AmblesideOnline for Groups Form 2A 36-Week Schedule

As a help for scheduling Form 2A of AmblesideOnline's curriculum, we are pleased to offer printable charts, the weekly assignments in list form below, or families may choose to use a modification of either for their own personal use. However, please see Our Fair Use Policy before sharing any part of the curriculum.

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You can download and edit .doc and .odt files before printing. Printable schedules include details for all three terms.

Weekly Readings

The following weekly readings should be broken up into daily readings in whatever way works best for your family.

Go directly to week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Week 1
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 1
New Testament: The Pre-existence of Christ - John 1:1-18
This Country of Ours ch 29 The Founding of Connecticut And War With the Indians (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: 1732 pg ix
George Washington's World: A Boy of Virginia pg 5-9
George Washington's World: Daniel Boone pg 10-12
Trial and Triumph ch 28 Richard Cameron Lion of the Covenant pg. 173
Minn of the Mississippi ch 1 Land of Ancient Waters pg 8; follow along on a map
Age of Fable preface
Robinson Crusoe: ch 1 Start in Life from "I was born in the year 1632" to "confess both the danger and the mercy."
Storybook of Science ch 01 The Six
Madam How Lady Why Preface
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: Counting the stars pg 8
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 1 Telescopes and Tarts
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 2
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 2, 3
New Testament - The Genealogy of Jesus - Matthew 1:1-17
New Testament - The Genealogy of Jesus - Luke 3:23-38
This Country of Ours ch 30 The Founding of New Haven
George Washington's World: John Adams Farmer Boy pg 12-14
George Washington's World: John Hancock a Boy of Boston pg 15-17
George Washington's World: Abigail a Girl Who Liked Ideas pg 18-19
George Washington's World: Pontiac a Boy of Ottawa pg 19-20
Age of Fable ch 1 introduction, first third
Robinson Crusoe: from "The sixth day of our being at sea we came into Yarmouth" to "laid aside the thoughts of it, and looked out for a voyage."
Storybook of Science ch 02 The Fairy Tale and the True Story
Madam How Lady Why ch 1 The Glen to "than if I had given you a thousand pounds."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: How big is the universe? pg 9
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: How can we measure star distances? pg 10
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 2 An Ocean Story
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 3
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 4, 5
New Testament - Birth of John the Baptist - Luke 1:5-25
New Testament - The Birth of Jesus Foretold - Luke 1:26-38
This Country of Ours ch 31 The Hunt For the Regicides
George Washington's World: Benjamin West pg 21-22
George Washington's World: The Friendly Printer pg 23-27
George Washington's World: The Asantes of Africa Unite pg 28-29
George Washington's World: England vs Spain in the New world pg 30-31
Minn of the Mississippi ch 2 One Small Turtle, Two Big Boys pg 12; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 1 introduction, middle third
Robinson Crusoe: ch 2 Slavery and Escape from "That evil influence which carried me first away" to "for any where to get out of that place was my way."
Storybook of Science ch 03 The Building of the City
Madam How Lady Why ch 1 The Glen from "But now that we know that How and Why" to "I leave you to guess."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: Did our universe have a beginning? pg 11
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 3 A Fast
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 4
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 6, 7
New Testament - Mary Visits Elizabeth - Luke 1:39-56
New Testament - The Birth of Jesus - Luke 2:1-7
This Country of Ours ch 32 King Philip's War
George Washington's World: Spain and the Pueblos of New Mexico pg 32-34
George Washington's World: Frederick, Soldier King of Prussia pg 35-37
George Washington's World: Johann Sebastian Bach pg 38
George Washington's World: Catherine - Her Journey to Russia pg 39-41
Answering the Cry for Freedom Introduction p 6 (do not skip)
Age of Fable ch 1 introduction, last third
Robinson Crusoe: from "My first contrivance was to make a pretence" to " and it afterwards served me to lie upon."
Storybook of Science ch 04 The Cows
Madam How Lady Why ch 1 The Glen from "So now that I have taught you not" to "as a spade above ground."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: An orderly universe pg 12
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: The law of entropy pg 13
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 4 School
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 5
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 8, 9
New Testament - Angels Tell the Shepherds - Luke 2:8-15
New Testament - Adoration of the Shepherds - Luke 2:16-20
This Country of Ours ch 33 How the Charter of Connecticut Was Saved (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: The King of France and His Subjects pg 42-44
George Washington's World: Pierre Caron, Born a Bourgeois pg 45-48
George Washington's World: The Great Voltaire pg 49-51
Trial and Triumph ch 29 The Two Margarets The Solway Martyrs pg. 177
Answering the Cry for Freedom Part One Fighting a War for Freedom
Minn of the Mississippi ch 3 A Turtle Starts Traveling pg 16; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 2, first half
Robinson Crusoe: ch 3 Wrecked on a Desert Island from "After this stop, we made on to the southward" to "often the ruin of the best heads in business."
