The Parents' Review

A Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture

The Parents Review is a magazine that was sent to parents and teachers of Charlotte Mason's schools and correspondence-type homeschools between about 1890 and 1920. At the end of the year, the magazines would be collected and bound into one beautiful leather-bound volume. View a photo of Volume XI.

See also: In Memoriam, a book written as a tribute to Charlotte Mason when she died in 1923. This book contains quotes from her books, explanations of her methods from PNEU teachers who taught in Charlotte Mason's schools, and personal memories that give insight into her character.
25 page pamphlet Principles and Objects of the P.N.E.U.

Punch is frequently referred to both in CM's series of books and various PR articles. Punch (or The London Charivari) "was a British weekly magazine of humour and satire published from 1841 to 1992." see Wikipedia. Editions online at Project Gutenburg; and its archive of cartoons; Punch cartoons.

Click titles to read completed articles. Over 1,200 articles are now posted; additional articles will be linked as they become available. Check back for updates!

Unknown Volume Numbers:
Date? Children and Books by Mrs. Conyers Alston (living books)
Date? The Saviour of the World (poem by Charlotte Mason pondering children and the Kingdom of Heaven; all six volumes of The Saviour of the World are online.)
Date? The Purple Jar (story by Maria Edgeworth about teaching thrift and discernment through masterly inactivity; referred to in Charlotte Mason's Volume 1 pg 148) -
Date? John Sebastian Bach (biography and syllabus of study for Bach)

Volume 1, 1890/91

p. 001 Editorial.
p. 005 My Mother's Memories of her Childhood. Contributed by Anna Mary Harrison
p. 010 Rational Education By Oscar Browning
p. 014 Stars in February By A. Lipscomb. (includes star chart image)
p. 017 The Profession of Architecture By Ed C Robins F.S.A.**
p. 022 Music and Children By H R Haweis
p. 025 The Heavens. By Mrs. L. C. d'A. Lipscomb
p. 026 Froebel's Principles Applied to the First Years of Child-Life by Elinor A. Welldon
p. 031 Extracts from L'Education Progressive by Mme Necker de Saussure 1828, Contributed by Mrs. F.H. Anson.
p. 033 Art Training in the Nursery By Mrs. F. Steinthal
p. 038 Dr. Morgan's Tale
p. 047 Out of Doors in February. By Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S.
p. 053 Hoc Fecit Wykeham (about Sir William Wykeham)
p. 062 Ability (appears in volume 5 of the CM Series)
p. 065 Religious Instruction of the Young. Rev. Wm. Danks, M.A.
p. 068 Study of a Child of Two. Prize Essay
p. 068 Motherhood (Poem)
p. 069 A New Educational Departure (the beginnings of the PNEU)
p. 070 A Queen's Teacher By George Radford
p. 075 Books (Book reviews)
p. 076 Notes and Queries.
p. 077 Prizes.
p. 078 By the Way
p. 080 Notes to (P.N.E.U.) Secretaries
p. 081 Editorial
p. 085 Infant Development. By Dr. James.Ward.
p. 088 Reverence, or the Ideal in Education By T C Rooper, H M I
p. 092 Recitation. By Arthur Burrell (tips and suggested works for children to memorize and recite)
p. 104 Trained Nursing as a Profession. By Mrs. Bedford Fenwick
p. 112 The Age at Which Science Should be Taught. By George Cadell
p. 117 Parents' Educational Union. By Dorothea Beale
p. 122 The Windy Month. By Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S.
p. 128 The First Reading Lesson. By the Editor. (appears in vol 1 of CM's series)
p. 134 The Evening Sky March 15 to April 15 by Annie Lipscomb
p. 138 From Two Points of View part 2
p. 144 Songs for the Nursery. By Frances Epps
p. 151 Notes and Queries
p. 154 By the Way
p. 156 Prizes
p. 157 Books (Book reviews)
p. 160 PNEU
p. 161 Editorial. (This appears in the CM Series, volume 5, around page 154.)
p. 165 The Religious Instruction of the Young. By the Rev. Wm. Danks
p. 174 A Pedagogic Holiday. By Oscar Browning
p. 182 Thoughts and Suggestions on Early Education By Miss Anne Jemima Clough
p. 186 Smiles and Tears. By Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S.
p. 189 From Two Points of View, Part 1. By L.T. Meade
p. 191 Observations and Experiments in Education , part 1. By Mrs. Southwood Hill
p. 200 Ivan Ivanovitch. By M. Shaw (poem)
p. 202 Les Manieres Polies. By Mrs. A. Caumont
p. 202 French Polish. By Mrs. A. Caumont
p. 210 First Lessons in Arithmetic. By Mrs. R. H. Hart-Davis
p. 215 Journalism as a Profession By J. Dawson
p. 224 The Evening Sky. By Mrs. L.C.D'A. Lipscomb.
p. 229 By the Way
p. 231 Notes and Queries
p. 237 Books. (Book reviews)
p. 239 Prizes.
p. 240 PNEU
p. 241 Editorial
p. 247 Art for Children. By T. G. Rooper, H.M.I
p. 255 The Two Roses, Part 1. By Ernst von Wildenbruch
p. 263 The Month of Blossoms. By Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S.
p. 269 Nursery French. By Mrs. F. Epps
p. 274 From Two Points of View, Part 2. By L.T. Meade
p. 285 Terrestrial and Sunlike Planets. By J. E, Gore, F.R.A.S.
p. 293 Holidays in Lakeland Fifty-nine Years Ago, Part 1 By Mrs. M.H.
p. 301 Kindergarten Nurses By Felicite A. Debonnaire
p. 307 The Evening Sky. By Mrs. L.C.D'A. Lipscomb.
p. 310 Books (Book reviews)
p. 313 By The Way
p. 317 Notes and Queries
p. 319 Prizes
p. 320 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 321 Editorial (This appears in the CM Series, volume 5, around page 214.)
p. 325 Plutarch on the Training of Children. By F. H. Colson
p. 330 Motives, or Rewards and Punishments. By Dorothea Beale Principal of the Cheltenham Ladies' College
p. 337 Should Children Have a Special Literature? By Edward Salmon
p. 345 Children and Arithmetic. By the Rev. R. H. Quick, M.A. (children should learn the relations of numbers up to ten first)
p. 348 Our Sons: Our Cadets By Capt. Rowley Wynyard
p. 357 Holidays in Lakeland Fifty-nine Years Ago By Mrs. M.H.
p. 362 The Two Roses By Ernst von Wildenbruch, Part 2
p. 372 Queen of the Year By Dr. J.E. Taylor F.L.S., F.G.
p. 379 From Two Points of View , part 3
p. 405 The Best Curriculum. By the Rev. W. H. Keeling
p. 413 Drifted Apart By Sarah Tytler
p. 423 "Be Good, or--." By T. G. Rooper, H.M.I.
p. 435 The Invincible Armada. A Poem By Schiller. Translated by E. P. Arnold-Forster
p. 437 A Dull Child, --Why? By a Parent
p. 442 Letter Writing in France By Mrs. A. Caumont
p. 453 Flood Tide. By Dr. J.E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S.
p. 459 Another Reading Lesson. By A. C. Beale
p. 463 The Evening Sky July 15 to August 15 By Annie Lipscomb
p. 466 Prizes
p. 467 Meetings of the P.N.E.U. (Parents' National Educational Union)
p. 471 Books
p. 475 By The Way
p. 478 Notes and Queries
p. 481 Early Training in Religion By the Bishop of Carlisle
p. 489 The Welcome Guest By Mrs. A. Caumont
p. 497 The Influence of Elder Brothers. By Major Seton Churchill
p. 503 From Mulberry Leaf to Satin. A Story By. F. E. Kitton
p. 510 Our Daughters: Work for Gentlewomen as Elementary Schoolmistresses By Frances.Epps
p. 514 Parents and Children. The Family By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 520 The Month of Fruits. By Dr. J. E. Taylor, .F.L.S., F.G.S.
p. 526 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud. By Ernest Legouve
p. 532 Memoir of a Child Fourteen Months Old. By a Father and Mother
p. 541 The Evening Sky--September
p. 544 Books
p. 547 By The Way
p. 547 Prizes
p. 554 Notes and Queries (The Best Curriculum)
p. 558 Notes
p. 561 An Educational Reformer. By F. L. Green
p. 571 Parents and Children: Parents as Rulers by the Editor.
p. 577 Child Stories in Herodotus
p. 583 Observations and Experiments in Education by Mrs. Southwood Hill
p. 590 Employment in India By J. J. Heaton, I.C.S.
p. 598 A Peep at Ancient Egypt. By A. J. Goodison M.R.A.I.
p. 602 Turn of the Tide By Dr. J.E. Taylor, F.L S, F.G.S. (nature)
p. 607 The First Music Lesson. By Mrs. Spencer Curwen
p. 618 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud
p. 624 Study of a Child of Two
p. 628 The Evening Sky
p. 631 Books
p. 635 Notes and Queries
p. 636 By The Way
p. 638 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 638 Prizes
p. 641 Lear and his Daughters. By Dorothea Beale
p. 652 Conversation as a Means of Education. By Oscar Browning
p. 657 The Biblical View of Heredity. By Compton Reade
p. 558 Notes
p. 664 Our Daughters At Newnham and Girton. By F. L. Green
p. 672 I Promessi Sposi
p. 689 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud.
p. 695 The Month of Colours. By Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S.
p. 700 The Evening Sky
p. 705 A Queen's Teacher
p. 711 Books
p. 714 By The Way
p. 718 Notes and Queries
p. 718 Prizes
p. 721 Reverence for the Work of the Holy Spirit in Children and the Young. By the Ven. Archdeacon Blunt,.D.D.
p. 732 Theology in a Nursery by Elsa d'Esterre Keeling
p. 738 To Our First Grandchild. (poem)
p. 739 From an Interleaved Prayer Book
p. 750 Rhyming Recreations By James Ashcroft Noble
p. 754 Venetian Bent Iron Work. By Mrs. L. C. d'A. Lipscomb
p. 758 Lament of Niobe. By T. Caryl Battersby (poem)
p. 761 Our Naval Cadets. By E. P. Arnold-Forster
p. 768 The Name "Erin" By Elsa d'Esterre Keeling

769 How the Poppies Came (Fairy Tale)
p. 773 Chatter
p. 781 The Evening Sky
p. 785 Christmas Contributions (Ascheribrödel)
p. 797 Books
p. 798 By The Way
p. 801 Home Training and Teaching in Religion. By the Rev. E. C. Wickham, D.D.
p. 808 Children's Nurses. By Louisa Twining
p. 823 Co-operation of Parents and Teachers. By Dr. .E. A. Abbot
p. 828 The Aesthetic Emotion in a Child. By Prof. Luigi Ferri
p. 833 Dorothy Elmore's Achievement By the Editor (Charlotte Mason; also in vol5/Formation of Character)
p. 852 Three Parables. By Hon. Lady Welby

855 Object Lessons. Mdme. Pape-Carpantier
p. 861 Mrs. Catherine Booth on the Training of Children
p. 865 Wordsworth's "Immortal Ode" Pt 1
p. 871 Books
p. 874 Notes and Queries
p. 877 By The Way
p. 881 Reverence, or the Ideal in Education by T.G. Rooper, H.M.I.

891 How Parents May Help the Music Teacher. By Clement Templeton
p. 896 An International School. By the Hon. Margaret. Galletti
p. 899 Home and School in Germany. By Mrs. A. Caumont
p. 909 A Sprig of Groundsel. By Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S.
p. 914 The Eternal Child
p. 915 A Treatise on Reading Aloud, Pt II
p. 922 Is It Possible? By the Editor (also in one of CM's books)
p. 934 Pauvre Bebe
p. 937 A Glance at Egyptian Papyri. By A. J. Goodison, M.R.A.I.
p. 944 Wordsworth's Immortal Ode, Pt II
p. 950 Books
p. 953 By The Way
p. 956 Notes and Queries

Volume 2, 1891/2

p. 001 The Place of Greek in Modern Education By Oscar Browning (learning Greek benefits the mind, especially for scholarly inclined; 'modern literary' education)
p. 006 Alter Ego. By Gnome
p. 012 Max Pauli: The Story of a Man's Life By Heinrich Hofmann (continued on pg pg 98, 196, 252, 349, 401,505, 583, 657)
p. 031 The Fésole Club Papers I. Wo die Citronen Bluh'n by W. G. Collingwood (description of correspondence art course; lesson on painting a lemon; comment from Wendi C. at bottom)
p. 038, 139, 221 Parents as Inspirers By the Editor (Charlotte Mason) (parents inspire their child's atmosphere with their very lives; included in Vol 2 of the series)
p. 046 Der Bucherbund Germans in Literature Up to the Crusades By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 049 "Grit." (Raising and Educating our Children) by Mrs. Ward (encouraging self-reliance, energy, and endurance in children)
p. 052 The Church of the Hunted Stag (German tale about how a church got its name)
p. 056 Children's Arithmetic The First Lessons in Arithmetic By R. H. Quick (children should learn the relations of numbers up to ten first)
p. 059 Athletics in Relation to a Liberal Education By Dr. Crespi (benefits of sports, necessity to prevent injury)
p. 066, 455 Treatise on Reading Aloud. By Ernest Legouve
p. 070 Wordsworth's Immortal Ode by M.R. (musings upon the meaning and application of Wordsworth's poem)
p. 074 Books (Review of: Childhood, Boyhood, Youth, Tolstoy)
p. 074 Bible Lessons. By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 075 Notes and Queries
p. 078 By The Way
p. 080 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 081 The Teaching of Chronology By Dorothea Beale (century charts beginning with child's own lifetime; includes samples)
p. 091 The Christ of All (a poem) By the Hon. Lady Welby
p. 091, 276 St. George's Guild By Julia Firth
p. 093 Morals in the Home By W. J. Greenstreet, M.A.
p. 111 On the Teaching of Poetry By Mary A. Woods
p. 117 Der Bucherbund: German Literature of the Early Crusading Period By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 125 Nerve Storms. By Dr. John Mason
p. 133 The Fésole Club Papers II. The Boughs of the Branstock
p. 139 Parents and Children by the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 145 Nursery French By Frances Epps
p. 151 Books (Reviews of: By-paths of Bible Knowledge, Religious Tract Society' Echoes of Two Little Voices, G.M.S.; First Poetry Book, Woods; Hymns for School Worship, Woods)
p. 154 Notes and Queries
p. 156 By The Way
p. 158 Prizes (list of winners)
p. 160 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 161 Lyonesse: Home Vs Public School by T.G.Rooper (ode to the joys of classical boarding schools)
p. 177 Change of Air. By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 179 Two Extremes in Education By Lady Frederick Cavendish
p. 184 The Fésole Club Papers III. Flower Studies in the Fresco School. By W. G. Collingwood
p. 193 The Cure of a Mental Habit
p. 199 The St. George Guild by Julia Firth
p. 209 The Cure of a Mental Habit
p. 212 Der Bucherbund: Volksepos. By Elsa D'Esterre Keeling
p. 221 Parents and Children: Parents as Inspirers by the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 228 Nursery Needlework. By Frances Epps
p. 233 Books
p. 236 Notes and Queries
p. 238 By the Way
p. 240 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 241 The Story of Tonic Sol-fa By Mrs. J. Spencer Curwen
p. 249 The Ministering Children's League By the Countess of Meath
p. 265 Relations Between Parents and Teachers By the Rev J.E.C. Welldon
p. 273 A Plea for Home Influences By Mrs. Alfred Osler
p. 276 The St. George Guild (pt 2) by Julia Firth
p. 283 Der Bucherbund: Kunstepos By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 290 A First Lesson in Modelling By Mrs. F. Steinthal
p. 293 Heredity, its Influence on the Physical and Moral Training of Children. By A.H. Tubby, F.R.C.S.
p. 303 The Fésole Club Papers IV. Through the Window By W. G. Collingwood
p. 308 The Parents' Review School By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 316 House of Education By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 319 Notes and Queries
p. 320 Prizes (a list of awards)
p. 321 Snails and Slugs. By R. F. Scharff Ph.D., B Sc
p. 330 Family Bickerings. By Leader Scott (cure bickering by training, role modelling, encouraging self-sacrifice, religion and reason)
p. 337 The Fésole Club Papers V. The Ethics of Leaf-Land.
p. 344 The Pharaoh of the Oppression , By John Newenham Hoare, F.R. Hist. Soc
p. 349 Max Pauli: The Story of a Man's Life ch 11, 12 by Heinrich Hofmann
p. 362 Germany's Minnesanger. By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 372 Baby. (a poem) By L. E. B
p. 374 Bible Lessons (Parents and Children) By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 381 The Woman's League By the Lady Laura Ridding
p. 386 The Fir-tree's Story
p. 391 Books
p. 395 By the Way
p. 398 Notes, Queries, P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 401 Max Pauli: The Story of a Man's Life ch 13-15 by Heinrich Hofmann
p. 413 Drawing Lessons. By Florence Monkhouse
p. 420 Innocence (a poem) by L. H. A. T.
p. 422 Hommerin' the Leather. By J. J. Wainwright
p. 429 The Ideal of Education of the Seventeenth Century By Frederick T. Snell
p. 435 Thoughts on Classical Education Part 1 By J. S. Mills
p. 438 Germany's Meistersanger. By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 449 The Love of Activity in Children By Robert Dunning
p. 449 Characteristics of Childhood By Robert Dunning (also pg 619)
p. 452 The Effects of Examination System By Mark Wilkes, jun
p. 455 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud by Ernest Legouve (Conclusion)
p. 459 Boughs of the Branstock, By G. W. Collingwood
p. 459 Children's Pets By Clara G Laiter
p. 463 First Reading Lessons By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 469 In Our Study: On Stones By Julia Frith
p. 472 Books
p. 475 By The Way; Our Work
p. 478 Notes and Queries
p. 481 The Imperative Demand By Eugene Bersier (also pg 572, 723)
p. 491 The Fésole Club Papers VI. Green-bank House. By W. G. Collinwood
p. 496 Children's Books By George Radford
p. 505 Max Pauli: The Story of a Man's Life ch 16- by Heinrich Hofmann
p. 518 Jottings from the International Congress of Hygiene Part 1. By Vera
p. 529 The Last of Germany's Epics By Elsa D'Esierre-Keeling
p. 536 Alter Ego By Gnome
p. 542 Tante in the Home By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 548 Sea Firs By Arthur Dumergue
p. 550 What is Tonic Sol-fa? By Mrs. Spencer Curwen
p. 558 Notes and Queries
p. 560 By The Way
p. 561 Children's Prayers By the Bishop of Wakefield
p. 564 The Nerve Mechanisms of the Child By H. Laing-Gordon, MD
p. 572 The Imperative Demand. by Eugene Bersier
p. 583 Max Pauli by Heinrich Hoffman ch 18, 19
p. 595 Jottings from the International Congress of Hygiene Part 2. By Vera
p. 601 Volkslied. By Elsa D'Esterre Keeling
p. 607, 804 Nervous Mechanisms, Their Bearing on Education. By Henry Malet, M.D
p. 613 The Fésole Club Papers VII. Team of Phaethon. By W. G. Collingwood
p. 619 Characteristics of Childhood: Sympathy with Companions By Robert Dunning
p. 622 As Spark to Tow. By C. E. Larter
p. 628 Parents and Children: The Parent as Schoolmaster By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 634 Books
p. 637 Notes and Queries
p. 639 By the Way
p. 641 Authorship of the Book Genesis By John Newenhain Hoare, M.A., F.R. Hist. Soc
p. 657 Max Pauli by Heinrich Hoffman ch 20-22
p. 670 Bearing on Education of Nervous Mechanisms By Henry Malet, M.D
p. 679 The Fésole Club Papers VIII. The Sign of the Scales By G.W. Collingwood
p. 685 Child Culture By Vera
p. 693 Whose Child? By Mary L. G. Petrie, B.A
p. 698 Der Bucherbund: The Commencement of German Drama and its Development By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 706 "How," Parents and Children. By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 712 Books
p. 714 By The Way
p. 718 Our Work
p. 719 Notes and Queries
p. 720 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 721 Haydn's Holy Night. (poem) By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 723 The Imperative Demand
p. 732 A Gossip on French Books By Mrs. Lane
p. 740 Lulu's Triumph. By Matilde Serao
p. 755 Der Bucherbund: The History of German Prose By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 764 The Man with the Seven Hearts
p. 769 Basket-making. By Mrs. Pollard
p. 771 "Happy Christmas to you" By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 777 Othello and the Goose , (a Tale for Children) By Julia Firth
p. 782 The Monkey's Riddle By By Mrs. F. Steinthal
p. 785 Three Wet Afternoons
p. 790 "Mistress Mary" By Mrs. J. Spencer Curwen
p. 792 Books
p. 796 Notes and Queries
p. 797 Our Work
p. 800 Prizes, P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 801 Religious Education The Bishop of London
p. 804 Nervous Mechanisms (pt 2?)
p. 816 Standing Erect By J. M. Scott-Moncrieff
p. 827 Der Bucherbund: German Fable Didactic Poetry and Satire. By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 832 The Threefold Education By Leader Scott
p. 841 The Fésole Club Papers IX. A Chip and a Coal By W. G. Collingwood
p. 847 "Forbid Them Not." By Mrs. Colles (Vlaho Bukovac's painting)
p. 854 An Educational Experiment By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 854 Notes and Queries
p. 860 Princess Ida. James Petrie
p. 874 Books
p. 877 By The Way
p. 879 Our Work
p. 881 The Clock-dial. By the Hon. Lady Welby
p. 884 Faith by Eugene Bersier
p. 891 The Fésole Club Papers X. Infinity by W. G. Collingwood
p. 897 Wild Oats By an Old Woman
p. 902 Notes from a Fathers Diary
p. 906 The Castaway
p. 923 Classical Education part 2 by J. S. Mills
p. 926 Examinations and Marks. By J. S. Mills (incuded with the article on Classical Education)
p. 931 Disappointed Mothers. By Alice Powell (inconsistency, crossness, and jealousy can damage relationships, causing maternal regret later)
p. 936 Little Children's Sufferings. By Alice Bateman
p. 941 Children's Sundays By Mrs. Chase
p. 944 Parents and Children: Inconstant Kitty by the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 957 Notes and Queries
p. 959 Notes and Queries (?)
p. 959 P.N.E.U. Notes

