AmblesideOnline for Groups Form 3C 36-Week Schedule
AO for Groups:
History Cycle
Sample Roster
Page Counts
Form 1 (grades 1, 2, 3):
1A Booklist
1A Schedule
1B Booklist
1B Schedule
1C Booklist
1C Schedule
Form 2 (grades 4, 5, 6):
2A Booklist
2A Schedule
2B Booklist
2B Schedule
2C Booklist
2C Schedule
Form 3 (grades 7, 8, 9):
3A Booklist
3A Schedule
3B Booklist
3B Schedule
3C Booklist
3C Schedule
As a help for scheduling Form 3C of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.
Weekly Readings
The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.
Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Week 1
Bible: Judges 1-3; Mark 1-2:12; Psalm 106:1-23; Proverbs 1:1-19
Jungle Pilot Preface
or To a Different Drum ch 1 Blowout
Screwtape Letters: Preface; Letter I
Pursuit of Holiness Preface
Arnold-Forster ch 50 Parliament Dress--Dwellings--Schools--The Calendar: Parliament in Tudor Times.
Arnold-Forster ch 50 Parliament Dress--Dwellings--Schools--The Calendar: Dresses and Houses.
Arnold-Forster ch 50 Parliament Dress--Dwellings--Schools--The Calendar: Colleges and Schools.
or Churchill The New World ch 11 The United Crowns to "who could say he was acting illegally?"
A Coffin for King Charles ch 1 Prologue pg 1-6
Kon Tiki ch 1 A Theory
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 131-135: Gladness
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Introduction pg xi-xxiii
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice Introduction
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 42 Spenser - "The Faery Queen"
Westward Ho! ch 1 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 1, 2
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 1 Part 1
Adventures with a Microscope: Introduction (for those who are new to this book)
Shakespeare Sonnet XVIII 18
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 2
Bible: Judges 4-6; Mark 2:13-4:20; Psalm 106:24-48; Proverbs 1:20-33
Jungle Pilot ch 1 "Tacasta!" first half
or To a Different Drum ch 2 Now what?
Screwtape Letters: Letter II
Pursuit of Holiness ch 1 Holiness is for You
Arnold-Forster ch 50 Parliament Dress--Dwellings--Schools--The Calendar: Colleges and Schools.
Arnold-Forster ch 50 Parliament Dress--Dwellings--Schools--The Calendar: Old Style and New Style, The Change in the Calendar.
Part Five The Stuarts: Note
or Churchill The New World ch 11 The United Crowns from "At this piont the Common lawyers," to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 The Grand Delinquent pg 7-14
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: pg 5-10: poem, Letters to Peter Giles
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 1 The Cause Is Law
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Truth
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 43 Spenser - His Last Days
Westward Ho! first half of ch 2 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 3, 4
Lay of the Land ch 13 An Account with Nature, first half
Signs and Seasons: Introduction (for those new to this book) and field work
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
First Studies of Plant Life ch 15 The Living Plant Forms Starch (spread over 2 weeks)
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 1 Part 2
Roar on the Other Side ch 7 Sonnet, Haiku, Syllabic Verse (work through this over the next two weeks)
Shakespeare Sonnet XXIX 29
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 3
Bible: Judges 7-9:21; Mark 4:21-5; Psalm 107:1-22; Proverbs 2:1-9
Jungle Pilot ch 1 "Tacasta!" second half
or To a Different Drum ch 3 Ph.D. by faith
Pursuit of Holiness ch 2 The Holiness of God, first half
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: How a Stuart became King of England,
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: The New King and His Subjects.
or Churchill The New World ch 12 The Mayflower to "Such was the founding of New England."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 The Grand Delinquent pg 14-22 to "Army invoked."
Kon Tiki ch 2 An Expedition is Born (first half)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 11-13: Letter to Busleiden
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 2 A Higher Authority
Westward Ho! second half of ch 2 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 5
Lay of the Land ch 13 An Account with Nature, second half
Signs and Seasons Prologue The Sky Above: schedule over the term with field work (for those new to the book)
First Studies of Plant Life ch 15 The Living Plant Forms Starch (spread over 2 weeks)
Shakespeare Sonnet XXX 30
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 4
Bible: Judges 9:22-11; Mark 6; Psalm 107:23-43; Proverbs 2:10-22
Jungle Pilot ch 2 In the Eagle's Nest
or To a Different Drum ch 4 Stirred up
Screwtape Letters: Letter III
Pursuit of Holiness ch 2 The Holiness of God, second half
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: The Doctrine of Divine Right.
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: The Beginning of Troubles.
