AmblesideOnline for Groups Form 2B 36-Week Schedule
AO for Groups:
History Cycle
Sample Roster
Page Counts
Form 1 (grades 1, 2, 3):
1A Booklist
1A Schedule
1B Booklist
1B Schedule
1C Booklist
1C Schedule
Form 2 (grades 4, 5, 6):
2A Booklist
2A Schedule
2B Booklist
2B Schedule
2C Booklist
2C Schedule
Form 3 (grades 7, 8, 9):
3A Booklist
3A Schedule
3B Booklist
3B Schedule
3C Booklist
3C Schedule
As a help for scheduling Form 2B of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Weekly Readings
The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Week 1
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 1
New Testament - What Defiles a Man? - Matthew 15:1-20
New Testament - The Syrophoenician Woman - Matthew 15:21-28
This Country of Ours ch 64 Washington - First in War, First in Peace (split ch over two days this week)
Abraham Lincoln's World: 1809 pg ix-x
Abraham Lincoln's World: Napoleon pg 5-8
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Next Emperor pg 9-10
Of Courage Undaunted pg 13-20
Age of Fable ch 15 The Graeae, Perseus and Medusa, Perseus and Atlas
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Introduction
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 1 Story 1 The Drawing Of The Sword
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 1 Story 2 The Sword Excalibur
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 7 The Chalk-Carts to "surely come to a cave at last."
Story of Inventions ch 2 Robert Fulton and the Invention of the Steamboat, first third pg 25-33
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology - pg 19; spread Lesson 1 over six weeks
Wild Animals I Have Known The Pacing Mustang Pt 1, 2
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 2
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 2
New Testament - Healing the Deaf and Mute - Mark 7:31-37
New Testament - Feeding of the Four Thousand - Mark 8:1-9
This Country of Ours ch 65 Adams - How He Kept Peace With France
Abraham Lincoln's World: Because of England and Napoleon pg 11-14
Abraham Lincoln's World: Ypung Creoles of Venezuela pg 15-18
Abraham Lincoln's World: Ships and Trops and Businessmen pg 18-22
Abraham Lincoln's World: Tecumseh The Falling Star pg 23-24
Of Courage Undaunted pg 20-27
Age of Fable ch 15 The Sea Monster, the wedding feast
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 1 Story 3 How The Round Table Began
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 1 Story 4 The Story Of Sir Balin
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 7 The Chalk-Carts from "You can see now why the chalk-downs" to "beyond all that we can ask or think."
Story of Inventions ch 2 Robert Fulton and the Invention of the Steamboat, second third pg 33-45
Storybook of Science ch 28 The Chase
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology - pg 19; spread Lesson 1 over six weeks
Wild Animals I Have Known The Pacing Mustang Pt 3
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 3
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 3
New Testament - Seeking a Sign from Heaven - Mark 8:10-13
New Testament - Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees - Matthew 16:5-12
This Country of Ours ch 66 Jefferson - How the Territory of the United States Was Doubled
Abraham Lincoln's World: Sam Houston Becomes The Raven pg 25-27
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Year 1812 in North America pg 28-31
Abraham Lincoln's World: 1812 in South America pg 32-35
Abraham Lincoln's World: To Moscow and Return pg 36-38
Of Courage Undaunted pg 28-37
Age of Fable ch 16 Monsters, The Sphinx
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 1 Story 5 What Beaumains Asked Of The King (first half)
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 7 The Chalk-Carts from "But you will say now that we" to "talk about--we don't know what."
Story of Inventions ch 2 Robert Fulton and the Invention of the Steamboat, last third pg 45-54
Storybook of Science ch 29 Venomous Insects
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology - pg 19; spread Lesson 1 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 6 How Science Works: pg 56
Wild Animals I Have Known The Pacing Mustang Pt 4, 5
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 4
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 4, 5
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Blind Man - Mark 8:22-26
This Country of Ours ch 67 Jefferson - How the Door Into the Far West Was Opened (split ch over two days this week)
Abraham Lincoln's World: Don't Give Up the Ship pg 3940
Abraham Lincoln's World: Andrew Jackson the Indian Fighter pg 41-44
Abraham Lincoln's World: A Boy and a Fish pg 44
Of Courage Undaunted pg 38-45
Age of Fable ch 16 Pegasus and the Chimaera, the Centaurus, the Pygmies, the Gryphon
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 1 Story 5 What Beaumains Asked Of The King (second half)
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "You want to know, then, what chalk is?" to "has ever yet done in the world."
Story of Inventions ch 3 George Stephenson and the Invention of the Locomotive, first third pg 55-62
Storybook of Science ch 30 Venom
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology - pg 19; spread Lesson 1 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 6 How Science Works: How scientists test their ideas pg 57-58
Couldn't Just Happen ch 6 How Science Works: It's not really that easy pg 58-59
Couldn't Just Happen ch 6 How Science Works: Developing better theories pg 59-60
Wild Animals I have Known: The Pacing Mustang Pt 6
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 5
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 6
New Testament - You Are the Christ Matthew 16:13-28
New Testament - The Transfiguration - Luke 9:28-36
This Country of Ours ch 68 Jefferson - About an American Who Wanted To Be a King
Abraham Lincoln's World: Napoleon Defeated pg 45-48
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Very Young William Gladstone pg 48-50
Abraham Lincoln's World: Just Before and After the End pg 51-55
Abraham Lincoln's World: Back to the Kings Again pg 56-60
Of Courage Undaunted pg 46-55
Age of Fable ch 17 The Golden Fleece
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 1 Story 6 How Morgan Le Fay Tried To Kill King Arthur
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 1 Story 7 The Passing Of Merlin
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 5 Elizabeth "Mumbet" Freeman, first half
Madam How Lady Why ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "Now you must remember, whenever" to "worry about that too much for now."