Volume 3, 1892/93

p. 001 Higher Religious Education by S.A. Donaldson
p. 010 In Memoriam (about Prince Eddy, whose illness and death left England grieving)
p. 013 Object Teaching, or, Words and Things pts 1 and 2
p. 024 Madame de Staël and the Philosophy of L'Allemagne by Joseph F. Charles pts 1-3
p. 031 A Point of School Hygeine by John Jackson, F.E.L.S.
p. 037 Those Holy Fields Sunday Evening Thoughts for Children by C.H. Chase a multi-part article
p. 043 Seeds of Story from Other Countries a multi-part article
p. 050 Heinerle: The Peasant Artist by Emil Frommel a multi-part article
p. 059 Der Bucherbund (German Hymn) by Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling
p. 071 List of Historical Novels Chronologically Arranged
p. 081 The Religious Training of Children at Home
p. 093 Mother Culture (mother culture)
p. 096 Education by the Rev. M.R. Lutener Pts1 and 2
p. 162 Discipline
p. 167 Hot Burning Coals by Alice Powell
p. 191 Chats with "Tante" by A. Johnson, M.D.
p. 204 English as She Is Taught
p. 247 Out of the Mouths of Babes and Sucklings (Latin)
p. 250 Random Shots and What We May Learn From Them
p. 254 An Oration on Sex Education by Sir James Crichton-Browne, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S pts 1 and 2
p. 267 Flower-Teaching by Dorthea Beale
p. 297 The Home School by Charlotte Mason
p. 320 Mothers and Sons: The Religious Difficulty by Thomas Godolphin Rooper
p. 331 Our Childrens' Book Friends compares Boy and the Sprite
p. 345 The Reed in the River (a story)
p. 349 P.N.E.U. Philosophy by Charlotte Mason
p. 359 Children's Difficulties by E.C.
p. 362 There is No Necessity For It (Over-Pressure in School) by Emily Miall
p. 396 Hygeine as an Integral Part of a Normal Education by A. T. Schofield, M.D., M.R.C.S.
p. 401 The Philosophy of Kant by Madam De Stael
p. 401 The Return of the Prophet and the Psalmist by The Hon. Lady Wel by
p. 424 (First Aid for) Nursery Accidents by Emeline Petrie Steinthal
p. 427 Tried in the Fire by Alice Powell
p. 438 The Fésole Club Papers XI. On a Camp Stool by W. G. Collingwood
p. 445 The Story of Wee Raimy, or Nobody Told Me by E. Seeley parts 1 and 2
p. 481 Formation of Habit by Helen Webb pt 3
p. 481 The History of a Backwards Child (special needs)
p. 491 In A Church a poem by R. L. Barth
p. 561 Religious Education of Young People by The Rev. Prebendary Eyton
p. 567 Early Memories by Mrs. Steinthal
p. 588 Concentration of Purpose in Education by George Radford, parts 1 and 2
p. 594 Suggestions on the Teaching of Self-Rule by Miss Miller
p. 651 The House of Education by Frances Dallas Yorke (an appeal to recognize the need for early training, and attend CM's teacher training program)
p. 657 Froebel, A Guide to Parents
p. 710 Cuttings from L'art D'etre Grand Pere by Victor Hugo (in French)
p. 721 Dante by R.H. Law, M.A.
p. 734 Christmas Angels A story by Violet Picton-Warlow
p. 741 The Question of Over-Pressure in High Schools by A.H.
p. 762 Children's Pets by Caroline Pridham
p. 773 A Legend of the Christmas Rose Adapted from the German by Rudolf Baumbach
p. 801 First Principles by Lady Frederick Cavendish (four foundation principles of teaching at home or school)
p. 805 To Parents (notes from an address)
p. 811 Tennyson by R. H. Law
p. 820 Care of Children's Senses by Dr. Macnaughton Jones Parts 1 and 2
p. 834 Beetles by Rev. A. Thornley, M.A., F.E.S.
p. 841 Recommended Books
p. 841 Regular Columns: Letters to the Editor, Books, Our Work
p. 845 Unreasoning Obedience
p. 881 Ruskin in Relation to Dante Pt I. by Julia Firth.
p. 887 A Study of the 1st Psalm , notes of a lesson for older students by T.G. Rooper
p. 893 The Teaching of Poetry by the Rev Beeching
p. 899 Parents and Teachers by Henry Perrin

Volume 4, 1893/94

p. 001 Ruskin in Relation to Dante Pt II. by Julia Firth
p. 008 The Pot of Green Feathers (ferns) by T. G. Rooper parts 1, 2 and 3 of a multi-part article
p. 017 Training Lessons to Mothers by Lady Isabel Margesson
p. 025 In Memorium discussion of Tennyson's poem by Dorothea Beale
p. 036 Parental Responsibilty by Mrs. Armitage
p. 041 How to Give Religious Instruction by Miss Agnes Mason
p. 045 The Fésole Club Papers XIII. The Life School by W. G. Collingwood
p. 052 Characteristics of Childhood by Robert Durning
p. 057 Education (a poem)
p. 068 Notes by the Way by M. L. Hodgson, House of Education (nature study in spring; what to look for, how to look)
p. 081 The Influence and Teaching of the Educated Mother by Mrs. Alfred Booth
p. 091 In Our Study:Stones by Julia Firth
p. 096 Some Practical Points in the Physical Education of Children by John Mason Pt 1
p. 103 Tel Sono, Japanese Reformer from her autobiography Parts 1-4
p. 118 A Paradise of Birds by H. D. Geldart
p. 122 How to Learn a Language by the Rev. Henry W. Bell
p. 127 Carpaccio (the artist) by Honor Brooke
p. 143 Olaf, or, The Fairy Gifts (a story) Pts 1 and 2 by Mrs. Colles
p. 150 Influence (a poem)
p. 160 A Class (a poem)
p. 170 Practical Studies in Apperception by T. G. Rooper
p. 186 Secondary Education by J. S. Mills
p. 192 Isolated Ponds: A Botanical Study by Edward Linton
p. 241 Bible Teaching Old and New by Mary Petrie
p. 250 Manners
p. 258 Poet Matthew Arnold by R.H. Law
p. 270 Herford's Students' Frobel by T. G. Rooper
p. 279 The Habits of Insects: Spiders by Rev. A. Thornley
p. 321 On Some Aspects of Slojd (also called "sloyd," handicrafts) by C. Russell
p. 334 Signs by Mrs. Colles
p. 344 Brush Drawing Parts 1 and 2 by Mrs. H. Perrin
p. 347 Self-Consciousness in its Relation to Character by F.U.
p. 351 The Pleasures of Collecting Plants by Herbert D. Geldart
p. 359 How to Inculcate Kindness to Animals by Mrs. Wood
p. 361 To A Child Born in April (a poem) by K.E.W.
p. 415 Botanical Waifs and Strays by W.M.Hind
p. 421 Gilbert White's Selborne by the editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 437 School Hours and Holidays in Day Schools for Boys by Charles Simmons
p. 447 Henry Vaughan The Silurist
p. 468 Flower Favorites (how flowers got their names) by Violet Picton-Warlow
p. 481 Prizes in Foreign Schools by Mrs. A. Caumont
p. 490 Thoughts on Flemish Painting (picture study) by Honor Brook
p. 497 Early Bible Reading by Mrs. Hart Davis (teaching Bible in the home, especially the youngest children)
p. 502 Insect Mimicry by Alfred Thornley
p. 510 Holiday Tasks by J.S. Mills
p. 517 Defects of Voice and Speech in Children by Mrs. Emil Behnke
p. 522 Holidays and Some Books to Read in the Holidays by Mrs. Perrin
p. 531 St. George of Merrie Englonde Part 1
p. 561 On One Aspect of Nursery Hygiene by Miss Helen Webb
p. 571 The Last Commandment by M. Petrie
p. 585 On Encouragement of Art by Professor Patrick Geddes
p. 590 Home Training in Relation to the Day School
p. 596 Defence in the Insect World by Rev. A. Thornley
p. 603 Children's Museums by G. M. Bernau
p. 612 A Childhood Appeal by Mrs. Brine
p. 617 Notes on Genesis by H.A. Dallas
p. 630 The Sin of Omission (a poem)
p. 641 A Mother's Letter (How does a mother--or stepmother--of many raise them right?)
p. 649 Home Arithmetic by Mary Everest Boole (Children should discover math's truths before computing and notation.)
p. 655 Music by Herbert Baynes (A poem about heavenly inspiration of music)
p. 656 George Sand "The Story of My Life" Translated by Emily Austin Bull (The wonder and magic of childhood, and childhood memories.)
p. 662 Religious Education by J. S. Mills (Should public education be Christian, Unitarian, or secular?)
p. 672 The Parents' Association of America Pt 1 by George William Winterburn, Edward A. Bradley, S. S. Packard. (Teaching parenting skills)
p. 692 Mothers as Sick Nurses by Alice Powell. (Mother is often best help in illness, if she is educated and calm.)
p. 697 Aunt Mai's Budget
p. 721 History by H.B. (History is the struggle between time, place, human actions, fate.)
p. 728 Drawing in Infant Schools Pt I. by T. G. Rooper (Children draw from memory and tricks, not observation.)
p. 734 A Recitative: School and Home by Dorothea Beale (For seniors to sing with teachers before they go home.)
p. 738 The Rise and Aims of Modern Botany Pt I. by Professor Patrick Geddes (History of botany as a scientist)
p. 747 Christmas Greetings by Charlotte Mason (Child abuse; spoiling is a type of abuse; the PNEU can help. Carol "What do the Angels Sing of Thee?")
p. 752 Sussex Branch of the Junior Archaeological Society (Student letters re: trip to Lewes Castle, Cowdray Estate.)
p. 801 Family Life (Modern pressures make home culture more important, and mothers more valuable.)
p. 817 Drawing in Infant Schools Pt II. by T. G. Rooper (Children draw what's in their mind, not what's actually there.)
p. 822 The Teaching of History Pt I. by H.B. (Why learn history; bards, early chronicles, Herodotus, ideal history chart)
p. 827 The Rise and Aims of Modern Botany Pt II. by Professor Patrick Geddes (Science must always move forward. Teaching and text suggestions.)
p. 833 The Food and Clothing of Children Beyond Infancy Pt I. by Helen Wilson (Children's diets: lots of milk and fat, a little meat, fruit, vegetables.)
p. 846 How Are PNEU Principles to be Spread Amongst The Poor? by Isabella Copeland. (Spreading PNEU principles via mothers meetings, cottage visits)
p. 850 Animals as Playmates by G. G. F. (Choice of pet; training a dog; teaching kindness)
p. 854 Home Algebra and Geometry by Mary Everest Boole (Early play with mathematical concepts can prevent many math problems.)
p. 858 A Calendar January 1893 (Explaining the calendar; church history dates with quotes for reflection.)
p. 881 Taking Counsel (Choosing a spouse, conversing with children, grown daughters, spiritual growth.)
p. 890 History: Teaching Practically Considered Pt II. by H.B. (Start with fairy tales, family history chart, then world history chart.)
p. 897 The Rise and Aims of Modern Botany Pt III. by Professor Patrick Geddes (Make discoveries; learn more than facts and teach others.)
p. 904 Drawing in Infant Schools Pt I. by T. G. Rooper (Geometric vs natural curves. How to teach children to observe properly.)
p. 913 The Food and Clothing of Children Beyond Infancy Pt II. by Helen Wilson (Meal timing; dressing for warmth and movement.)
p. 920 PNEU Natural History Club by Isabel Margesson. (Lectures, exhibition, systematic study will help parents love nature enough to teach it.)
p. 932 A Calendar (February 1893, monthly dates, mostly church history)

Volume 5 1894/95

p. 001 The Training of Girls for Professional Life. Pt I. By Edith A. Barnett
p. 014 History: Teaching Practically Considered Pt III. By H.B. (Geography, industry, religion affect a country's history. History chart.)
p. 019 Children's Books By Mrs. Sophie Bryant, D.Sc. (Guidelines and title suggestions for building a family library.)
p. 024 The Fésole Club Papers XV. Niobe. by W. G. Collingwood. (Problems with finding human models; sketch a model or a stone.)
p. 028 Nääs . By J. Russell. (The Swedish village where Herr Abrahamson teaches sloyd.)
p. 030 Punishment by G. F. F. (Punishment is used by God, and is sometimes necessary.)
p. 034 Beethoven Pt I. by Frank Barton (Development of instrumental music; Beethoven's childhood.)
p. 041 This Restless Age (Constant amusement causes an inability to tolerate tedium, surmount difficilties, and reflect.)
p. 045 Pages for the Children By M. Simpson (The life story of the caddis fly.)
p. 051 Aunt Mai's Budget (Recipes: Holiday Pudding, Hot Pot; gardening; crafts; clay modelling; Robin poem; linnet story.)
p. 068 A Calendar: March by Julia Firth (Historical timeline with quotes for reflection.)
p. 071 Books (Reviews: These Little Ones, Powell; Mon Journal, Hachette and Cie; Letter to the Editor)
p. 073 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Glendenning desk; fairy tales; hygiene lectures; request for children's drawings; training; Sozoptic paper)
p. 077 Our Work (Test results affected by flu; corrected error.)
p. 079 P.N.E.U. Notes (PNEU Purpose and Leaders; Branch secretaries)
p. 081 An Inquiry into the Formation of Habit in Man. Pt I. By Alfred T. Schofield, Esq., MD, MRSC, &c (Parts of the brain; acquired reflexes aka habits)
p. 092 The Training of Girls for Professional Life by Edith A. Barnett. (Willingness to work, proper training, going for unpopular work will ensure success.)
p. 099 Belgian Education. By G. G. F. (A glowing description of Belgium schools.)
p. 102 The Mental and Moral Training of Children Pt I. By Jas. Welton, M.A. (Morality is passed on through family life. School compliments, doesn't drive, culture. Faculties.)
p. 110 Our Girls Pt I. By Emily Miall. (Robust health prepares a girl for either career or motherhood.)
p. 116 The Ragged Schools of London By William Main. (Charity institutions to teach skills to destitute children.)
p. 124 The Fésole Club Papers XVI. The Canon. by W. G. Collingwood. (Measurements of the ideal human figure. And a jam pot.)
p. 127 Beethoven. Pt II. By Frank Barton, F.R.C.O. (From his first visit to Vienna, to his death.)
p. 134 A Calendar: April (Timeline of historical events with quotes for reflection.)
p. 138 Aunt Mai's Budget (For children: April gardening, recipes for Paul Cakes, Gingerbread Snaps; story about a linnet.)
p. 153 Books (Reviews: The Little Folks' Annual; Honor Bright, or the Four-leaved Shamrock, Whitaker; A Lost Piece of Silver, Edith Vernon's Life-Work, F.M.S.; Illustrated Manual of Hand and Eye Training, Goetze; Directions for Chip Carving, Bury; The Human Body, Lankester, Letters to the Editor)
p. 154 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Attribution correction; educational card game; boys busy hand work?)
p. 157 Our Work (Fishing boats are great places to see interesting sea specimens.)
p. 159 P.N.E.U. Notes (New central office in London, branch meetings and lectures; Mellin's Food awarded.)
p. 161 Forward! by P.N.E.U. Central Council President (New PNEU central office, new headquarters for Parents' Review)
p. 164 The Mental and Moral Training of Children Pt II By James Welton, M.A. (New knowledge must relate to what we already know. Stories; local nature.)
p. 173 Our Girls Pt II by Emily Maill (Individual talents/interests need leisure time and supercede dull lessons.)
p. 178 An Inquiry into the Formation of Habit in Man. Pt II. By Alfred T. Schofield, Esq., MD, MRSC, &c (Is Habit instinct, evolution, or voluntary? How to set habits, which habits.)
p. 190 Home Life. By A. F. S. (Fathers, not children, should be the center of home. Nurses should be lower class.)
p. 195 On Self-Culture. Pt I. By J. Saxon Mills (Education should make us moral and better at living.)
p. 200 Backward Boys. By C. E. Egan, BA, Tutor. (Late bloomers can become brilliant or heroic. Best trusted to loving mothers when young.)
p. 205 The Religious Training of Children by Rev. H. Bickersteth Ottley (Good examples, sound teaching, Sundays made special, service)
p. 210 The Fésole Club Papers XVII. Attitude by W. G. Collingwood. (Drawing people in different poses, or "attitudes.")
p. 213 A Calendar: May (A timeline of historical events to reflect on each day)
p. 217 Aunt Mai's Budget (May gardening, recipes: Raspberry Cream, Soup; caddis flies, newts, dragonfly larva)
p. 228 Books (Reviews: The Street of Human Habitations, Lineham; The Country Month by Month, Owen and Boulger P.R. Letter Bag: Christianizing boys)
p. 232 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Ragged Schools; kids outdoor kitchen; responses to Child's Library; orderly habits; housewife training home)
p. 236 Our Work (New trained PNEU teachers; PR School assessment; insects, bees)
p. 238 P.N.E.U. Notes (Purpose and officers; branch meetings.)
p. 241 Boys, Girls and Character. By Mrs. A.H.D. Acland
p. 241Child Training, Children's Questions. By A.S. Acland
p. 255 History and Fiction by H.B. (History without interest and imagination via historical fiction is hard to grasp. Walter Scott.)
p. 267 About Nutrition. By Phusis
p. 275 A Lesson
p. 277, 362, 513, 689 Lessons From Darwin. By J.M. Haycraft
p. 281 Altruism as a Factor in Education. By M.E.A
p. 284 Nature's Flying Machines By Rev. A. Thornley, MA, FES
p. 297 Girls Again. By E.M
p. 317 Our Girls' Clothes By Mrs. Pardon
p. 321 A Child's Leisure. By L. Ormistan Chant
p. 329 Parents' National Educational Union
p. 336 Modern Education from a Parent's Point of View. By Isabel Baynes
p. 352 About Nerve Centers. By Phusis
p. 366 The Modern Training of Girls
p. 409 The Psychology of Childhood. By Seymour G. Tremenheere, H.M.I
p. 421 The Revolt of the Daughters By Mary S. Simon
p. 426 P.N.E.U. Principles. By the Editor (Charlotte Mason) (From vol 2; bright children only need good mental habits and ideas.)
p. 432 Notes on Secular Education in the United States, 1889. By Ellen Stones
p. 444, 357 The Teaching of Needlework
p. 490 School Punishments. By C.E. Egan, B.A., Tutor
p. 495 The Happiness of an Only Child. By G.G.F
p. 499 Notes on French and English Secondary Schools. By J. Saxon Mills, M.A
p. 510 Children's Life Histories By H. Franklin
p. 516 Visible Music Facts and Speculation. By J. Ashcroft Noble
p. 527 Who Shall Have Charge of Children By Francis M. Smee
p. 531 Boy's Schools. By P.N. Macmahon
p. 535 The Wayward Princess. By Mrs. Murray Hickson
p. 561 "He was born with a temper." By Leader Scott
p. 570 How Time may be Industriously Wasted at School. By Emily Miall
p. 578 A Few Suggestions for the Management of Young Children. By Rev. R.H., Mrs. Hart Davis and Hastings Guilford, FRCS
p. 586, 675, 893 My Grandmother's Daughters
p. 608, 681 The Teaching of Geography and Social Science By Paul de Rousier (translated by permission of the author)
p. 641 The Art of Breathing as applied to Physical Development. By A. L. Hoper Dixon, Surgeon-Captain, AMS
p. 652 The Musician
p. 656 Nurseries. By Mrs. Powell
p. 663 On Punishment. By J.A. Badley, M.A
p. 675, 586, 893 My Grandmothers Daughters
p. 712 Our Children's Holidays By Mrs. Manning
p. 721 Our Children's Holidays. By Mrs. Manning
p. 735 A Father's Place in Home Training. By a Father
p. 738 What Children Read. By M.P. Peters
p. 744 The Training of the Imagination. By A. Westlake Andrews, B.A., F.R. Hist.S
p. 757 Suggestions. By a Mother
p. 765 On Nursery Management By A.C. Cambell
p. 801 Our Children As Observers of Nature. By G.R. Wynne, D.D
p. 807 Attention. By Mrs. Wolryche-Whitmore
p. 813 Scale Howe By the Rev. Canon Rawnsley
p. 815 Implicit Obedience
p. 821 The Minimising of Suffering By Mrs. Boole
p. 834, 908 The Art of Book-Reading. By Mrs. A. Caumont
p. 841, 923 Editorial
p. 881 The Relation of School to Home. By Miss H. S. Powell
p. 897 The Voices of Our Children By Mrs. Emil Behnke
p. 908 Sensation. By Mrs. M. Wolryche-Whitmore
p. 913 Tact
p. 917 Our Girls' Clothes. By Mrs. Pardon

Volume 6 1895/96

p. 001 A Naturalist's Calendars March and April. By Alfred Thornley, M.A., F.E.S
p. 005, 99, 174, 241 How to Teach Bible to Our Children By the Rev. Henry Seeley
p. 010, 196 When I Was a Little Girl. By G.G.F
p. 020 Perception. By Mrs. M. Wolryche-Whitmore
p. 026 Tintoret. By Miss Honor Brooke
p. 037 Fresh Air. By Two Mothers
p. 045 Our Girls' Clothes By Mrs. Purdon
p. 081, 275 Some of the Higher Views of Parental Responsibility By E. Downes, M.D
p. 089 Abstract of an Article on Children's Lies. By Miss Walker
p. 104 Nutrition and Habit, By Mrs. M. Wolryche-Whitmore
p. 110 Imaginations as Cultivated by the Teaching of Geography and History by M. P. (Geography, history come alive with living details, not dry facts.)
p. 118 Cleanliness and Water. By Two Mothers
p. 125 Physical Education By Mary Crossthwaite
p. 131 What is Truth? By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 161, 253 Bad Bringing Up. By T.G. Rooper
p. 168 The Will, By Mrs. M. Wolryche-Whitmore
p. 180 Tact
p. 184 Criticism that Teachers Desire. By Miss Edith Aitken
p. 209 Accidents. By Two Mothers
p. 246 Notes of a Lesson Arithmetic By Miss Dorothea Beale
p. 260 In a Vision of the Night
p. 267 Memories of Arnold and Rugby Sixty Years Ago By Mrs. M. Wolryche-Whitmore
p. 283 Discipline. By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 290, 367 Symptoms of Illness. By Two Mothers
p. 321The Migration of Birds,. By R.G. Wardlaw Ramsay, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U
p. 331, 433, 499, 565 Interest of Life in Childhood and Youth. By the Rev C.A. Whittuck
p. 338 Schools of Port Royal, The Little. By J. Saxon Mills, M.A
p. 349 Should not Purity have the First Word?
p. 354 Common Sense. By Mrs. M. Wolryche-Whitmore
p. 360 Suggestions for Lessons Aiming at the Development of Thought and Imagination By Miss M. B. Porter
p. 370 The Ethics of Punishment By Mrs. Henry Baynes
p. 401 P.N.E.U. An Address by the Earl of Meath, President
p. 405 The Parents' Part in the Religious Training of Boys By Rev. F. B. Wescott
p. 416 The Secrets of Nature By Mary L. Armitt
p. 419 Geometry--Notes of an Address. By Dorothea Beale
p. 423 The Care of Children's Teeth. By W. Penfold
p. 437 Imagination. By Mrs. M. Wolryche-Whitmore
p. 443 Female Education Two Hundred Years Ago. By Mrs. A. Marks
p. 452, 532 Food to be given in the Nursery By Two Mothers
p. 473 Report of the Annual Meeting of the P.N.E.U.
p. 481 The Cost of Cheap Success By Mrs. Boole
p. 487, 585 Cultivation of the Intellect, By Miss C. L. Maynard
p. 498 Unrest and Rest
p. 509, 576 Athens, A Historical Study. By H. Beveridge, Esq
p. 517 Milton's Letter on Education. By J. Saxon Mills, M.A
p. 526 Good Manners in the Seventeenth Century By Mrs. Alfred Marks
p. 561 The Stamp of Education on Life By Adeline, Duchess of Bedford
p. 595 The Great Clothes Question Two Hundred Years Ago By Mrs. Alfred Marks
p. 600 Miss Edgeworth as a Writer on Education,. By Mary E. Porter
p. 607 An Old Bookshelf By J.H. Watt
p. 612, 690 Clothing. By Two Mothers
p. 632 Greek Education. By Howard Swan
p. 641, 754, 833 Memories of Arnold and Rugby Sixty Years Ago
p. 649 Signs of the Times. By Mrs. H. Baynes
p. 660 On the Elementary Study of Browning By May Bateman
p. 668 Kindergarten System. The By Miss Gunsberg
p. 678 Revue pour les Jeunes Filles By Miss W. L. Rooper
p. 685 Able To Teach First Lessons. By Miss S.B.K. Warren
p. 721, 922 Hygienic Art Needlework By Mrs. Boole
p. 729 Some Suggestions for our "Squandered Girlhood." By M. H. James
p. 741 A New Method of Teaching History. By Miss Beatrice Taylor
p. 746 Immortality in Literature, Specified in Carlyle, George Eliot and Robert Browning. By Lily H. Montagu
p. 760 A Musical Baby
p. 764 Autumn Plants. By Sophia Armitt
p. 768 The Eternal Child. By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 816 A Plea for Ailing Children,. By L. Dougall
p. 801 The Value of Hardness in Education By Mrs. Creighton
p. 809 The Intellectual Position of Christians. By E. M. Caillard Pt 1 Introductory Remarks
p. 896 The Intellectual Position of Christians. By E. M. Caillard Pt 2 Man and the Order of Nature
p. 823, 930 A Rough Plan for the Teaching of History By Mrs. J. Porter-Porter
p. 842 A Mother's Diary. Contributed by Miss Beale
p. 850, 938 Whence and Whither. By the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 881 Children Past and Present. By L.T. Meade
p. 888 A Plea for Some Other People's Girl-Children.
p. 903 Teaching and Education. By Miss Simon
p. 913 Seed time with the Buds By Mary L. Armitt
p. 913 Seed-time with the Birds. By Mary L. Armitt