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: The Pilgrim Fathers.
or Churchill The New World ch 12 The Mayflower from "For ten years afterwards" to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 The Grand Delinquent pg 22-29 to "who shall give it."
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: to "some mattocks and spades with them." (pg 1-10)
Kon Tiki ch 2 An Expedition is Born (last half)
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 136-139: Justice Universal
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 15- end of 19
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 3 A Higher Law
Westward Ho! ch 3 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 6
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 44 About the First Theaters
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 2 Part 1
Shakespeare Sonnet LIII 53
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 5
Bible: Judges 12-15; Mark 7-8:21; Psalm 108; Proverbs 3:1-20
Jungle Pilot ch 3 Boy in a Hurry
or To a Different Drum ch 5 China at last
Screwtape Letters: Letter IV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 3 Holiness is Not an Option, first half
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: The Gunpowder Plot.
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: James Quarrels with the House of Commons.
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: The Ancestors of King Edward VII.
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: The Translation of the Bible.
or Churchill The New World ch 13 Charles I and Buckingham to "but as an admonition.""
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: from "The next morning we followed" to "Wednesday the 27 we" (pg 10-17)
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 The Grand Delinquent pg 29-36 to "between Parliament and the Army."
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 19-to middle of 24
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 4 Two Kinds of Law
Westward Ho! ch 4 (a little longer) OR I Promessi Sposi ch 7
First Studies of Plant Life ch 16 The Work Done by Plants in Making Starch (spread over 2 weeks)
Signs and Seasons ch 4 The Sun's Motion: schedule over the term with field work
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 2 Part 2
Shakespeare Sonnet LIV 54
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 6
Bible: Judges 16-18; Mark 8:22-9:29; Psalm 109; Proverbs 3:21-35
Jungle Pilot ch 4 Evolution of a Yardbird
or To a Different Drum ch 6 First Impressions
Screwtape Letters: Letter V
Pursuit of Holiness ch 3 Holiness is Not an Option, second half
Arnold-Forster ch 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland: The Union with Scotland, and the Plantation of Ulster.
or Churchill The New World ch 13 Charles I and Buckingham from "It must not be supposed that all the wrongdoing" to end of ch.
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: from "Thursday the 28 of December" to "Carver a man well approved" (pg 17-25)
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 The Grand Delinquent pg 36-43 to end of chapter
Kon Tiki ch 3 To South America (first quarter of the ch)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 24-to end of 28
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Revenge
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 5 The Two Fundamental Laws
Westward Ho! first half of ch 5 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 8
Social Life of Insects ch 5--The Mantis: The Chase, first half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 16 The Work Done by Plants in Making Starch (spread over 2 weeks)
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 45 Shakespeare - The Boy
Shakespeare Sonnet LVII 57
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 7
Bible: Judges 19-21; Mark 9:30-10:31; Psalm 110, 111; Proverbs 4:1-13
Jungle Pilot ch 5 Shattering of a Dream
or To a Different Drum ch 7 Commitment tested, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter VI
Arnold-Forster ch 52 Charles I--How the King angered the Parliament: Cavaliers and Roundheads.
or Churchill The New World ch 14 The Personal Rule to "no one appears to have foreseen the consequences."
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: from "A JOURNEY TO POKANOKET" to "being dead he lay buried." (pg 26-35)
A Coffin for King Charles ch 3 Grandees, Presbyterians and Levellers pg 45-52 to "nearly as large."
Kon Tiki ch 3 To South America (second quarter of the ch)
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 140-149: Justice to the Persons of Others
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 28-to middle of 33
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 6 Enforcement of Early Common Law; ch 7 How Do We Know If It's Law?
Westward Ho! second half of ch 5 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 9
Social Life of Insects ch 5--The Mantis: The Chase, second half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 17 The Kind of Gas Which Plants Give Off While Making Starch
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 3 Part 1
Roar on the Other Side ch 8 More Formalities (work through this over the next two weeks)
Shakespeare Sonnet LXXIII 73
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 8
Bible: Ruth; Mark 10:32-11; Psalm 112, 113; Proverbs 4:14-27
Jungle Pilot ch 6 A Voice from Heaven
or To a Different Drum ch 7 Commitment tested, second half
Pursuit of Holiness ch 4 The Holiness of Christ
Arnold-Forster ch 52 Charles I--How the King angered the Parliament: The Quarrel Grows
or Churchill The New World ch 14 The Personal Rule from "Charles and his advisers had no thought" to end of ch.
Mourt's Relation: Journal of Plymouth Settlers: from "About a mile from hence, we came to such" to end (pg 35-45)
A Coffin for King Charles ch 3 Grandees, Presbyterians and Levellers pg 52-58 to "as Christians and as citizens."