Rip Van Winkle, to "full of trouble and anxiety, turned his steps homeward."
Madam How Lady Why ch 1 The Glen from "Now come to the edge of the glen" to "I will show you that it was true."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: Why doesn't everyone believe in God? pg 13-15
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 5 A Comet
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 6
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 10
New Testament - Baby Jesus at the Temple - Luke 2:22-38
New Testament - The Star of Bethlehem - Matthew 2:1-12
This Country of Ours ch 34 The Witches of Salem
George Washington's World: James Cook Goes to Sea pg 52-53
George Washington's World: James Watt a Clever Lad pg 54-56
George Washington's World: A King But Not a Ruler pg 56-58
George Washington's World: Benjamin Franklin Looks and Learns pg 59-59
Age of Fable ch 2, second half
Robinson Crusoe: from "Had I continued in the station I was now in" to "refreshed with it that I think I ever was on such an occasion."
Rip Van Winkle, from "As he approached the village he met a number" to end
Madam How Lady Why ch 1 The Glen from "But what could change a beautiful chine" to "in plain words, moving ice."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins: More wonders pg 15
Couldn't Just Happen ch 1 The Universe and Its Origins:An astronaut's wise word pg 15-16
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 6 Pax
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 7
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 11, 12
New Testament - The Escape to Egypt - Matthew 2:13-18
This Country of Ours ch 35 The Founding of Maryland
George Washington's World: Fray Junipero Serra pg 62 1 pg
George Washington's World: Qianlong and the Barbarians pg 67-70
George Washington's World: India and the European Traders pg 71-72
George Washington's World: France and England in America pg 73-74
Minn of the Mississippi ch 4 Waters Can Wander Away pg 20; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 3 Apollo and Daphne
Robinson Crusoe: ch 4 First Weeks On The Island from "When I waked it was broad day" to "I got all this safe on shore also."
Storybook of Science ch 05 The Sheepfold
Madam How Lady Why ch 1 The Glen from "About that moving ice, which" to "they are and were created.'"
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: What is the Solar System? pg 17
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 7 Saying Good-bye
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 8
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 13
New Testament - The Return to Nazareth - Matthew 2:21-23
New Testament - The Boy Jesus at the Temple - Luke 2:41-51
This Country of Ours ch 36 How New Amsterdam Became New York (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: French and Indian War Begins pg 75-80, first half
George Washington's World: French and Indian War Begins pg 75-80, second half
George Washington's World: Seven Years War Begins pg 81-82
George Washington's World: The Empire Builder pg 83-85
Minn of the Mississippi ch 5 The Mother Earth pg 26; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 3 Pyramus and Thisbe
Robinson Crusoe: from "The next day I made another voyage; and now" to "9 degrees 22 minutes north of the line."
Storybook of Science ch 06 The Wily Dervish
Madam How Lady Why ch 2 Earthquakes to "I myself once felt in the Pyrenees."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: What are the other planets like? pg 17-18
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 8 A Young Farmer
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 9
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 14
New Testament - John the Baptist - Mark 1:1-8
New Testament - John the Baptist's Ministry - Matthew 3:1-12
This Country of Ours ch 37 How a German Ruled New York
George Washington's World: Leave Our Land pg 86-89
George Washington's World: George III pg 90-90
George Washington's World: A Young Poet Named Phillis pg 91-92
George Washington's World: George and Martha Washington pg 93-95
Trial and Triumph ch 30 John Bunyan Happy Pilgrim pg. 11
Age of Fable ch 3 Cephalus and Procris
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 1 Boston King, first half
Robinson Crusoe: from "After I had been there about ten or twelve days" to "having no more ink, I was forced to leave it off."
Madam How Lady Why ch 2 Earthquakes from "I was travelling in the Pyrenees;" to "mercies that we are not consumed."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Landing on Mercury? pg 18
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Landing on Venus? pg 18-19
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 9 The Great Ocean
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 10
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 15, 16
New Testament - The Baptism of Jesus - Mark 1:9-11
New Testament - Jesus is Tempted - Matthew 4:1-11
This Country of Ours ch 38 Pirates!