Volume 7, 1896

p. 001 Maternal Self Sacrifice: True and False . Pt 1 by Julia Wedgwood (Thankfully, parental tyranny is in the past, but so is the unity it brought.)
p. 001 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (Children: make an aquarium, recipes: Dutch Sauce, French pancakes. George o' Dreams, King of Fancies)
p. 008 The First Stage in Arithmetic pt 1 by Rev Quick (Teach facts, avoid conventions and notations, use manipulatives. Text suggestions.)
p. 013 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Frances Steinthal (Medicating cats; recipes: Chocolate Pralines, Bread Dumplings; The Invisible Kingdom; ancient story books)
p. 018 The Intellectual Position of Christians by E. M. Caillard Pt 3 The Facts of the Christian Revelation (Historical accuracy of scripture; personality of God; Trinity; sacrifice)
p. 024 Children Past and Present by L. T. Meade (Old-fashioned sternness builds hardiness, but love and a happy childhood are more bracing.)
p. 025 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (Children's Section: recipes for Christmas Chocolate Buns, Orange Salad. Elephant story. Lang's Animal Stories.)
p. 031 Memories of Arnold and Rugby 60 Years Ago , cont. by A Member of the School (Memories of Thomas Arnold at Rugby School; bullying, soccer)
p. 039 Gaiety in Education: or, a Study in Augustine and Calvin Pt 1 by T. G. Rooper (Laughter is conducive to health and good disposition. Laughter in childhood and in history.)
p. 046 A Mother's Diary contributed by Miss Beale (A mother in India around 1850 chronicles her toddler's growth.)
p. 052 The Great Recognition by Charlotte Mason. (All great concepts, even math and grammar, are God's truth and, therefore, not secular.)
p. 060 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (children's section: prizes, assignments, a poem, recipes for macaroni cheese and rhubarb mould, a fairy story)
p. 071 Books (Reviews: Professional Women upon their Professions, Bateson; Chronological Chart of Contemporaneous Literature, Heath; Principles of Education, Sewell; The Education of the Feelings, Bray; Elements of Morality, Bray; Primer of Psychology, Ladd; R.T.S. Health at Home. No. 2 Moral Training of Children, Schofield; Women Workers Report of Conference)
p. 075 Our Work (Lantern gift; exams delayed; Natural History Club)
p. 076 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Frewen Lord books, complaint about boys school conditions)
p. 077 P.N.E.U. Notes (Books gifted to the library; lectures given at various PNEU branches)
p. 081 Repressed Initiative in Children pt 1 by G. R. Wilson (Too much caution, no free spirit can stifle real life. Let girls play rough.)
p. 090 The Development of the Religious Instinct in the Child by Elinor Welldon (Reverence is caught, not taught.)
p. 097 Food in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence Pt 1 by F. Godfrey (Elements: fats, carbs, minerals. Mother's milk. Regularity, quantity, cleanliness, feeding bottles.)
p. 105 Lessons Before School Pt 1 by R Somervell (Preparing for boarding school: memory, understanding, observation, imagination. Early math.)
p. 114 Maternal Self Sacrifice: True and False Pt 2 by Julia Wedgwood (Justice means not always giving in to children to appease them. Moms have rights, too.)
p. 121 The Intellectual Position of Christians by E. M. Caillard Pt 4 The Relation Between God and the Order of Nature According to the Christian Revelation (God's relationship with man is personal -- a father. Sin and how to transcend it.)
p. 127 Memories of Arnold and Rugby 60 Years Ago , cont. (Memories of a classical education taught by Thomas Arnold at Rugby School.)
p. 136 Gaiety in Education: or, a Study in Augustine and Calvin pt 2 by T. G. Rooper (Depriving Sundays of amusements doesn't promote holy thoughts.)
p. 142 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (Rats and guinea pigs; recipes for chocolate caramel, gooseberry fool; pet squirrels; frog story.)
p. 151 Books (incomplete)
p. 153 Our Work/P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 156 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Overworked students, assessing the worth of work by its pay, women at Oxford, patriotism.)
p. 161 Goads by Canon Scott Holland (Learning takes effort, practice, discipline--which may require prodding.)
p. 170 Food in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence Pt 2 by F. Godfrey (Sterilized milk, rusks, plain wholesome food, suet pudding, bacon, and every good thing.)
p. 179 What to Do with Our Girls by Miss Soulsby (Character is more important than modern education; teaching is a high and noble calling.)
p. 186 First Stage in Arithmetic pt 2 by Rev R. H. Quick (Memorizing sums makes math easier later. Ingenious drill exercise. What makes a good math teacher.)
p. 195 Thoughts for Young Mothers by Mrs. Ashley Carus-Wilson (Mary Petrie) (raising children to what end? Service to the Lord)
p. 203 The Intellectual Position of Christians by E. M. Caillard Pt 5 The Scientific Aspect of Nature and the Christian Revelation (Common knowledge; evolution not opposed to the Christian revelation)
p. 209 Repressed Initiative in Children pt 2 by G. R. Wilson (Sports good for girls; individuality, open-mindedness, freedom; a vision of ideal womanhood)
p. 218 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (Recipes: boiled eggs, 'Poor Knights;' Bee-keeping; story: Enchanted Spider)
p. 228 P.N.E.U. Library (missing 228-231)
p. 233 Our Work (Opening for probationers; nature collections.)
p. 235 The "P.R." Letter Bag (leisurely childhood; MEC Library; overwork)
p. 237 P.N.E.U. Notes (Book donations; happenings/lecture summaries in various branches.)
p. 241 Obedience pt 1 by Henry Beveridge (the importance and role of obedience in determining the child's future)
p. 248 National Education: A Historical Sketch by Henry Hallgate (The Royal Commission of 1895 recommended broad changes to keep pace with other countries.)
p. 262 A Short List of Books on Educational Subjects by James Welton (divided into categories: Ethical, Psychology, Educational Principles, Kindergarten, Home Education)
p. 276 Intellectual Postion of Christians by E. M. Caillard Pt 6 The Scientific Aspect of Nature and the Christian Revelation, cont. (God's revelation to man had to be in the form of a human.)
p. 282 Character and the Modern Press by J. Saxon Mills (Sensational news discourages a taste for real reading and personal reflection.)
p. 286 Sensations, Feelings, Emotions pt 1 by Charlotte Mason (Sensations should be trained to serve the person rather than rule him.)
p. 295 Lessons Before School pt 2 by R. Somervell (Early grammar, foreign language, Latin, history, geography, science, Bible)
p. 303 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (Kids section: contests, tortoises, custard recipe, story of an insect party)
p. 311 Books/ Our Work/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes (Book reviews: Exercises for the Study of French, Brandon and Dariaux; Life of Thoreau, Salt; The Courtship of Morrice Buckler, Mason; The Art of Reading and Speaking, Fleming; Life of St. Francis of Assisi, Sabater; Adeline, Countess Schimmelmann, Foggitt; Clay-Modeling and Object Lessons, Steinthal and Simpson; The Story of a Piece of Coal, Martin; Embroidery Without Outline, Hughes; Simple Object Lessons from Nature, Dickens; New Recitations for Infants and Babies, Pickering; PNEU Happenings; Book warning; Education Bill; Branch Events)
p. 321 Money by Dorothea Beale (Money itself is not evil if used wisely.)
p. 332 Natural History as an Educational Discipline by Arthur Thomson (Nature necessary for the well-rounded education of a whole person; pts 1 and 2)
p. 340 Some Methods of Teaching Geography pt 1 by F. R. Burrows (Geography can be taught to very young children by answering their questions at home.)
p. 348 The Intellectual Position of Christians by E. M. Caillard Pt 7 Man and the Christian Revelation (Disorder means disease, discord, and sin. Order brings unity.)
p. 356 Is Patriotism Worth Cultivating? by Rev C. P. Greene (Proper pride in country inspires community over self-interest and holds a nation accountable.)
p. 361 Hints by the Way pt 1 (Visiting relatives, other people's children, untypical girls)
p. 370 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (Recipe for cherry jelly; Story of a sweet pea flower.)
p. 382 Report of First Annual Meeting (Address by Charlotte Mason: PNEU's success and future)
p. 390 Books/Our Work/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes (Book reviews: A Wandering Scholar in the Levant, Hogarth; God's Garden: Sunday Talks with Boys, Foxell; Knowledge, Duty and Faith: a Study of Principles Ancient and Modern, Acland; The Life of Bishop Ken, Clarke; The Flower Seller, and other Poems, Lindsay; House of Ed doings; promoting the PNEU, secular vs religious teaching; Memory)
p. 401 Home Life and the Higher Education of Women by Mrs. Creighton Pt 1 and 2 (Does higher education detract from womanliness?)
p. 414 Some Methods of Teaching Geography pt 2 by F. R. Burrows (Geography is the link connecting language, science, history, commerce, missions.)
p. 426 Obedience II: Compulsory Obedience by Henry Beveridge (Willing obedience begins with compulsory compliance.)
p. 434 Natural History as an Educational Discipline by Arthur Thomson (How to teach about real, living things; pts 1 and 2 posted together)
p. 443 The Intellectual Position of Christians by E. M. Caillard Pt 8 The Relation of the Scriptures to the Christian Revelation (Scripture can teach truth apart from being literally true.)
p. 451 Some Thoughts on the Origin of Romanesque Architecture by Honor Brooke (The novelty of rounded arches resting on capitals; with linked examples)
p. 462 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (For and by children: story of fairy and discontent; gingersnap recipe)
p. 474 Our Work/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes (incomplete; missing 477-480)
p. 481 The Religious Training of Children by Rev H.J. Wotherspoon (Religion and reverence are caught from nurses, school, home; children need real church services.)
p. 495 Greatest Common Measure by Mrs. Boole (Math: crown-molding as a visual to teach GCM)
p. 500 Home Life and the Higher Education of Women by Mrs. Creighton Pt 1 and 2 (With sympathetic scheduling, girls can continue to study at home.)
p. 513 Hints on Cycling for Women by G Ainslie Johnston (Cycling is healthy and, with some precautions, safe for women.)
p. 521 Irritability in Plants by Sophia Armitt (Plants move, even in "sleep," as they respond to stimuli.)
p. 527 On Old English Castles by C. Fortescue Yonge (The architecture and parts of castles can tell us a lot about history. Fascinating!)
p. 538 The Intellectual Position of Christians by E. M. Caillard Pt 9 The Resurrection of the Body (Is physical resurrection scientifically possible?)
p. 545 Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal (Children's insert; includes a child's work about a mermaid named Girlie)
p. 556 Books/Our Work/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes (Book reviews: The Voice and Spiritual Education, Corson; What Shall I Tell the Children, Reichel; Exam results; Letters: Children's Thoughts, morals without religion; Nature Club: no killing!)
p. 561 The Fine Arts and Education pt 1 by Francis Bate (Paintings encourage us to see details, light, color, more accurately.)
p. 572 The Intellectual Position of Christians by E. M. Caillard Pt 10 Will and Belief (We can choose to give spiritual realities priority in our minds.)
p. 581 Hints by the Way pt 2 (Unaffectionate children, feelings of injustice, teasing, rudeness)
p. 592 Nursery Hygeine by George Batten, M.D. (The latest advice on feeding, ventilation, dressing for warmth and free movement)
p. 604 The Faults of Children by Hastings Gilford (Children can be spoiled with harshness as well as leniency.)
p. 614 Sensations, Feelings, Emotions pt 2 by Charlotte Mason (Memories can bring joy later, and we can inspire positive feelings in our children.)
p. 622 Some of Our Walks by M. L. Hodgson (Flowers seen while hiking various locations around Ambleside)
p. 628 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Nature study with charity children; selling used books)
p. 629 The "Exam": An Appeal by Neil Wynn Williams (An author bemoans the competitive exam system; reform it with public nominations.)
p. 637 A Meditation for Parents by Rev. Canon Liddell (Ps 144: children as plants, drawn out through education, and stones polished by education.)
p. 642 Memory by Rev W Hume Campbell (Interest, repetition, and attention help memory; what's worth memorizing?)
p. 651 The Beech Tree's Annal pt 1 by Mary Armitt (Birds around a tree from November to April)
p. 660 Matthew Arnold: His Influence on Education (A biography of the poet who worked as an inspector of schools.)
p. 667 Medical Aspects of Education pt 1 by Percy Lewis (Sufficient water and plenty of exercise benefit the brain as well as the body.)
p. 674 The Fine Arts and Education pt 2 by Francis Bate (Illusion of diffused light on a poppy, perspective, geometrical projection; sense of sight)
p. 681 Armenia by Rev. Canon Rawnsley (Poems and pleas for relief in response to the Hamidian Massacres)
p. 685 Books/ Our Work/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes (Books reviewed: School and Home Life, Rooper; The Natural Religion, Staley; Mammals of Land and Sea, Bell; The Child and its Spiritual Nature, Lewis; The Mother's Three Friends, Green; The Story of the Gospels, for the use of Children, Trench; Dress and Health, Jessop; Hygiene of the Nursery, Starr; A Cluster of Quiet Thought, Langbridge. Rawnsley's Letter about the plight of Christians in Muslim Armenia. Poetry for children. Schofield on "The Unconscious Mind.")
p. 697 The Flute Player , a poem by Caryl Battersby (A musician struggles home in a snowstorm.)
p. 699 Taking Things for Granted by Mary Everest Boole (Readers often misunderstand nature references in classics, causing misjudgments.)
p. 704 Medical Aspects of Education pt 2 by Dr. Percy Lewis (Conditions that hinder learning - tuberculosis, chronic congestion, anemia, etc.)
p 712 The Child Depicted by Poets by Mrs. Stanton (Snippets from great poets illustrate the child's nature.)
p. 724 The Beech Tree's Annal pt 2 by Mary Armitt (Visitors to a beech tree from March-Sept: rooks, nomadic jackdaws, and other birds)
p. 732 Some Remarks on Playthings (choosing toys) by Mrs. Norman Hill (Toys should be few, safe, and indestructible. Books should be well-chosen.)
p. 737 Pencil Sketch from Nature by a Mother (A mother describes the charm of reading a story to her toddler.)
p. 742 Christmas Plays for Children (Book review: Fairy Tale Plays, Bell; guiding children from make-believe to acting.)
p. 749 A New Departure , T.G. Rooper (An idea for a correspondence competition for older students)
p. 750 Books/Our Work/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes (Books reviewed: Sentimental Tommy, Barrie; A Child-World, Riley; The Animal Story Book, Lang; The Piebald Horse, and other Stories, Burrell; The Mind of the Master, Watson; The Eversley Series; Dante, and other Essays, Church; Miscellaneous Essays, Church; Historical Essays, Lightfoot; Contemporary Thought and Thinkers, Hutton; Poems of William Wordsworth, Knight; Essays on the History of Religious Thought in the West, Westcott; Modern Guides of English Thought in Matter: of Faith, Hutton; French Poets and Novelists, James. Also, responses to "An Anxious Mother" about success of the P.R. School; child-mind parallels history of civilization)
Aunt Mai's Budget by Mrs. Francis Steinthal

Volume 8, 1897

p. 001 The Position of Play in a System of Rational Education Parts 1, 2 and 3 by J. Strachan, Esq. MD. (The mind feeds on ideas made interesting, and that may look like play. Recommended reading.)
p. 010 Winter Studies: Galls and Birds by Mary L. Armitt (November: Lake District gall wasps and the chaffinches that eat them.)
p. 017 On True Education by W. J. Tyson, M.D. (Proper exercise, food, clothing, gradual mental training, moral religious teaching.)
p. 026 Hints to Young Piano Teachers by Mathilde Diez (In learning music, proper technique is necessary from the beginning.)
p. 034 A Lesson in Geography For All Ages by Miss S. F. Stead pt 1 (Relating the historical stories of geographical areas adds adventure and interest.)
p. 039 On City Companies , A Holiday article by Miss C. F. Yonge (Historical guilds of London; Dick Whittington, Holbein, etc.)
p. 051 Recollections of Miss Clough by Charlotte Mason (Anne Clough and the history of the P.N.E.U.; her focus on keeping it local.)
p. 057 Books
p. 059 Our Work
p. 060 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 062 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 069 Know Thy Opportunity by Rev. F. S. Colman (Childhood is short; use the time to nurture happiness, helpfulness, excellence.)
p. 076 Nursery Examples of Fractions by Mrs. Boole (Cutting cake, dividing apples, sharing a lily can illustrate fractions and discrimination.)
p. 083 Willing Obedience by Henry Beveridge (The parent's "prevenience" results in the child's obedience.)
p. 092 A Lesson in Geography. To Children of All Ages, by Miss S. F. Stead (part 2)
p. 097 Candour in Children by Arthur Ransom (Candour is related to truthfulness and can be encouraged and role modelled.)
p. 105 The Position of Play in a System of Rational Education by J. Strachan, parts 1, 2 and 3 (The mind feeds on ideas made interesting, and that may look like play. Recommended reading.)
p. 112 Mental Arithmetic by Amy Pridham (Little math questions are fun and encourage accuracy, discipline, and attention.)
p. 119 and 176 A Rational Lesson , pt 1 and 2, by S. De Brath (Planning lessons step by step in various subjects; start with what is known. . .)
p. 126 Books
p. 128 Our Work
p. 129 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 132 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 137 Backward Children part 1
p. 146 The Claims of the Literary Side in Education by Miss O'Connor (Science seeks to destroy Christianity; literature makes us more humane)
p. 151 Mr. Isaac Taylor's 'Home Education" by Katharine L. Hart-Davis (An early advocate of delayed homeschooling: "Let play be play and nothing else.")
p. 162 Winter Buds by Sophia Armitt (Even the coldest months show us buds and twig variations.)
p. 170 A Father's Influence by Agatha M. Goodhart (Be a good example; consult mother about schooling; allowance, career influence)
p. 185 Docility and Authority by Charlotte Mason, part 1 (Authority stems from God; republished as ch 1 in vol 3, School Education)
p. 193 Books
p. 194 Our Work (one page, 196 , is already typed)
p. 197 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 199 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 205 On The Value of Authority by Charles D. Olive (Authority should be used reasonably in the child's best interests, not tyrannically.)
p. 217 Sensations and Impressions in Early Childhood by E. Hughes-Gibb (Childhood has a magical charm, but children don't have the words to express it.)
p. 226 The Sphere of Home Influence in School Life, Part 1 by the Rev. W. C. Compton
p. 234 On the Choice of Schools for Girls by H. J. Turner
p. 242 Two Lakeland Warblers I. The Garden Warbler by M. L. Armitt
p. 247 The College by Post by Alice A. E. Martin
p. 255 Backward (Handicapped) Children part 2 by E. Downes (teaching special needs children physically, intellectually, spiritually)
p. 264 Books
p. 265 Our Work
p. 266 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 267 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 273 Obedience, or, The Place of Military Discipline in Education by T. G. Rooper
p. 282 Two Lakeland Warblers: II. The Blackcap Warbler by Mary L. Armitt
p. 287 The Doctrine of Moral Discernment
p. 293 The Tragedy of Childhood by Miss H. L. Harvey
p. 298 A Rational Lesson , part 2, by S. De Brath (Learning should result in practical skills and action.)
p. 307 The Sphere of Home Influence in School Life Part 2 by the Rev. W. C. Compton p. 317 The Children's Point of View by Agatha Goodhart
p. 323 Docility and Authority Part 2 by Charlotte Mason
p. 331 Books
p. 332 Our Work
p. 335 Obituary (Miss Emily Shirreff)
p. 335 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 337 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 341 At School on Hampstead Heath Part 1 by Mrs. Grinrod (Children should grow up in a natural place like Hampstead Heath, learning geology first-hand.)
p. 350 An Essay on the Teaching of Reading by F. B. Lott (Using Gouin's foreign language method to teach English phonics)
p. 359 Reading and Recitation Pt 1 by T. G. Rooper, H.M.I. (Language: correct pronunciation, proper grammar, using full sentences, discouraging dialect. Phonics, look/say.)
p. 365 Mental Overstrain in Education by G.E. Shuttleworth (Children have individual abilities; exams and pressure to meet standards cause stress.)
p. 375 Water Plants by S. Armitt (Botany descriptions in summer. Quillwort.)
p. 382 The Position of Play in a System of Rational Education by J. Strachan, parts 1, 2 and 3 (The mind feeds on ideas made interesting, and that may look like play. Recommended reading.)
p. 388 Books
p. 402 Our Work
p. 404 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 406 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 388 Some Aspects of Physical Training Emphasized by the P.N.E.U. by Charlotte Mason (Heroic character and habit are the point of physical fitness; republished in CM's vol 3.)
p. 396 The Queen's Long Reign (Children's letters to Queen Victoria in her Diamond Jubilee Year.)
p. 409 Reflections of the Conference (Summary of the very first PNEU Conference)
p. 414 The Value of Art Training and Manual Work by Miss Steinthal (Manual dexterity through handwork; Sloyd, clay, brush drawing)
p. 419 The Stress of Life by Miss H. Webb (Intermittent stress and struggles are necessary for growth and character.)
p. 432 Teaching in the Branches by Miss Mason (This article was reprinted as ch 12, Moral Teaching, in CM's vol 3, School Education.)
p. 452 PNEU Conference: Natural History Club by Mrs. Perrin, Miss Hart-Davis, Miss Barnett (How the clubs work in various PNEU branches.)
p. 463 The Mother's Educational Course by Mrs. Anson (Benefits of PNEU's three-year course of reading for mothers and the accompanying exams.)
p. 470 Books
p. 472 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 474 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 477 PNEU Teaching in the Branches (Mental and Physical) by Charlotte Mason ("appeared in June issue of PR?)
p. 487 The PNEU and the Poorer Classes by T. G. Rooper
p. 502 Conversazione
p. 504 House of Education Parents' Review School by Mrs. Dallas York
p. 516 Use and Work of the Central Office and Organisation of Branches by Miss Blogg
p. 521 Short Service and Address by Rev. Canon Scott Holland
p. 524 Obedience, or, the Place of Military Discipline in Education Pt 2 by T. G. Rooper
p. 534 Nature Lore
p. 538 Our Work
p. 539 Books
p. 542 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 543 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 545 The Place of Experience in Christian Evidence by E. M. Caillard
p. 553 At School on Hampstead Heath Part 2 by Mrs. Grinrod
p. 561, 624 Choice of Literature for the Young by Ronald McNeill, pts 1 and 2 (Parents should be selective with specific purposes in mind, but not over-censor. Highly recommended!)
p. 569 On the Marge April Time by Mary L. Armitt
p. 574 Parent and Teacher: Home and School Part 1 by Lilie J. Chudleigh
p. 583 Object Lessons in the Nursery by Ethel R. Lush
p. 587 Health Conditions School Life Pt 1 by John Strachan, M. D.
p. 593 Reading and Recitation Part 2 by T. G. Rooper
p. 599 Silchester by the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 604 The Mer-Mother's Song (a poem) by H. L. H.
p. 605 Our Work
p. 606 Books
p. 610 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 612 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 613 Enthusiasm by Mrs. Boldero
p. 631 Athletics in Boys' Schools by G. Douglas Pidcock
p. 642 The Alpine Garden from an Educational Point of View by H. B.
p. 651 Parent and Teacher: Home and School Part 2 by Lilie Chudleigh
p. 657 Nest-making: Notes of the Early Summer of 1897 by Mary L. Armitt
p. 662 Health Conditions in School Life part 2 by John Strachan
p. 668 The French Parent at Home: How he Fails in Training his Children by Julius Vines
p. 674 Our Work
p. 675 Books
p. 677 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 679 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 681 The Child, the Physician, and the Teacher by J. J. Findlay
p. 689 The Place of the History of the French Language in Education by Madame Michel Sage
p. 694 The Nurture and Admonition of the Lord by Rev. G. E. Frewen
p. 703 The Psychic Peculiarities of Childhood by Hastings Gilford
p. 712 Reading and Recitation Part 3 by T. G. Rooper
p. 716 Public School Failures by Alex. Devine
p. 723 Hips and Haws by Mrs. Dorman
p. 728 Masterly Inactivity by the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 736 Our Work
p. 736 Books
p. 742 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 744 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 749 The Nativity (poem) by G. K. Chesterton
p. 751 The Parent as Prophet by Rev. A. J. W. Crosse
p. 761 The Place of Science in the Education of Children by George J. Burch
p. 772 The Atmosphere of Home by M. F. Jerrold (home atmosphere's influence on children's character development)
p. 778 A November Nosegay (Campanula, or bell plant; flowering fumitory)
p. 783 Reading and Recitation part 4 by T. G. Rooper
p. 788 Friedrich Wieck's Method of Teaching Music to Children by Mrs. C. A. Webster
p. 792 Masterly Inactivity Pt 2 by the Editor (Charlotte Mason)
p. 798 Our Work
p. 799 Books
p. 804 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 810-815 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 001 Aunt Mai's Budget . . .