Kon Tiki ch 3 To South America (third quarter of the ch)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 33-to end of 37
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 8 Logic and Atoms
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 46 Shakespeare - The Man
Westward Ho! ch 6; ch 7 to "profane oaths, for which a fine is provided?" OR I Promessi Sposi ch 10
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 3 Part 2
Shakespeare Sonnet XCIV 94
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 9
Bible: 1 Samuel 1-3; Mark 12; Psalm 114, 115; Proverbs 5:1-14
Jungle Pilot ch 7 Missionary in Khaki
or To a Different Drum ch 8 Square peg
Screwtape Letters: Letter VII
Arnold-Forster ch 52 Charles I--How the King angered the Parliament: The King Sets Aside Magna Charta.
or Churchill The New World ch 15 The Revolt of Parliament to "or the preserving of the warren.""
A Coffin for King Charles ch 3 Grandees, Presbyterians and Levellers pg 58-64 to end of chapter
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Innovations
Kon Tiki ch 3 To South America (last quarter of the ch)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 37-to middle of 42
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 9 Ambient Encroachment & Tacit Contracts; ch 10 Economic Calculation, 11 Force or Fraud
First Studies of Plant Life ch 18 How Plants Breathe (spread over 2 weeks; don't do experiment with caustic potash)
Westward Ho! ch 7 from "Amyas expected an explosion" to "found it foul in the mouth." OR I Promessi Sposi ch 11
Shakespeare Sonnet CIV 104
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 10
Bible: 1 Samuel 4-8; Mark 13-14:11; Psalm 116, 117; Proverbs 5:15-23
Jungle Pilot ch 8 Mountaintop Encounter
or To a Different Drum ch 9 Tempted to quit
Screwtape Letters: Letter VIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 5 A Change of Kingdoms, first half
Arnold-Forster ch 52 Charles I--How the King angered the Parliament: Charles as an Absolute King.
Arnold-Forster ch 52 Charles I--How the King angered the Parliament: The Petition of Right: a Storm in the Commons
or Churchill The New World ch 15 The Revolt of Parliament from "When Strafford heard this harsh cry for vengeance" to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 4 Right and Well Met pg 65-72 to "fine for the occasion."
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg150-155: Truth: Justice in Word
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 1 pg 42-to 47
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 12 The Lawless West
Westward Ho! ch 7 from 'But the next day, gentlemen, in came some five-and-twenty more" to end of ch 7 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 12
First Studies of Plant Life ch 18 How Plants Breathe (spread over 2 weeks; don't do experiment with caustic potash)
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 3 Part 3
Shakespeare Sonnet CVI 106
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 11
Bible: 1 Samuel 9-12; Mark 14:12-72; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 6:1-19
Jungle Pilot ch 9 Ordeal in Mexico, first half
or To a Different Drum ch 10 Mountains and valleys
Screwtape Letters: Letter IX
Pursuit of Holiness ch 5 A Change of Kingdoms, second half
Arnold-Forster ch 53 The King defies Parliament: Ship-money.
or Churchill The New World ch 16 The Great Rebellion to "indomitable as Margaret of Anjou."
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 13 Natural Rights
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 47 Shakespeare - "The Merchant of Venice"
A Coffin for King Charles ch 4 Right and Well Met pg 72-80
Kon Tiki ch 4 Across the Pacific (first half)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 49-end of 53
Westward Ho! ch 8 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 13
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 4 Part 1
Shakespeare Sonnet CXVI 116
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 12
Bible: 1 Samuel 13, 14; Mark 15, 16; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 6:20-35
Jungle Pilot ch 9 Ordeal in Mexico, second half
or To a Different Drum ch 11 Reward of obedience
Screwtape Letters: Letter X
Arnold-Forster ch 53 The King defies Parliament: Two Evil Counsellors.
or Churchill The New World ch 16 The Great Rebellion from "At first the decisive action was not in the North." to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 4 Right and Well Met pg 80-87
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Friendship
Kon Tiki ch 4 Across the Pacific (last half)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 53-middle of 58
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
First Studies of Plant Life ch 19 The Sensitive Plant
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 14 The Human Ecology
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 48 Jonson - "Every Man in his Humor"
Westward Ho! first half of ch 9 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 14
Shakespeare Sonnet CXXIX 129
The Story of Painting: The Triumph of Light pg 82-101 (spread over the 12-week term)
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Optional Exam Week
Week 13
Bible: 1 Samuel 15-17; Acts 1, 2; Psalm 119:1-19; Proverbs 7:1-5
Jungle Pilot ch 10 College for a Year
or To a Different Drum ch 12 Gathering darkness, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 6 The Battle for Holiness
Arnold-Forster ch 53 The King defies Parliament: The Long Parliament.
or Churchill The New World ch 17 Marston Moor and Naseby to "converging armies and reached Worcester."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 4 Right and Well Met pg 87-94 to "Right and Might Well Met."