George Washington's World: Thomas Jefferson and His Mountain pg 96-98
George Washington's World: The End of the Seven Years War pg 99-101
George Washington's World: Goethe Sees Both Sides pg 101-103
Minn of the Mississippi ch 6 The River is a Museum pg 28; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 4 Juno and her rivals: Io
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 1 Boston King, second half
Robinson Crusoe: ch 5 Builds a House from "THE JOURNAL. September 30, 1659" to "in putting all my things in order within doors."
Storybook of Science ch 07 A Numerous Family
Madam How Lady Why ch 2 Earthquakes from "You saw those pictures of the ruins of Arica" to "beach, and on to the land."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: We land on Mars! pg 19-20
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 10 University on the River Cam
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 11
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 17
New Testament - Andrew and Simon Peter Follow Jesus - John 1:35-42
New Testament - Philip and Nathaniel Follow Jesus - John 1:43-51
This Country of Ours ch 39 The Founding of New Jersey
George Washington's World: Catherine Empress of the Russians pg 104-107
George Washington's World: Voltaire and His Pen pg 108-110
George Washington's World: To the South Seas With Captain Cook pg 115-118
Age of Fable ch 4 Callisto
Robinson Crusoe: from "January 1 Very hot still, but I went abroad early" to "near as I could to the wreck of the ship, to look for more."
Storybook of Science ch 08 The Old Pear-Tree
Madam How Lady Why ch 2 Earthquakes from "But there is another way of accounting" to "of them which I have given you here."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: The outer planets pg 20
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 11 Questions
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 12
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 18
New Testament - The Wedding in Cana - John 2:1-11
This Country of Ours ch 40 The Founding of Pennsylvania (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: Lavoisier and Oxygen pg 118
George Washington's World: The Steam Engine pg 119-121
Minn of the Mississippi ch 7 Below the Waterwall pg 32; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 4 Diana and Actaeon
Robinson Crusoe: ch 6 Ill and Conscience-Striken from "When I came down to the ship, I found it" to "many years. But I return to my journal."
Storybook of Science ch 09 The Age of Trees
Madam How Lady Why ch 2 Earthquakes from "But you do not seem satisfied yet?" to "do you and I, and all of us, depend."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Jupiter, king of the planets pg 20
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 12 The Apple and the Moon
3-5 poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Optional Exam Week

Week 13
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 19, 20
New Testament - Cleansing the Temple - John 2:12-25
New Testament - Jesus with Nicodemus - John 3:1-21
This Country of Ours ch 41 How Benjamin Franklin Came To Philadelphia
George Washington's World: His Majesty George III pg 122-129, first half
George Washington's World: His Majesty George III pg 122-129, second half
George Washington's World: Frederick the Miser and Louis the Waster pg 130-132
Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution ch 1 A Very Incorrect Writer
Trial and Triumph ch 31 Jonathan Edwards Great Awakening Theologian pg. 187
Age of Fable ch 4 Latona and the rustics
Robinson Crusoe: from "June 28 Having been somewhat refreshed" to " fell in September and October."
Storybook of Science ch 10 The Length of Animal Life
Madam How Lady Why ch 3 Volcanoes to "assed him with the Gorgon's head."
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 13 Chemistry
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Saturn, the ringed planet pg 21
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto pg 21
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 14
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 21
New Testament - The Woman at the Well - John 4:3-42
New Testament - At the Synagogue in Nazareth - Luke 4:16-30
This Country of Ours ch 42 The Founding of North And South Carolina
George Washington's World: Marie Antoinette the Little Austrian Princess pg 133-135
George Washington's World: Lafayette, a Young French Nobleman pg 136-139
George Washington's World: Enter Napoleon Buonaparte pg 139
George Washington's World: Italy the Land of Beauty pg 140-142
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 2 Ballast is What I Want
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 2 Agrippa Hull, first half (please note, an offensive racial epithet is included in this chapter, as part of a quote.)
Minn of the Mississippi ch 8 Minn Becomes a River Monster pg 36; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 5 Phaeton, first half
Robinson Crusoe: ch 7 Agricultural Experience from "I had been now in this unhappy island" to "could be imagined I could spare."
Storybook of Science ch 11 The Kettle
Madam How Lady Why ch 3 Volcanoes from "But you will see, too, that most of these red" to "made, or an old one re-opened."