Volume 9, 1898

p. 001 Punishment in Education. By Rev. E.J. Cunningham
p. 011, 088 The Child of To-day. By G. Gwynne
p. 021 On Labour of the Hands. By N. Wynn Williams
p. 029, 094 Civic and Moral Training in Schools. By Rev. Dr. Abbott
p. 038, 103 On Physical Education. By R. Timberg, G.D
p. 046 Simplicity By the Editor
p. 069 Aims of Secondary Education. By Professor Kirkpatrick
p. 077 The Boy Jesus By Rev. H.S. Swithinbank
p. 111 Birds of Lakeland. By M.L. Armitt
p. 116 Intelligent Music Teaching. By Mrs. Spencer Curwen
p. 119 Physical Training in Girl's Schools
p. 137 Psychological Order of Teaching Natural Science by Dorothea Beale (Subjects taught in order of sensory, imaginative, logical mental stages.)
p. 144 Experience as a Teacher. By Professor Young
p. 152, 247 On a Classical Education By C.D. Olive, M.A
p. 160 The Pleasures of Childhood. By H. Laing Gordon, M.D
p. 171 On Literary Introductions, with Especial Reference to Wordsworth. BY E.E. Speight
p. 178 A Mother's Influence. By A.M. Goodhart
p. 185 Children's Hymns. Communicated by Mrs. Parez
p. 205 Why and How Science Should be Taught to Young Children. By T.G. Rooper, M.A., H.M.I
p. 216 Holman Hunt, Painter and Prophet. By Rev. C.V. Gordon, M.A
p. 229, 315, 365 The True Basis of a Rational Education. By Rev. H.H. Moore, M.A
p. 240, 302 The Teaching of History By H.A. Nesbitt, M.A
p. 253, 308 Eyesight in Children. By G.B. Batten, M.D
p. 257 On the Lizard Down. By Mrs. Dorman .
p. 273 Mind-Building. By John Adams
p. 276 Pestalozzi. By L.E. Roberts
p. 282, 349 Naughty Boys By J. Marshall, M.D., L.L.D.
p. 293 Phonetics. By Rev. C.H. Parez
p. 325 Co-education in Schools
p. 341, 653, 774 The Psychology of Attention. By M. Carta Sturge
p. 357 The Cultivation of the Artistic Sense. By F.S. Hallowes
p. 387 The Object of Life. By M.J. Marshall
p. 396, 792 Object Lessons in The Nursery. II. Soap and Water. III. Some Formidable Plants. By E.R. Lush
p. 409-467, 477-524 P.N.E.U. Conference
p. 409, 446 P.N.E.U. Psychology in Relation to Current Thought. By the Editor
p. 426 Principles involved in Language Teaching, The. By Mdlle Duriax
p. 429 Manual Training. By Miss Macmillan
p. 432 The Utilitarian Training of Our Daughters By Mrs. F. Steinthal
p. 439 Mrs. Spencer Curwen on Music Teaching (Herbart's apperception masses; singing to and with children; ear training)
p. 462 Result of the Year's Work in the P.N.E.U., etc. By Mrs. Franklin
p. 477 Conversazione, Annual
p. 482 Co-education of the Sexes. By C. Garrod
p. 487 Nature Work at the House of Education. By H. Geldart
p. 495 The Direction of the Will By the Editor
p. 502 The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. By T.G. Rooper, M.A., H.M.I .
p. 509 Organisation and Work of the Union. By F. Blogg
p. 513 The Starting of a P.N.E.U. Branch
p. 516 Sermon. BY Canon Eyton
p. 522 Is it Worth While?
p. 524 The Mirror of God's Own Gentleman. By Rev. H.S. Swithinbank
p. 529 On Galls. By A.C. Rooper . (Agnes)
p. 533 Sunday Scenes in a Swedish Home. By Mrs. Woods Baker
p. 545 Art in Education. By Cosmo Monkhouse
p. 556 On the Physical Benefits of Sympathy. By Foley Fortesque
p. 563 Weimar: An Appreciation. By E.A. Punnet
p. 570, 660 The Physiological Basis of Educational Theory. By S. deBrath
p. 583 Reasons for Studying Geology By Rev. H.H. Moore
p. 592 The Sandpiper. By M.L. Armitt
p. 597, 637 Elementary Science Teaching by Mary Everest Boole (The latest data changes, but principles are eternal, and should be learned by first-hand impresions.)
p. 613 Habit and Character By W. Boulting, L.R.C.P.
p. 625 Seguin. By T.G. Rooper, M.A., H.M.I
p. 643, 700 Browning and Italian Art. By Rev. C.V. Gorton
p. 681 On Observation By H. Laing Gordon, M.D
p. 694 Definite Religious Teaching. By Rev. F.S. Colman
p. 706 The Education of Children from Three to Seven Years of Age,. By M. Louch
p. 718 On Gall Structures. By A.C. Rooper (Agnes)
p. 722 Pleasures of Bird Hunting. By E. Wanklyn
p. 726 On the Moral and Intellectual Management of Infancy and Childhood. By E. Garraway
p. 749 Plato's Ideal of Education. By W. deBurgh
p. 759 On Fathers -- By One of Them. By Rev. H.S. Swithinbank
p. 765 Reckoning. By P.G. O'Connell
p. 780 Characteristic Forms of the Lake District Flora. By S. Armitt
p. 784 Standing Aside By A.M. Harris
p. 797 Cornelia Mater Gracchorum. A Poem. By Rev. J. Hudson, M.A.

Volume 10, 1899

p. 001 The Philosophy of Education pt 1 by A.T. Schofield (The greater part of the mind is unconscious, imbibed through habit and atmosphere.)
p. 009 The Interdependence of Literature and History by H.A. Nesbitt (Literary works, from ancient to contemporary, don't always divulge historical details.)
p. 023 Reform Schools in Germany pt 1 by C.C. Th. Parez (Reform, or progressive education, i.e., Pestalozzi, Fröbel, Herbart as distinguished from classical)
p. 033 God's Gifts: The Training of the Soul by Laura Ridding (INCOMPLETE)
p. 037 The Physiology of Education pt 1 by J Strachan, MD (The brain is a physical organ; school stress takes a physical toll.)
p. 044 Euclid for Examinations by P.G. O'Connell (Wrestling with Euclid can help in any exam. Rest is good for the mind.)
p. 049 The Ferry of Dreams by Caryl Battersby (A poem: "Boatman, ere thou take the tide . . .")
p. 050 The Correlation of Lessons by V.H. Allemandy (Lessons shouldn't exist in isolation. History, etc., should fit into a whole, as Herbart proposes.)
p. 053 Health Notes edited by H Laing Gordon MD (The unregulated 'poisonous stream' of infected milk spreads tuberculosis; use a home steriliser.)
p. 056 Our Work (Term date, Meditations dues, Mothers Education Course, Natural History Club (stars), upcoming May Conference)
p. 057 Books (Reviews of: Stories from American History: Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts, Stockton; Hope the Hermit, Lyall; The Union of Italy, 1815-1870, Stillman; Letters to his Son on Religion, Earl of Selborne; Open Air Studies (Geology), Cole; Open Air Studies in Botany, Praeger; The Flowering Plant, Davis; Cookery for Common Ailments, Browne; A Year's Cookery, Browne)
p. 059 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Ruskin's Art (appreciation) Association; infant habits and nurses; children's proper diets)
p. 063 P.N.E.U. Notes (Lectures in existing branches; factory conditions; low attendance; heart culture; Curwen method)
p. 069 Some Radical Questions by Mrs. Dowson (Students may know facts, but can they reason and detect fallacies?)
p. 082 Children's Teeth by Newton Petit (Risk of mercury for teething, early diet, fear of first dental visit; causes of decay)
p. 090 The Philosophy of Education pt 2 by A.T. Schofield (Education should modify heredity; Atmosphere, discipline, life; rails of habit; character)
p. 098 The Seasons: Seedless Reproduction of Seed Plants by Sophia Armitt (Catkins, cuttings, bulbs, ferns, tubers, runners, creepers)
p. 104 Why Learn Greek and Latin? by R. L. Leighton (Language is a science and an art. Accurate language clears muddled thoughts.)
p. 110 Reform Schools in Germany pt 2 by C.C. Th. Parez (How Germans teach foreign language, Greek, Latin; "system of privileges")
p. 120 A Walk Through a Fir-Wood in Midwinter by Miss C.A. Rooper (Even in winter, there are interesting things to see in nature: mushrooms and mosses.)
p. 124 Health Notes edited by H Laing Gordon MD (Preventing tuberculosis/consumption via pure milk for all; fresh air, vented larders)
p. 127 Our Work (Natural History Club: Stars; May Conference; Examiner's Report of student teachers
p. 128 Books (Reviews of: A New Handwriting (for Teachers), Bridges; The Song of the Golden Bough, and other Poems, Battersby;An Idyll of the Dawn, Reynolds; Capriccios, Duchess of Leeds; Foreign Classics for English Readers, Oliphant: Pascal, Garneille and Racine, Rabelais, Montaigne, Calderon, Cervantes, Petrarch, Goethe; Adventures of the Comtede la Muette during the Reign of Terror, Capes; Idlehurst, a Journal kept in the Country, Haslam; The Scenery of Switzerland (new edition), Lubbock; The Quiver for 1898; Beneath the Banner, Cross; Elements of Physical Education, Lennox/Sturrock)
p. 132 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Letters to the editor--one parent suggests articles from other magazines.)
p. 133 P.N.E.U. Notes (Branch meetings, including hockey for adults and children!)
p. 137 Military Training As a Factor in Education pt 1 by A.W. Gundry (A nation needs all of its citizens to know how to defend their country.)
p. 147 An Object Lesson for Teachers by Mrs. Dowson (Describing a flat-iron accurately and scientifically without higgledly-pigglediness)
p. 153 When I Was a Tiny Child by Mrs. Fred Reynolds (Memories of a childhood in a country village. Give children time to just be.)
p. 159 Physiology of Education pt 2 by J. Strachan, M.D. (Teaching to government standards doesn't align with the child's natural mental appetite.)
p. 167 Songs and Species by Mary L Armitt (Birds: species "after their own kind," no intermarriages.)
p. 173 Ayrshire Nature Lore and Handicraft Classes by M.A. Clapperton (Adult summer classes here are unique as a means of self-revelation.)
p. 176 On The Teaching of the Holy Scripture by Rev. J. G. Simpson (Base religious instruction on early familiarity with the Bible itself.)
p. 183 Trio of Rembrandt Pictures by S. A. (Syndics of the Drapers' Guild; The Night Watch; Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp)
p. 187 The Snowdrop by E. H. Ussher (A look at the leaves, bud, and bulb of the flower)
p. 190 Health Notes Concerning the Nose and Ear, by H. Lambert Lack, M.D. F.R.C.S. (The nose as a filter and regulator; mouth breathing; throat deafness; ear discharge)
p. 193 Our Work (Conference dates; Natural History Club subject (stars); Translation and Literary Societies; Nature Notebook assessments)
p. 194 Books (Reviews of Girls' Physical Training, James; Good Morning, Good Night, Cross; The Temple Reader, Speight; Twenty-four Songs for Little People, Cobb)
p. 195 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Critique of Schofield's "Philosophy of Education" and habit; guild for feeble-minded children)
p. 199 P.N.E.U. Notes (New PNEU branches, upcoming and recent lectures in branches.)
p. 205 History as a Branch of Children's Education by G. Armitage Smith (Why teach history? To avoid past errors, encourage patriotism, appreciate past institutions. All things change.)
p. 214 The Stamp Traffic As a Factor in Education by M. Boole (Trading postage stamps breeds financial speculation, gambling, and cheating.)
p. 219 Military Training As a Factor in Education pt 2 by A. W. Gundry (Add rifle drill to school curriculum to train militia and provide individual benefits.)
p. 228 An Idealist of Today by S. A. (The lovely paintings of pre-Raphaelite Edward Burne-Jones)
p. 233 The Connection Between Geology and Scenery pt 1 by H. H. Moore
p. 243 Euclid as An Amusement by P.G. O'Connell (Reductio ad absurdum proof, Q.E.D., and twelfth axiom.)
p. 247 The Seasons: Flowers from Monte Motterone by Mrs. Dorman (Yellow broom, Narcissus, gentian, dog-tooth violet, and more)
p. 251 Nature Notes for April by Mary and Sophia Armitt (Water bugs, flowers on the bank, birds, Easter; Flower Dates, flowering trees)
p. 258 Health Notes by George B. Batten, M.D. (Fresh air is unused air, free of germs and toxins.)
p. 261 Our Work (HEO Seniors attending conference; Examiner's Report Dec. 1898; Translation Society Report)
p. 262 Books (Reviews of French books: Siepmann's; L'Abbé Daniel, Theuriet; Petites Ames, Pouvillon; Mon Oncle et Mon Curé, de la Br&egrace;te; Sacs et Parchemins, Sandeau; La Première Croisade, tirée de l'Histoire des Croisades par Michaud, Houghton; Sappho, Trauerspiel, von Grillparzer)
p. 265 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Birdwatching; request for live-in child; Dr. Schofield criticizes Mrs. Miall's letter)
p. 267 P.N.E.U. Notes (Happenings in PNEU branches: Thomas Arnold; voice lessons; Egypt; the Brain; Healing Power of Nature)
p. 273 Nervous Children and Their Training pt 1 by Geo. Savage (Nervousness can be outgrown or managed through training. Sleepwalking, sleep rages.)
p. 282 History as Branch of Children's Education Pt 2 by G. Armitage-Smith (from a literary standpoint: imagination, pictures, biography, historical fiction)
p. 291 Truths That Men Forget pt 1 by Mrs. Dowson (Aristotle's final cause is replaced with Darwin, but there is still purpose in God's will.)
p. 296 Punishment by P. G. O'Connell (Caning school boys presented as an honourable distinction.)
p. 301 Browning on the Incarnation pt 1 by Rev Gorton (The poet's view of the Incarnation communicates truth illustrated by David's love for Saul.)
p. 307 The Connection Between Geology and Scenery pt 2 by H. H. Moore (Igneous rocks within hills of Scotland, Wales, English Lake District, Shropshire, Devon, Cornwall)
p. 314 A Meadow in May by Mrs. Dorman (flowers in a wild "rock-brake")
p. 319 Periwinkle, Vinca Major by E.H. Ussher (A close inspection of the plant - its stem, leaves, flowers.)
p. 322 Nature Notes for May by MLA (Flowers, trees, and birds in the first week of cold, wet May)
p. 324 Health Notes by M. Handfield-Jones (Modern fashionable miracle remedies are inferior to common sense.)
p. 327 Our Work (Rooper's 1898 report on House of Education classes; Natural History rambles schedule)
p. 329 Books (Reviews of A First Book in Writing English, Lewis; Music and Manners in the Classical Period. Krebbiel; The Adventures of Ulysses, Lamb; New English Series: Wordsworth, Speight; English Grammar, Past and Present, Nesfield; Flashlights on Nature, Allen; Volcanoes: the Structure and Significance, Bonney; )
p. 332 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Loan fund for teaching students, needlepoint, German educational reform, teaching Latin)
p. 336 P.N.E.U. Notes (Happenings in various PNEU branches)
p. 341 Nervous Children and Their Training pt 2 by Geo. Savage (self-consciousness, stammering, deafness, shyness, sneakiness, lying, stealing, precocity, prodigies, slow developers)
p. 351 The Religious Teaching of Our Children: Some Difficulties by Mrs. P.H. Bagenal (Deal with scientific discrepancies by treating parts of Scripture as allegorical, not literal.)
p. 360 Educational Disappointments by T.N. Hart-Smith (Defined goals, realistic expectations, educating the whole person to character and fuller potential, won't disappoint.)
p. 374 Browning on the Incarnation pt 2 by C.V. Gorton (The poet's perception of Christ becoming man, with snippets of his poetry.)
p. 381 Truths That Men Forget pt 2 Freedom Lies in Obedience by Mrs. Dowson (In spite of 'enlightened' reason, technology, and Nietzsche, only good men are truly free.)
p. 388 Mountain and Valley in Denbigh by Eleanora Armitage
p. 393 Buttercups by Mrs. Ussher
Incomplete p. 395 Nature Notes for June by MLA
p. 400 Health Notes edited by H. Laing Gordon MD
p. 403 Our Work/Books/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 409 Report of Conference (This third Conference focused on the practical side rather than theory.)
p. 411 The History and Aims of the PNEU by Miss Kitching (and Charlotte Mason) (Birth of the CM movement, Parents Review, PNEU, House of Education; dreams and goals)
p. 435 The Preparation of the Unconscious Mind for Science by Mrs. Boole (Sabbath rhythym, kindergarten, pets, growing salad, learning from mistakes, water play, Euclid, geometry)
p. 455 The Training of Children in the Observation of Nature by Mrs. Fisher (Miss Arabella Buckley) (Parent attitudes are contagious; astronomy, geology, struggle for existence; PNEU branches can pool speaker resources)
p. 463 Parental Peculiarities and Parental Possibilities by Dr H Laing Gordon (helicopter parenting, notes as a memory crutch, nature vs nurture, heredity)
p. 475 Our Work/Books/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 477 Annual Conversazione (Educational experiments can do irreparable mischief; four dangers to avoid; father's influence; patriotism; poetry)
p. 493 The Inculcation of the Spirit of Reverence by Miss Carta Sturge (Respect the opinions of others; irreverence makes us unteachable and ruins civilizations.)
p. 502 The Parent in the Educational System by H. Russell Wakefield (Parents should cooperate with schools by encouraging responsibility and character.)
p. 514 Personality by Mrs. Dowson (Post-evolution Nietzsche threatens freedom and individual responsibility, even in education.)
p. 521 Training of Citizens by Miss L.H. Montagu (Duty to others, physically fit, truly educated, early trained, taught responsibility, truthfulness, humor.)
p. 540 Address by Reverend Sharpe (The Fatherhood of God is a model for earthly parents. Revere Sundays joyously.)
p. 544 Some Impressions of the P.N.E.U. Conference by C.C. Cotterill (Inspiring ideals, the best ideas for the whole child, sharing results and tips, open-minded atmosphere.)
p. 547 Our Work (Monica Bridges' New Handwriting error)
p. Books
p. The "P.R." Letter Bag ()
p. 547 P.N.E.U. Notes (Summer closure, lectures read in branches)
p. 549 PNEU Principles As Illustrated by Teaching by Miss Pennethorne (Practical ideas for every subject! An excellent look at the CM method.)
p. 564 From Seven to Seventeen by E. Hughes Gibb (An author remembers her own childhood and assesses her teachers.)
p. 572 Science and Religion pt 1 by Mrs. Dowson (Naturalism and Agnosticism, mechanism, evolution, parallelism)
p. 578 The Connection Between Geology and Scenery pt 3 by Rev HH Moore (igneous and metamorphic rocks, Old Red Sandstone of Wales)
p. 585 Savonarola Pt 1 by Hilda Spearman (His influence over Medici-ruled Florence)
p. 598 Lake Inlet in July by Mary L Armitt ()
p. 601 Ribwort Plantain by Mrs. Ussher ()
p. 604 Wayside Notes for the Month by Mrs. Dorman ()
p. 608 Health Notes: Sea Bathing by Cecil Latter (Summer at the beach: how early/how much swimming is healthy?)
p. 611 Our Work (PNEU Closed for summer; Sloyd Exam results)
p. 612 Books (Review of Special Reports on Educational Subjects, Sadler; Girls Education, Bryant)
p. 613 The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes (Request for French books; new PNEU brances; Hampstead branch)
p. 617 On Spencer's "Education" by T. G. Rooper (Spencer's book recommends more science, more internal morality, less bookishness, no coersion.)
p. 627 Science and Religion pt 2 by Mrs. Dowson (Science classifies what we perceive, but can't explain why.)
p. 633 Self-Control by H Laing Gordon (Listening without spouting off; training a habit of self-control and self-sufficiency)
p. 645 Savonarola pt 2 by Hilda Spearman (Savanarola's trial, last evening, and martyrdom)
p. 652 The Practical Attitude of Educated Classes Towards the Nursery pt 1 by Mrs. Edward Sieveking (A nurse/governess is no substitute for a child's own mother.)
p. 658 The Educational Use of Dynamics by PG O'Connell (Fathers can teach math/physics concepts and square roots at home painlessly.)
p. 667 Tree-Destroying Fungi by Mrs. Dorman ()
p. 671 Germander Speedwell Flower by Mrs. Ussher ()
Incomplete p. 673 Nature Notes for October by M. L. A. (probably Mary Armitt) ()
p. 677 Health Notes edited by H Laing Gordon MD ()
p. 680 Our Work (Announcement of nature lectures to be given to children.)
p. 681 Books (Reviews of Outline of the History of Educational Theories in England, Mark; Thirty Years of Teaching, Miall, and Practical Education, Edgeworth; A Study of a Child, Hogan)
p. 683 The "P.R." Letter Bag (one letter asking how to teach history)
p. 684 P.N.E.U. Notes (New branches, lectures to be given in two PNEU branches)
p. 685 On the Religious Training of the Young by Rev WC Compton (Doctrine is important but faith and love are more important.)
p. 698 Recollections of a Veteran Teacher (M. Antonin Roche) by one of his pupils, Frances Arnold-Forster (M. Antonin Roche, who taught English girls and once heard Chopin play)
p. 705 Natural Priesthood by Mrs. M.E. Boole (religious training: parental agreement is more important than one parent's hobby-horse)
p. 716 The Practical Attitude of Educated Classes Towards the Nursery pt 2 by Mrs. Edward Sieveking (mothering should be done by the mother, not a nurse)
p. 721 Algebra Through Geometry by PG O'Connell (These sister sciences should be taught together)
p. 729 Birds of Lakeland: Blue Titmouse by Mary L Armitt (Blue titmouse)
p. 733 Daisy by Mrs. Ussher (the big "dog daisy" flower)
p. 736 Nature Notes for November by S.A. (spindle tree, alder cones, acorns)
p. 739 Health Notes edited by H Laing Gordon MD ()
p. 742 Our Work ()
p. 743 Books (Special Reports on Educational Subjects; Nursery Ethics; From the Child's Standpoint; Our Growing Children; Foreign Classics for English Readers: Goethe; The Social Reformer's Bible; Unseal the Book; Christ's Daily Orders; The Modern Reader's Bible)
p. 746 The "P.R." Letter Bag (French letter; plea for "peace and justice" not selfish patriotism based on greed and physical force"; intellect vs faith)
p. 749 P.N.E.U. Notes ()
p. 753 Purpose and Method in the Teaching of English History by Rev Canon Sing (A good citizen must know about his country; make it living.)
p. 760 The Methods of Nature in Relation to Health and Healing by J Wallace Anderson ()
p. 772 The Training of Women with Regard to Specialization in Men by Douglas M Gane (Balance/wisdom, not specialiation/strength, is crucial for women, who maintain homes and guide others.)
p. 781 The Patience of Parents by PG O'Connell (Self-confidence comes through encouragement, but teachers aren't always encouraging. Parents: demand more!)
p. 785 Mental Equilibrium by M Cruikshank (Balance leads to wholeness -- for all except geniuses.)
p. 791 Ministering Children's League by the Countess of Meath (a society to encourage kids to be kind and useful)
p. 794 Education in Ancient Greece by Victor H Allemandy (trivium, quadrivium, including music)
p. 797 The Seasons by Mrs. Dorman (tiny diatoms)
p. 801 Nature Notes by M. L. A. (probably Mary Armitt) (Birds of Lakeland: The Tree-Creeper, pgs 801-805 still need typing. ivy; mosses)
p. 807 Health Notes edited by H Laing Gordon M.D.
p. 810 Our Work/Books/The "P.R." Letter Bag/P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 820 Aunt Mai's Budget (Dorothy Sayer?; 4 issues)
p. 057 Aunt Mai's Budget (Bellini; discovery of oil paint)
p. 061 Aunt Mai's Budget (Marco Polo)
p. 087 Aunt Mai's Budget
p. 117 Aunt Mai's Budget