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 58-end of 62
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 156-162: Spoken Truth
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 15 How Things Get Done; I Pencil
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 49 Jonson - "The Sad Shepherd"
Westward Ho! second half of ch 9 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 15
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 4 Part 2
First Studies of Plant Life ch 20 The Behavior of Plants Toward Light (spread over 4 weeks)
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
Signs and Seasons: ch 5 Months: schedule over the term with field work
Roar on the Other Side ch 9 Genres (work through this over the next two weeks)
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 14
Bible: 1 Samuel 18-20:42; Acts 3, 4; Psalm 119:20-35; Proverbs 7:6-27
Jungle Pilot ch 11 Twosome to Ecuador, first half
or To a Different Drum ch 12 Gathering darkness, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XII
Arnold-Forster ch 53 The King defies Parliament: The Arrest of the Five Members.
or Churchill The New World ch 17 Marston Moor and Naseby from "The two Roundhead generals were then forced" to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 4 Right and Well Met pg 94-101 to end of chapter
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 62-middle of 67
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 16 Political Law
Westward Ho! ch 10, ch 11 (longer this week) OR I Promessi Sposi ch 16
First Studies of Plant Life ch 20 The Behavior of Plants Toward Light (spread over 4 weeks)
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 5 Part 1
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 15
Bible: 1 Samuel 21-24; Acts 5, 6; Psalm 119:37-56; Proverbs 8:1-11
Jungle Pilot ch 11 Twosome to Ecuador, second half
or To a Different Drum ch 13 New Start, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 7 Help in the Daily Battle, first half
Arnold-Forster: none this week
or Churchill The New World ch 18 The Axe Falls to "sole foundation on which they could build."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 5 The High Court of Justice pg 103-111 to "until all was over."
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Regiment of Health
Kon Tiki ch 5 Halfway (first quarter of the ch)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 67-end of 71
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 17 Discovery vs Enactment
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 50 Raleigh - "The Revenge"
Westward Ho! ch 12 (longer this week) OR I Promessi Sposi ch 17
Lay of the Land ch 5 Chickadee, first half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 20 The Behavior of Plants Toward Light (spread over 4 weeks)
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 16
Bible: 1 Samuel 25-27; Acts 7-8:8; Psalm 119:57-71; Proverbs 8:12-21
Jungle Pilot ch 12 Crash at Quito
or To a Different Drum ch 13 New Start, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 7 Help in the Daily Battle, second half
Arnold-Forster finish ch 54 How Parliament punished the King: War.
or Churchill The New World ch 18 The Axe Falls from "The Parliamentary leaders received" to "danger of losing their control over them."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 5 The High Court of Justice pg 111-118 to "unseasonable curiosity."
Kon Tiki ch 5 Halfway (second quarter of the ch)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 71-middle of 76
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 163-166: Some Causes of Lying
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 18 Our New Religion
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 51 Raleigh - "The History of the World"
Westward Ho! ch 13, ch 14 to "Whereon Eustace vanished." OR I Promessi Sposi ch 18
Lay of the Land ch 5 Chickadee, second half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 20 The Behavior of Plants Toward Light (spread over 4 weeks)
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 5 Part 2
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 17
Bible: 1 Samuel 28-2 Samuel 1:16; Acts 8:9-9; Psalm 119:72-87; Proverbs 8:22-35
Jungle Pilot ch 13 Crusade for Safety, first half
or To a Different Drum ch 14 A round-trip ticket
Screwtape Letters: Letter XV
Arnold-Forster finish ch 54 How Parliament punished the King: Cromwell and the Ironsides
Arnold-Forster finish ch 54 How Parliament punished the King: The Rise of the Independents and the New Model.
or Churchill The New World ch 18 The Axe Falls from "The Presbyterian party in the House of Commons" to "conviction of its wrongheaded mission."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 5 The High Court of Justice pg 118-126 to "sympathy with the Army."