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 14 Subject to the Dominion of One
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Dead planets pg 21-22
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 15
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 22, 23
New Testament - Jesus Calls Andrew, Simon, James and John - Luke 5:1-11
This Country of Ours ch 43 War with the Indians in North and South Carolina
George Washington's World: A King and a Painter of Spain pg 143
George Washington's World: The Corsairs of Algiers pg 144
George Washington's World: The Turkish Empire and Its Sultan pg 145-147
George Washington's World: Poland pg 147-148
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 3 You May Take Me
Age of Fable ch 5 Phaeton, second half
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 2 Agrippa Hull, second half (please note, an offensive racial epithet is included in this chapter, as part of a quote.)
Robinson Crusoe: ch 8 Surveys His Position from "I mentioned before, that I had a great" to "making the corn, when I had it, fit for my use."
Storybook of Science ch 12 The Metals
Madam How Lady Why ch 3 Volcanoes from "Now we can understand why earthquakes" to "and streams of lava from its sides."
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 15 Beginning with Noah
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: The odd planet pg 22
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: Why is the sun so important? pg 22-24
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 16
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 24
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Nobleman's Son - John 4:46-54
New Testament - Jesus Heals Simon's Mother in Law - Mark 1:29-34
This Country of Ours ch 44 The Founding of Georgia, first half
George Washington's World: The Empress and the Sultan pg 149-150
George Washington's World: Home To China pg 150
George Washington's World: Japan and the Passing World pg 151-153
George Washington's World: Alexander Hamilton, Boy of the West Indies pg 154-156
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 4 The Weaker Sex
Minn of the Mississippi ch 9 The Lake in the River pg 40; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 6 Midas
Robinson Crusoe: ch 9 A Boat from "But first I was to prepare more land" to "no manner of value to me, because of no use."
Storybook of Science ch 13 Metal Plating
Madam How Lady Why ch 3 Volcanoes from "And now, I suppose, you will want to know" to "but how that can be, we know not."
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 16 Detective at the Mint
Couldn't Just Happen ch 2 Dead Planets, Living World: A zone of life pg 24-25
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 17
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 25
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Leper - Matthew 8:1-4
This Country of Ours ch 44 The Founding of Georgia, second half
George Washington's World: John Paul Jones pg 156-158
George Washington's World: Olaudah Equiano Writes About Being a Slave pg 158-160
George Washington's World: Spain's New Colony pg 161-165
George Washington's World: Over The Mountain With Boone pg 165-167
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 5 I Should . . . Have Been a Rover
Trial and Triumph ch 32 George Whitefield Great Awakening Preacher pg. 193
Age of Fable ch 6 Baucis and Philemon
Robinson Crusoe: from "I had now brought my state of life to be much easier" to "enjoyment of human society in the world?"
Storybook of Science ch 14 Gold and Iron
Madam How Lady Why ch Volcanoes from "(Boy): Why is a volcano shaped like a cone?" to "get a trowel and try this experiment."
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 17 Sir Isaac
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3 The "Odd Planet:" What if? pg 26-27
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 18
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 26, 27
New Testament - Jesus Calms the Storm - Mark 4:35-41
This Country of Ours ch 45 How the Mississippi Was Discovered (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: Rebellion in Massachusetts pg 168-172
George Washington's World: The First Congress pg 173-175
George Washington's World: The Battle of Bunker Hill pg 176-177
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 6 The Flame is Kindled
Minn of the Mississippi ch 10 A Country of Builders pg 44; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 7 Proserpine, first half
Robinson Crusoe: ch 10 Tames Goats from "I cannot say, that after this, for five years" to "nothing at first but to perish for hunger!"
Storybook of Science ch 15 The Fleece
Madam How Lady Why ch 3 Volcanoes from "Now you ought to understand what" to "artillery underneath our feet."
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) ch 18 Final Causes
Story of Inventions ch 1 James Watt and the Invention of the Steam Engine - Captured by Steam pg 1-10
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3 The "Odd Planet:" Rivers in the sea pg 27-29
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 19
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 28, 29
New Testament - Jesus Heals Two Blind Men - Matthew 9:27-34
This Country of Ours ch 46 King William's War And Queen Anne's War
George Washington's World: John Adams Selects a Commander pg 178-180
George Washington's World: Declaration of Independence pg 185-189
George Washington's World: Echoes in Europe pg 190-192s
George Washington's World: Benjamin Franklin in France pg 192-194
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 7 Partner in All Joys
Minn of the Mississippi ch 11 River Life Has Its Ups and Downs pg 48; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 7 Proserpine, second half
Robinson Crusoe: ch 11 Finds Print of Man's Foot On Sand from "It would have made a stoic smile" to "than my mere fear suggested."