Volume 11, 1900

p. 001 Instruction in History and Citizenship by S.S. Laurie parts 1 and 2 (History from narrative, living sources, teaches ethics and creates good citizens)
p. 009 Natureform Shoes by Mrs. Scott (Holden Brothers' shoes made to fit the natural curve of the foot)
p. 013 Science and Religion by Mrs. Dowson Part 3 (parts 1 and 2 are from the 1899 (science breaks the whole into elements, but can't tell us about the "real things.")
p. 019 Health in the Nursery by Frank Godfrey (mother's milk, nutritious food, fresh air, sensible wool clothing., etc.)
p. 028 Educational Methods of the Last Hundred Years by Mrs. Harold Barnes (educational pioneer Hannah More's thoughts and quotes on education; note similarities to CM)
p. 034 The Education of a Royal Princess A history of Queen Victoria; a 5-part series of articles (birth and childhood of Queen Victoria)
p. 042 Life of Robert Herbert Quick by F. Storr (review of a biography of the schoolmaster)
p. 047 Our New Day Mrs. G. Gwyn (the history and description of Canada's Empire Day, commemorated in honor of Queen Victoria)
p. 048 The Seasons for Jan 1900 edited by Mary L. Armitt (rose hips, holly berries; Dunnock/Hedge Sparrow)
p. 069 Instruction in History and Citizenship Part 2, see pg 1 ()
p. 078 A Century of Education by C.L. Maynard, Principal of Westfield College (steam engines, easier travel, many books, free education - but our task hasn't changed)
p. 083 The Discipline and Organization of the Mind by Mrs. Dowson, Parts I and II (I. discipline unites nations, and relates facts; II. science does not replace philosophy)
p. 093 Health in the Nursery by Frank Godfrey ()
p. 102 The Teaching of Literature by D. Stevenson (a qualified teacher is needed to instill a love for English lit, which is more important than Greek classics)
p. 117 The Seasons: Mere-Fowl edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 124 Health Notes: The Teaching of Housewifery by H. Laing Gordon, M.D. (a school for learning housekeeping - what a concept!)
p. 149 Memory and Forgetfulness by C.D. Olive parts 1- 3 (making a case for rote memorization; full attention to detail aids memory; amusing anecdotes :-) )
p. 160 The Life of Edward Thring by Victor Allemandy ()
p. 168 The Teaching of Elementary Geography by A.W. Gundry (sketching and labeling maps aids the child's memory of names)
p. 182 The Seasons: The Pied Wagtail edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 193 Our Work ()
p. 194 Books (pages still need to be typed)
p. 196 The "P.R." Letter Bag (pages still need to be typed)
p. 199 P.N.E.U. Notes (some pages still need to be typed)
p. 205 Socrates by Maxwell Y. Maxwell parts 1 and 2 (what justifies him as a great man)
p. 216 How to Show Children Our [UK] National Gallery by A. R. Evans (art appreciation must begin early; picture study: Raphael's Draught of Fishes,Titian's Ariadne and Bacchus, Paolo Veronese's St. Helena, Crivelli's Anunciation, Fra Lippo's Seven Saints, Pietro Perugino, Conegliano's Christ Crowned with Thorns, Constable's Valley of Stour)
p. 228 Individualism in Education by T. G. Rooper (schools will enhance, not hinder, the individualism of a strong character)
p. 252 The Seasons: The Pied Flycatcher edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 260 The Dreams of Children by H. Laing Gordon (treatment of nightmares; Euclid is a "tormenting horror")
p. 273 Punishment by Mrs. Dowson (penalty of loss vs corrective discipline; good requires the child's will)
p. 284 Children's Books by Miss Christabel R. Coleridge (one size does not fit all; not every book need be an old classic)
p. 289 Environment at Home and at School by H. Laing Gordon, M.D. (nature or nurture? the world needs PNEU trained nurses; choosing a school)
p. 320 The Seasons: Wild Geraniums edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 338 Our Girls by Hester P. Theedam (what's important for girls; directed largely to PNEU trained ladies)
p. 341 The Mind of a Child and The Teaching of Religion by J. Kelman (use living ideas, ask open-ended questions, appeal to the heroic side)
p. 354 A Minor Gallery by Miss S. Armitt ()
p. 357 Consecration of Influence in Society by Mrs. Robert Jardine (being a true friend; using our influence properly)
p. 366 Hygiene of the Nursery by R. W. Wilson, MD Parts I and II (common cold, fresh air, germs, sterilized milk, formula for infants, ears, dental, drugs)
p. 378 The Virtue of Truth by J. Radford Thomson Parts 1 and 2 (a thorough definition; " . . . a lie in words is, in some cases, useful and not hateful . . . ")
p. 390 The Seasons: An Island in June edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 409 Fourth Annual Conference ()
p. 410 The Old Grace and the New Intellect by Mrs. Steinthal (does modern progress mean the end of old-fashioned manners?)
p. 423 Authority by Mrs. Dowson (parental, state, societal authority, which went out with the Enlightenment, is making a comeback)
p. 437 Talk to Nurses by Helen Webb (includes note from Wendi Capehart) (habit, early discipline, child training)
p. 448 Schoolbooks and How They Make for Education by Charlotte Mason (living books spark interest better then textbooks; this paper found its way into CM's Vol 3, ch 8, 11, 15 and 16)
p. 479 Cookery for Children (teaching cooking skills)
p. 486 Conversazion by Professor Earl Barnes (in the 1870's education passed from church to state, bringing changes both good and bad)
p. 507 Address by the Right Hon. James Bryce from PNEU annual conference (mothers have more influence over their young sons than schools; fantasy; discipline/punishment)
p. 520 Ruskin on Education read by Mrs. Firth (ideal education would include handicrafts and teach all social classes of children)
p. 534 Educational Aspect of Gardening by Miss Elsie Ford (the benefits of gardening for children)
p. 543 The Virtues of Simplicity by Mrs. Clement Parsons (in character, in art, in possessions, in food, less is more.)
p. 578 Nature Study by Mrs. Brightwen (covers drawing skill, keeping pet insects, and other helps)
p. 590 Impressions of the Conference ()
p. 593 The Object of a Girl's Education by Mrs. Arthur Butler (even working girls need balance and home life to keep their hearts open)
p. 601 Victor Hugo by K.R. Hammond (biography of the writer; classical Greek embodied great form, but not great ideas)
p. 622 Teaching French and English History Concurrently by Alex Devine (Why French history?)
p. 638 The Story of Tinkle-Tinkle (the tinkle-tinkle doesn't know why or what he is, but he helps anyone in need)
p. 641 The Seasons: Flora of a Grouse Moor edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 661 "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" by W. Blake Odgers (rather than reporting events, Browning shows what the main character is thinking)
p. 673 The Early Aesthetic Culture of the Child-Mind by Irene Langridge (the importance of children viewing the best artwork from a very young age)
p. 701 Art and Enjoyment by K. Sidford (parents can cultivate art appreciation and drawing ability in children)
p. 709 The Seasons: The House-Marten edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 718 Health Notes: Beef Juices (beverages made from raw meat: which to buy, how to make; Bon Appetit!)
p. 724 Letter to the Editor regarding Aunt Mai's Budget (Aunt Mai's Budget was the name of the removable children's section of the Parents Review included at the back of each issue) (children's imperfect work should never be encouraged by publishing it)
p. 737 The Treatment of Sex in Education by J.H. Badley Parts I and II (teaching children the facts of life)
p. 743 One Purpose of Creation and Evolution: The Religious Beliefs of a Scientist by George B. Batten, M.D. (an evolutionary take on creation)
p. 755 A Theory of Education by the Rev. H. Belcher, Rector of S. Michael's, Lewes (classical education in the days of Plato)
p. 763 In Praise of Good Women by Douglas M. Gane (quotes in honor of women and femininity from poems and famous authors)
p. 772 The Open Road by Francis Blogg (R.L. Stevenson viewed life as an exciting journey; children have this same wonder)
p. 776 The Seasons: Thorns and Prickles edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 785 Physiology in the Nursery edited by H. Laing Gordon, M.D. (review of Eric Pritchard's infant feeding chart, with the caveat that nursing is better than formula)
p. 797 The Feast on the Snow a poem by G.K. Chesterton ()
p. 798 A Christmas Idyll by Michael Fairless (story: a Child asks a Recluse for a symbol and is shown the nativity)
p. 803 Difficulties and Dangers of Child Study by Miss A. Woods (how not to approach children; statistics can be misleading)
p. 814 Sisters by Mrs. R. Devonshire (the family bond outlasts all others, and mothers can nurture it in their daughters)
p. 820 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra by T. G. Rooper (Don Quixote exemplifies the spirit of hope and chivalry)
p. 840 The Seasons: The Marsh Titmouse edited by Miss Armitt ()
p. 848 Winter in Westmorland a poem by A.M. Harris ()
p. 847 Two Simple Experiments in Botany by C. Agnes Rooper (science: essential oils in the plants will burn. Ka-Boom!)
odd bits misc comments : notes to parents about upcoming exams, some drawbacks of public schools, protecting eyesight, a bad book review, physical fads, note of PNEU secretary's wedding to GK Chesterton - all included here more for amusement than information (will eventually be completed and placed in chronological page order)

Volume 12, 1901

Index for Volume 12
p. 001 Character and the Will, Pt 1 by A. T. Schofield (real character requires free will to choose, and results in good actions)
p. 007 Mendelssohn by Mrs. Maxwell Y. Maxwell (a biography of the amiable composer suitable for youths; Chopin is mentioned * )
p. 015 Home Teaching of Religious Truth by H.E. Victor (children get real faith from parental example and indirect teaching)
p. 020 The Story of A Old Picture (Van Eyck's Ghent Altarpeice)
p. 025 Edward Thring, 1821-1887, as an Educationalist by P.H. Bagenal (his revolutionary ideas about reforming boarding schools and treating boys humanely)
p. 037 A Chat About Capri by Lieut Col Hemsted (description of the peaceful, enchanting island off Italy)
p. 043 Euclid's Sixth Book by P.G. O'Connell (John Casey claims that Euclid's proof of equality is 'misleading')
p. 056 The Seasons: The Chaffinch edited by Sophia Armitt (all about the little bird)
p. 064 The Seasons part of an article ()
p. 067 Senior Art Club sketch suggestions taken from the entire year, 1901 (collection of all the assignments for the year)
p. 068 Our Work (parting letter from Aunt Mai/Mrs. Steinthal, and Frances Blogg)
p. 070 Books (Reviews of: The Secret of the Presence and other Sermons, Moule; King Arthur and His Noble Knights, Macleod; The Social Teaching of the Lord's Prayer, Stubbs; Stray Thoughts on Character, Soulsby; The Life and Death of Richard Yea and Nay, Hewlett; In the Palace of the King, Crawford; Fairies, Pole; Nature Myths, Cooke; Wilderness Ways, Long; At the Foot of the Rainbow, Cornwall-Legh; The Wild Animal Play for Children, Seton-Thompson; Tales Told in the Zoo, Gould; Schools Jubilee magazine; Wrong from the First, Hart; Her Wilful Way, Seachfield; Inductive Geometry for Transition Classes, Nesbitt; In the Deep Woods: Possum Stories, Paine)
p. 075 The "P.R." Letter Bag (a letter from Russia, and one in French)

p. 078 P.N.E.U. Notes (New branches, reports from local meetings, many of whose lectures became PR articles; Walter Scott for Children; Miss Eva Young suggested "that punishment should never be used in home education.")
p. 081 Mothers and Boys by the Lord Bishop of Stepney (preparing boys for boarding school; protecting them from temptations they'll face)
p. 101 The Limitations of the School , parts 1 and 2, by G. F. Bridge (why do boarding schools fail to instill love of knowledge?)
p. 107 The Art of Breathing by E.R. Matzke (proper breathing prevents disease in the lungs and the rest of the body)
p. 118 The Value of Scientific Training by J. Logan Lobley (science allows students to test truth, logic, observation and guard against superstition, making it good for the child, good for the nation)
p. 127 Mental Development in Children by L. R. Hockley (Pestalozzi, Herbart, Foebel, how mind/faculties develops)
p. 146 Garden Gossip by Sophia Armitt (winter plants)
p. 149 Victoria a poem by Michael Fairless (an ode to the recently deceased Queen)
p. 150 Senior Art Club (for graduated students)
p. 152 Our Work (HEO teacher scores; PNEU conference with Copenhagen organization re: unity)
p. 155 Books (reviews of Historical Survey of Pre-Christian Education Laurie; The Springs of Character Schofield; The Beloved Son: The Story of Jesus Christ told to Children, Rye)
p. 158 The "P.R." Letter Bag (questions, including a query whether rote memorization of scripture outweighs knowing the verse)
p. 160 P.N.E.U. Notes (reports from PNEU local meetings)
p. 161 In Memory of Feb 2nd a poem by C.V. Gorton (in honor of Queen Victoria's funeral)
p. 162 The Education of a Royal Princess , a muti-part article continued from Volume 11 (Queen Victoria's teenaged years)
p. 169 Botanical Gardens and Their Value in Education By the Rev.W. Tuckwell. (hands-on botany excites about science in general and builds character)
p. 177 On the Study of the Beautiful by E. H. Farnell (awakening an appreciation for the truth and beauty of fine art)
p. 196 Words Which Have Seen Better Days by G. L. Apperson, parts 1 and 2 (history: how words change meaning over time)
p. 203 Historic London: Its Teaching for the Child , parts 1 and 2 by D.L. Maguire (living history teaching is the key to enjoying tours and gaining a sense of continuity)
p. 222 Garden Gossip by Sophia Armitt (early spring flowers: " . . . the violet is an overrated flower . . . ")
p. 226 Our Library by Victor Allemandy (reviews of 'Educational Ends' by Bryant; 'Psychology Applied to Education' by Compayre)
p. 230 House of Education Inspector's Report (description of what Rooper saw at the school: a lesson combining art and literature, grammar weakness.)
p. 241 A Boy's Religion by J. Harry Miller (do's and don't's in teaching boys about God)
p. 251 The Spirit of Competition--Should it Be Encouraged? (discussion: competiveness can raise the bar of excellence, sputting us on to better learning and art)
p. 272 The Teaching of Contemporary History by R. A. Pennethorne (the importance of knowing history, especially recent history)
p. 296 Garden Gossip by Sophia Armitt (every perfect garden requires these four things: flowers, fruit, shade, and water)
p. 304 The Dreadful Griffin : a story by Michael Fairless (fairy tale about a princess, a griffin and some cats)
p. 321 Lord Collingwood's Theory and Practice of Education by T.G. Rooper (The Vice Admiral's views on education discerned from his letters)
p. 332 Feeding Growing Children by J. R. Day (in which we learn that "sugar is a very useful and wholesome article of diet and may be given freely.")
p. 342 Socrates parts 3 and 4 by Maxwell Y. Maxwell (we criticize Plato's influence on the Christian worldvew, but Socrates helped pave the way for Christian thinking)
p. 354 How to Prepare Our Boys for the Temptations of Public School Life by Archdeacon Thornton (parental consistency, firmness, love will make a boy apt to stay pure at school.)
p. 371 Our Library by Victor Allemandy (reviews of Apperception by Lange; Education by Holman)
p. 378 PNEU Natural History Clubs by F. Blogg (the gift of nature; club updates; lecture and ramble is the formula for success.)
p. 382 Garden Gossip by Sophia Armitt (May: spring planting, Dahlias, seed failure, dealing with slugs and snails.)
p. 387 Distinctions Among Howlers by M.W. Middleton (what teachers can learn from students' test bloopers.)
p. 416 T. E. Brown: Poet and Schoolmaster by A.M. Harris (tribute to Thomas Edward Brown, 1830-1897)
p. 426 The Influence of the Home on the School by B.L. Kennett (how parents can enhance/enable their children's school education.)
p. 437 Religious Education by J. Rice Byrne (uplift the child's nature with prayer, Bible, hymns and sermons.)
p. 459 Garden Gossip by S. Armitt (June flowers in the garden; tips on what to plant.)
p. 463 A Stroll in Search of Flowers Near a Village in Wiltshire by C. Agnes Rooper (sentimental and descriptive account of flower-picking during a walk.)
p. 481 Conference - Education is a Life by Charlotte Mason (atmosphere, discipline, life--focus on any one of these singly is unbalanced.)
p. 494 First Reading Lessons by E. Armitage (teach sounds, not letter names.)
p. 501 Picture Talks by Miss K. R. Hammond (picture study teaches appreciation for beauty; includes sample lesson.)
p. 509 Early Bible Lessons by L.M Gore (purpose: to introduce the living idea of God; includes sample lesson.)
p. 515 Nature Teaching by E. M. Wilkinson (early nature study is observation during walks.)
p. 521 Plutarch's Lives Affords Citizenship by Miss M. Ambler (these biographies, too old to be politically biased, give examples of virtue.)
p. 527 Early Lessons in English Grammar by B. S. Wingate (all you need to know in 11 sample lessons.)
p. 543 Nursery Discipline by Mrs. Ridges (discipline is more about character training than punishment.)
p. 545 The School According to Ruskin by Mr. J.L. Paton (education is more than reading and writing; it's about training character and taste.)
p. 561 Hero-Worship as a Factor in Education by L.H. Montagu (admiration inspires us to be better; how to be a hero to your child; what is true heroism?)
p. 574 The Psychology of Rest by Dr. George Wilson (sleep, dreams and change of thoughts prepare the body for usefulness.)
p. 586 Conference Conversazione , including a letter from Charlotte Mason (responsibility for children rests on parents, not schools.)
p. 591 Motives of Moral Action by C. Montefiore (motivation and making right choices; prizes kill pure motive)
p. 601 Educational Museums and Field Lore by Mr. E. W. Swanton (the proper way to set up a museum: curators, take note!)
p. 609 The Education of an Only Child by Mrs. Clement Parsons (making up for the lack of iron-sharpening siblings)
p. 621 The Father's Place in Education by Mr. J.H. Badley (a father's influence in his child's character and education about the 'birds and the bees')
p. 636 Conference discussion on Concrete Problems (Q and A: practical issues of exaggerating, book choices, reading gluttons, temper, handling money, willing obedience)
p. 646 Early Religious Training by H.C. Beeching (children's first religious training should be teaching them prayer and reverence)
p. 654 Early Religious Teaching by Mrs. Hart-Davis (it's up to the parents to lay the foundation for the child)
p. 659 Impressions of the Conference (brief summary of the conference)
p. 665 The Poet Wordsworth by Rev. W. Tuckwell (the poet's life and favorite places; recommended poems for beginners)
p. 684 The Teaching of Geography , parts 1 and 2 by J.H. Raundrup (students should deduct their own conclusions, not memorize dry lists of facts)
p. 694 The Scope of Motherhood by Lady Hamilton (whether caring for her own children or those with needs, motherhood implies sacrifice)
p. 701 A Few Words About the PNEU by Madame Reppman of Moscow (a member of a Moscow educational society gives her perception of CM's methods)
p. 711 The Care of Children by Mrs. Davis (basic principles of simple diet, air, exercise, limits, and low stress)
p. 715 Garden Gossip by S. Armitt (signs of fall; plants show signs of bearing seeds)
p. 718 Hyde Park and King Alfred by Charlotte Mason (history, architecture, philosophy)
p. 723 Our Library by Victor Allemandy (reviews of The Mind of the Child by W. Preyer, Psychology for Teachers by C. Llloyd Morgan, and an unidentified book about milestones by Mr. Taylor)
p. 745 The Ring and the Book: An Appreciation, parts 1 and 2 by E.A. Skurray (all 12 books of Browning's masterpiece are discussed)
p. 760 Over-Pressure by T. Fred Gardner (a hurried, rushed life, too much work, and stress are harmful for children)
p. 779 An Apology for the Mediocre Person by Grace M. Gwynne "who does nothing in particular, and does it very well." (common goodness and contentment is better than superiority)
p. 801 A Plea for Brothers by Mrs. Powell (the benefits of brothers and sisters living together for support as young adults)
p. 808 Our Library by Victor Allemandy (psychology books: Studies of Childhood by James Sully; Psychology of Childhood by Frederick Tracy)
p. 814 Garden Gossip by S. Armitt (flower scents lure night insects; bees are drawn to specific colours)
p. 825 Sir John Gorst Speaks about Education (state education: what should be taught? who should be taught? for how long?)
p. 836 Children on Sundays , parts 1 and 2 by Robert Bird (History of Sabbath. Is it outdated? What should it mean for children?)
p. 847 On Hysteric Disease from the Lay Point of View by C. Fortescue Yonge (mind and body influence each other; busyness can ease depression)
p. 853 Childish Ailments by Dr. Esther Colebrook (preventing and treating the common cold and digestive ailments)
p. 873 A Holiday in Cumberland by Mary Armitt (notes from a journal during a trip to northern England, on the Scotland border)
p. 879 The Teaching of Poetry to Children by J. G. Simpson (we must expose our children to truly beautiful poetry, and learn to love it ourselves)
p. 884 Garden Gossip by S. Armitt (restoring and reviving a neglected, overgrown garden)
p. 887 Our Library by Victor Allemandy (Herbart: short bio; books about him and his method)
p. 891 Gentlewomen in Elementary Schools by E. M. Field (appeal for upper-class ladies to become teachers, bringing a fresh new perspective to the craft)
p. 896 Book Reviews (Lang's Violet Fairy Book, Brightwen's Inmates of my House and Garden, Glimpses into Plant Life)
p. 905 Poems of Mother and Child (poems about the nativity and innocent worship of children by Charlotte Mason)
p. 913 A German Christmas Eve by Michael Fairless (description of street scenes at Christmas)
p. 917 The Teaching of History by D. M. H. Nesbitt (why and how to teach history: not for dates, but for men and great ideas; a history lesson is described)
p. 937 Children's Occupations in the Nursery by K.L. Hart-Davis (children sometimes need help thinking of 'something to do' when they're bored)
p. 948 The Ill-Effects of Hurry by Mabel Escombe (hurry leads to shoddy, rushed work, and distracted relationships)
p. 953 Froebel and the Kindergarten System by William Burnet (observation of the man and his schools run on "large, loving" ideas)
p. 958 Simple Things - A Daily Rest by S.F.S. (sometimes nothing is more important than making time to rest and refresh in a day)
p. 961 Our Library by Victor H. Allemandy (a review of Home Education by Charlotte Mason)
p. 965 Garden Gossip by S. Armitt (Asphodel, the flower of death; Pampas Grass; two gardening books)
p. 968 Parents Review School (a "general statement;" PRS students love learning for its own sake, and they love their books)

