; Jacob in Paddan Aram - Genesis 29:1-14; Jacob's Two Wives - Genesis 29:15-30
New Testament - The Herd of Pigs Luke 8:27-39
An Island Story ch 23 The Battle of Stamford Bridge
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 25 The Story of Regulus
The Little Duke - first half of ch 5
Paddle to the Sea: ch 15
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Jungle Book: Rikki-tikki-tavi and Darzee's Chaunt
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #18 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 22
Bible: Old Testament - Jacob's Children - Genesis 29:31-35; 30:1-24; Jacob Increases His Flocks - Genesis 30:25-43
New Testament - Jairus's Daughter Luke 8:40-56
An Island Story ch 24 The Battle of Hastings
The Little Duke - second half of ch 5
Paddle to the Sea: ch 16
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Lion and the Mouse (pg 19 in the Milo Winter version)
Jungle Book: Toomai of the Elephants, first half
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #19 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 23
Bible: Old Testament - Jacob Flees From Laban - Genesis 31:1-55
New Testament - Loaves and Fishes Luke 9:10-17
An Island Story ch 25 William the Conqueror: Hereward the Wake
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 26 Cornelia's Jewels
The Little Duke - first half of ch 6
Paddle to the Sea: ch 17
Aesop's Fables: The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf (pg 20 in the Milo Winter version)
Jungle Book: Toomai of the Elephants, second half and Shiv and the Grasshopper
Parables from Nature ch 7 Waiting
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #20 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 24
Bible: Old Testament - Jacob Worries About Meeting Esau - Genesis 32:1-21; Jacob Wrestles With God - Genesis 32:22-32; Jacob and Esau Reunite - Genesis 33:1-20
New Testament - Who Say Ye That I Am? Luke 9:18-36
An Island Story ch 26 William the Conqueror: Death of the King
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 28 Horatius at the Bridge
The Little Duke - second half of ch 6
Paddle to the Sea: ch 18
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Gnat and the Bull (pg 21 in the Milo Winter version)
Jungle Book: Her Majesty's Servants and Parade-Song of the Camp Animals
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #21 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Optional Exam Week
Week 25
Bible: Old Testament - Jacob Goes Back to Bethel - Genesis 35:1-15; Rachel and Isaac Die - Genesis 35:16-29; Esau's Descendants - Genesis 36:1-30
New Testament - Following Jesus Luke 9:51-62
An Island Story ch 27 The Story of William the Red
Child's History of the World ch 53 A Great Adventure (ch 51 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke first half of ch 7
Paddle to the Sea: ch 19
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
The Wind in Willows: ch 1 The River Bank
Parables from Nature ch 10 The Law of the Wood
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 26
Bible: Old Testament - The Chiefs of Edom - Genesis 36:31-43; Joseph's Dreams - Genesis 37:1-11; Joseph is Sold by His Brothers - Genesis 37:12-36
New Testament - The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
An Island Story ch 28 Henry I: The Story of the "White Ship"
The Little Duke second half of ch 7
Paddle to the Sea: ch 20
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Plane Tree (pg 21 in the Milo Winter version)
The Wind in Willows: ch 2 The Open Road
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Blue Fairy Book: Felicia and the Pot of Pinks
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #22 (Theseus; this is for students who will be moving to Form II next year)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 27
Bible: Old Testament - Joseph and Potiphar's Wife - Genesis 39:1-2; The Cupbearer and the Baker in Prison - Genesis 40:1-23
New Testament - Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
An Island Story ch 29 The Story of King Stephen
An Island Story ch 30 Henry Plantagenet: Gilbert and Rohesia
The Little Duke first half of ch 8
Paddle to the Sea: ch 21
Secrets of the Woods: Keeonekh the Fisherman (first third; for older students)
Aesop's Fables: The Farmer and the Stork (pg 22 in the Milo Winter version)
The Wind in Willows: ch 3 The Wild Wood
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #22 (Theseus; this is for students who will be moving to Form II next year)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 28
Bible: Old Testament - Pharaoh's Dreams - Genesis 41:1-40; Joseph Becomes a Leader During Egypt's Famine - Genesis 41:41-57
New Testament - Jesus Teaches His Disciples How to Pray Luke 11:1-13
An Island Story ch 31 Henry Plantagenet: Thomas a Becket
The Little Duke second half of ch 8
A Drop of Water Section 5 When Water Flows Up (experiment: Capillary Attraction)
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Secrets of the Woods: Keeonekh the Fisherman (middle third; for older students)
The Wind in Willows: ch 4 Mr. Badger
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 29
Bible: Old Testament - Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt for Food - Genesis 42:1-38
New Testament - True Treasure Luke 12:13-34
An Island Story ch 32 Henry Plantagenet: The Conquest of Ireland