Madam How Lady Why ch 4 Transformation of . . . Soil to "seas which are now firm dry land."
Ocean of Truth (Isaac Newton) Epilogue
Story of Inventions ch 1 cont: Finding the Trouble to end of chapter pg 11-24
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3 The "Odd Planet:" What could go wrong? pg 29
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 20
Bible: Old Testament - 1 Samuel 30, 31
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man - Mark 2:1-12
This Country of Ours ch 47 The Mississippi Bubble (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI pg 195-197
George Washington's World: Lafayette Sails for America pg 198-200
George Washington's World: The Old Fox Retreats pg 201-204
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 8 I Want Some Sentimental . . .
Age of Fable ch 7 Glaucus and Scylla
Robinson Crusoe: ch 12 A Cave Retreat from "While this was doing, I was not altogether" to "human flesh, than we do to eat mutton."
Storybook of Science ch 16 Flax and Hemp
Madam How Lady Why ch 4 Transformation of . . . Soil from "(Boy): This is very strange." to "not time to tell about everything."
Story of Inventions ch 5 Invention of the Spinning Machines - James Hargreaves & the Spinning Jenny pg 101-106
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3 The "Odd Planet:" The greenhouse effect? pg 29-30
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3 The "Odd Planet:" The terrible termites pg 30-31
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 21
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 1, 2
New Testament - - Matthew the Tax Collector - Luke 5:27-32
New Testament - Why Don't Jesus' Disciples Fast? - Luke 5:33-39
This Country of Ours ch 48 How a Terrible Disaster Befell the British Army (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: Misadventures of 1777 pg 205-209
George Washington's World: To Carry the News pg 209-210
George Washington's World: Valley Forge pg 211-214
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 9 Mrs. Delegate
Trial and Triumph ch 33 John Wesley The World His Parish pg. 199
Minn of the Mississippi ch 12 Ride the River in a Barrel pg 52; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 8 Pygmalion
Robinson Crusoe: from "When I had considered this a little, it followed" to "prevent offence to my nose."
Legend of Sleepy Hollow from "In the bosom of one of" to "along the dusky road."
Madam How Lady Why ch 4 Transformation of . . . Soil from "And now you will ask me" to "world could get on at all."
Story of Inventions ch 5 cont: Richard Arkwright and the Water Frame to end of chapter pg 107-120
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3 The "Odd Planet:" Holes in the air pg 31
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 22
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 3
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Man at the Pool of Bethesda - John 5:1-15
This Country of Ours ch 49 The End of French Rule in America (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: The French Alliance pg 215-217
George Washington's World: George Rogers Clark pg 218-220
George Washington's World: A Hero in Two Worlds pg 221-222
George Washington's World: The Bon Homme Richard pg 223-224
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 10 Remember the Ladies
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 3 James Armistead Lafayette, first half
Age of Fable ch 8 Dryope
Robinson Crusoe: ch 13 Wreck of a Spanish Ship from "I was now in my twenty-third year" to "at least it was so out at sea."
Legend of Sleepy Hollow from "Another of his sources of fearful pleasure" to "joy at their early emancipation."
Storybook of Science ch 17 Cotton
Madam How Lady Why ch 4 Transformation of . . . Soil from "Of course, when the lava first cools" to "before the worlds were made."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3 The "Odd Planet:" A major mystery pg 31-32
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 23
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 4, 5
New Testament - Jesus and the Irate Jews - John 5:16-47
New Testament - Lord of the Sabbath - Matthew 12:1-8
This Country of Ours ch 50 The Rebellion of Pontiac (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: Spain Beseiges Gibraltar pg 225
George Washington's World: Holland Defends her Trade pg 226-227
George Washington's World: Napoleon Buonaparte pg 227
George Washington's World: Benedict Arnold Traitor pg 228-231
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 11 I Want a Companion
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 3 James Armistead Lafayette, second half
Minn of the Mississippi ch 13 Sentinels of the Crossroads pg 56; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 8 Venus and Adonis
Robinson Crusoe: from "I looked frequently at it all that day" to "might have come again and fetched it."
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow from "The gallant Ichabod now spent" to "whole valleys of timothy and clover."