Volume 13, 1902

p. 001 Education and Belief By Rev. J. Salwey, Jr. (Religion and education go together; religion encourages science; parents: eradicate religious ignorance by teaching doctrine.)
p. 010 Simplification of Modern Life. By C. de la Cherios-Crommelin (Minimalism; science of relations: work, knowledge, relationships have more meaning than "stuff.")
p. 022 The Chassevant Method of Musical Education. By M. P. Gibb (Ear training; bird analogies; manipulatives; rhythm, tune, pitch, reading music, memory, expression.)
p. 032 The Injurious Effects of Over-Education. By E. Escombe (Hours cramming with schoolbooks is unnatural, stressful, and can result in insanity and demoralization.)
p. 040 Foodstuffs in Reference to Children's Teeth By T. Wilson Hogue (For general health, eat slowly, chew well; best meats; raw eggs; grain; vegetables.)
p. 046 Ourselves, Our Souls and Bodies. By the Editor Pt I. (Excerpt from Vol 4, Ourselves, about Justice)
p. 055 Alfred: A Play for Children (A play about young prince Alfred [the Great] by CM's student teachers)
p. 070 Senior Art Club (January subjects: shells, hands, sketches of summer studies.)
p. 071 Books (Reviews of Heart of the Empire, Unwin; The Defendant, Chesterton; The Mind of a Child, Richmond; The Earlier Renaissance, Saintsbury; The Wonder Child, Turner; The Beechnut Book, Abbott; Cassell's Magazine and Kipling's Kim; Highways and Byways in the Lake District, Bradley)
p. 071 Our Work (16 students passed NHS Exam; Translation and Literary Societies Report)
p. 076 P.N.E.U. Notes (Better museum trips; romance, Mrs. Clement Parson's charm; late meetings for fathers; abuse of reading.)
p. 081 Girls from Twelve to Sixteen -- Part I. By Mrs. Hart Davis (guidelines for preparing a girl for womanhood)
p. 094 An Interlude. By H. Lawrence (Simple furnishings and toys are more restful, peaceful, and sincere.)
p. 099 The Educational Value of Games. By Rev. R. H. Hart-Davis (Team sports encourage health and build character for boys and girls -- but not together.)
p. 106 Indoor Games. By Herbert Sutton (pantomome, board games, cards, etc)
p. 111 How far is the Present Method of Educating Girls a Success. By Mrs. de Gruchy Gaudin (Today's girls have more options, but don't neglect their womanly hearts that inspire and elevate.)
p. 121 The Sunday Question. By M. Stewart (Sunday is a day for peace, cheerfulness, leisure, change, doing for others -- not somber gloom.)
p. 128 Hints on Religious Training of Children By K. C. B. (Truth is eternal, interpretation changes; habit of reverence; doctrinal teaching order; candle illustration of Trinity; Will, Conscience.)
p. 143 Out of Doors in February. By the late Dr. J. E. Taylor (Nature in Feb: flower dissection, not many insects, nest-building; a pocket lens is a must.)
p. 149 Our Library By V. H. Allemandy (School and Home Life, Rooper; Lectures on Teaching, Fitch)
p. 153 Our Work (House of Ed class list of student teachers, grades, summary of classes by T.G. Rooper)
p. 153 Senior Art Club (Subjects for February: arranged shells, studies of the hand)
p. 155 Books (Reviews of The Gathering of Brother Hilarius, Fairless; Barbara West, by Snowdone; John Ruskin, Meynell; Words by an Eye-witness: The Struggle in Natal, Linesman; The Works of [Oliver] Goldsmith, Pollard; Jesus, the Carpenter of Nazareth, Bird)
p. 158 P.N.E.U. Notes (Summaries of lectures given at PNEU branch meetings; some end up published in future PR's.)
p. 161 Browning: "Education is a Life." Pt I. By E. A. Skurray (Life is a school to learn character, love, truth, illustrated by Browning's poetry.)
p. 170 Self-Reliance and Public Opinion By Miss Douglas Montgomery (How readily should we adopt changes in educational and parenting trends?)
p. 177 Physical Culture. By Helen Douglas (Outdoor sports, like swimming and fencing, provide fresh air; also dancing and Swedish Drill.)
p. 182 Girls from Twelve to Sixteen -- Part II. By Mrs. Fred Reynolds (a mother observes and reflects as her daughter passes from childhood to womanhood)
p. 185 Boileau. By W. Osbourne Brigstocke (Satirist and critic Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux rediscovers the value of ancient classics)
p. 195 The Briton of the Future: How shall we Train him? By Constance Barnard Pt I. (A defense of Froebel's kindergarten to train the muscles, intellect, morals of the next generation.)
p. 209 The Windy Month. By the late Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S. (Nature in March: birds, insects, and flowers)
p. 215 Our Library by Victor H. Allemandy (A detailed review of CM's Vol 2 Parents and Children with quotes.)
p. 220 Girls' Education Pt I. (Letters: Todays girls whine; spine health; indoor games; sports build character; timing lesson prep)
p. 224 Games
p. 228 Overpressure
p. 232 Our Work (Quality of student exam work; translation assignments)
p. 232 Senior Art Club (Subject assignments for March: a cast in outdoor light; an outdoor study)
p. 233 Books (Reviews of The Young Barbarians, Maclaren; Wonders of the Bird-World, Bowdler Sharpe)
p. 234 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Request for book suggestions, PR company £1 shares for sale)
p. 236 P.N.E.U. Notes (New PNEU branches, reports on regional PNEU meetings, including one with GK Chesterton.)
p. 241 Memories of the Buckinghamshire Quakers Pt I By May Rowland Brown (Mary Springett Pennington, whose home, Chalfont Grange, became a center for Quakers.)
p. 249 Girls from Twelve to Sixteen-- Part III. By Mary S. Simon (Both apathy and unceasing activity can be helped by cultivating high standards.)
p. 255 How we take Life. By Mrs. W. C. Carrell Pt I. (Life's road requires goals, a dose of unromantic reality, and optimism.)
p. 263 Browning. "Education is a Life." Part II by E. A. Skurray. (Religion illustrated with Browning's poetry, and a lesson in having a critical spirit.)
p. 273 Jungle Law as an Educational Code by R.A. Pennethorne (life truths learned from Kipling's Jungle Books)
p. 277 The Briton of the Future: How Shall We Train Him? Pt II. By Constance Barnard. (Froebel's kindergarten: sportsmanship, self-control, truth in word and deed, inspiring tales)
p. 284 P.N.E.U. Children By the Editor (Children are not plants, and kindergarten undervalues their intelligence.)
p. 291 Children's Teeth By E. Catt, Esq., L.D.S.I & D.D.S. (Tooth anatomy, causes of cavities, dental care)
p. 297 Smiles and Tears. By the late Dr. J. E. Taylor (Nature in April: birds, insects, and flowers)
p. 302 Discussion on Educating Girls (Two more reader responses about the PR article on pg 111.)
p. 308 Our Work (Term dates; Literary Society prizes)
p. 308 Senior Art Club (Art Club assignment for April: daffodils)
p. 309 Books (Reviews of Matthew Arnold, Saintsbury; Robert Louis Stevenson, Cornford; Great Master Series: Rembrandt, Bell; Giotto, Perkins; Flowers of the Cave, Magnus and Headlam; Songs of Childhood, Ramel/De la Mare; Stories from Froissart, Newbolt; The Castaways of Meadow-Bank, Cobb; The Life of a Century, Hodder)
p. 312 The "PR" Letter Bag (Thomas Ken hymn misattributed; book suggestions; shares in the PR company.)
p. 315 P.N.E.U. Notes (Meeting lectures, including 'The Uselessness of Modern Youth' (!) and one where Chesterton spoke.)
p. 321 Parents and Masters. Pt I. by the Rev. Canon Skrine (A schoolmaster's thoughts on the ideal relationship between teachers and parents.)
p. 336 Girls Twelve to Sixteen Pt IV. Girlhood From the Physical Aspect. (Puberty brings changes, but doesn't have to make girls delicate.)
p. 341 Patriotism. By Mrs. W. C. Carrell (Tribute to Cecil Rhodes; in what small ways can we do something for our society?)
p. 347 Fairy Tales. By S. Douglas Wilson (Mythical lore shows how our forefathers thought about the sun; are they good for children?)
p. 357 The Child Artist. By Mrs. E. Garrett Rice (How to teach children drawing and art.)
p. 362 Browning: Education is a Life Pt III by E. A. Skurray (Poems like "Numpholeptos" and "Abt Vogler" explore truth, perfection, music, duty, and eternal hope.)
p. 374 The Need of a Definite Ideal. By Mrs. Arthur Phillp (Focus and purpose in life, inspired by books and people, yields true success.)
p. 382 The Month of Blossoms. By the late Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S. (Birds, insects, and flowers all come to life in May.)
p. 387 Art Club (Subjects for May: bluebells, apple trees)
p. 388 Our Work (Miss Hodgson's resignation, Mr. Geldart leaving due to health issues.)
p. 389 Books (Reviews of Thoughts on Education, Creighton; Pastor Agnorum, Skrine; Profession of Teaching, Wilson; Training of Teachers and Methods of Instruction, Laurie; Culture and Restraint, Black; Lessons on the Herbartian Method, Fennell; The Sunrise of Revelation, Bramston; The Amateur Gardener, London; Bell's Miniature Series of Painters)
p. 393 The "PR" Letter Bag (Cleanliness, cherish idealism in girls, book suggestions, PR shares for sale readership: 2000)
p. 396 P.N.E.U. Notes (Happenings in various regional PNEU meetings. Habit leaves no room for God?)
p. 401 Competitive Examinations. By Major Ward, R.E. (Exams from outsiders don't measure real learning; the system needs reform.)
p. 409 The Grammarian's Funeral. By T. G. Rooper, H.M.I. (A scholar sacrificing his life to knowledge seeks heavenly rewards.)
p. 413 The Training of the Artistic Perception in Young Children. By Miss H. Unwin (It's never too early to cultivate taste in pictures, literature, poetry, toys, handicrafts.)
p. 424 The "Relating" of Diogenes Teufelsdröckh . By E. A. Parish (Thomas Carlyle's character in Sartor Resartus illustrates a child's mind and inspires us to work.)
p. 441 Education and Practical Life. By Katherine Pease (Education yields observational habits and broad-mindedness that enhance any kind of life.)
p. 449 Memories of the Buckinghamshire Quakers by May Rowland Brown. (Isaac Pennington's 1657 conversion, Tom Ellwood in 1659, William Penn)
p. 462 A Nook in Brittany. By Mrs. Wicksteed (Charming Ste. Marguérite overlooking the Bay of Biscay in France)
p. 464 The Queen of the Year. By the late Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S. (June--the Queen of months--brings tree leaves, birds, flowers, and butterflies.)
p. 471 Art Club (Sketches judged, assignments for June: flowers, tree stem)
p. 471 Our Work (Examiners' Report Easter, Literary Society, Translation Society)
p. 472 Books (Reviews of: Special Reports on Educational Subjects: Education in Germany; Educational Studies and Addresses, Rooper; The Witness of Creation, being Nature Studies from the book of Fob, Leigh)
p. 475 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 477 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 481-571, 575-670 Conference
p. 481 Education the Science of Relations By the Editor (Wordsworth's and Ruskin's boyhoods; reorganized in Vol 3)
p. 503 Our Relations to our Fellow-Creatures. By R. Bray (The personal human element creates caring and social reform; it starts at home. Recommended.)
p. 518 Training in English Schools. By Dr. Gow (Character is multi-faceted; focus shouldn't be only on sports and exams.)
p. 526 Thought-Turning as a Factor in the Training of Character. By Miss Helen Webb, M.B. (Infant/preschool habits; wise distraction with examples; Highly recommended.)
p. 542 Our Relations with the Unseen. By Sister Agnes Mason ("Faith is opposed, not to reason, but to sight.")
p. 554 Conversazione: The Training of the Citizen by Rev. Dr. Hunter (Children are our future; they need a wholesome environment, books, religion)
p. 559 Our Relations with Children. By Mrs. Ennis Richmond (Don't dissect the child-mind; treat children as persons, not hothouse plants, to encourage virtue)
p. 571 Our Work (Summer closing, Translation Society assignments)
p. 572 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Nature study exhibition; purchase of PR Company)
p. 574 P.N.E.U. Notes (Local branches; summary of a lecture on Plato)
p. 575 Our Relations with Music and Art. By Mrs. Howard Glover
p. 589 Our Relations with Nature. By Miss Beatrice Taylor (Unity, justice, logic, design, immutable laws, purpose in striving towards perfection observed)
p. 596 Concrete Problems by Mrs. MacGillicuddy and others (Q&A: defining a good CM conference; competition; habit of perseverance; co-ed; indiscriminate reading; independent girls, finery; social class playmates)
p. 609 How to Preserve the Imaginative Power in Children. By A. Burrell, Esq., M.A. (Preserve unspoiled imagination. Let kids ask questions. Sample Ancient Mariner lesson. Memory work. Geography.)
p. 633 Our Relations with History By W. M. Childs (History gives perspective; it should be taught with geography.)
p. 641 Our Relations with Literature. By J. Russell (Literature opens our eyes; choosing books. No moralizing! How much freedom. Recommended.)
p. 657 Senior Sermon. By Rev. M. R. Neligan (John 17 provides principles for educators; service over success; role modeling)
p. 666 Some Impressions of the Conference. by Mdlle. De Neufville. (spiritual confraternity, reverence for childhood and individuality; two other reviews)
p. 670 Art Club (Drawing Assignments: ripe corn; holiday landscape)
p 670 Our Work (Parents' Review purchase fund tally)
p. 671 P.N.E.U. Notes (New Branch groups, a nature walk in Wakefield)
p. 673 Bird Life in the City of Edinburgh. By R. Godfrey, Esq. (The various birds spotted around Edinburgh)
p. 685, 788, 874, 946 "The Ring and the Book." By W. O. Brigstocke, Esq.
p. 696 Historic England. By Mary Ralph (History should start locally. Sonning, Reading, Mapledurham, Woodcote, Shiplake)
p. 704 How We Take Life. by Mrs. C. W. Carrell. (Enduring adversity; guilt over social inequality; act locally; interruptions. Recommended.)
p. 712 Flowers of the South Downs. By Maude Robinson (The treeless chalk hills of the South Downs abound in beauty.)
p. 718 What is our Aim? By Mrs. Wicksteed (Balanced character, gratitude, self-control over academics; also grown unmarried daughters.)
p. 726 An Ideal Nursery . By C. Sharr [Not Typed Yet]
p. 732 How to Interest Children in the Outdoor World By Miss C. Agnes Rooper (Leisurely family walks, gardening, bird feeders, pets habits of observation.)
p. 736 Sketches of Lessons.
p. 739 The Turn of the Tide. By the late Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S. (September nature notes; Taylor's articles were republished from volume 1.)
p. 744 Art Club (Art assignments: drawings of twilight, stubble fields.)
p. 745 Our Work (Handwork Exam results; P.N.E.U. Translation Society assignment)
p. 748 Books. (Books Reviewed: Story of the Nations series, Unwin; Special Reports on Educational Subjects, Vol. VIII.: Education in Scandinavia, Switzerland, Holland, Hungary, etc. (3/2)., Sadler; Pastors and Teachers, Knox; Foreign Missions, Montgomery; The Story of Euclid, Frankland; The Story of Animal Life, Lindsay; Nature Life and Study, Hodge (negative review); Studies in Education, Barnes)
p. 750 The "PR" Letter Bag (Flowers in Ontario, Mothers Ed Course/MEC lending library)
p. 752 P.N.E.U. Notes (New branches starting)
p. 753 The Education of Nervous Children. By G. H. Savage, M.D. (Helping "backward" or anxious children to meet their potential)
p. 763 Pragmatical Elementary Education by J. Shillaker (may not be from volume 13) (theory of education; making men from children; habit)
p. 765 The Salt of the World. By G. M. Gwynne [Not Typed Yet]
p. 779 Limitations of Theory. By Mrs. Backhouse (raising requires flexibilty in regard to pet theories; good habits can't replace heart growth)
p. 788 The Ring and the Book II by W. Osborne Brigstocke (Pt 2, 3, 4 of Browning's poem about a murder in ancient Rome)
p. 798 The Feeding of Children. By C. G. Havell, M.D. (The best diet for infants is what nature provides. Or goat's milk.)
p. 806 The Impoverishing of Poverty. By C. F. Yonge
p. 818 The Month of Colours. By the late Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S. (October's autumn beauty, and insect preparations for winter.)
p. 833 Resident Governesses. By Mrs. R. L. Devonshire (A good governess is well mannered and always working to improve herself.)
p. 845 The Triumph of Decimals. By H. Clarke, M.A.
p. 851 Bird Walks (Various HEO students describe bird sightings.)
p. 861 The Feeding of Children. By C. G. Havell, M.D. (Nature's way is common sense. Eat light before bedtime.)
p. 868 Mors et Vita. By E. A. Skurray
p. 887 Discussion: Child-Training (Child-Training, Teaching Music in Schools, Teacher's View of Parents)
p. 890 The Teaching of Music in Schools. By Miss T. Fagan
p. 892 Parents from a Teacher's Point of View.
p. 913 In the Light. By the Editor
p. 915 Marcus Aurelius
p. 922 Minor Morals. By Miss Wordsworth
p. 928 "Die Neue Zeit Bedarf der Neuen Schule." A Schoolmaster's Reverie
p. 935 The Ideal: The True Art of Life. By Charlotte F. Yonge
p. 943 Children's Gardens and what they Teach. By E. Warner
p. 956 A Nurse's Notes
p. 961 Systematic Exercise.
p. 966 Child-Training
p. 972 The Teaching of Music in Schools
p. 974 A Sprig of Groundsel. By the late Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., F.G.S.