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 24 The Story of Cincinnatus
The Little Duke first half of ch 9
Paddle to the Sea: ch 22
Secrets of the Woods: Keeonekh the Fisherman (last third; for older students)
Aesop's Fables: The Sheep and the Pig (pg 22 in the Milo Winter version)
The Wind in Willows: ch 5 Dulce Donum
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #24 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 30
Bible: Old Testament - Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt Again - Genesis 43:1-34
New Testament - Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Day Luke 13:11-17
An Island Story ch 33 The Story of Richard Coeur de Lion
The Little Duke second half of ch 9
Paddle to the Sea: ch 23
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Travelers and the Purse (pg 24 in the Milo Winter version)
The Wind in Willows: ch 6 Mr. Toad
American Tall Tales: Five Fathoms Tall: Stormalong, first half
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 31
Bible: Old Testament - The Stolen Cup - Genesis 44:1-34
New Testament - The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin Luke 15:1-10
An Island Story ch 34 Richard Couer de Lion: The Story of How Blondel Found the King
Child's History of the World ch 54 Tick-Tack-Toe (ch 52? in 1st ed)
The Little Duke first half of ch 10
Paddle to the Sea: ch 24
The Wind in Willows: ch 7 The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
American Tall Tales: Five Fathoms Tall: Stormalong, second half
Parables from Nature ch 12 Daily Bread
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #25 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 32
Bible: Old Testament - Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers - Genesis 45:1-28
New Testament - The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32
An Island Story ch 35 John Lackland: The Story of Prince Arthur
Child's History of the World ch 55 Three Kingdoms in West Africa (not in 1st ed)
The Little Duke second half of ch 10
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Lion and the Ass (pg 24 in the Milo Winter version)
The Wind in Willows: ch 8 Toad's Adventures
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Tales from Shakespeare (this term's play from AO's Shakespeare rotation)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #26 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 33
Bible: Old Testament - Jacob Goes to Egypt to See Joseph - Genesis 46:1-34; 47:1-12
New Testament - Jesus Teaches His Disciples Luke 17:1-11
Child's History of the World ch 56 Bibles Made of Stone and Glass (ch 53 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke ch 11
A Drop of Water Section 6 Soap Bubbles (experiment: Soap Bubbles)
Paddle to the Sea: ch 25
Aesop's Fables: The Frogs who Wished for a King (pg 25 in the Milo Winter version)
The Wind in Willows: ch 9 Wayfarer's All
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Blue Fairy Book: Prince Darling
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #27 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 34
Bible: Old Testament - Joseph Feeds the People During the Famine - Genesis 47:13-31; Jacob Blesses Joseph's Sons - Genesis 48:1-22
New Testament - Ten Lepers Luke 17:11-19
Child's History of the World ch 57 John, Whom Nobody Loved (ch 54 in 1st ed)
Fifty Famous Stories Retold ch 27 Androclus and the Lion
The Little Duke first half of ch 12
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Oak and the Reeds (pg 28 in the Milo Winter version)
The Wind in Willows: ch 10 The Further Adventures of Toad
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #28 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 35
Bible: Old Testament - Jacob Blesses Joseph's Brothers - Genesis 49:1-28
New Testament - A Pharisee and a Publican Luke 18:9-17
An Island Story ch 36 John Lackland: The Story of the Great Charter
The Little Duke second half of ch 12
Paddle to the Sea: ch 26
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: The Boys and the Frogs (pg 29 in the Milo Winter version)
The Wind in Willows: ch 11 "Like Summer Tempests Came His Tears"
Parables from Nature ch 28 Cobwebs
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #29 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Week 36
Bible: Old Testament - Joseph Reassures His Brothers After Jacob Dies 49:29-33; Genesis 50:1-21; Joseph Dies - Genesis 50:22-26
New Testament - The Rich Young Ruler Luke 18:18-27
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Blind Man Luke 18:35-43
An Island Story ch 37 Henry III of Winchester: Hubert de Burgh
An Island Story ch 38 Henry III of Winchester: Simon de Montfort
The Little Duke Conclusion
Paddle to the Sea: ch 27
The Wind in Willows: ch 12 The Return of Ulysses
Pilgrim's Progress Book I (read the first half of this book over this year)
Kingsley's The Heroes Lesson #30 (for older students)
3-5 poems from AO's Year 1 Poetry Anthology
Poems of A.A. Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson (for younger students)
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Reading Instruction or Reading Practice 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Optional Exam Week
Last updated: Jul 9, 2024 (Old Testament verses were updated; Kingsley's The Heroes schedule was updated)