Madam How Lady Why ch 4 Transformation of . . . Soil from "But now I see you want to ask" to "soil fit to feed a great people."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 3 The "Odd Planet:" The fundamental law of nature pg 32-33
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 24
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 6, 7
New Testament - Jesus Chooses the Twelve - Mark 3:13-19
New Testament - The Sermon on the Mount - Luke 6:17-49
This Country of Ours ch 51 The Boston Tea-Party
George Washington's World: Cornwallis Surrenders pg 231-233
George Washington's World: Washington Refuses Absolute Power pg 234-235
George Washington's World: Money pg 236-238
George Washington's World: The Peace Treaty pg 239-241
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 12 To Rob Me of All My Happiness
Age of Fable ch 8 Apollo and Hyacinthus
Robinson Crusoe: ch 15 Friday's Education from "Having now brought all my things" to "signs that it was very good for him."
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow from "It was the very witching time of night" to end of Postscript
Storybook of Science ch 18 Paper
Madam How Lady Why ch 4 Transformation of . . . Soil from "And now think what a wonderful" to "even as seems good to Him."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 4 World in the Making: pg 35-36
Couldn't Just Happen ch 4 World in the Making: Shaking the foundations pg 36
3-5 poems by Emily Dickinson
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Optional Exam Week

Week 25
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 8, 9
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant - Matthew 8:5-13
New Testament - Jesus Heals a Widow's Son - Luke 7:11-17
This Country of Ours ch 52 Paul Revere's Ride - The Unsheathing of the Sword
George Washington's World: Empires Old and New pg 241-244
George Washington's World: Stars and Stripes in China pg 244
George Washington's World: Back to His Good Land pg 249-253
George Washington's World: Lonely Thomas Jefferson at Monticello pg 253-255
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 13 And I Shall See His Face Again
Poor Richard pg 11-23
Minn of the Mississippi ch 14 When Water Runs Over Lawns and Things pg 60; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 9 Ceyx and Halcyone, first half
Robinson Crusoe: from "I kept there with him all that night;" to "savage might be a means to help me to do it."
Storybook of Science ch 19 The Book
Madam How Lady Why ch 5 The Ice-Plough to "that land is to be fit to live in."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 4 World in the Making: Disappearance of the dinosaurs pg 36-38
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 26
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 10, 11
New Testament - - John Sends Messengers to Jesus - Matthew 11:2-19
New Testament - Woe to the Cities of Galilee - Matthew 11:20-24
This Country of Ours ch 53 The First Thrust - The Battle Or Bunker Hill (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: Aviation is Born pg 256-258
George Washington's World: The Marriage of Figaro pg 259-260
George Washington's World: Three Americans Meet in France pg 261-263
George Washington's World: Rousseau and Silver Sheep Shears pg 264-266
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 14 Who Shall Give Me Back Time
Poor Richard pg 25-31
Answering the Cry for Freedom Part Two Slaves in the Cradle of Liberty
Minn of the Mississippi ch 15 Boats That Changed the River pg 64; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 9 Ceyx and Halcyone, second half
Robinson Crusoe: from "During the long time that Friday had now" to "bread:" that was his way of talking."
Madam How Lady Why ch 5 The Ice-Plough from "Now you must not ask me to tell" to "ground on which we live."
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 27
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 12
New Testament - The Meek and Suffering - Matthew 11:25-30
This Country of Ours ch 54 The War in Canada
George Washington's World: John Adams and George III pg 267-269
George Washington's World: Hisses for Marie Antoinette pg 269-271
George Washington's World: Old Frederick's Last Review pg 272-273
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 15 Safely Landed
Poor Richard pg 33-43
Minn of the Mississippi ch 16 Land of Cotton and Turtle Stew pg 68; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 10 Vertumnus and Pomona
Robinson Crusoe: ch 16 Rescue of Prisoners from Cannibals from "Upon the whole, I was" to " running to help, could come near him."
Storybook of Science ch 20 Printing
Madam How Lady Why ch 5 The Ice-Plough from "Do I mean that there were ever" to "ice-plough are among them."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 4 World in the Making: Was Earth struck by a giant asteroid? pg 38-39
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 28
Bible: Week 28 Old Testament - 2 Samuel 13
New Testament - A Woman Anoints Jesus' Feet - Luke 7:36-50
New Testament - The Parable of the Sower - Mark 4:1-20
This Country of Ours ch 55 The Birth of a Great Nation
George Washington's World: Catherine's Turkish Fairy Tale pg 273-276
George Washington's World: The Assembly of the Notables pg 277-278
George Washington's World: The Not Yet United States pg 279-280
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 16 One of the Choice Ones
Poor Richard pg 45-55
Trial and Triumph ch 34 John Newton Slave Trader Saved by Grace pg. 205
Age of Fable ch 11 Cupid and Psyche, first half
Robinson Crusoe: from "Friday, being now left at his liberty" to "fairly in the open field at any time."