Story of Inventions ch 3 George Stephenson and the Invention of the Locomotive, second third pg 63-71
Storybook of Science ch 31 The Viper and the Scorpion
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology - pg 19; spread Lesson 1 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 6 How Science Works: Good science and bad science pg 60-61
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 6
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 7
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Lunatic - Matthew 17:14-23
This Country of Ours ch 69 Madison - The Shooting Star And the Prophet
Abraham Lincoln's World: Trails to the West pg 65-66
Abraham Lincoln's World: Abe Goes to Indiana pg 67-70
Abraham Lincoln's World: Robert Lee of Virginia pg 71-73
Abraham Lincoln's World: Harriet Beecher, the Preacher's Child pg 73-75
Trial and Triumph ch 36 William Carey Father of Modern Missions (1761-1834) pg 219
Of Courage Undaunted pg 56-61 (Note the typo in the date in the heading.)
Age of Fable ch 17 Medea and Aeson
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 5 Elizabeth "Mumbet" Freeman, second half
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 1 The Quest Of The Holy Grail
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 2 The Coming Of The Holy Grail
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 3 The Adventure Of Sir Galahad
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 4 How Sir Lancelot Saw A Vision And Repented Of His Sins
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "About this piece of limestone, however" to "the last three hundred years or so."
Story of Inventions ch 3 George Stephenson and the Invention of the Locomotive, last third pg 71-81
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology - pg 19; spread Lesson 1 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 6 How Science Works: The "ruling theory trap" pg 62-63
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 7
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 8
New Testament - The Fish Caught for the Tribute - Matthew 17:24-27
New Testament - Who is the Greatest? - Mark 9:33-37
This Country of Ours ch 70 Madison - War With Great Britain (split ch over two days this week)
Abraham Lincoln's World: What About Missouri? pg 76-78
Abraham Lincoln's World: Steamboats and the Law pg 79-81
Abraham Lincoln's World: Kit Rides to Santa Fe pg 82-83
Of Courage Undaunted pg 63-69
Age of Fable ch 18 Meleager
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 5 The Adventure Of Sir Percivale
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 6 An Adventure Of Sir Lancelot
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 7 An Adventure Of Sir Gawaine
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 8 The Adventure Of Sir Bors
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 9 Adventure Of Sir Galahad
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 10 Sir Lancelot Meets Sir Galahad And They Part For Ever
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 2 Story 11 How Sir Galahad Found The Graal And Died Of That Finding
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 2 The Skeletal System - pg 37; spread Lesson 2 over six weeks
Madam How Lady Why ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "(Boy): But how is it that Analysis and Synthesis cannot" to "down, and whole ranges of hills."
Wild Animals I Have Known Silverspot Part I
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 8
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 9, 10
New Testament - He Who is Not Against Us - Mark 9:38-41
New Testament - If Thy Hand Offend Thee - Mark 9:42-48
Abraham Lincoln's World: Benito Juarez A Boy of Mexico pg 84-87
Abraham Lincoln's World: Toda America Es Mi Patria pg 88-91
Abraham Lincoln's World: Citizens of the World pg 92-94
Abraham Lincoln's World: Victoria Is Born pg 95
Of Courage Undaunted pg 70-77
Age of Fable ch 18 Atalanta
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 3 Story 1 The Fight For The Queen
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "No one knew anything, I believe" to "humankind has lost in the deep seas."
Story of Inventions ch 4 Invention of the Electric Engine and Electric Locomotive, first half pg 83-93
Storybook of Science ch 32 The Nettle
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 2 The Skeletal System - pg 37; spread Lesson 2 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 6 How Science Works: Is scientific proof possible? pg 63-64
Couldn't Just Happen ch 7 Life in a Test Tube? pg 65
Wild Animals I Have Known Silverspot Part II
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 9
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 11
New Testament - The Lost Sheep - Matthew 18:10-14
New Testament - Forgiveness - Matthew 18:15-20
This Country of Ours ch 71 Monroe - The First Whispers of a Storm - Monroe's Famous Doctrine
Abraham Lincoln's World: Hard Times and Bad Kings pg 96-98
Abraham Lincoln's World: Victoria Who Was She? pg 99-101
Abraham Lincoln's World: Charles Dickens Or David Copperfield pg 102-104
Abraham Lincoln's World: Wild Turkeys and Waste Time pg 105-107
Of Courage Undaunted pg 78-86
Age of Fable ch 19 Hercules spend 2 weeks
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 3 Story 2 The Fair Maid Of Astolat
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 9 The Coral Reef to "guess, what wonder may come next."