Kon Tiki ch 5 Halfway (third quarter of the ch)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 76-end of 80
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Roar on the Other Side ch 10 Sing Darker (work through this over the next two weeks)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 19 Common Law Wasn't Perfect
Westward Ho! ch 14 from "'Pooh!' said Amyas to himself" to end of ch 14 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 19
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 5 Part 3
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 18
Bible: 2 Samuel 1:17-4; Acts 10, 11; Psalm 119:88-102; Proverbs 9:1-18
Jungle Pilot ch 13 Crusade for Safety, second half
or To a Different Drum ch 15 Haunted house
Pursuit of Holiness ch 8 Obedience--Not Victory
Arnold-Forster finish ch 54 How Parliament punished the King: The King's Crown Goes Down
Arnold-Forster finish ch 54 How Parliament punished the King: The Death of the King.
or Churchill The New World ch 18 The Axe Falls from "By the end of 1648 all was over." to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 5 The High Court of Justice pg 126-133 to end of chapter
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Suspicion
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 81-middle of 85
Kon Tiki ch 5 Halfway (last quarter of the ch)
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 20 Liberty vs Permission
First Studies of Plant Life ch 21 The Behavior of Climbing Plants (spread over 2 weeks)
Westward Ho! ch 15 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 20
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 19
Bible: 2 Samuel 5-9; Acts 12-13:41; Psalm 119:103-122; Proverbs 10:1-11
Jungle Pilot ch 14 Log of a Jungle Pilot
or To a Different Drum ch 16 No man's debtor
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVI
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: The Commons Triumphant.
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: Cromwell in Ireland.
or Churchill The New World ch 19 The English Republic to "severities of a successful prince or statesman."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 6 The King on Trial pg 135-142 to "competitors in the field."
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 167-172: Integrity in Work
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 85-end of 89
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 21 Instability, Nuremberg and Abortion
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 52 Bacon - New Ways of Wisdom
Westward Ho! ch 16 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 21
First Studies of Plant Life ch 21 The Behavior of Climbing Plants (spread over 2 weeks)
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 6 Part 1
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 20
Bible: 2 Samuel 10-13:20; Acts 13:42-15:29; Psalm 119:123-136; Proverbs 10:12-21
Jungle Pilot - none this week
or To a Different Drum ch 17 Does God still provide?
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 9 Putting Sin to Death, first half
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: Dunbar and Worcester.
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: The Quarrel with the Dutch.
or Churchill The New World ch 19 The English Republic from "We have seen the many ties which at one time or another" to end of ch.
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 11 Cromwell, 1599-1658
A Coffin for King Charles ch 6 The King on Trial pg 143-150 to "which you are elected King."
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 89-end of 93
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 22 Democracy and the Constitution
Westward Ho! ch 17 and 18 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 22
Chemical History of a Candle (with study guide) Lecture 6 Part 2
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 21
Bible: 2 Samuel 13:21-15; Acts 15:22-16:40; Psalm 119:137-155; Proverbs 10:22-32
Jungle Pilot ch 15 Corridor Between the Clouds
or To a Different Drum ch 18 Loaves and fishes, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XVIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 9 Putting Sin to Death, second half
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: The Fight for the Carrying 1 Trade.
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: The End of the Long Parliament.
or Churchill The New World ch 20 The Lord Protector to "and none can desire it more than I.""
A Coffin for King Charles ch 6 The King on Trial pg 150-158 to "capacity of a Court."
Kon Tiki ch 6 Across the Pacific (first quarter of the ch)
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Discourse
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 93-middle of 98
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 23 The Constitution: Highest Law of the Land?
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 53 Bacon - The Happy Island
Westward Ho! ch 19 to "that light is hers!--Down, for your life!" OR I Promessi Sposi ch 23
Microbe Hunters by DeKruif: Leeuwenhook Section 1
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 22
Bible: 2 Samuel 16-18; Acts 17, 18; Psalm 119:156-176; Proverbs 11:1-11
Jungle Pilot ch 16 Shell Merita, first half
or To a Different Drum ch 18 Loaves and fishes, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XIX
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: The End of the Commonwealth
or Churchill The New World ch 20 The Lord Protector from "The political behaviour of the Saints" to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 6 The King on Trial pg 158-166 to end of chapter
Kon Tiki ch 6 Across the Pacific (second quarter of the ch)
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 173-178: Integrity in Use of Time
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 98-end of 102
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 24 Competing for Privilege
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 54 About some Lyric Poets
Westward Ho! ch 19 from "And Amyas dragged him down into the bushes on his left hand" to ch 20 "enabling her to keep up a continual fire on a ship right ahead." OR I Promessi Sposi ch 24
Microbe Hunters by DeKruif: Leeuwenhook Section 2
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 23
Bible: 2 Samuel 19-21; Acts 19-20:17; Psalm 120, 121; Proverbs 11:12-22
Jungle Pilot ch 16 Shell Merita, second half
or To a Different Drum ch 19 Solution
Pursuit of Holiness ch 10 The Place of Personal Discipline, first half
Arnold-Forster ch 55 The Commonwealth of England: The Restoration.
or Churchill The New World ch 21 The Restoration to "Everyone must start fair on the new basis."
