(01-02-2016, 10:58 AM)val_aggie Wrote: [ -> ]Is this conference for husbands also? Will there be any general CM info for them? He would be lost jumping right into scheduling and details. 
And will there be a price for the conference with and without lodging?
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My husband and I are planning to come together, so that would be at least one more CM dad for him to talk to!

Hmm... Daydreaming of blending this retreat into a visit with my brother and family in Dallas.....
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Top of the agenda--I promise. We'll info about pricing/registration very soon!
(01-04-2016, 05:09 PM)KarenG Wrote: [ -> ]Top of the agenda--I promise. We'll info about pricing/registration very soon!
Great! I want to stick this in the budget!
I'm looking forward to hearing more details! This sounds lovely - and in Texas, too!
How can I be aware of the details of the conference?
Subscribe to this thread (button at top), or watch the FB group - it should be updated both places. But probably here first!
Edited to Add (ETA) - I posted before I saw Lani's reply, sorry to be redundant!
I'm pretty new around here. My search of old threads seems to indicate that this is a one-time deal, not an annual conference? Can someone fill me in on AO conference history? How hard I try to come will be influenced by the odds of there being a closer one next year.

It is not likely that a huge event will be annual.

It is a lot of work and we have Advisory and Auxiliary Board members not only all around the US, but all around the world. Getting us all (or most of us) together in one place isn't easily done, especially every year. We had always planned for 2016. 2015 was a happy surprise!
As to where it will be held after this year... I cannot even guess.