Story of Inventions ch 4 Invention of the Electric Engine and Electric Locomotive, second half pg 93-100
Storybook of Science ch 33 Processionary Caterpillars
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 2 The Skeletal System - pg 37; spread Lesson 2 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 7 Life in a Test Tube? Either/or pg 65-66
Couldn't Just Happen ch 7 Life in a Test Tube? What do Evolutionists think happened? pg 66-67
Wild Animals I Have Known Silverspot Part III
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 10
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 12
New Testament - The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant - Matthew 18:21-35
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Story of Brazil pg 108-111
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Drama of Greece pg 112-114
Abraham Lincoln's World: Ulysses Grant Named and Renamed pg 115-117
Abraham Lincoln's World: Railroads Are Here pg 118-120
Abraham Lincoln's World: A Three Day Revolution pg 121-122
Of Courage Undaunted pg 86-94
Age of Fable ch 19 Hercules spend 2 weeks
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 4 Story 1 Lancelot And Guenevere (first half)
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 9 The Coral Reef from "Now we will go back to our story," to "Australia for nearly a thousand miles."
Story of Inventions ch 7 Elias Howe and the Invention of the Sewing Machine, first third pg 141-148
Storybook of Science ch 34 The Storm
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 2 The Skeletal System - pg 37; spread Lesson 2 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 7 Life in a Test Tube? Stanley Miller's experiment pg 67
Couldn't Just Happen ch 7 Life in a Test Tube? What is a cell? pg 68-69
Couldn't Just Happen ch 7 Life in a Test Tube? How do we know it Couldn't Just Happen ch ? pg 69-72
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 11
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 13
New Testament - Salted with Fire - Mark 9:49-50
This Country of Ours ch 72 Adams - The Tariff of Abominations (split ch over two days this week)
Abraham Lincoln's World: Young Patriots of Italy pg 123-126
Abraham Lincoln's World: A Bloodless Revolution pg 127-128
Abraham Lincoln's World: Union and Liberty pg 129-134
Abraham Lincoln's World: Time Makes an Old Idea New pg 139-142
Of Courage Undaunted pg 95-98
Age of Fable ch 19 Hebe and Ganymede
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 4 Story 1 Lancelot And Guenevere (second half)
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 9 The Coral Reef from "Every island throughout a great part" to "does not think nor reason either."
Story of Inventions ch 7 Elias Howe and the Invention of the Sewing Machine, second third pg 149-160
Storybook of Science ch 35 Electricity
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 2 The Skeletal System - pg 37; spread Lesson 2 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: The moths that changed! pg 73-74
Couldn't Just Happen ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: Other changes and evolution pg 74-75
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 12
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 14, 15
New Testament - Journey to Jerusalem - John 7:1-10
New Testament - Fire from Heaven - Luke 9:52-56
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Sultan's Guest pg 142-144
Abraham Lincoln's World: India pg 145-146
Abraham Lincoln's World: Li Hung Chang A Boy of China pg 147-149
Abraham Lincoln's World: Slavery What To Do About It pg 150-153
Abraham Lincoln's World: Abe Lincoln of New Salem pg 154-157
Trial and Triumph ch 37 David Livingstone Missionary Explorer (1813-1873) pg 227
Of Courage Undaunted pg 100-111
Age of Fable ch 20 Theseus
King Arthur by Andrew Lang Part 4 Story 2 The End Of It All
3-5 poems by Rudyard Kipling
Madam How Lady Why ch 9 The Coral Reef from "(Boy): Then were there many coral reefs" to "according to the ideas of His Eternal Mind?"
Story of Inventions ch 7 Elias Howe and the Invention of the Sewing Machine, last third pg 160-167
Storybook of Science ch 36 The Experiment with the Cat
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 2 The Skeletal System - pg 37; spread Lesson 2 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: The Theory of Evolution and evolution pg 75-76
Couldn't Just Happen ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: What are genes and chromosomes? pg 76-77
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Optional Exam Week
Week 13
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 16
New Testament - Follow Me - Luke 9:57-62
New Testament - Teaching at the Feast of Tabernacles - John 7:11-53
This Country of Ours ch 73 Jackson - "Liberty And Union, Now And Forever" - Van Buren - Hard Times (split ch over two days this week)
Abraham Lincoln's World: Remember the Alamo pg 158-162
Abraham Lincoln's World: On To Oregon pg 162-164
Abraham Lincoln's World: Into Darkest Africa pg 165-166
Abraham Lincoln's World: Young Lion vs Ancient Dragon pg 167-168
Of Courage Undaunted pg 111-122
Age of Fable ch 20 Olympic and other games, Daedalus, Castor and Pollux
Oliver Twist ch 1 Place where Oliver Twist was Born
Oliver Twist ch 2 Growth, Education
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 10 Field and Wild to "more time to read, and learn, and think."
Story of Inventions ch 8 Cyrus H. McCormick and the Invention of the Reaper, first half pg 169-180
Storybook of Science ch 37 The Experiment with Paper
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 3 The Muscular System - pg 55; spread Lesson 3 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: What about those moths? pg 77-78
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 14
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 17
New Testament - Woman Caught in Adultery - John 8:1-11
New Testament - Dispute with the Pharisees - John 8:12-59
Abraham Lincoln's World: R Stands for Regina pg 169-170
Abraham Lincoln's World: Corn and Potatoes pg 171-173
Abraham Lincoln's World: Rebellion in Canada pg 174-175
Abraham Lincoln's World: Steam Across the Atlantic pg 176-177
Abraham Lincoln's World: Behind Japan's Closed Door pg 178-180
Trial and Triumph ch 38 John Paton Witness to the Cannibals (1824-1907) pg 233
Of Courage Undaunted pg 122-130
Age of Fable ch 21 Bacchus
Oliver Twist ch 3 Very Near Getting a Place
Oliver Twist ch 4 First Entry into Public Life
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 10 Field and Wild from "But now we will talk about the hay:" to "far less. But so it must be."