Saints and Heroes Vol 2 by G Hodges ch 12 Bunyan, 1628-1688
A Coffin for King Charles ch 7 The King Condemned pg 167-174 to "in numb despair."
Kon Tiki ch 6 Across the Pacific (third quarter of the ch)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 102-middle of 107
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 25 The Great Mystery
Westward Ho! ch 20 from "The long low waist was packed full of the slaves" to end of ch 20 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 25
Microbe Hunters by DeKruif: Leeuwenhook Section 3
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 24
Bible: 2 Samuel 22-24; Acts 20:18-21; Psalm 122, 123, 124; Proverbs 11:23-31
Jungle Pilot ch 17 Chupientsa
or To a Different Drum ch 20 A bloodstained boy
Screwtape Letters: Letter XX
Pursuit of Holiness ch 10 The Place of Personal Discipline, second half
Arnold-Forster ch 56 Charles II: A Fair Beginning
or Churchill The New World ch 21 The Restoration from "But sacred blood had flowed." to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 7 The King Condemned pg 174-182 to "proceed to the sentence."
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Riches
Kon Tiki ch 6 Across the Pacific (last quarter of the ch)
Utopia, Paul Turner's translation: Book 2 pg 107-113
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 26 The Privilege and the Thrill
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 55 Herbert - The Parson Poet
Westward Ho! ch 21 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 26
Microbe Hunters by DeKruif: Leeuwenhook Section 4
Poems of John Milton
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Optional Exam Week
Week 25
Bible: 1 Kings 1-2:27; Acts 22; Psalm 125, 126, 127; Proverbs 12:1-12
Jungle Pilot ch 18 Odyssey by Air, first half
or To a Different Drum ch 21 Monkeys and black eyes, first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 11 Holiness in Body
or Churchill The New World ch 22 The Merry Monarch to "in the fires of the Great War of 1914."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 7 The King Condemned pg 182-190 to end of chapter
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 179-186: Opinions
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 27 The Fun Is In the Playing
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 56 Herrick and Marvell - Of Blossoms and Bowers
Roar on the Other Side ch 11 Writing, Reading, Revising (work through this over the next two weeks)
Westward Ho! ch 22, ch 23 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 27
Adventures with a Microscope: choose 4 adventures this term
Phineas Gage ch 1 Horrible Accident in Vermont (spread over 2 wks)
First Studies of Plant Life ch 22 The Behavior of Flowers (spread over 4 weeks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 26
Bible: 1 Kings 2:28-5; Acts 23; Psalm 128, 129, 130; Proverbs 12:13-28
Jungle Pilot ch 18 Odyssey by Air, second half
or To a Different Drum ch 21 Monkeys and black eyes, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 12 Holiness in Spirit
Arnold-Forster ch 56 Charles II: Pestilence and Fire.
or Churchill The New World ch 22 The Merry Monarch from "For these far-reaching fissures" to "inflated by this royal connection."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 8 King Charles the Martyr pg 191-198 to "Tuesday, January 30th."
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 28 The Lessons of Simon Bolivar; 29 Eating the Seed Corn
Westward Ho! ch 24 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 28
Phineas Gage ch 1 Horrible Accident in Vermont (spread over 2 wks)
First Studies of Plant Life ch 22 The Behavior of Flowers (spread over 4 weeks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 27
Bible: 1 Kings 6, 7; Acts 24, 25; Psalm 131, 132, 133; Proverbs 13:1-12
Jungle Pilot ch 19 Oasis in Jivaria
or To a Different Drum ch 22 Diamonds in the rough, first half
Pursuit of Holiness ch 13 Holiness and Our Wills
Arnold-Forster ch 56 Charles II: The Cabal - The Test Act - Habeas Corpus.
or Churchill The New World ch 22 The Merry Monarch from "The acquisition of Tangier" to "actually spelt the word "CABAL.""
A Coffin for King Charles ch 8 King Charles the Martyr pg 198-205 to "she promised to write it down."