Volume 14, 1903

p. 002 H. Taine by G.L.F. (a survey of French critic Hippolyte Taine's "Essays")
p. 015 Natural Coordination of Subjects of Instruction by C. H. Parez (relationships between subjects should be natural, not contrived)
p. 021 The Fésole Club Papers I. Wo Die Citronen Bluh'n. by W. G. Collingwood (Painting a lemon)
p. 033 What is Poetry? by H.A. Nesbitt, M.A. (poetry is more than rhyming meter; it is the musical expression of emotion)
p. 043 Conceils de Condorcet a Sa Fille by Mrs. Winkworth (an article completely in French)
p. 051 Bird Life in January by Sophie Smith (feeding birds in winter)
p. 063 Art Club (upcoming assignments)
p. 064 Our Work (regional notes)
p. 065 Books (Books Reviewed: Dante and His Time, Federn; Historical Essays and Reviews, Creighton; Cecilia, Crawford; Broken Stalks, Montagu; Boy's Iliad, Perry; Natural History of Selborne, White; London: Highways and Byways Series, Cook; The Fairchild Family, Sherwood The Sunday Pleasure Book, Agathos: The Rocky Island, Wilberforce; The Bertrams of Ladywell, Marchand; Cape Cousins, Green; The Noisy Years, Dearmer; Bell's Miniature Series of Painters: Hogarth and Gainsborough, The Master of Ballantrae, Stevenson; Don Quixote illustrated by W. Heath Robinson)
p. 071 P.N.E.U. Notes (regional branch news, including summaries from lectures on training, parents, education, the will, vegetarianism, music, emotional development, art masters . . .)
p. 064 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 081 Hero Worship by G. E. Troutbeck (admiration of greatness teaches appreciation of "ordinary goodness")
p. 092 The Fésole Club Papers II. The Boughs of the Branstock by W. G. Collingwood (drawing trees)
p. 099 The Encouragement of Artistic Feeling in the Young by Canon Norris (true artists are born, not taught, but appreciation is worth teaching)
p. 106 Altruism Pt 1, by James Baker (as members of a community, when we help one, we help all, including ourselves)
p. 112 Balzac by G.L.F. (morality in Eugenie Grandet, Pierrette, Le Medicin de Campagne, Le Cure de Village)
p. 120 Mothers' Education Course by Mrs. T.S. Cole (student's notes from a divinity course)
p. 125 The Educational Value of Great Books: Job (Why Job was satisfied with God's answer, and why God accepted him)
p. 133 Moses: A Study by the Editor (a poem by Charlotte Mason)
p. 135 A Plain Account of a Kerry Potato Patch
p. 144 Notes of Lessons (Euclid, Spiders, Glacial Action)
p. 150 Art Club
p. 151 Our Work (report on teacher's exam; a visit to the House of Education teacher's college)
p. 152 Books (Books reviewed: Stories from Froissart, Newbolt; Leading Strings; Cassell's Family magazine)
p. 153 The "P.R." Letter Bag (Letters about stammering; adults choosing children's books)
p. 154 P.N.E.U. Notes (regional news: summary of lecture on "honour"; Bible teaching; co-education; homework)
p. 161 The Educational Value of Great Books: Homer (reverence and hospitality in the Oddyssey compared to Christianity)
p. 170 "For Their Sakes I Sanctify Myself" by Miss Simon (parents must prepare and train themselves to be good teachers)
p. 179 The Fésole Club Papers III. Flower Studies in Fresco School by W. G. Collingwood (art: bring nature indoors for practice; notes on Collingwood)
p. 186 Altruism pt 2, by James Baker (as members of a community, when we help one, we help all, including ourselves)
p. 193 Henriette Renan by G.L.F. (the devoted sister of controversial French writer/philosopher Ernest Renan )
p. 201 Obedience by M. MacEacharn (early obedience is necessary to grasp abstract reverence and self-management later)
p. 207 Co-Education by F. Rankin (the possible benefits and potential problems with girls and boys taught together)
p. 217 The Theology of Sally by Sonia Cross (when Sally's prayer goes unanswered, she loses faith in God)
p. 221 Sea-Birds by S. Hirtzel (description of birds viewed: gull, tern, albatross, cormorant)
p. 231 Art Club, Our Work, The "P.R." Letter Bag (test results)
p. 234 The "P.R." Letter Bag (request for children's book titles)
p. 240 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 241 The Educational Bill from an Educational Standpoint Pt 1,2 by H.A. Nesbitt (pt 1: practical implications of a particular political bill)
p. 248 The Religious Education of Children Pt 1,2 by Robert Bird (keep it simple, be honest; and the goodness/innocence of children)
p. 259 The Educational Value of Great Books: Dante by W. Osborne Brigstocks Dante's Inferno helps us take consequences of our sin seriously)
p. 268 Questions Proposed by the Royal Commission on Physical Education from Dr. Almond (a pro-fitness teacher answers un-printed questions about fitness, sports and school)
p. 277 The Fésole Club Papers V. The Ethics of Leaf-Land. by W. G. Collingwood (Drawing clumps of foliage, trees)
p. 283 Prosper Merimee by G.L.F. (the life of the French writer)
p. 291 Hedgerows in April by S. Smyth (plants and birds seen on a walk in April)
p. 296 About Music Teaching by Barbara Davenport (music lessons shouldn't dull love for music)
p. 300 Children's Books a letter to the editor (quality over quantity; the role of books in overall child development)
p. 304 Notes of Lessons (lesson plans for high school art/architecture, seeds, German, handicrafts/clay modelling)
p. 314 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 319 List of Books Added to the PNEU Library
p. 321 The Brain in Relation to Education by A. Wilson
p. 330 Marcel Prevost by W. Osborne Brigstocke (Prevost's novel Letters to Frances talks of reform among women; its entire preface is included)
p. 335 The Religious Education of Children Pt 1, 2 by Robert Bird (keep it simple, be honest; and the goodness/innocence of children)
p. 346 The Educational Bill from an Educational Standpoint Pts 1, 2 by H.A. Nesbitt (pt 2: achievements/goals for a child of age 13; co-ed classes)
p. 353 Questions Proposed by the Royal Commission on Physical Education from Dr. Almond (continued) (a pro-fitness teacher answers un-printed questions about fitness, sports and school)
p. 361 The Fésole Club Papers VI. Greenbank House. by W. G. Collingwood (painting foregrounds; really look at what's there instead of blotting it in vaguely)
p. 366 Suggestions for Holiday Amusements (for summer break) by E.A. Parish (don't waste holidays; teach the habit of kindness; supplement school lessons)
p. 374 Children's Books by Mrs. J.C. Barnett (good books, not thrilling adventures, develop taste and morals; storytelling)
p. 377 Nature Walks in May by H.M. Lake (birds and plants seen on three walks)
p. 382 Notes of Lessons (lesson plans: high school grammar, younger math, and Bible)
p. 389 Art Club, Our Work, Books (Our Work includes a list of recommended nature books. Books reviewed: Wordsworth, Walter Raleigh; A Short History of the Ancient Greek Sculptors, Legge; Clear Speaking and Good Reading, Burrell; Co-Education, A. Woods; The Study of the Gospels, Robinson)
p. 393 The "P.R." Letter Bag (letters to the Editor, including one about kindergarten)
p. 395 P.N.E.U. Notes (happenings and summaries of lectures in various branches)
p. 401 Robinson Crusoe in Education by T.G. Rooper (biography of DeFoe; Herbart's use of Crusoe as unit study)
p. 413 The Late Dr. Almond of Loretto by Thomas B. Whitson (an ex-student remembers his headmaster's interest in physical health and strength)
p. 418 On Exibitions by James Cadenhead (if our children are to love art, we must love art)
p. 426 Religious Education and the Catechism by M. Bramston (suggestions for religious teaching, including 16 Duties to Others)
p. 432 Notes from the Conference by H. M. Lake (brief summary of events and lectures at student teachers' conference)
p. 435 The Brain in Relation to Education , pt 2, by A. Wilson (many aspects of brain including memory, storing images in the mind, habit)
p. 451 The Fésole Club Papers IV. Through the Window. by W. G. Collingwood (attempts at accurate line/colour teach us to see beauty in common things)
p. 456 Love Songs by Mrs. Douglas Wilson (bird songs and nests: nightingale, black cap, white throat, bullfinch, wood-pigeon)
p. 460 Public School Boys by M. MacEacharn (why is education turning out idle boys who are bored with books and nature?)
p. 469 Notes on Lessons (a lesson plan on teaching design)
p. 470 Art Club (art club assignments)
p. 472 Our Work (includes examiner's report)
p. 473 Books (reviews of Shakepeare Story Book, MacLeod; Studies of Bird Life, Dixon)
p. 474 The "P.R." Letter Bag (includes letter describing a visit to a CM school)
p. 475 P.N.E.U. Notes (PNEU Manifesto; notes about Mothers/Daughters; Purity)
p. 481 In Memoriam: Thomas Godolphin Rooper , who died May 1903 (PNEU's Rooper praised for his expertise, diligence and humility)
p. 489 The Educational Value of Great Books: The Bible by W. Osborne Brigstocke
p. 495 Check or Develop Early Tendencies in Children by Mrs. Edward Sieveking (importance of training good habits early; some points are stretched)
p. 506 On Exhibitions , pt 2 by James Cadenhead (purpose of art; how to approach art)
p. 513 The Ministering Children's League by Florence Montgomery (the league as an aid in teaching the habit of unselfish consideration at home)
p. 518 Hester's Up-Bringing by Ada M. Trotter (pt 1; serial story of a poor, dull rural girl taken in by a doctor's family)
p. 527 The Sea-Side in Summer by D. Nesbitt (the sea's constant change, chalk cliffs, fossils, plants, birds, shells)
p. 535 Music and Art in Schools by L. Winifred Nicholls (expectations for teaching, and how much time to allot for lessons)
p. 538 The Fésole Club Papers VII. The Team of Phaethon. by W. G. Collingwood (art: seven aspects of composition, with a focus on contrast)
p. 544 Notes of Lessons (Lesson Plans for French, Geometry, Science - plant fertilization)
p. 549 Art Club (assigned subjects for July)
p. 550 Our Work (student teachers graded on their nature notebooks)
p. 551 Books (Reviews of Robert Browning , Chesterton; Emerson's Essay on Beauty, Cunningham; Keats' Adonais, Cunningham; The Norland Readers; Tales from the Greek, Thompson; The Celtic Wonder World, Thomson; Little German Folk, Schramm; Religious Instruction of Children at Home, Barker; History of Western Europe, Robinson; The Sciences, Holden)
p. 554 The "P.R." Letter Bag, P.N.E.U. Notes (summary of CM's 'studies serve for delight;' happenings at various PNEU branches)
p. 561 Check or Develop Early Tendencies in Children (continued) by Mrs. Edward Sieverking
p. 570 Teaching Arithmetic (weaknesses and their remedy) by C.H. Wilkinson (principles and suggestions for schools teaching math)
p. 579 Three Aspects of Sir Walter Scott's Genius by Mary L. Armitt (his portrayal of women, avoidance of tragedy, and his humour)
p. 586 The Place and Value of the Kindergarten in a Complete Scheme of Education by A. H. Schepel (kindergarten per a Froebel follower)
p. 594 Heathenism in London by Charlotte Yonge (religion's role with the poor as related to Charles Booth's book)
p. 597 The Fésole Papers VIII.The Sign of the Scales by W. G. Collingwood (balance/symetry in art)
p. 607 Hester's Upbringing chapters 3-5 by Ada Trotter (Hester adjusts to her new life in this sentimental tale)
p. 629 Art Club; Our Work
p. 634 Books (Reviews of Sir Julian, Parsons; Survey of English Ethics, Lecky/Hirst; Nerves in Disorder, Schofield; To Girls: A Budget of Letters, Hersey; Towards the Rising Sun, Lane; Under Sunny Skies, Lane;Hero Stories from American History, Blaisdell; The Triumphs of Science, Lane; Trees in Prose and Poetry, Stone/Fitchett; History for Graded and District Schools, Kemp)
p. 637 The "P.R." Letter Bag (plea for books and games for poor children's holiday program)
p. 638 P.N.E.U. Notes (single paragraph summary of Glover about habit, obedience without punishment; paragraph about bike trail)
p. 641 The Educational Value of Natural History by Mrs. Edward Sieveking (kindness to even the lowliest forms of life should characterize our nature study)
p. 654 Teaching Arithmetic Part 2 Some weaknesses I have found and their remedy, by C.H. Wilkinson
p. 664 Education and The Education Act by Edith Escombe (the need to educate rural children to be fit for their environment)
p. 670 Whom the Gods Love Die Young by W. Osborne Brigstocke (how can we reconcile the death of children?)
p. 674 Jane Austen by D. Brownell (a short biography written and read by one of CM's student teachers for their "Scale How Tuesdays")
p. 680 The Fésole Club Papers IX. A Chip and a Coal. by W. G. Collingwood (draw coal and wood chips to learn about variety and unity in beauty)
p. 692 Hester's Upbringing chapters 6-7 by Ada Trotter (sappy serial about a little girl whose winning ways steal a doctor's heart )
p. 715 Art Club; Our Work (routine announcements; nothing of particular note)
p. 716 Books (Books reviewed: Education: Disciplinary, Civic and Moral, Williams; The Teacher and the Child, Mark; The Making of Citizens: A Study in Comparative Education, Hughes; Mothers' Guide to the Care of Children, Leney; Education in Accordance with Natural Law, Ingham; The Work of Botticelli, Davey; Arnold Countryside Readers and Seaside Readers; The Mother's Book of Song, Burn; Life and Health, Blaisdell; English Composition, Kimpster; Private Schools' Association Handbook; Elementary Geometry, Mukergi)
p. 720 P.N.E.U. Notes (local branch notes and list of new branches)
p. 721 A PNEU Manifesto by Charlotte Mason (CM explains her Education Manifesto of Vol 3 and adds student exams proving it works)
p. 761 In Memoriam (Tennyson's poem) by Canon C. V. Gorton (the poet wonders about life after death: does it exist? What's it like?)
p. 763 Pragmatical Education by J. Shillaker
p. 775 Nature's Forethought by E. M. E. Wilkinson (variety of methods of propagation/reproduction in seeds)
p. 780 The Fésole Club Papers X. Infinity. by W. G. Collingwood (What does infinity mean? How can we express it in art?)
p. 785 Playtime by Lucy H. Yates (free play encourages imagination, and games of skill can develop perception)
p. 790 Notes of Lessons "We have thought that it might be of use to our readers (in their own families) to publish from month to month during the current year, Notes of Lessons prepared by students of the House of Education for the pupils of the Practising School. We should like to say, however, that such a Lesson is never given as a tour de force, but is always an illustration or an expansion of some part of the children's regular studies (in the Parents' Review School), of some passage in one or other of their school books."--Charlotte Mason] (history lesson for two 16 yr olds; nature painting Class III; history ages 8-11)
p. 794 Art Club (assignments for art club and Literary Society)
p. 795 Books (Books reviewed: Short Prayers, Soulsby; The Works of Charles Lamb;Also: Women's Vacation Term for Biblical Study, report of work)
p. 799 The "P.R." Letter Bag (letters, administrative P.N.E.U. Notes, New Branches)
p. 801 On the Teaching of Modern Languages by A.S. Tetley (use oral and reading, and begin early)
p. 808 When and How to Begin Modern Languages by Clara L. Daniell (combination of traditional and modern methods works best)
p. 815 Edward Thring by M. MacEarcharn (praise for an educational reformer)
p. 824 The Educational Value of Great Books--Paradise Lost by W. Osborne Brigstocke (Satan, no mediocre character, has lessons to teach us about faithlessness)
p. 831 The Home Schoolroom by Christine Sharr (outfitting a room for homeschool: nature collections, aquarium, art, flowers)
p. 838 Trees in Our Walks by A. C. Drury (descriptions of various trees; helps show what to look for on a nature walk)
p. 843 The Fésole Club Papers XI. A New Card Game. by W. G. Collingwood (dividing and shading the paper to make landscapes)
p. 847 Notes of Lessons (teaching two classes together; details of lessons in geography, reading, picture)
p. 853 Hester's Upbringing chapters 9-end by Ada Trotter (last 3 chapters of a twaddly, goody-goody story)
p. 869 Books (Reviews of: Lectures on the Logic of Arithmetic, Boole; England in the Nineteenth Century, Oman; Greek History for Young Readers, Zimmern; Memoirs of a Child, Winston; The Crimson Fairy Book, Lang; Tales from the Faerie Queene, Thomson; The Life of Julius Agricola, Tacitus; Nests and Eggs of Familiar Birds, Adams; Observation Lessons on Plant Life, Ussher/Jebb; Ways of the Six-Footed, Comstock; Insect Folk, Morley; Nature Studies, Elliot; Les Français D'Autrefois Wolff; Longman's School Poetry Books, Peterson; From Alfred to Victoria, Eayrs; Dame Wynton's Home, Brock; When I Was a Child, An Old Potter; The Story of the North Country Reader; A History of Great Britain; Tont, A First History of England, Part IV., Thomson; Les Deux Fées and other French Plays for Children, Partington; Persephone, Skeat; First Lesson in Arithmetic, Turnbull; Songs and Games for Little Ones, Murray; Games with Music, Bates; Toujours Prét, Ideographic French Reader, Reading and Elocution in the Schools and Colleges of the USA, Bardsley; Analytical Grammar as applied to the Latin language; Longman's New Fairy Tale Readers for Infants: The Snow Man; The Three Little Pigs; Chin-Chin Chinaman; The Gospel in North Africa Rutherford and Glenny Kinderfremien, von A. E. C.; A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales, Nield; Paton's List of Schools; Geographical Readers; Latin Grammar Rules, Jones)
p. 869 Our Work (administrative notes to readers)
p. 874 The "P.R." Letter Bag (twaddle as gifts vs. grounding children in living literature; teaching Uganda moms childcare)
p. 877 P.N.E.U. Notes (local branch news; summaries of lectures on parental training, fear/worry, C.D. Olive on classical education)
p. 881 Children and the Catechism by Wilfred Richmond (grace, duty to renounce sin, faith and obedience learned via ordered Q and A)
p. 890 The Inspiration from the Use of Many Books by Mrs. Fred Reynolds (why children need books, and how to select them)
p. 894 Useful Holidays by Sir John Cockburn (summer and school vacation should inclue rest, nature, read-alouds, charity)
p. 902 How to Best Study Nature by Mr. J. C. Medd (use what's available to teach observant habits)
p. 907 Manifesto Discussion (Charlotte Mason responds to Mr. Badley's criticisms about the manifesto in Volume 3)
p. 914 Books by Mrs. F. G. Hickson (Defines education; learning to love reading rather than craving entertainment; learning doesn't have to be drudgery . . . )
p. 920 A Wide Curriculum by Miss Kathleen Warren (living books covering a vast number of topics prevents education from being tedious drudgery)
p. 920 PNEU Conference (incomplete; notes from two articles before and after A Wide Curriculum)
p. 930 Use of Books in Geography by Miss C.N. Heath, ex-HEO student (How to teach geography lessons using CM's 5-volume Ambleside Geography Readers)
p. 937 Works of Art and Illustration as a Means of Education by Professor Ernest Gardner (using art to illustrate history, literature, geography)
p. 944 Living Books for the Nursery by Mrs. Crump (Choosing the best books: clear, interesting, timeless . . . )
p. 954 Address by the Rev. H. L. Paget , Vicar of St. Pancras and Rural Dean (religious traditions of Jewish faith models stability and solidity)
p. 962 How to Revive a Dying Branch of the PNEU by Mrs. R. A. Penney (encouragement for secretaries dealing with the discouragement of failure due to lack of member interest)
p. 968 Books (Reviews: Story of My Life, Keller; Mankind in the Making, Wells; Cities, Symons: Great Masters, Conway; Under Cheddar Cliffs a Hundred Years Ago, Seeley; The Seashore, Furneaux; The Master Musicians: Chopin, Haddon; The Child "Wonderful", Stacey; The Golliwog's Circus, Upton; Lost in Blunderland, Lewis)
p. 968 Our Work (announcements of upcoming deadlines and literature/translation work)
p. 974 P.N.E.U. Notes (report on PNEU local branch meetings, including brief summaries of lectures, incl one by Chesterton)

Volume 15, 1904

p. 001 Education vs Instruction by H. A. Nesbitt (it's better to help students discover answers themselves, than to feed them facts)
p. 001 Living Books in the Teaching of History by R. C. Lehmann
p. 008 On the Education of Children in True Religion and Worship by M. C. Batterham
p. 021 Law. by the Editor
p. 023, 437, 627 The Educational Value of Great Books by W. O. Brigstocke. (Don Quixote, Shakespeare)
p. 025 Don Quixote. by W. O. Brigstocke
p. 033 Elocution. by M. Hay
p. 043 Mrs. Gaskell by C. N. Heath
p. 059 A Memory of Childhood.
p. 052 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 062 The Months
p. 067 Notes of Lessons (Lesson plans in science: classifying sea urchins; math: teaching fractions)
p. 071 (Notes on) Books
p. 071 Our Work
p. 074 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 077 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 081 Hymn to Demeter Translated by the late T. G. Rooper
p. 093 Education versus Instruction. by H. A. Nesbitt
p. 104 Coleridge. by H. E. Wix
p. 112 The Call of Abraham by E. A. Parish
p. 122 The Play of Man by R.A.P.
p. 126 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 130 A Chat with Children about Wild Flowers. by A. Logan Miller
p. 136 The Months
p. 132 Extract from Discussion on Habit and Will. by A. Reppman
p. 139 Chat with Children about Wild Flowers, A. by A. Logan Miller
p. 142 Notes of Lessons
p. 148 Our Work
p. 151 (Notes on) Books
p. 155 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 156 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 161, 249 Wordsworth The Humanist. by Felix Asher
p. 174 The Informal Teaching of History. by H. Johnstone
p. 178 A Fable in Bricks and Mortar. by G. K. Chesterton
p. 181, 259 A Forgotten Pioneer of a Rational Education and His Experiment by Rev. H. H. Moore, M.A.
p. 190, 279, 363 Hampstead: Its Birds and Its Building, Some Facts about. by Mrs. Maxwell Y. Maxwell
p. 201 English Student in Germany, The.
p. 207 "Manners Makyth Man." by E. C. McKechnie
p. 214 Grasmere Play, They. by Edith Fisher
p. 216 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 221 The Months
p. 227 Notes of Lessons
p. 230 Our Work
p. 231 (Notes on) Books
p. 233 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 235 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 241 The Culture of the Spirit-Life in Childhood. by Rev. W. E. Fletcher
p. 258 In the Wilderness:--Of Dreariness. by C. M. M. [Charlotte Mason??]
p. 259 A Forgotten Pioneer Pt 2 by H.H.Moore (science: 6 things we can learn from Richard Dawes, of rural King's Somborne School)
p. 273 An Experiment in Early Education. by Mrs. F. Petrie Steinthal
p. 286 Children's Capacities. by Rachel Challice
p. 294 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 299 The Months
p. 301 British Falcons and Hawks. by E. C. Allen
p. 306 Notes of Lessons
p. 311 Our Work
p. 312 (Notes on) Books
p. 315 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 315 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 321 A Boy's Career by Rev. Dr. Gow
p. 325 Some English Impressions of French Education. by E. S. Packer
p. 339 The Relations between Home and School Authorities. by T. E. Cattell
p. 341 Habits. by E. E. M. Whitfeld
p. 349 Toussaint I.'Ouverture. by M. Rothera
p. 358 A Chat with Nurse: Good Manners.
p. 370 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 377 The Months
p. 382, 456 Nature Study. By A. Logan Miller
p. 387 Notes of Lessons
p. 390 Scots Ballads. by D. L. Thomson
p. 391 (Notes on) Books
p. 395 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 396 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 401 The Religious Training of Children. by Rev. and Hon. J. S. Northcote
p. 410 Physical Education of Girls. by J. R. Kaye
p. 421 The Dawn of the Children's Era. by F. B. Reynolds
p. 433 Modern Languages. by G. L. F.
p. 446 Afterwards I by E. K. J.
p. 450 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 460 The Months
p. 464 Notes of Lessons
p. 471 Our Work
p. 472 (Notes on) Books
p. 475 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 476 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 483 Nature and Nurture. By Professor A.J. Thomson
p. 494 Normal Growth in the School Ages. by W. Leslie Mackenzie, M.A., M.D.
p. 513 Nervous Diseases and Symptoms of the School Age. by T. S. Clouston, M.D.
p. 521, 524 Developmental Exercises at School. by George Smith, M.A.
p. 536 Some Thoughts on Reading with our Children. by Dr. Alexander Whyte
p. 541 Educational Value of Observing Nature. by the Rev. Canon Rawnsley
p. 554 Our Work
p. 555 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 557 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 561 Reverence. By the Rev. Professor Paterson, D.D
p. 572 Place of Mathematical Teaching in General Education. by T. J. Garstang, M.A.
p. 579 The Place of Music in Education. by Fr. Niecks
p. 590 Scots Ballads. by D.L. Thomson
p. 600 Training in the Service of Man. by J.L. Paton
p. 612 The Modern Girl's Demand for Work. by Miss Bannatyne
p. 621 Children and Natural Ideals. by Rev. H. Miller
p. 638 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 638 Our Work
p. 639 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 654 Pioneers of Social Reform. by C.F. Yonge
p. 665 Should every Woman have Technical Training in Home Duties? by I. Landale
p. 678 "Meekmouse." by B. M. Peirse
p. 688 A Few Thoughts on the Education of our Elder Girls.
p. 694 Physical Education for Girls. by C. Thomas
p. 702 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 708 The Months
p. 713 Notes of Lessons
p. 718 Our Work
p. 719 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 719 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 721 What are our most Suicidal Defects?. by G. E. Troutbeck
p. 736 How Teachers may Help Parents. by M. E. Barnes
p. 746, 845, 919 An Essay on Greek Sculpture. by G. K. Blogg
p. 759 An Allegory. by Mrs. G. H. Fox
p. 763 Responsibility of Parentage. by T.F. Gardner, M.D.
p. 771 The Importance of Nature Study. By Rev. Cecil Bosanquet
p. 781 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 786 The Months
p. 790 Notes of Lessons
p. 795 Our Work
p. 796 (Notes on) Books
p. 800 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 801 The Right Relationship of Mothers and Daughters. by M. Wolseley Lewis
p. 806, 896 Ignatius Loyola as an Educational Reformer. by Francis H. Wright
p. 809 Was Dante a Musician? by Rev. P. Watchurst
p. 817 The Physical Education of Children by Eric Pritchard, M.D.
p. 824 Opportunities that Pass. by Mrs. Knight Bruce
p. 832 Gardens and Gardening, In Praise of. by J. S. Turner
p. 841 The Autobiography of Herbert Spencer. by R. A. Pennethorne
p. 852 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 857 The Months
p. 866 Notes of Lessons
p. 871 Our Work
p. 872 (Notes on) Books
p. 875 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 879 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 881 Swedish School Gymnastics. by Richard Timberg, G. D. (Stockholm)
p. 910 Children's Health. by Florence A. Stoney, M.D., B.S. (Lond.)
p. 929 On Scott's Motherless Heroines.
p. 934 Nature Study; and How to Encourage it in Children. by E.E. Hart, B.Sc. (Lond.)
p. 941 The Fésole Club Papers, by W. G. Collingwood
p. 946 Notes of Lessons
p. 949 Our Work
p. 950 (Notes on) Books
p. 954 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 955 P.N.E.U. Notes

Volume 16, 1905

p. 683 Ignorance of Parents on the Subject of Education by M.C. Marcel (lack of information can lead to rebellion, character flaws, even infant mortality)