Story of Inventions ch 8 Cyrus H. McCormick and the Invention of the Reaper, second half pg 180-191
Storybook of Science ch 38 Franklin and De Romas
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 3 The Muscular System - pg 55; spread Lesson 3 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: What experiments show pg 78-79
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 15
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 18, 19
New Testament - The Man Born Blind - John 9:1-41
New Testament - The Good Shepherd - John 10:1-21
This Country of Ours ch 74 Harrison - The Hero of Tippecanoe
Abraham Lincoln's World: Wedding Bells pg 180-183
Abraham Lincoln's World: Authors and Visitors pg 184-186
Abraham Lincoln's World: Telegraph and Photograph pg 187-189
Abraham Lincoln's World: On To The West pg 190-196
Abraham Lincoln's World: To The Halls of Montezuma pg 197-199
Of Courage Undaunted pg 131-136
Age of Fable ch 21 Ariadne
Oliver Twist ch 5 New Associates. Going to a Funeral
Oliver Twist ch 6 Goaded by the Taunts of Noah, Rouses into Action
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 10 Field and Wild from "You must learn the alphabet" to "that the hayfield was always there."
Storybook of Science ch 39 Thunder and the Lightning-Rod
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 3 The Muscular System - pg 55; spread Lesson 3 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: Were there "hopeful monsters"? pg 79-80
Couldn't Just Happen ch 8 The Mystery of the Moths: What does the Bible say? pg 80-81
Couldn't Just Happen ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: What is a fossil? pg 82
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 16
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 20
New Testament - Are You the Christ? - John 10:22-30
New Testament - Mission of the Seventy - Luke 10:1-16
This Country of Ours ch 75 Tyler - Florida Becomes a State
Abraham Lincoln's World: Gold pg 200-201
Abraham Lincoln's World: Canada pg 201-202
Abraham Lincoln's World: Corn and Potatoes pg 203
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Year 1848 pg 204-208
Abraham Lincoln's World: A Beautiful Uniform or a Spiked Helmet pg 213-215
George Washington Carver ch 1 Death in the Trees
Of Courage Undaunted pg 136-145
Age of Fable ch 22 The rural deities
Oliver Twist ch 7 Oliver Continues Refractory
Oliver Twist ch 8 Walks to London. He Encounters on the Road
Oliver Twist ch 9 the Pleasant Old Gentleman, and His Hopeful Pupils
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 10 Field and Wild from "(Boy): How did men change the soil" to "begun and had not time to finish."
Story of Inventions ch 9 Henry Bessemer and the Making of Steel, first third pg 193-202
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 3 The Muscular System - pg 55; spread Lesson 3 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: What do fossils have to do pg 83
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 17
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 21
New Testament - The Seventy Return - Luke 10:17-24
New Testament - The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37
This Country of Ours ch 76 Polk - How Much Land Was Added To the United States (split ch over two days this week)
Abraham Lincoln's World: Wilhelm der Goldaf pg 216
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Peace Festival pg 217-220
Abraham Lincoln's World: Napoleon III pg 220-224
George Washington Carver ch 2 A Quiet Voice
Of Courage Undaunted pg 145-152
Age of Fable ch 22 Erisichthon
week 17
Oliver Twist ch 10 Characters of His New Associates
Oliver Twist ch 11 Mr. Fang the Police Magistrate
Oliver Twist ch 12 Oliver is Taken Better Care of
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 10 Field and Wild from "That moor is a pattern bit" to "existence against other people."
Story of Inventions ch 9 Henry Bessemer and the Making of Steel, second third pg 202-210
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 3 The Muscular System - pg 55; spread Lesson 3 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: What did Charles Darwin think abut fossils? pg 84-85
Wild Animals I Have Known Raggylug Part I
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 18
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Kings 22
New Testament - Mary and Martha - Luke 10:38-42
This Country of Ours ch 77 Polk - The Finding of Gold
Abraham Lincoln's World: Der Tolle Bismarck pg 225-227
Abraham Lincoln's World: At Home in Springfield pg 228-231
Abraham Lincoln's World: Free Soil and Slave pg 232-235
Abraham Lincoln's World: Uncle Tom's Cabin pg 236-237
George Washington Carver ch 3 Off to Neosho
Of Courage Undaunted pg 153-163
Age of Fable ch 22 Rhoecus-The Winds
Oliver Twist ch 13 New Acquaintances are Introduced
Oliver Twist ch 14 Further Particulars of Oliver's Stay at Mr. Brownlow's
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 10 Field and Wild from "No wiser than pigs" to "still playing among the haycocks."