Kon Tiki ch 7 To the South Sea Islands (first quarter of the ch)
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Youth and Age
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 30 Origin of Government
Westward Ho! ch 25 (longer this week) OR I Promessi Sposi ch 29
Phineas Gage ch 2 What We Thought About How We Thought (spread over 3 wks)
First Studies of Plant Life ch 22 The Behavior of Flowers (spread over 4 weeks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 28
Bible: 1 Kings 8-9:14; Acts 26; Psalm 134, 135; Proverbs 13:13-25
Jungle Pilot ch 20 From Cangaime to Villano
or To a Different Drum ch 22 Diamonds in the rough, second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 14 Habits of Holiness
Arnold-Forster ch 57 James II and the End of Absolute Monarchy in England: A Bad Beginning
or Churchill The New World ch 22 The Merry Monarch from "The dominant fact on the continent of Europe" to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 8 King Charles the Martyr pg 205-211 to "awaited knock at the door."
Kon Tiki ch 7 To the South Sea Islands (second quarter of the ch)
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 187-190: Principles
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 31 Are Lawyers and Judges Corrupt?
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 57 Milton - Sight and Growth
Westward Ho! first half of ch 26 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 30
First Studies of Plant Life ch 22 The Behavior of Flowers (spread over 4 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 2 What We Thought About How We Thought (spread over 3 wks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 29
Bible: 1 Kings 9:15-12:11; Acts 27; Psalm 136; Proverbs 14:1-11
Jungle Pilot ch 21 Referee in a War, first half
or To a Different Drum ch 23 Not with my sickle! first half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIV
Arnold-Forster ch 57 James II and the End of Absolute Monarchy in England: Sedgemoor.
or Churchill The New World ch 23 The Popish Plot to "by what was called the "Popish Plot.""
A Coffin for King Charles ch 8 King Charles the Martyr pg 212-218 to "in the grey light."
Kon Tiki ch 7 To the South Sea Islands (third quarter of the ch)
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Studies
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 32 So Why Do We Have a Government?
Westward Ho! second half of ch 26 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 31
Roar on the Other Side ch 12 Gathering of Poems (work through this over the next two weeks)
First Studies of Plant Life ch 23 How Fruits Are Formed (spread over 3 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 2 What We Thought About How We Thought (spread over 3 wks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 30
Bible: 1 Kings 12:12-ch 14; Acts 28; James 1; Psalm 137, 138; Proverbs 14:12-24
Jungle Pilot ch 21 Referee in a War, second half
or To a Different Drum ch 23 Not with my sickle! second half
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXV
Pursuit of Holiness ch 15 Holiness and Faith
Arnold-Forster ch 57 James II and the End of Absolute Monarchy in England: From Bad to Worse.
or Churchill The New World ch 23 The Popish Plot from "A renegade priest of disreputable character" to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 8 King Charles the Martyr pg 218-223 to end of chapter
Kon Tiki ch 7 To the South Sea Islands (last quarter of the ch)
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 33 Unsolved Problem: Risk
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 58 Milton - Darkness and Death
Westward Ho! ch 27 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 32
First Studies of Plant Life ch 23 How Fruits Are Formed (spread over 3 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 3 Following Phineas Gage (spread over 2 wks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 31
Bible: 1 Kings 15-16:22; James 2, 3; Psalm 139; Proverbs 14:25-35
Jungle Pilot ch 22 Jungle Handyman, first half
or To a Different Drum ch 24 No teaching for Ned
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVI
Pursuit of Holiness ch 16 Holiness in an Unholy World
Arnold-Forster ch 57 James II and the End of Absolute Monarchy in England: The Throne Becomes Vacant.
or Churchill The New World ch 24 Whig and Tory to "name that Parliament was again dissolved."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 9 Freedom, by God's Mercy Restored pg 225-232 to "parts of the Swisses country."
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Praise
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 191-203: Self-Ordering
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 34 Unsolved Problem: Capital Punishment; 35 Unsolved Problem: The Environment
Westward Ho! ch 28 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 33
Social Life of Insects ch 15--The Oak Eggar, or Banded Monk, first half
First Studies of Plant Life ch 23 How Fruits Are Formed (spread over 3 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 3 Following Phineas Gage (spread over 2 wks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 32
Bible: 1 Kings 16:23-18; James 4, 5; Psalm 140, 141; Proverbs 15:1-15
Jungle Pilot ch 22 Jungle Handyman, second half
or To a Different Drum ch 25 More trouble with fathers
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVII
Pursuit of Holiness ch 17 The Joy of Holiness
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary: Whig's and Tories.
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary: The War in Ireland: Enniskillen and Derry.
or Churchill The New World ch 24 Whig and Tory from "No one could tell what the consequences would be." to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 9 Freedom, by God's Mercy Restored pg 232-238 to "He would not agree."