Volume 17, 1906

p. 001 The Place of Greek in Modern Education, By Oscar Browning
p. 012 The Cultivation of the Imagination in Children. By H. Lloyd Parry, B.A., B.Sc., LLB.
p. 023, 100 The Daughter of Brabantio, By Richard Dickins
p. 035 The Bishop of Ripon on the Object of Existence
p. 038 "Going Down the Hill." By Lady Bray
p. 048 Songs for the Nursery, By Frances Epps
p. 052 Religion. By Edith Escombe
p. 057 The Art of Singing, By Madame Feininger of Berlin
p. 061 Notes of Lessons
p. 070 Our Work
p. 071 Books
p. 075 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 081 Education in Hungary. By O.A. Shrunsole
p. 089 The Modern Relationship of Parent to Child. By T. Babington Sugden
p. 114 Nursery Artists, By W. G. Collingwood, M.A.
p. 119 On Moral Education in the Home. By the Rev. W.C. Compton, M.A.
p. 128 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud, part 1, by Ernest Legouve
p. 134, 217 Without Natural Affection By Edith Escombe
p. 139 Notes of Lessons (Latin, Picture Talk, Literature, Algebra)
p. 147 Our Work
p. 149 Books
p. 154 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 156 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 161 The Influence of Heredity and Environment upon the Growth and Development of an Individual. By J.A. Fort
p. 172 Letters to Frances, part 1, by Marcel Prevost
p. 182 Are Recent Developments in Women's Education in Favour of the Best Preparation for Wifehood and Motherhood? By Mrs. Arthur Philip
p. 191 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud, part 2, by Ernest Legouve
p. 197, 462 Arithmetic in the Nursery and Beyond. By Frances Epps
p. 208 The Bloody Boar of Gloster, part 1, by Richard Dickins
p. 216 Discussion:--I. The Place of Greek in Modern Education
p. 217 Discussion:--II. Without Natural Affection
p. 227 Our Work
p. 235 Books
p. 236 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 241 On the Choice of a School. By Ennis Richmond
p. 252 Letters to Frances, part 2, by Marcel Prevost
p. 258 Co-operation between Parent and Teacher. By Miss Rachel Fairbrother
p. 268 The British Museum for Children, part 1, by Frances Epps
p. 288, 380 The Nature-lover in the Library and Out-of-doors. By L.B. Shakspeare
p. 296 The Bloody Boar of Gloster, part 2, by Richard Dickins
p. 304 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud, part 3, by Ernest Legouve
p. 310 Our Work
p. 311 Books
p. 313 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 316 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 321 How to Show Children our National Gallery. By Annie R. Evans
p. 332 First Notions of Geology - A Mother's Talk. By Mrs. T.S. Cole
p. 335 The British Museum for Children, part 2, by Frances Epps
p. 346 Character Training: I. From a Mother's Standpoint. By Mrs. E. Williams
p. 354 Character Training: II. From a Teacher's Point of View. By Miss B. Forth
p. 360 Letters to Frances, part 3, by Marcel Prevost
p. 366 Our Children's Play: Their Toys and Books by Mrs. C. Hatchell (a child's play is his work; his toys should be simple. Excellent thoughts on selecting books.)
p. 377 Some Thoughts on the Modern Education of Girls. By C. Agnes Rooper
p. 389 Our Work
p. 390 Books
p. 392 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 395 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 401 Education and National Needs. By the Rev. A.A. David
p. 410 The Imaginative Faculty in Children. By the Rev. A.W. Batchelor, M.A., D.C.L
p. 419 On Moral Education in the Home. By the Rev. W.C. Compton, M.A.
p. 435 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud, part 4, by Ernest Legouve
p. 442 Home and School. By George Smith
p. 456 Letters to Frances, part 4, by Marcel Prevost
p. 467 "I am, I can, I ought, I will" by J. Gregory Smith, P.U.S. [from "Notes of Lessons"] (PUS Motto in poetry form)
p. 467 Notes of Lessons by Stephanie Wilkinsin (a dictation lesson described)
p. 471 Our Work
p. 472 Books
p. 474 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 477 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 481 The Whitsuntide Conference - Ambleside, part 1
p. 486-501 Notes of Lessons
p. 494 Picture Talk by A. P. Whittall, and p. 498 Picture Talk by F.W. Young (2 sample lessons; Durer's St. Jerome, and Melancholia)
p. 505 A Liberal and Progressive Curriculum. Miss Mason; Lady Campbell; Mrs. Huxley
p. 510, 512 A Uniform Curriculum by Miss Mason; Mr. Wynne-Edwards; Miss Gavin
p. 514 Terminal (as in end-of-term) Examinations. Miss Mason; Mrs. Franklin; Mr. Underhill
p. 517, 518 The Amount of Time to be Given to Classics Miss Mason; Mr. Lowry; Mr. Cecil Grant
p. 522 The Play and Causerie at the Whitsuntide Conference an Appreciation. By the Rev. C.H. Parez
p. 529 II. Mrs. E.L. Franklin
p. 544 The Independent Study in School Hours Movement. Miss Wolseley-Lewis, Miss Mason; Miss Gray; Mr. Parez
p. 552 Parents' Review School, Easter Report
p. 560 The Whitsuntide Conference - Ambleside, part 1
p. 561-579 Annual Meeting of the P.N.E.U.
p. 568 Address by the Bishop of Ripon (Annual Meeting)
p. 561 Address by the Earl of Lytton (Annual Meeting)
p. 579 "Causerie, Tuesday." By Miss S. Adie
p. 579 The Whitsuntide Conference - Ambleside, part 2
p. 586 Parents' Union School for Schools
p. 591 Letters to Frances, part 5, by Marcel Prevost
p. 591 The Whitsuntide Conference - Ambleside, part 3
p. 603 Victorian Branch of the P.N.E.U.
p. 609 A Short Treatise on Reading Aloud, part 5, by Ernest Legouve
p. 617 The Bloody Boar of Gloster, part 3, by Richard Dickins
p. 628 Stepmothers. By E. Willoughby Sells
p. 628 Our Work
p. 634 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 636 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 641 The Effect of Bible Knowledge on a Child. By the Editor
p. 653 The New Lights on the Old Testament in Relation to the Religious Education of Young Children. By the Rev. Wilfrid Richmond
p. 666 How to Teach the Old Testament. By the hon. And Rev. Canon Lyttelton
p. 669 The Relation of the Fourth to the other Three Gospel By Canon Scott-Holland
p. 679 Modern Criticism of the First Three Gospels. By the Rev. E.H. Pearce
p. 690 Religious Training in the Home. By Mary Wolseley-Lewis
p. 699 Teaching Children to Pray By the Rev. Prebendary J.S. Northcote
p. 707 Meditation. By the Editor
p. 720 Our Work
p. 720 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 721, 811 The Educational Views of Montaigne, By Geraldine Hodgson
p. 731 The Development of Individuality in the Young. By W.G. De Burgh, M.A.
p. 739 Art in the Citizen's Life. By Albert Strange
p. 748 The Aims of Music in Education. By E.T. Sweeting, Mus.D.
p. 757 The British Museum for Children, part 3, by Frances Epps
p. 767 Self-Control. By I.A. Symmons
p. 773 How to Interest our Children in Good Literature. By C.L. Thomson
p. 785 Letters to Frances, part 6, by Marcel Prevost
p. 791 Our Work
p. 792 Books
p. 799 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 801 Education: One of the Fine Arts. By A.H. Clarke, Esq.
p. 834 The British Museum for Children, part 4, by Frances Epps
p. 843 Special Schools. By Edith Eskrigge
p. 852 The Possibilities of Historical Teaching in Connection with our Cathedrals. By Mrs. John Henderson
p. 862 Heine. By G. Mahony
p. 873 Our Work
p. 874 Books
p. 879 The "P.R." Letter Bag
p. 879 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 881 "Te Deum." Christmas, 1906. By George Knollys Blogg
p. 883-950 Conference, P.N.E.U.
p. 884 Address of Welcome (P.N.E.U. Conference). By The Countess of Chichester
p. 891 Early Teaching, Some Thoughts on the, of Children. By Miss Clementina Black.
p. 893 The Teaching of History to Young Children. By Miss E.A. Parish
p. 899 P.N.E.U. in the Nursery By Mrs. Wm. S. McKechnie
p. 908 The Art of Story-Telling By A. Burrell, Esq.
p. 911 The Place of Classical in a Modern Education By W.H.D. Rouse, Litt.D.
p. 927 Knowledge and Character By the Rev. W.C. Compton, M.A.
p. 931 Time, and How to Use it. By Mrs. Creighton
p. 936 Demetrius' Coming of Age. By G. Knollys Blogg
p. 951 In Memoriam
p. 953 Our Work
p. 959 P.N.E.U. Notes
p. 995 The "P.R." Letter Bag

Volume 18, 1907

p. 001 On the Difference of Methods of Teaching in Belgium and England. By M. Roger de Goeij-Hampson
p. 023 The Care of Growing Girls By Miss Helen Webb, M.B.
p. 026 Citizenship. By G. R. Parkin., Esq., L.L.D.
p. 037 Education in the Outdoor Life. By Ernest Thompson Seton
p. 039 The Joys and Interests of Motherhood By Mrs. E. L. Franklin
p. 040 Education in Sweden. By the Hon. Mrs. Edward Stuart Wortley
p. 052 Life Between the Ages of Forty and Sixty, Notes on. By Mrs. Earle
p. 063 Personal Recollections of Pasteur as an Old Man. By M. René Vallery-Radot; translated by Mrs.Devonshire
p. 064 Paper Toys or the Art of "Cutting Out," By Miss C. M. Mytton
p. 081 On Education as an Instrument for Deadening the Human Intellect. By the Dean of Durham
p. 097 How to Train a Taste for Literature. By G. McCroben
p. 110 Backward Children. By G. H. Savage, M.D.
p. 120 Glendalough and St. Kevin. By Honor Brooke
p. 131 Special Schools. By Edith Eskrigge
p. 140 A Legend of the Christmas Rose. Adapted from the German by Rudolf Baumbach
p. 146 Possibilities in the Relationship between Parents and Older Children. By Mrs. G. H. Fox
p. 161 The Educational Ideals of Italian Renaissance By the Rev. H. M. Burge
p. 169 Dancing as a School Subject. By J. H. Badley
p. 176 Character vs Intellect at the Public School by A Public School Master (the need to stimulate academic interest in average or even lazy students)
p. 180 Children's Literature. By Mrs. Edwin Jack
p. 193 The Continuous Life of the Church By Rev. M. R. Bethune
p. 209 Parents: Amateur and Professional. By the Rev. H. T. Hooper
p. 217 The Children of Sorrow. By G. Knollys Blogg
p. 225 Beauty Asleep: A Plea for the Art of Reading and Speaking. By D. MacDougall
p. 241 The Trend of the `Teens. By Professor M. V. O'Shea
p. 248 A Via Media in Modern Language Teaching. By Cloudesley Brereton, M.A.
p. 266 On Uniformity of Ideals By Ennis Richmond
p. 276 The Elementary Teaching of History By P. W. Rannie
p. 304 Can Elocution by Taught? A Plea for the Art of Reading and Speaking. By Duncan MacDougall
p. 307 The Care of Tadpoles. By F. M. Haines
p. 321 Unconscious Education By W. G. de Burge, M. A.
p. 340 Parents and Schools. By J. Odery Symes. M.D.
p. 353 Children and Literature. By Miss E. J. Morley
p. 364 Can Elocution be Taught? Can, A Plea for the Art of Reading and Speaking. By Duncan MacDougall
p. 369 Should Our Children Know Our Motives By the Rev. Dr. Batchelor
p. 401 Chairman's Address (Conference). The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Lytton
p. 404 Co-operation in Things Intellectual. By the Rev. and Hon. E. Lyttleton
p. 415 The Product from the Preparatory School and the Direction of Possible Co-operation from the side of the Home. By the Rev. A. A. David
p. 420 Art as a Part of Education, Classic and Mediaeval. By Mrs. Burton Brown
p. 425 The Scope of the P.N.E.U. in Secondary Education. By Lieut. Col. B. R. Ward. R.E.
p. 429 P.N.E.U. in Secondary Education, The Scope of the. By Lieut. Col. B. R. Ward
p. 446 Continuity of Religious Education between Home and School by the Rev. H. T. Bowlby
p. 460 The Habit of Truth-telling. By E. A. Parish
p. 471 A Reasonable Service. By R. A. Pennethorne
p. 481 The Out of School Problem. By A. Rowntree
p. 486 Japanese Education By Baron Kikuchi
p. 492 Conference at Melbourne, Australia, P.N.E.U.
p. 514 The Relations between Home and School By Miss Leahy
p. 526 "Namby-Pamby." By M. Bramston
p. 530 Early Mental Growth Helped by Original Pictorial Drawing. By T. R. Ablett
p. 540 French Books for our Daughters By Mrs. R. Devonshire
p. 561 Co-Education. By The Rev. Cecil Grant
p. 575 The Tombs of Verona. By Honor Brooke
p. 582 The Right Relationship between Parents and Children By Mrs. John Wilhelm Rowntree
p. 588 Development of Individual from Infancy to Maturity. By John Russell
p. 594 Mysticism and Realism of a Scotch Realist. By Charlotte F. Yonge
p. 614 City Life for Working Lads. By Robert Black
p. 641 Punishments: Their Use and Abuse in Education. By Dryland Haslam, Jur., F.S.I.
p. 674 Well-Doing and Well-Being. By W. T. Kenwood
p. 720 The Training of the Will. By the Rev. J. M. E. Ross
p. 721 Fatherhood. By the Rev. H. S. Swithinbank
p. 729 The Training of the Will By the Rev. J. M. E. Ross
p. 741 The System of Punishment in Schools By Hugh Vaughan Pears
p. 761 Bowlby Reverence. By Mrs. Forgan
p. 789 A Foster Parent's Point of View. By G. W. S. Howson
p. 801 Conduct: The Wise Precepts of a Neglected Classic. By Douglas M. Gane
p. 808 The Sources and Chief Characteristics of Bunyan by M. Henri Dupré
p. 822 Speech and Language By Tabitha Temple
p. 836 Parents and the Examination System By Kenneth Richmond
p. 850 Co-operation of Home and School in Education. By Mrs. Greenfield
p. 856 The Faculty of Admiration By V. C. H. Millard
p. 859 A Mother's Allegory
p. 861 Notes on Nursery Training
p. 864 I. Discussion: Co-education
p. 866 II.Discussion: Punishment
p. 881 The Wastage of Child Life and Health By Benjamin Breadbent, M.A., J.P.
p. 892 Largo. By Arthur G. Perryman
p. 897 What can Children do for Others at Christmas? By Mrs. Arthur Phillp
p. 903 The Old Testament: How to Read and How to Teach It. By the Rev. H. S. Swithinbank
p. 915 The Due Development of Children By the Rev. J. O. Bevan, M.A., F.G.S., F.S.A.
p. 938 Christmas Without Children By Edith Escombe
p. 942 More about Paper Toys. By C. M. Mytton
p. 945 The Due Development of Children. By the Rev. J. O. Bevan, M.A., F.G.S, F.S.A.
Arithmetic in the Nursery - and Beyond. By Frances Epps 213, 544, 609, 839
Books. 69, 154, 235, 313, 394, 556, 632, 713, 796, 869 947
The British Museum for Children. By Frances Epps 199, 283, 690, 777, 927
The Beginnings of English Christianity, By the Rev. E. H. Pearce 502, 654, 765, 812
Conference (P.N.E.U.) 1-63, 401-476, 481-492
The "P.R." Letter Bag, 157, 397, 478, 637, 709, 875, 954
Letters to Frances. By Marcel Prevost: translated by Osborne Brigstocke 298, 381, 532, 622, 666
Mothers and Children. By Constance Nankivell 703, 751, 827
Notes, P.N.E.U. 74, 158, 337, 316, 398, 479, 559, 638, 718, 800, 878, 954
Our Work 68, 152, 220, 311, 391, 476, 554, 630, 712, 795, 868, 945 P.N.E.U. Conference 1-64; 401-476; 481-492
P.N.E.U. Notes. 74, 158, 337, 316, 398, 479, 559, 638, 718, 800, 878, 954

Volume 19, 1908

p. 001 The Book of Jonah By the Rev. F. R. Bevan
p. 009, 114 d'Epinay, Madame. By Miss Geraldine Hodgson
p. 021 Occupations for Girls at Home on Leaving School By Miss Dove, M.A.
p. 025 Some Hints on the Preparation of a Boy for His First School By H. J. Carson, M.A.
p. 053 The Wastage of Child Life and Health By Benjamin Broadbent, M.A., J.P
p. 061 The British Parent and the Game Fetish By I. Giberne Sieveking
p. 066 Dietary in English Public Schools: from the Parents' Point of View. By I. Giberne Sieveking
p. 081, 209 Jottings of an Old Schoolmaster's Experiences. By Rev. Walter Earle, M.A.
p. 089, 188 The Influences of the Past on Modern Civilization. By Maxwell Y. Maxwell, L.L.B
p. 103 On the Teaching of Poetry to Children. By H. M. Simpson
p. 125 Industrial Work at the Hyannis Normal School By W. A. Baldwin
p. 140 Patriotism in Education By Winifred Stephens
p. 146 A German Co-Educational School. By G. M. Haggie (a description of an ober-realschule)
p. 161 Early Education. By Rev. J. H. Dudley Matthews
p. 174 Educational Ideals in Different Countries -- Germany. By Miss Bramwell
p. 182 The Teaching of History By the Rev. Dundas Harford
p. 199 The Teaching of Chronology By Dorothea Beale
p. 250 Children's Drawing. By W. Hoskyns-Abrahall, M.A.
p. 256 Civic Patriotism. By A. O. Jennings
p. 277 Our Unconscious Teaching of the Child. By Rev. M. Gardner
p. 283, 351 The Mystery of Matter By A. F. Kitching, M.A.
p. 293, 375 What God hath Cleansed. By Rev. W. St. J. de la Bere
p. 321, 419 Religious Instruction in the Home By the Rev. W. C. Compton
p. 329 The Child Citizen By Mary Higgs
p. 345 The Desirability of Teaching Girls Mathematics By Miss Lucy Ashcroft
p. 401 How Our Children Develop Their Ideas. By Rev. A. W. Batchelor, M.A., D.C.L.
p. 412 Pocket Money By H. B. Tristram
p. 429 Children and Poetry. By L. F. Ramsey
p. 439 Ariel's First Christmas By George Knollys
p. 449 Shall I send my Son to the University? By Rev. S. F. Sams
p. 482 Address of Welcome (Conference). By Dr. C. Lloyd Morgan
p. 485 Reply to Address of Welcome (Conference). Rt. Hon. the Earl of Lytton
p. 488 Message from Miss Mason
p. 491 The Child's Inheritance By Greville MacDonald, M.D.
p. 517 Children's Books By Professor E. T. Campagnac
p. 529 Joy in Art By E. A. Parish
p. 537 Education and Character By Rev. J. Primatt Maud, M.A.
p. 542 Parents and Nervous Children By J. Odery Symes, M.D.
p. 561 Spiritual Joy By Miss Carta Sturge
p. 569 Dance and the Drama. By J.H. Badley, Esq.
p. 582 The Teaching of Civics in Public Schools. By C. H. Spence, M.A.
p. 596 Educational Concert
p. 598 How to Attain the Joy of Life. By Miss Tomlins
p. 606 Discussion Meeting (Conference)
p. 610 The Child's Inheritance, How it Strikes a Public School Master. By Rev. A. A. David
p. 617, 653 Maurice Maeterlinck. By Anne-Madeline Comtesse de Baesel
p. 641 How I Learnt to Teach. By Cloudesley Brereton
p. 660, 774 Homes and Haunts of Sir Walter Scott. By Fred. Turner, F.R.H.S.
p. 675 The Seppings' Method By A. Seppings
p. 679 The Religions of Intellect and of Love. By George Knollys
p. 694 Nausicaa, an Ideal Girl. By E. E. Freeman
p. 721 Nature Study in the Home By the Rev. A. Thornley, M.A., F.L.S.
p. 730 Direct and Indirect Moral Instruction By the Editor
p. 735, 822 Jean-Jacques Rousseau. By Marie de Perrot
p. 736 Direct and Indirect Moral Instruction. By the Editor
p. 756 Some of the Difficulties of Modern Motherhood By L. Nott Bower
p. 764 Physical Culture By Miss Rothera
p. 772 Where is the Venus? By Edith Harwood
p. 777 The Value of the Perception of Beauty By R. Catterson Smith
p. 781 Manners. By Edith Escombe
p. 801 Nerve-Storms. By John Mason, M.D.
p. 809 Music as an Educational Subject. By Nellie M. Holland
p. 838 Medical Aspects in the Management of Young Children, Some. By Florence A. Stoney, M.D.
p. 844 The Fall of the Leaf By A. C. Drury
p. 863 Reviews. By the Editor
p. 881 The Position of the Great Boarding Schools in the Educational System of the Country By the Rev. H. B. Gray, D.D.
p. 890 The Home Training of Children by Mrs. E. L. Franklin part 1, and part 2 from 1909 (tips and school subjects for children aged 2-11)
p. 899 PUS Class Timetables sample school schedule images (graph/pictures of scheduled school subjects)
p. 900 The Teaching of French By Miss V. Partington (Reform Method using phonetics, games, songs, and role-pretending play)
p. 907 On Style. By M. Bramston
p. 916 Ariel's First Christmas. By George Knollys
p. 919 On Educating for Responsibility. By C. Fortescue Yonge
p. 924 Galloway. By H.C. Biggar
Books 73, 154, 312, 392, 476, 556, 637, 715, 793, 873, 950
The British Museum for Children By Frances Epps 39, 267, 362, 829
The Twentieth-Century Child. By C. F. Cross, Esq., B.Sc.
Educational Concerts: Their Aim and Scope. By Miss Rosa Button 34, 135, 218
Erasmus. By A. D. Dean 241, 333
Letters to Frances. By Marcel Prevost; translated by W. Osborne Brigstocke 847, 931
Madame d'Epinay: An Illustration. By Miss Geraldine Hodgson
P.N.E.U Notes 76, 158, 235, 317, 396, 480, 560, 798, 880, 956
The "P.R." Letter Bag, 75, 157, 235, 395, 558, 638, 716, 875, 955
Our Work 71, 150, 231, 308, 390, 472, 553, 634, 714, 793, 871, 946 P.N.E.U Notes 76, 158, 235, 317, 396, 480, 560, 798, 880, 956
Sunday "Meditations." By the Editor 222, 300, 382, 463, 626, 707, 785, 855, 938
The Fall of the Leaf. By A. C. Drury

Volume 20, 1909

p. ?? German Education by the Bishop of Salisbury (positive and negative as compared to British education of the time)

Volume 21, 1910

p. 869 The Democratic Ideal in Education by J. Shillaker (tribute to Charles Eliot's idea that revolutionized schools: elective studies)




Volume 25, 1914

p. 369 Imagination as a Powerful Factor in a Well-balanced Mind by E.A. Parish (the wonder of nature, and imagination fuels vision and art)

Volume 26, 1915

p. 006 Plea for Teaching Greek by Miss Janet Case (vs. Latin; Greek encompasses culture, genius, beauty, but shouldn't be compulsory, or taught too early)
p. 251 An Unconventional School Sermon by A. E. Heath (the purpose of preaching/teaching is joy in bringing light to another mind)
p. 569 Conference Lessons, Class II by K.M. Claxton (description of actual lessons with 8-11yo's in history, picture study, science, map work)
p. 573 Impressions of Conference Work with Class II by Eleanor Frost (another description of lessons in history, picture study, science, map work)

Volume 27, 1916

p. ?? Fairy Stories as a Help or Hindrance in Education by Miss Claudia Davidson (fantasy is the natural way children develop compassion and vision)
p. 202 The Imagination in Childhood by Charlotte Mason (CM challenges Montessori's claim that fantasy impedes religious growth in children)
p. 429 The Message of the Moment by Charlotte Mason (Why WWI pacifism is a bad idea, and the urgency of religious training during times of war)

Volume 28, 1917

p. 678 The P.N.E.U. Method in Sunday Schools by Helen E. Wix (Bible lessons detailed; good illustration of narration)


Volume 30, 1919

p. 738 The Personality of the Teacher by Essex Cholmondeley (not to pour herself into and mold her students, but to learn along with them)

Volume 31, 1920

p. ?? A Liberal Education in Secondary Schools Three speakers expain CM's pamphlet that became ch. 2 in Volume 6 of her series:
     I. by C.D. Lawe (emphasizes the best books and narration)
     II. by J.W. Clouston, Esq. (CM's methods work; improvements in students' vocabulary, science, thinking skills, observation)
     III. by Miss Millar (focus on narration; details what CM's students learned, and when)
p. 066 The House of Education by Charlotte Mason (How CM's teachers were trained and certified)
p. 651 Cultural Value of Science by D. Avery (Humanities or technical training? We need both. Tips for teaching science; beauty in science's mysteries)


Volume 33, 1922

p. 473 Sketch of Lesson by E.L. Symmons (very short outline of a lesson in Pilgrim's Progress)
p. 777 The Work and Aims of the P.U. School by Miss O'Ferrall, ex-student HouseEd (PUS/PNEU subjects, and a description of life at Scale How)

Volume 34, 1923

p. 073 In Memoriam on the death of Charlotte Mason (personal remembrances by one of her student teachers, R.A. Pennethorne)
p. 075 Art and Literature in the P.U.School by Marjorie F. Ransom (teaching picture study, music and lit in a CM school; includes 3-year list of works)
p. 182 In Memoriam Charlotte Mason and the Nation's Children by H.W. Household (why we need CM's methods now, more than ever)
p. 587 'They Say--What Say They? Let them Say' by the Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair
p. 720 The Book of Centuries by G. M. Bernau (detailed description of how to make and use one)

Volume 35, 1924

p. 610 Some Notes on Narration by G.F. Husband
?? Aspects of Education and Training in Relation to Mental Disorder by M. Chaig (antiquated information)

Volume 36, 1925

?? Notes for the Conference of July 18th, 1925, on P.N.E.U. Methods.



Volume 39, 1928

p. 055 A Note on the Teaching of School Science by Telford Petrie
p. 058 Concerning Repeated Narration by Elsie Kitching


Volume 41, 1930

p. ?? The Charm of Nature Study by G. Dowton


Volume 43, 1932

p. 117 Children's Holidays (in Canada) by Leila Payne


Volume 53, 1942

p. 209 It all Comes Down to Education by Mary Hardcastle

Volume 62, 1951

p. 30 The Planet Pluto by K.M. Claxton

Volume 68, 1957

p. 061 Some Thoughts on Narration by Helen E. Wix

Volume 74, 1963

p. 213 Some Aspects of our Work in the Parents' Union School by Jean C. Cochrane, M.A.

Volume 75, 1964

p. 249 Knowledge of Man by Jean C. Cochrane, M.A., Principal, P.N.E.U.
p. 264 Knowledge of the Universe by G.L. Davies, B.Sc.

Volume 2, 1967

p. 016 To Prosper in Good Life and Good Literature by Joyce McGechan
p. 170 We Narrate and then we Know by E. K. Manders

Volume 4, 1969

p. 021 A PNEU Nursery School by Hilda Eleanor Breckels (description; also, how parents are taught to understand the workings of CM in the school)

Volume 7, 1972

p. 006 Charlotte Mason's Relevance to Current Educational Change by L.C. Taylor

Volume 8, 1974

p. 117 An Appreciation of the Work of Eleanor Breckels (on the ocassion of her retirement)

Thanks to Stacey Zoller and Cathleen for heading up the typing project and moderating the email list of volunteers!
Extra special thanks to Erika of ASLearningatHome for typing many, many of these articles.
Thanks to Judy Elliot and Stephanie H. for proofreading many of these articles.
Thanks to Nicole Capehart for typing many of the articles from Volume VIII.
Many thanks to the 40 volunteers who typed Volume XI! Special thanks to Jodi Kiffmeyer, Lee-Anne Penny, Tuesday Devin, Kelly Gibbons, and Andrea Elliott.

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