Story of Inventions ch 9 Henry Bessemer and the Making of Steel, last third pg 211-222
Storybook of Science ch 40 Effects of the Thunderbolt
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 3 The Muscular System - pg 55; spread Lesson 3 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: What are strata? pg 85-89
Wild Animals I Have Known Raggylug Part II
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 19
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 1, 2
New Testament - The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4
This Country of Ours ch 78 Taylor - Union Or Disunion
Abraham Lincoln's World: Land of Nobles and Serfs pg 238-239
Abraham Lincoln's World: A Lamp in the Crimea pg 240-242
Abraham Lincoln's World: Families and Friends pg 243-247
Abraham Lincoln's World: Viva L'Italia pg 248-252
George Washington Carver ch 4 A New Home
David Livingstone ch 01 Early Life, first half
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 6 Prince Hall, first half
Age of Fable ch 23 Achelous and Hercules
Oliver Twist ch 15 Showing How Very Fond of Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist ch 16 what Became of Oliver Twist, After
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 11 The World's End from "Hullo! hi! wake up. Jump out" to "chips it has left behind."
Storybook of Science ch 41 Clouds
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 4 Digestive and Renal Systems - pg 69; spread Lesson 4 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: Other problems, too pg 89-90
Couldn't Just Happen ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: Taking wings pg 90-91
Couldn't Just Happen ch 9 The Record in the Rocks: Evidence for creation pg 91
Wild Animals I Have Known Raggylug Part III
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 20
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 3
New Testament - Persistent Prayer - Luke 11:5-13
New Testament - Jesus Reproves the Pharisees - Matthew 12:22-37
This Country of Ours ch 79 Fillmore - The Underground Railroad
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Devil's Wind pg 253-255
Abraham Lincoln's World: About Peace and Foreigners pg 256-261
Abraham Lincoln's World: Shrinking the World pg 262-266
Abraham Lincoln's World: Bloody Kansas pg 266-271
George Washington Carver ch 5 Journey to Nowhere
David Livingstone ch 01 Early Life, second half
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 6 Prince Hall, second half
Age of Fable ch 23 Admetus and Alcestis
Oliver Twist ch 17 Brings a Great Man to London
Oliver Twist ch 18 How Oliver Passed His Time
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 11 The World's End from "Now then, down over the lawn" to "the glacier at its foot."
Story of Inventions ch 11 Samuel F.B. Morse and the Invention of the Telegraph, first half pg 247-259
Storybook of Science ch 42 The Velocity of Sound
Couldn't Just Happen ch 10 The Same, yet Different: pg 94-96
Couldn't Just Happen ch 10 The Same, yet Different: Is similarity proof? pg 96-97
Wild Animals I Have Known Raggylug Part IV
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 21
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 4
New Testament - The Unclean Spirit Returning - Matthew 12:43-45
Abraham Lincoln's World: Opening Japan pg 272-277
Abraham Lincoln's World: Good Old Abe, The Rail Splitter pg 278-280
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Man and the Hour pg 281-284
Abraham Lincoln's World: 1861: The Torn Map pg 289-294
Trial and Triumph ch 39 Hudson Taylor The China Inland Mission (1832-1905) 1853-1865- pg 239
George Washington Carver ch 6 Caught in a Blizzard
David Livingstone ch 02 First Years in Africa, first half
Age of Fable ch 23 Antigone, Penelope
Oliver Twist ch 19 A Notable Plan is Discussed
Oliver Twist ch 20 Oliver is Delivered Over to Mr. William Sikes
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 11 The World's End from "See, as we have been talking," to "place all round as far as it can go."
Story of Inventions ch 11 Samuel F.B. Morse and the Invention of the Telegraph, second half pg 259-270
Storybook of Science ch 43 The Experiment with the Bottle of Cold Water
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 4 Digestive and Renal Systems - pg 69; spread Lesson 4 over six weeks
5 ch 10 Seeing, first half [in 2002 edition: 4 Seeing]
Couldn't Just Happen ch 10 The Same, yet Different: Why is homology good evidence? pg 97-98
Wild Animals I Have Known Raggylug Part V
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 22
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 5, 6
New Testament - The Sign of Jonah - Matthew 12:38-42
New Testament - The Light of the Body - Luke 11:33-36
This Country of Ours ch 80 Pierce - The Story of "Bleeding Kansas"
Abraham Lincoln's World: What About England pg 295-297
Abraham Lincoln's World: An Empire for Mexico pg 298-301
Abraham Lincoln's World: Russia's Serfs are Freed pg 302
Abraham Lincoln's World: 1862: The Monitor and the Merrimac pg 303
George Washington Carver ch 7 Magic Hands
David Livingstone ch 02 First Years in Africa, second half
Age of Fable ch 24 Orpheus and Eurydice
Oliver Twist ch 21 The Expedition
Oliver Twist ch 22 The Burglary
Oliver Twist ch 23 A Pleasant Conversation Between Mr. Bumble and a Lady
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 11 The World's End from "So St. Patrick's Cabbage got" to "that so it must have been."
Storybook of Science ch 44 Rain
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 4 Digestive and Renal Systems - pg 69; spread Lesson 4 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 10 The Same, yet Different: What are problems with homology? pg 98-99
Wild Animals I Have Known Raggylug Part VI
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 23
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 7
New Testament - Woe to the Pharisees - Matthew 23:1-39
New Testament - What to Fear - Matthew 10:26-33
This Country of Ours ch 81 Buchanan - The Story of the Mormons
Abraham Lincoln's World: Henceforth and Forever Free pg 304-309
Abraham Lincoln's World: Prussia Marches to War pg 310-314
Abraham Lincoln's World: 1863: Vicksburg and Gettysburg pg 315-320
Abraham Lincoln's World: Red Cross pg 321-322
George Washington Carver ch 8 Surprise Meeting
David Livingstone ch 03 Beyond the Kalahari Desert, first half
Age of Fable ch 24 Aristaeus the Bee-keeper
Oliver Twist ch 24 a Very Poor Subject. But is a Short One
Oliver Twist ch 25 Reverts to Mr. Fagin and Company
Oliver Twist ch 26 a Mysterious Character Appears Upon the Scene
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 11 The World's End from "And now I will tell you something stranger" to "luncheon must be ready."