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Kon Tiki ch 8 Among Polynesians (first third of the ch)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 36 Unsolved Problem: Drugs; 37 Unsolved Problem: War
English Literature for Boys and Girls ch 59 Bunyan - "The Pilgrim's Progress"
Westward Ho! ch 29 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 34
Social Life of Insects ch 15--The Oak Eggar, or Banded Monk, second half
Phineas Gage ch 4 Putting Phineas Together Again (spread over 2 wks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 33
Bible: 1 Kings 19, 20; Galatians 1, 2; Psalm 142, 143; Proverbs 15:16-33
Jungle Pilot ch 23 Operation Auca, first half
or To a Different Drum ch 26 Foot-washing
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXVIII
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary: England in Peril.
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary: Fighting It Out.
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary: The Last Years of King William.
or Churchill The New World ch 25 The Catholic King to "Anglicans carried their abject theory."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 9 Freedom, by God's Mercy Restored pg 238-244 to "with Mabbott's approval."
Kon Tiki ch 8 Among Polynesians (second third of the ch)
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Honor and Reputation
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 38 Unsolved Problem: Irredentism; 39 Unsolved Problem: Poverty
Westward Ho! ch 30 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 35
Lay of the Land ch 9 June (all)
First Studies of Plant Life ch 24 How Plants Scatter Their Seeds (spread over 3 weeks)
Phineas Gage ch 4 Putting Phineas Together Again (spread over 2 wks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 34
Bible: 1 Kings 21, 22; Ecclesiastes 1; Galatians 3; Psalm 144, 145; Proverbs 16:1-11
Jungle Pilot ch 23 Operation Auca, second half
or To a Different Drum ch 27 Fiery furnace
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXIX
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary--The Revolution and Limited Monarchy: The Queen and her Councillors.
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary--The Revolution and Limited Monarchy: The War with France.
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary--The Revolution and Limited Monarchy: The Triumph of Marlborough.
or Churchill The New World ch 25 The Catholic King from "Chief Justice Jeffreys was sent into the West" to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 9 Freedom, by God's Mercy Restored pg 244-250 to end of chapter
Kon Tiki ch 8 Among Polynesians (last third of the ch)
Ourselves by CM Book 1 pg 204-210: Vocation
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 40 Unsolved Problem: Consumer Protection; ch 41 Unsolved Problem: Are There More Rules?
Westward Ho ch 31 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 36
Lay of the Land ch 15 The Lay of the Land, first half
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 weeks)
First Studies of Plant Life ch 24 How Plants Scatter Their Seeds (spread over 3 weeks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 35
Bible: Ecclesiastes 2-6; Galatians 4; Psalm 146, 147; Proverbs 16:12-22
Jungle Pilot ch 24 Curaray Sandbar
or To a Different Drum ch 28 End of an era
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXX
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary--The Revolution and Limited Monarchy: The Tories in Office.
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary--The Revolution and Limited Monarchy: The Fall of Marlborough.
or Churchill The New World ch 26 The Revolution of 1688 to "Do you call that nothing?" said James."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 10 Epilogue: The Regicides pg 251-256 to "for a hired false-witness."
Francis Bacon Essay: Of Anger
The Holy War (spread readings over the year)
Whatever Happened to Justice ch 42 Summary
Westward Ho ch 32 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 37
First Studies of Plant Life ch 24 How Plants Scatter Their Seeds (spread over 3 weeks)
Lay of the Land ch 15 The Lay of the Land, second half
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 weeks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Week 36
Bible: Ecclesiastes 7-12; Galatians 5, 6; Psalm 148, 149, 150; Proverbs 16:23-33
Jungle Pilot ch 25 Radio Silence
or To a Different Drum ch 29 Still bar nothing
Screwtape Letters: Letter XXXI
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary--The Revolution and Limited Monarchy: The Last of the Stuarts.
Arnold-Forster ch 58 William III and Mary--The Revolution and Limited Monarchy: The Union with Scotland.
or Churchill The New World ch 26 The Revolution of 1688 from "On the same night, while cannon and tumults proclaimed" to end of ch.
A Coffin for King Charles ch 10 Epilogue: The Regicides pg 256-262 to end of chapter/book
Westward Ho ch 33 OR I Promessi Sposi ch 38
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 weeks)
Poems of John Donne and George Herbert
Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Foreign Language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Grammar (students may be working at different levels)
Ten minutes of map drills each week
Nature Study
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Sing this month's folksong and hymn
Plutarch's Lives - follow AO's Plutarch rotation
Shakespeare - follow AO's Shakespeare Rotation
Keep up with current events
The Fallacy Detective (students may be working through this at their own pace)
How to Read a Book (students may be working through this at their own pace)
Optional Exam Week
Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 (Bible verses were updated)