Storybook of Science ch 21 Butterflies
Madam How Lady Why ch 5 The Ice-Plough from "If you ever travel along" to "we will talk of it next time.)"
Couldn't Just Happen ch 4 World in the Making: The "death star" theory pg 39-40
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 29
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 14
New Testament - Parables of the Candle, the Seed - Mark 4:21-29
New Testament - Parable of the Wheat and the Tares - Matthew 13:24-30
This Country of Ours ch 56 The Darkest Hour - Trenton And Princeton (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: The Constitution pg 281-285
George Washington's World: Mr. President pg 286-288
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 17 The Three-Fold Chord (split over 2 days)
Poor Richard pg 57-69
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 4 Phillis Wheatley, first half
Minn of the Mississippi ch 17 Minn Goes Inland pg 72; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 11 Cupid and Psyche, second half
Robinson Crusoe: ch 17 Visit of Mutineers from "In a little time, however, no more canoes" to "plundered me of all I had."
Madam How Lady Why ch 6 The True Fairy Tale to "first chapter of my fairy tale."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 4 World in the Making: Continents that move pg 40-42
Couldn't Just Happen ch 4 World in the Making: Cataclysms on Earth? pg 42
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 30
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 15, 16
New Testament - Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven - Matthew 13:31-35
New Testament - Explaining the Wheat and the Tares - Matthew 13:36-43
This Country of Ours ch 57 Burgoyne's Campaign - Bennington And Oriskany
George Washington's World: Victory for the Third Estate pg 293-295
George Washington's World: To the Bastille pg 296-299
George Washington's World: Off With the Baker to Paris pg 300-303
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 18 You, I Must And Will Have (long; split over 2 days)
Poor Richard pg 71-77
Age of Fable ch 12 Cadmus
Answering the Cry for Freedom ch 4 Phillis Wheatley, second half
Robinson Crusoe: from "When they were on shore, I was fully satisfied" to " I had them still in my thoughts."
Storybook of Science ch 22 The Big Eaters
Madam How Lady Why ch 6 The True Fairy Tale from "Now while all this was going on," to "marvels you ever read in fairy tales."
Couldn't Just Happen ch 4 World in the Making: What about the Genesis Flood? pg 42-43
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: pg 44-45
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 31
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 17
New Testament - The Hidden Treasure - Matthew 13:44-52
This Country of Ours ch 58 Burgoyne's Campaign - Bemis Heights And Saratoga
George Washington's World: America and the Key to the Bastille pg 303-311, first half
George Washington's World: America and the Key to the Bastille pg 303-311, second half
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 19 A Jewel of Great Price
Poor Richard pg 79-89
Age of Fable ch 12 the Myrmidons
Robinson Crusoe: ch 18 The Ship Recovered from "While we were thus preparing our designs" to "out of sight, for reasons of state."
Gregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas (take two weeks if needed)
Storybook of Science ch 23 Silk
Madam How Lady Why ch 6 The True Fairy Tale from "You may find the flint weapons" to "facts? Who, but God?"
Story of Inventions ch 6 Eli Whitney and the Invention of the Cotton Gin - A Visit to the South pg 121-128
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: Mountains where they shouldn't be pg 45
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: How old is the Earth? pg 46
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 32
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 18
New Testament - His Mother and Brethren - Mark 3:31-35
New Testament - Prophet Without Honor - Matthew 13:53-58
This Country of Ours ch 59 Brandywine - Germantown - Valley Forge
George Washington's World: New Machines and New Factories pg 312-313
George Washington's World: Were All Men Created Equal pg 314-315
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 20 Splendid Misery!
Poor Richard pg 91-101
Minn of the Mississippi ch 18 River of Dreams pg 76; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 13 Nisus and Scyll
Robinson Crusoe: from "Our next work was to repair the boat" to "be sure to sow and increase them."
Gregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas (finish this week if needed)
Storybook of Science ch 24 The Metamorphosis
Madam How Lady Why ch 6 The True Fairy Tale from "Then truth is as much larger" to "but this is the fairyland of God."