Story of Inventions ch 12 Alexander Graham Bell and the Invention of the Telephone, first half pg 271-281
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 4 Digestive and Renal Systems - pg 69; spread Lesson 4 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 10 The Same, yet Different: What about other similarities? pg 99-100
Wild Animals I Have Known Raggylug Part VII
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 24
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 8, 9
New Testament - Do Not Fear - Luke 12:1-12
New Testament - Seek Ye First - Matthew 6:25-33
This Country of Ours ch 82 Buchanan - The First Shots (ch 83-91 are skipped for redundancy)
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Last Year of War pg 323-328
Abraham Lincoln's World: Looking to the Future pg 329-335
Abraham Lincoln's World: Victory and Defeat pg 336-338
Abraham Lincoln's World: Day of Light and Shadow pg 339-342
George Washington Carver ch 9 A Plea for Help
David Livingstone ch 03 Beyond the Kalahari Desert, second half
Age of Fable ch 24 Amphion-Musaeus
Oliver Twist ch 27 Atones for the Unpoliteness of a Former Chapter
Oliver Twist ch 28 Looks After Oliver, and Proceeds with His Adventures
3-5 poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Madam How Lady Why ch 11 The World's End from "Why are you opening your eyes" to "durable riches and righteousness."
Story of Inventions ch 12 Alexander Graham Bell and the Invention of the Telephone, second half pg 281-294
Storybook of Science ch 45 Volcanoes
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 4 Digestive and Renal Systems - pg 69; spread Lesson 4 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 10 The Same, yet Different: What does the evidence show? pg 100
Wild Animals I Have Known Raggylug Part VIII
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Optional Exam Week
Week 25
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 10
New Testament - Covetousness - Luke 12:13-31
New Testament - Galileans Killed by Pilate - Luke13:1-9
This Country of Ours ch 92 Johnson - How the President Was Impeached (ch 83-91 are skipped for redundancy)
Story of the World ch 1 Victoria's England - pg 5 (1851)
Story of the World ch 1 The Sepoy Mutiny - pg 9 (1856)
Story of the World ch 2 Japan Re-Opens - pg 15 (1853)
Story of the World ch 2 The Crimean War - pg 18 (1856)
George Washington Carver ch 10 Strange Treasure
David Livingstone ch 04 From Coast to Coast, first half
Age of Fable ch 25 Arion
Oliver Twist ch 29 Introductory Account of the Inmates of the House
Oliver Twist ch 30 what Oliver's New Visitors Thought of Him
Oliver Twist ch 31 Involves a Critical Position
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound to "what the sea has carried off."
Storybook of Science ch 46 Catania
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 5 Health and Nutrition - pg 85; spread Lesson 5 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: pg 102-103
Wild Animals I Have Known Bingo Part I
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 26
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 11
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Woman on the Sabbath - Luke 13:10-17
New Testament - The Mustard Seed and the Leaven - John 13:18-21
This Country of Ours ch 93 Grant - A Peaceful Victory
Story of the World ch 3 The Great Game - pg 25 (1863)
Story of the World ch 3 Wandering Through Africa - pg 29 (1858)
Story of the World ch 4 Italy's 'Resurrection' - pg 37 (1848-1861)
Story of the World ch 4 The Taiping Rebellion - pg 41 (1860)
Trial and Triumph ch 40 Amy Carmichael Mother to Outcast Children (1867-1951) 1887-1930 pg 245
George Washington Carver ch 11 Secrets of the Soil
David Livingstone ch 04 From Coast to Coast, second half
Answering the Cry for Freedom Part Three Enslaved Women in the South
Age of Fable ch 25 Ibycus
Oliver Twist ch 32 the Happy Life Oliver Began to Lead
Oliver Twist ch 33 the Happiness of Oliver and His Friends
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "We are now well outside the harbour," to "simply from people's not thinking."
Story of Inventions ch 13 Thomas A. Edison pg 295-304
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 5 Health and Nutrition - pg 85; spread Lesson 5 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The woodpecker pg 103-104
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 27
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 12, 13
New Testament - Strive to Enter at the Straight Gate - Luke 13:22-30
Story of the World ch 5 South Against North - pg 49 (1861-5)
Story of the World ch 5 After the Civil War - pg 53 (1865)
Story of the World ch 6 Paraguay and the Triple Alliance - pg 59 (1865-70)
Story of the World ch 6 The Dominion of Canada - pg 63 (1867)
George Washington Carver ch 12 School on Wheels
David Livingstone ch 05 The Zambesi Expedition, first half
Age of Fable ch 25 Simonides, Sappho
Oliver Twist ch 34 Particulars Relative to a Young Gentleman who Now Arrives
Oliver Twist ch 35 the Unsatisfactory Result of Oliver's Adventure
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "(Boy): But what are all the birds" to "we went on board at night."