Story of Inventions ch 6 cont. Inventing the Cotton Gin - end of chapter pg 129-140
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: How scientists use fossils to determine age pg 46-47
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 33
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 19
New Testament - The Harvest is Plentiful - Matthew 9:35-38
This Country of Ours ch 60 War on the Sea (split ch over two days this week)
George Washington's World: Beware the Tyrants pg 316-318
George Washington's World: Liberty pg 319-321
George Washington's World: A New Republic for Haiti pg 322-324
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 21 If Man is Lord (long split over 2 days)
Poor Richard pg 103-119
Trial and Triumph ch 35 David Brainerd Preacher to the North American Indians pg. 213
Age of Fable ch 13 Echo and Narcissus
Robinson Crusoe: ch 19 Return to England from "Having done all this, I left them" to "compose my self, for the enjoyment of it."
Madam How Lady Why: On Wisdom and Foolishness from "(Boy): Father, do you think me silly" to "whole world wiser than John."
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 34
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 20, 21
New Testament - Jesus Sends Forth the Twelve - Matthew 10:5-42
New Testament - Herod Kills John the Baptist - Matthew 14:1-12
This Country of Ours ch 61 The Battle of Monmouth - The Story of Captain Molly
George Washington's World: The United States Proclaimed Neutral pg 324-326
George Washington's World: Doctor Jenner pg 327
George Washington's World: Daughters of the New Republic pg 328
George Washington's World: Noah Webster's Blue Backed Speller pg 329
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 22 Young Shoots and Branches
Poor Richard pg 121-133
Minn of the Mississippi ch 19 Minn Comes to the End of the Line pg 80; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 13 Clytie, Hero and Leander
Robinson Crusoe: from "The first thing I did, was to recompense" to "creature it was he had killed."
Storybook of Science ch 25 Spiders
Madam How Lady Why: none
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: What is radiometric dating? pg 47-49
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: What's wrong with radiometric dating? pg 49-50
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 35
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 22
New Testament - Feeding of the Five Thousand - Matthew 14:13-21
New Testament - Christ Walks on the Water - Matthew 14:22-33
This Country of Ours ch 62 The Story of a Great Crime
George Washington's World: The Reign of Terror pg 330-332
George Washington's World: Catherine the Grandmother pg 333-334
George Washington's World: Napoleon Buonaparte pg 335-336
George Washington's World: To Italy pg 336-338
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 23 What Have I Not Lost
Poor Richard pg 135-145
Minn of the Mississippi ch 20 Treasure is Where You Find It pg 84; follow along on a map
Age of Fable ch 14 Minerva
Robinson Crusoe: ch 20 Fight Between Friday and a Bear from "But never was a fight managed" to "their cattle, and indeed their people."
Storybook of Science ch 26 The Epeira's Bridge
Madam How Lady Why: none
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: From the beginning? pg 50-51
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Week 36
Bible: Old Testament - 2 Samuel 23, 24
New Testament - Miracles in Gennesaret - Mark 6:53-56
New Testament - The Bread of Life - John 6:22-65
This Country of Ours ch 63 A Turning Point in the World's History
George Washington's World: To Egypt pg 339-341
George Washington's World: The Rosetta Stone: Clue to an Ancient Riddle pg 342
George Washington's World: Qianlong's Reply to George III pg 343-344
George Washington's World: Home to Mount Vernon pg 345-349
Abigail Adams Witness to a Revolution ch 24 Dearest Friend
Poor Richard pg 147-158
Age of Fable ch 14 Niobe
Robinson Crusoe: from "The next morning our guide was so ill" to "ten years more I may, perhaps, give a further account of hereafter."
Storybook of Science ch 27 The Spider's Web
Madam How Lady Why: none
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: What was Earth like when it was created? pg 51-52
Couldn't Just Happen ch 5 Mysteries of the Earth: Will the mysteries ever be solved? pg 52-53
3-5 poems by William Wordsworth
Penmanship or Copywork 4 or 5 times per week
Beginning Grammar
Math 4 or 5 times per week
Latin and/or other Foreign language
Correspond history readings with a timeline and map
Map Drill
Work through the scheduled selection from Plutarch's Lives
Work through the scheduled Shakespeare play
The term's Composer Study (Music Appreciation)
This term's Picture Study (Art Appreciation)
Singing this month's folksong and hymn
Nature Study
Musical Instrument Practice

Optional Exam Week

Last updated: July 29, 2024 (old Bible schedule was removed)

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