Storybook of Science ch 47 The Story of Pliny
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 5 Health and Nutrition - pg 85; spread Lesson 5 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The amazing penguin pg 104-105
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The temperature bird pg 105-106
Wild Animals I Have Known Bingo Part II
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 28
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 14
New Testament - Prophecy against Jerusalem - Luke 13:31-35
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Man with Dropsy on the Sabbath - Luke 14:1-6
This Country of Ours ch 94 Hayes - Garfield - Arthur
Story of the World ch 7 Two Empires and Three Republics - pg 71 (1870-1)
Story of the World ch 7 The Second Reich - pg 75 (1871)
Story of the World ch 8 Rails, Zones, and Bulbs - pg 83 (1869-79)
Story of the World ch 8 Japan's Meiji Restoration - pg 86 (1860-84)
Trial and Triumph ch 41 Charles Spurgeon Prince of Preachers (1834-1892) pg 253
George Washington Carver ch 13 Fighting a Killer
David Livingstone ch 05 The Zambesi Expedition, second half
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 7 Mary Perth, first half
Age of Fable ch 26 Dianaand Endymion, Orion
Oliver Twist ch 36 a Very Short One, and May Appear of No Great Importance
Oliver Twist ch 37 a Contrast, Not Uncommon in Matrimonial Cases
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "(Boy): Oh! Where have we got to" to "than any suspension bridge."
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 5 Health and Nutrition - pg 85; spread Lesson 5 over six weeks
Story of Inventions ch 14 Orville and Wilbur Wright pg 305-314
Storybook of Science ch 48 The Boiling Pot
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 29
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 15, 16
New Testament - Choose the Lowest Place - Luke 14:7-14
New Testament - The Parable of the Marriage Feast - Matthew 22:1-14
This Country of Ours ch 95 Cleveland - Harrison - Cleveland
Story of the World ch 9 The Dutch East Indies - pg 93 (1871-1901)
Story of the World ch 9 The Sick Man of Europe - pg 96 (1876-8)
Story of the World ch 10 The War of the Pacific - pg 103 (1879)
Story of the World ch 10 The Suez Canal - pg 107 (1867-79)
George Washington Carver ch 14 Big Decisions
David Livingstone ch 06 The Upper Shire and Lake Nyassa
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 7 Mary Perth, second half
Age of Fable ch 26 Aurora and Tithonus, Acis and Galatea
Oliver Twist ch 38 an Account of what Passed Between Mr. And Mrs. Bumble
Oliver Twist ch 39 Some Respectable Characters with Whom the Reader is Already Acquainted
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "Now we are settled in the train." to "right into the Somersetshire flats."
Storybook of Science ch 49 The Locomotive
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 5 Health and Nutrition - pg 85; spread Lesson 5 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The first zipper pg 106
Wild Animals I Have Known Bingo Part III
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 30
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 17
New Testament - Count the Cost - Luke 14:25-35
Story of the World ch 11 The Iron Outlaw - pg 113 (1880)
Story of the World ch 11 Carving Up Africa - pg 117 (1880-1900)
Story of the World ch 12 Ireland's Troubles - pg 123 (1845-1850)
Story of the World ch 12 The Boers and the British - pg 127 (1899)
Trial and Triumph ch 42 Chinese Christians In the Boxer Rebellion (1900-1901) pg 259
George Washington Carver ch 15 Twilight
David Livingstone ch 07 Foiled by the Slavers
Age of Fable ch 27 The Trojan War
Oliver Twist ch 40 A Strange Interview, which is a Sequel
Oliver Twist ch 41 Containing Fresh Discoveries
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "There. We are off at last," to "we have not time to stop and see."
Story of Inventions ch 15 Guglielmo Marconi pg 315-320
Storybook of Science ch 50 Emile's Observation
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 5 Health and Nutrition - pg 85; spread Lesson 5 over six weeks
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 31
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 18
New Testament - Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin - Luke 15:1-10
New Testament - The Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32
This Country of Ours ch 96 Mckinley - War And Sudden Death (split ch over two days this week)
Story of the World ch 13 Brazil's Republic - pg 135 (1841-88)
Story of the World ch 13 Abdulhamid the Red - pg 139 (1878-89)
David Livingstone ch 08 In the Heart of Africa, first half
Age of Fable ch 27 The Iliad spend 3 weeks
Oliver Twist ch 42 An Old Acquaintance of Oliver's
Oliver Twist ch 43 How the Artful Dodger Got into Trouble
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "Now look out at that clear limestone" to "than the slow old coaches did."
Storybook of Science ch 51 A Journey to the End of the World
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 6 Respiratory System - pg 103; spread Lesson 6 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: Directional designs? pg 106-107
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The first sonar? pg 107
Wild Animals I Have Known Bingo Part IV
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 32
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 19
New Testament - Two Masters - Luke 16:1-13
This Country of Ours ch 97 Roosevelt - Taft
Story of the World ch 14 The Next-to-Last Czar of Russia - pg 147 (1889-94)
Story of the World ch 14 Ethiopia and Italy - pg 150 (1889-96)
Story of the World ch 15 The Korean Battleground - pg 157 (1894-95)
Story of the World ch 15 The Spanish-American War - pg 161 (1898-1901)
Trial and Triumph ch 43 Abraham Kuyper Theologian and Statesman (1837-1920) pg 265
David Livingstone ch 08 In the Heart of Africa, second half
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 8 Ona Judge, first half (look up "dower slaves" to better understand this chapter.)
Age of Fable ch 27 The Iliad spend 3 weeks
Oliver Twist ch 44 The Time Arrives for Nancy to Redeem Her Pledge
Oliver Twist ch 45 Noah Claypole is Employed by Fagin
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "(Boy): I am so tired of looking" to "money just for want of science."
Story of Inventions ch 17 John P. Holland and the Submarine pg 327-332
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 6 Respiratory System - pg 103; spread Lesson 6 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: The first kite? pg 107-108
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 33
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 20, 21
New Testament - The Rich Man and Lazarus - Luke 16:14-31
New Testament - Faith and Merit - Luke 17:5-10
Story of the World ch 16 Moving West - pg 169 (1846-1912)
Story of the World ch 16 Stocks, Philanthropists, and Outlaws - pg 173 (1900)
Story of the World ch 17 The Boxer Rebellion - pg 179 (1898-1900)
Story of the World ch 17 The Czar and the Admiral - pg 185 (1904-5)
David Livingstone ch 09 A Death-blow to Slavery, first half
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 8 Ona Judge, second half
Age of Fable ch 27 The Iliad spend 3 weeks
Oliver Twist ch 46 The Appointment Kept
Oliver Twist ch 47 Fatal Consequences
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "And now, look out again." to "the mouth of the Thames is now."
Storybook of Science ch 52 The Earth
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 6 Respiratory System - pg 103; spread Lesson 6 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 11 The Wonders of Design: An unusual cooling system pg 108-109
Couldn't Just Happen ch 12 More Wonders of Design: pg 110-111
Wild Animals I Have Known Bingo Part V
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 34
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 22, 23
New Testament - The Ten Lepers - Luke 17:11-19
New Testament - As it was in the Days of Noah - Luke 17:20-37
This Country of Ours ch 98 Wilson - Troubles With Mexico
Story of the World ch 18 Persia, Its Enemies, and Its 'Friends' - pg 191 (1896-1906)
Story of the World ch 18 The Balkan Mess - pg 196 (1878-1912)
Story of the World ch 19 The Last Emperor - pg 203 (1908-12)
Trial and Triumph ch 44 J. Gresham Machen Valiant for Truth (1881-1937) pg 271
David Livingstone ch 09 A Death-blow to Slavery, second half
Age of Fable ch 28 The Fall of Troy spend 2 weeks
Oliver Twist ch 48 The Flight of Sikes
Oliver Twist ch 49 Monks and Mr. Brownlow at Length Meet
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady Why ch 12 Homeward Bound from "There, we are rumbling away" to "for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9)."
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 6 Respiratory System - pg 103; spread Lesson 6 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 12 More Wonders of Design: More examples of design pg 111
Wild Animals I Have Known Bingo Part VI
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 35
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 24
New Testament - The Parable of the Unjust Judge - Luke 18:1-8
New Testament - The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican - Luke 18:9-14
This Country of Ours ch 99 Wilson - The Great War (split ch over two days this week)
Story of the World ch 19 The Vietnamese Restoration Society - pg 207 (1903-8)
Story of the World ch 20 The Mexican Revolution - pg 211 (1910-13)
Story of the World ch 20 World War I - pg 216 (1914-17)
David Livingstone ch 10 The Last Journey, first half
Age of Fable ch 28 The Fall of Troy spend 2 weeks
Oliver Twist ch 50 The Pursuit and Escape
Oliver Twist ch 51 an Explanation of More Mysteries than One
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady: none
Storybook of Science ch 53 The Atmosphere
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 6 Respiratory System - pg 103; spread Lesson 6 over six weeks
Couldn't Just Happen ch 12 More Wonders of Design: A termite's home is its castle pg 111-113
Wild Animals I Have Known Bingo Part VII
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Week 36
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Kings 25
New Testament - Divorce - Matthew 19:1-12
New Testament - Jesus Blesses the Little Children - Mark 10:13-16
Story of the World ch 21 The Russian Revolution - pg 223 (1914-17)
Story of the World ch 21 The End of World War I - pg 227 (1918)
Story of the World ch 22 The Easter Uprising - pg 233 (1916-23)
Story of the World ch 22 Indian Nationalism - pg 237 (1919)
David Livingstone ch 10 The Last Journey, second half
Age of Fable ch 28 Agamemnon-Troy (to end of chapter)
Oliver Twist ch 52 Fagin's Last Night
Oliver Twist ch 53 and Last
3-5 poems by John Greenleaf Whittier and Paul Laurence Dunbar
Madam How Lady: none
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy 6 Respiratory System - pg 103; spread Lesson 6 over six weeks
Storybook of Science ch 54 The Sun
Couldn't Just Happen ch 12 More Wonders of Design: Life inside the castle pg 113
Couldn't Just Happen ch 12 More Wonders of Design: Dancers with wings pg 113-114
Couldn't Just Happen ch 12 More Wonders of Design: On the march pg 114-115
Couldn't Just Happen ch 12 More Wonders of Design: Will insects take over the world? pg 115-116
Wild Animals I Have Known Bingo Part VIII
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice
Optional Exam Week
Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)